Jack Robison dc80dedff9
skip coverage for gather_debug_info
Signed-off-by: Jack Robison <>
2020-10-13 15:33:45 -04:00

443 lines
17 KiB

import zlib
import base64
import logging
import json
import asyncio
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List, Union, Optional, Any
from aioupnp.fault import UPnPError
from aioupnp.gateway import Gateway
from aioupnp.interfaces import get_gateway_and_lan_addresses
from aioupnp.commands import GetGenericPortMappingEntryResponse, GetSpecificPortMappingEntryResponse
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class UPnP:
def __init__(self, lan_address: str, gateway_address: str, gateway: Gateway) -> None:
self.lan_address = lan_address
self.gateway_address = gateway_address
self.gateway = gateway
def get_annotations(cls, command: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Optional[str]]:
if command == "m_search":
return cls.m_search.__annotations__, cls.m_search.__doc__
if command == "get_external_ip":
return cls.get_external_ip.__annotations__, cls.get_external_ip.__doc__
if command == "add_port_mapping":
return cls.add_port_mapping.__annotations__, cls.add_port_mapping.__doc__
if command == "get_port_mapping_by_index":
return cls.get_port_mapping_by_index.__annotations__, cls.get_port_mapping_by_index.__doc__
if command == "get_redirects":
return cls.get_redirects.__annotations__, cls.get_redirects.__doc__
if command == "get_specific_port_mapping":
return cls.get_specific_port_mapping.__annotations__, cls.get_specific_port_mapping.__doc__
if command == "delete_port_mapping":
return cls.delete_port_mapping.__annotations__, cls.delete_port_mapping.__doc__
if command == "get_next_mapping":
return cls.get_next_mapping.__annotations__, cls.get_next_mapping.__doc__
raise AttributeError(command)
def get_lan_and_gateway(lan_address: str = '', gateway_address: str = '',
interface_name: str = 'default') -> Tuple[str, str]:
if not lan_address or not gateway_address:
gateway_addr, lan_addr = get_gateway_and_lan_addresses(interface_name)
lan_address = lan_address or lan_addr
gateway_address = gateway_address or gateway_addr
return lan_address, gateway_address
async def discover(cls, lan_address: str = '', gateway_address: str = '', timeout: int = 3,
igd_args: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = None, interface_name: str = 'default',
loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None) -> 'UPnP':
lan_address, gateway_address = cls.get_lan_and_gateway(lan_address, gateway_address, interface_name)
gateway = await Gateway.discover_gateway(
lan_address, gateway_address, timeout, igd_args, loop
return cls(lan_address, gateway_address, gateway)
async def m_search(cls, lan_address: str = '', gateway_address: str = '', timeout: int = 1,
interface_name: str = 'default',
igd_args: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = None,
loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None
) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]]:
Perform a M-SEARCH for a upnp gateway.
:param lan_address: (str) the local interface ipv4 address
:param gateway_address: (str) the gateway ipv4 address
:param timeout: (int) m search timeout
:param interface_name: (str) name of the network interface
:param igd_args: (dict) case sensitive M-SEARCH headers. if used all headers to be used must be provided.
:return: {
'lan_address': (str) lan address,
'gateway_address': (str) gateway address,
'm_search_kwargs': (str) equivalent igd_args ,
'discover_reply': (dict) SSDP response datagram
if not lan_address or not gateway_address:
lan_address, gateway_address = cls.get_lan_and_gateway(lan_address, gateway_address, interface_name)
assert gateway_address and lan_address
except Exception as err:
raise UPnPError("failed to get lan and gateway addresses for interface \"%s\": %s" % (interface_name,
gateway = await Gateway.discover_gateway(
lan_address, gateway_address, timeout, igd_args, loop
return {
'lan_address': lan_address,
'gateway_address': gateway_address,
# 'm_search_kwargs': SSDPDatagram("M-SEARCH", igd_args).get_cli_igd_kwargs(),
'discover_reply': gateway._ok_packet.as_dict()
async def get_external_ip(self) -> str:
Get the external ip address from the gateway
:return: (str) external ip
return await self.gateway.commands.GetExternalIPAddress()
async def add_port_mapping(self, external_port: int, protocol: str, internal_port: int, lan_address: str,
description: str) -> None:
Add a new port mapping
:param external_port: (int) external port to map
:param protocol: (str) UDP | TCP
:param internal_port: (int) internal port
:param lan_address: (str) internal lan address
:param description: (str) mapping description
:return: None
await self.gateway.commands.AddPortMapping(
NewRemoteHost='', NewExternalPort=external_port, NewProtocol=protocol,
NewInternalPort=internal_port, NewInternalClient=lan_address,
NewEnabled=1, NewPortMappingDescription=description, NewLeaseDuration='0'
return None
async def get_port_mapping_by_index(self, index: int) -> GetGenericPortMappingEntryResponse:
Get information about a port mapping by index number
:param index: (int) mapping index number
:return: NamedTuple[
gateway_address: str
external_port: int
protocol: str
internal_port: int
lan_address: str
enabled: bool
description: str
lease_time: int
return await self.gateway.commands.GetGenericPortMappingEntry(NewPortMappingIndex=index)
async def get_redirects(self) -> List[GetGenericPortMappingEntryResponse]:
Get information about all mapped ports
:return: List[
gateway_address: str
external_port: int
protocol: str
internal_port: int
lan_address: str
enabled: bool
description: str
lease_time: int
redirects: List[GetGenericPortMappingEntryResponse] = []
cnt = 0
redirect = await self.get_port_mapping_by_index(cnt)
except UPnPError:
return redirects
while redirect is not None:
cnt += 1
redirect = await self.get_port_mapping_by_index(cnt)
except UPnPError:
return redirects
async def get_specific_port_mapping(self, external_port: int, protocol: str) -> GetSpecificPortMappingEntryResponse:
Get information about a port mapping by port number and protocol
:param external_port: (int) port number
:param protocol: (str) UDP | TCP
:return: NamedTuple[
internal_port: int
lan_address: str
enabled: bool
description: str
lease_time: int
return await self.gateway.commands.GetSpecificPortMappingEntry(
NewRemoteHost='', NewExternalPort=external_port, NewProtocol=protocol
async def delete_port_mapping(self, external_port: int, protocol: str) -> None:
Delete a port mapping
:param external_port: (int) port number of mapping
:param protocol: (str) TCP | UDP
:return: None
await self.gateway.commands.DeletePortMapping(
NewRemoteHost="", NewExternalPort=external_port, NewProtocol=protocol
return None
async def get_next_mapping(self, port: int, protocol: str, description: str,
internal_port: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
Get a new port mapping. If the requested port is not available, increment until the next free port is mapped
:param port: (int) external port
:param protocol: (str) UDP | TCP
:param description: (str) mapping description
:param internal_port: (int) internal port
:return: (int) mapped port
_internal_port = int(internal_port or port)
requested_port = int(_internal_port)
port = int(port)
redirect_tups = await self.get_redirects()
redirects: Dict[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[str, int, str]] = {
(ext_port, proto): (int_host, int_port, desc)
for (ext_host, ext_port, proto, int_port, int_host, enabled, desc, _) in redirect_tups
while (port, protocol) in redirects:
int_host, int_port, desc = redirects[(port, protocol)]
if int_host == self.lan_address and int_port == requested_port and desc == description:
return port
port += 1
await self.add_port_mapping(port, protocol, _internal_port, self.lan_address, description)
return port
async def gather_debug_info(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover
Gather debugging information for this gateway, used for generating test cases for devices with errors.
:return: (str) compressed debugging information
def _encode(x):
if isinstance(x, bytes):
return x.decode()
elif isinstance(x, Exception):
return str(x)
return x
await self.get_external_ip()
except UPnPError:
await self.get_redirects()
except UPnPError:
external_port = await self.get_next_mapping(1234, 'TCP', 'aioupnp testing')
except UPnPError:
external_port = None
await self.get_redirects()
except UPnPError:
if external_port:
await self.delete_port_mapping(external_port, 'TCP')
except UPnPError:
await self.get_redirects()
except UPnPError:
return base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(
"gateway": self.gateway.debug_gateway(),
"client_address": self.lan_address,
}, default=_encode, indent=2).encode()
# @cli
# async def get_natrsip_status(self) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
# """Returns (NewRSIPAvailable, NewNATEnabled)"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetNATRSIPStatus()
# @cli
# async def set_connection_type(self, NewConnectionType: str) -> None:
# """Returns None"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.SetConnectionType(NewConnectionType)
# @cli
# async def get_connection_type_info(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
# """Returns (NewConnectionType, NewPossibleConnectionTypes)"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetConnectionTypeInfo()
# @cli
# async def get_status_info(self) -> Tuple[str, str, int]:
# """Returns (NewConnectionStatus, NewLastConnectionError, NewUptime)"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetStatusInfo()
# @cli
# async def force_termination(self) -> None:
# """Returns None"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.ForceTermination()
# @cli
# async def request_connection(self) -> None:
# """Returns None"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.RequestConnection()
# @cli
# async def get_common_link_properties(self):
# """Returns (NewWANAccessType, NewLayer1UpstreamMaxBitRate, NewLayer1DownstreamMaxBitRate,
# NewPhysicalLinkStatus)"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetCommonLinkProperties()
# @cli
# async def get_total_bytes_sent(self) -> int:
# """Returns (NewTotalBytesSent)"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetTotalBytesSent()
# @cli
# async def get_total_bytes_received(self):
# """Returns (NewTotalBytesReceived)"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetTotalBytesReceived()
# @cli
# async def get_total_packets_sent(self):
# """Returns (NewTotalPacketsSent)"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetTotalPacketsSent()
# @cli
# async def get_total_packets_received(self):
# """Returns (NewTotalPacketsReceived)"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetTotalPacketsReceived()
# @cli
# async def x_get_ics_statistics(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int, str, str]:
# """Returns (TotalBytesSent, TotalBytesReceived, TotalPacketsSent, TotalPacketsReceived,
# Layer1DownstreamMaxBitRate, Uptime)"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.X_GetICSStatistics()
# @cli
# async def get_default_connection_service(self):
# """Returns (NewDefaultConnectionService)"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetDefaultConnectionService()
# @cli
# async def set_default_connection_service(self, NewDefaultConnectionService: str) -> None:
# """Returns (None)"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.SetDefaultConnectionService(NewDefaultConnectionService)
# @cli
# async def set_enabled_for_internet(self, NewEnabledForInternet: bool) -> None:
# return await self.gateway.commands.SetEnabledForInternet(NewEnabledForInternet)
# @cli
# async def get_enabled_for_internet(self) -> bool:
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetEnabledForInternet()
# @cli
# async def get_maximum_active_connections(self, NewActiveConnectionIndex: int):
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetMaximumActiveConnections(NewActiveConnectionIndex)
# @cli
# async def get_active_connections(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
# """Returns (NewActiveConnDeviceContainer, NewActiveConnectionServiceID"""
# return await self.gateway.commands.GetActiveConnections()
cli_commands = [
def run_cli(method: str, igd_args: Dict[str, Union[bool, str, int]], lan_address: str = '',
gateway_address: str = '', timeout: int = 3, interface_name: str = 'default',
kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None) -> None:
kwargs = kwargs or {}
timeout = int(timeout)
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
fut: 'asyncio.Future' = loop.create_future()
async def wrapper(): # wrap the upnp setup and call of the command in a coroutine
if method == 'm_search': # if we're only m_searching don't do any device discovery
fn = lambda *_a, **_kw: UPnP.m_search(
lan_address, gateway_address, timeout, interface_name, igd_args, loop
else: # automatically discover the gateway
u = await
lan_address, gateway_address, timeout, igd_args, interface_name, loop=loop
except UPnPError as err:
if method not in cli_commands:
fut.set_exception(UPnPError("\"%s\" is not a recognized command" % method))
fn = getattr(u, method)
try: # call the command
result = await fn(**{k: fn.__annotations__[k](v) for k, v in kwargs.items()})
except UPnPError as err:
except Exception as err:
log.exception("uncaught error")
fut.set_exception(UPnPError("uncaught error: %s" % str(err)))
if not hasattr(UPnP, method):
fut.set_exception(UPnPError("\"%s\" is not a recognized command" % method))
result = fut.result()
except UPnPError as err:
print("aioupnp encountered an error: %s" % str(err))
if isinstance(result, (list, tuple, dict)):
print(json.dumps(result, indent=2))