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import BIP32Factory from 'bip32';
import * as ecc from 'tiny-secp256k1';
import { describe, it } from 'mocha';
import * as bitcoin from '../..';
import { regtestUtils } from './_regtest';
const rng = require('randombytes');
const regtest =;
const bip32 = BIP32Factory(ecc);
describe('bitcoinjs-lib (transaction with taproot)', () => {
it('can create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a taproot keyspend Transaction', async () => {
const myKey = bip32.fromSeed(rng(64), regtest);
const output = createKeySpendOutput(myKey.publicKey);
const address = bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(output, regtest);
// amount from faucet
const amount = 42e4;
// amount to send
const sendAmount = amount - 1e4;
// get faucet
const unspent = await regtestUtils.faucetComplex(output, amount);
const tx = createSigned(
const hex = tx.toHex();
// console.log('Valid tx sent from:');
// console.log(address);
// console.log('tx hex:');
// console.log(hex);
await regtestUtils.broadcast(hex);
await regtestUtils.verify({
txId: tx.getId(),
vout: 0,
value: sendAmount,
// Order of the curve (N) - 1
const N_LESS_1 = Buffer.from(
// 1 represented as 32 bytes BE
const ONE = Buffer.from(
// Function for creating a tweaked p2tr key-spend only address
// (This is recommended by BIP341)
function createKeySpendOutput(publicKey: Buffer): Buffer {
// x-only pubkey (remove 1 byte y parity)
const myXOnlyPubkey = publicKey.slice(1, 33);
const commitHash = bitcoin.crypto.taggedHash('TapTweak', myXOnlyPubkey);
const tweakResult = ecc.xOnlyPointAddTweak(myXOnlyPubkey, commitHash);
if (tweakResult === null) throw new Error('Invalid Tweak');
const { xOnlyPubkey: tweaked } = tweakResult;
// scriptPubkey
return Buffer.concat([
// witness v1, PUSH_DATA 32 bytes
Buffer.from([0x51, 0x20]),
// x-only tweaked pubkey
// Function for signing for a tweaked p2tr key-spend only address
// (Required for the above address)
interface KeyPair {
publicKey: Buffer;
privateKey?: Buffer;
function signTweaked(messageHash: Buffer, key: KeyPair): Uint8Array {
const privateKey =
key.publicKey[0] === 2
? key.privateKey
: ecc.privateAdd(ecc.privateSub(N_LESS_1, key.privateKey!)!, ONE)!;
const tweakHash = bitcoin.crypto.taggedHash(
key.publicKey.slice(1, 33),
const newPrivateKey = ecc.privateAdd(privateKey!, tweakHash);
if (newPrivateKey === null) throw new Error('Invalid Tweak');
return ecc.signSchnorr(messageHash, newPrivateKey, Buffer.alloc(32));
// Function for creating signed tx
function createSigned(
key: KeyPair,
txid: string,
vout: number,
amountToSend: number,
scriptPubkeys: Buffer[],
values: number[],
): bitcoin.Transaction {
const tx = new bitcoin.Transaction();
tx.version = 2;
// Add input
tx.addInput(Buffer.from(txid, 'hex').reverse(), vout);
// Add output
tx.addOutput(scriptPubkeys[0], amountToSend);
const sighash = tx.hashForWitnessV1(
0, // which input
scriptPubkeys, // All previous outputs of all inputs
values, // All previous values of all inputs
bitcoin.Transaction.SIGHASH_DEFAULT, // sighash flag, DEFAULT is schnorr-only (DEFAULT == ALL)
const signature = Buffer.from(signTweaked(sighash, key));
// witness stack for keypath spend is just the signature.
// If sighash is not SIGHASH_DEFAULT (ALL) then you must add 1 byte with sighash value
tx.ins[0].witness = [signature];
return tx;