Merge pull request from bitcoinjs/inttests

More integration tests
This commit is contained in:
Wei Lu 2014-11-25 23:37:35 +08:00
commit 5b41ffc683
5 changed files with 244 additions and 135 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ A continued implementation of the original `0.1.3` version used by over a millio
## Should I use this in production?
If you are thinking of using the master branch of this library in production, *stop*.
Master is not stable; it is our development branch, and only tagged releases may be classified as stable.
@ -64,73 +65,25 @@ From NPM:
After loading this file in your browser, you will be able to use the global `bitcoin` object.
## Usage
## Examples
These examples assume you are running bitcoinjs-lib in the browser.
The below examples are implemented as integration tests, but should be very easy to follow. Pull requests welcome.
### Generating a Bitcoin address
key = bitcoin.ECKey.makeRandom()
// Print your private key (in WIF format)
// => Kxr9tQED9H44gCmp6HAdmemAzU3n84H3dGkuWTKvE23JgHMW8gct
// Print your public key (toString defaults to a Bitcoin address)
// => 14bZ7YWde4KdRb5YN7GYkToz3EHVCvRxkF
### Creating a Transaction
tx = new bitcoin.Transaction()
// Add the input (who is paying) of the form [previous transaction hash, index of the output to use]
tx.addInput("aa94ab02c182214f090e99a0d57021caffd0f195a81c24602b1028b130b63e31", 0)
// Add the output (who to pay to) of the form [payee's address, amount in satoshis]
tx.addOutput("1Gokm82v6DmtwKEB8AiVhm82hyFSsEvBDK", 15000)
// Initialize a private key using WIF
key = bitcoin.ECKey.fromWIF("L1uyy5qTuGrVXrmrsvHWHgVzW9kKdrp27wBC7Vs6nZDTF2BRUVwy")
// Sign the first input with the new key
tx.sign(0, key)
// Print transaction serialized as hex
// => 0100000001313eb630b128102b60241ca895f1d0ffca2170d5a0990e094f2182c102ab94aa000000008a47304402200169f1f844936dc60df54e812345f5dd3e6681fea52e33c25154ad9cc23a330402204381ed8e73d74a95b15f312f33d5a0072c7a12dd6c3294df6e8efbe4aff27426014104e75628573696aed32d7656fb35e9c71ea08eb6492837e13d2662b9a36821d0fff992692fd14d74fdec20fae29128ba12653249cbeef521fc5eba84dde0689f27ffffffff01983a0000000000001976a914ad618cf4333b3b248f9744e8e81db2964d0ae39788ac00000000
// You could now push the transaction onto the Bitcoin network manually (see
### Creating a P2SH Multisig Address
``` javascript
var bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib')
var privKeys = [bitcoin.ECKey.makeRandom(), bitcoin.ECKey.makeRandom(), bitcoin.ECKey.makeRandom()]
var pubKeys = { return })
var redeemScript = bitcoin.scripts.multisigOutput(2, pubKeys) // 2 of 3
var scriptPubKey = bitcoin.scripts.scriptHashOutput(redeemScript.getHash())
var multisigAddress = bitcoin.Address.fromOutputScript(scriptPubKey).toString()
console.log("multisigP2SH:", multisigAddress)
// => multisigP2SH: 35k9EWv2F1X5JKXHSF1DhTm7Ybdiwx4RkD
- [Generate a random address](
- [Generate a address from a SHA256 hash](
- [Import an address via WIF](
- [Create a Transaction](
- [Sign a Bitcoin message](
- [Verify a Bitcoin message](
- [Generate a single-key stealth address](
- [Generate a dual-key stealth address](
- [Create an OP RETURN transaction](
- [Create a 2-of-3 multisig P2SH address](
- [Spend from a 2-of-2 multisig P2SH address](
## Projects utilizing BitcoinJS
- [BitAddress](
- [](
- [Brainwallet](

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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
var assert = require('assert')
var bigi = require('bigi')
var bitcoin = require('../../')
var helloblock = require('helloblock-js')({
network: 'testnet'
describe('bitcoinjs-lib (advanced)', function() {
it('can sign a Bitcoin message', function() {
var key = bitcoin.ECKey.fromWIF('5KYZdUEo39z3FPrtuX2QbbwGnNP5zTd7yyr2SC1j299sBCnWjss')
var message = 'This is an example of a signed message.'
var signature = bitcoin.Message.sign(key, message)
assert.equal(signature.toString('base64'), 'G9L5yLFjti0QTHhPyFrZCT1V/MMnBtXKmoiKDZ78NDBjERki6ZTQZdSMCtkgoNmp17By9ItJr8o7ChX0XxY91nk=')
it('can verify a Bitcoin message', function() {
var address = '1HZwkjkeaoZfTSaJxDw6aKkxp45agDiEzN'
var signature = 'HJLQlDWLyb1Ef8bQKEISzFbDAKctIlaqOpGbrk3YVtRsjmC61lpE5ErkPRUFtDKtx98vHFGUWlFhsh3DiW6N0rE'
var message = 'This is an example of a signed message.'
assert(bitcoin.Message.verify(address, signature, message))
it('can generate a single-key stealth address', function() {
var receiver = bitcoin.ECKey.fromWIF('5KYZdUEo39z3FPrtuX2QbbwGnNP5zTd7yyr2SC1j299sBCnWjss')
// XXX: ephemeral, must be random (and secret to sender) to preserve privacy
var sender = bitcoin.ECKey.fromWIF('Kxr9tQED9H44gCmp6HAdmemAzU3n84H3dGkuWTKvE23JgHMW8gct')
var G = bitcoin.ECKey.curve.G
var d = receiver.d // secret (receiver only)
var Q = // shared
var e = sender.d // secret (sender only)
var P = // shared
// derived shared secret
var eQ = Q.multiply(e) // sender
var dP = P.multiply(d) // receiver
assert.deepEqual(eQ.getEncoded(), dP.getEncoded())
var c = bigi.fromBuffer(bitcoin.crypto.sha256(eQ.getEncoded()))
var cG = G.multiply(c)
// derived public key
var QprimeS = Q.add(cG)
var QprimeR = G.multiply(d.add(c))
assert.deepEqual(QprimeR.getEncoded(), QprimeS.getEncoded())
// derived shared-secret address
var address = new bitcoin.ECPubKey(QprimeS).getAddress().toString()
assert.equal(address, '1EwCNJNZM5q58YPPTnjR1H5BvYRNeyZi47')
it.skip('can generate a dual-key stealth address', function() {})
it('can create an OP_RETURN transaction', function(done) {
var key = bitcoin.ECKey.fromWIF("L1uyy5qTuGrVXrmrsvHWHgVzW9kKdrp27wBC7Vs6nZDTF2BRUVwy")
var address =
helloblock.faucet.withdraw(address, 2e4, function(err) {
if (err) return done(err)
helloblock.addresses.getUnspents(address, function(err, _, unspents) {
if (err) return done(err)
// filter small unspents
unspents = unspents.filter(function(unspent) { return unspent.value > 1e4 })
// use the oldest unspent
var unspent = unspents.pop()
var tx = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder()
var data = new Buffer('cafedeadbeef', 'hex')
var dataScript = bitcoin.scripts.dataOutput(data)
tx.addInput(unspent.txHash, unspent.index)
tx.addOutput(dataScript, 1000)
tx.sign(0, key)
helloblock.transactions.propagate(, function(err) {
if (err) return done(err)
// check that the message was propagated
helloblock.addresses.getTransactions(address, function(err, res, transactions) {
if (err) return done(err)
var transaction = transactions[0]
var output = transaction.outputs[0]
var dataScript2 = bitcoin.Script.fromHex(output.scriptPubKey)
var data2 = dataScript2.chunks[1]
assert.deepEqual(dataScript, dataScript2)
assert.deepEqual(data, data2)

test/integration/basic.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
var assert = require('assert')
var bigi = require('bigi')
var bitcoin = require('../../')
var crypto = require('crypto')
var sinon = require('sinon')
describe('bitcoinjs-lib (basic)', function() {
it('can generate a random bitcoin address', sinon.test(function() {
// for testing only
.onCall(0).returns(new Buffer('zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'))
// generate random key
var key = bitcoin.ECKey.makeRandom()
var address =
assert.equal(address, '1F5VhMHukdnUES9kfXqzPzMeF1GPHKiF64')
it('can generate an address from a SHA256 hash', function() {
var hash = bitcoin.crypto.sha256('correct horse battery staple')
var d = bigi.fromBuffer(hash)
var key = new bitcoin.ECKey(d)
assert.equal(, '1C7zdTfnkzmr13HfA2vNm5SJYRK6nEKyq8')
it('can import an address via WIF', function() {
var key = bitcoin.ECKey.fromWIF('Kxr9tQED9H44gCmp6HAdmemAzU3n84H3dGkuWTKvE23JgHMW8gct')
var address =
assert.equal(address, '19AAjaTUbRjQCMuVczepkoPswiZRhjtg31')
it('can create a Transaction', function() {
var key = bitcoin.ECKey.fromWIF("L1uyy5qTuGrVXrmrsvHWHgVzW9kKdrp27wBC7Vs6nZDTF2BRUVwy")
var tx = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder()
tx.addInput("aa94ab02c182214f090e99a0d57021caffd0f195a81c24602b1028b130b63e31", 0)
tx.addOutput("1Gokm82v6DmtwKEB8AiVhm82hyFSsEvBDK", 15000)
tx.sign(0, key)
assert.equal(, '0100000001313eb630b128102b60241ca895f1d0ffca2170d5a0990e094f2182c102ab94aa000000006b483045022100aefbcf847900b01dd3e3debe054d3b6d03d715d50aea8525f5ea3396f168a1fb022013d181d05b15b90111808b22ef4f9ebe701caf2ab48db269691fdf4e9048f4f60121029f50f51d63b345039a290c94bffd3180c99ed659ff6ea6b1242bca47eb93b59fffffffff01983a0000000000001976a914ad618cf4333b3b248f9744e8e81db2964d0ae39788ac00000000')

View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
var assert = require('assert')
var bitcoin = require('../../')
var helloblock = require('helloblock-js')({
network: 'testnet'
describe('bitcoinjs-lib (multisig)', function() {
it('can create a 2-of-3 multisig P2SH address', function() {
var pubKeys = [
var redeemScript = bitcoin.scripts.multisigOutput(2, pubKeys) // 2 of 3
var scriptPubKey = bitcoin.scripts.scriptHashOutput(redeemScript.getHash())
var address = bitcoin.Address.fromOutputScript(scriptPubKey).toString()
assert.equal(address, '36NUkt6FWUi3LAWBqWRdDmdTWbt91Yvfu7')
it('can spend from a 2-of-2 multsig P2SH address', function(done) {
var privKeys = [
var pubKeys = { return })
var redeemScript = bitcoin.scripts.multisigOutput(2, pubKeys) // 2 of 2
var scriptPubKey = bitcoin.scripts.scriptHashOutput(redeemScript.getHash())
var address = bitcoin.Address.fromOutputScript(scriptPubKey, bitcoin.networks.testnet).toString()
// Attempt to send funds to the source address
helloblock.faucet.withdraw(address, 2e4, function(err) {
if (err) return done(err)
// get latest unspents from the address
helloblock.addresses.getUnspents(address, function(err, _, unspents) {
if (err) return done(err)
// filter small unspents
unspents = unspents.filter(function(unspent) { return unspent.value > 1e4 })
// use the oldest unspent
var unspent = unspents.pop()
// make a random destination address
var targetAddress = bitcoin.ECKey.makeRandom().pub.getAddress(bitcoin.networks.testnet).toString()
var txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder()
txb.addInput(unspent.txHash, unspent.index)
txb.addOutput(targetAddress, 1e4)
// sign w/ each private key
privKeys.forEach(function(privKey) {
txb.sign(0, privKey, redeemScript)
// broadcast our transaction
helloblock.transactions.propagate(, function(err) {
if (err) return done(err)
// check that the funds (1e4 Satoshis) indeed arrived at the intended address
helloblock.addresses.get(targetAddress, function(err, res, addrInfo) {
if (err) return done(err)
assert.equal(addrInfo.balance, 1e4)

View file

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
var assert = require('assert')
var bitcoin = require('../../')
var networks = bitcoin.networks
var scripts = bitcoin.scripts
var Address = bitcoin.Address
var ECKey = bitcoin.ECKey
var TransactionBuilder = bitcoin.TransactionBuilder
var helloblock = require('helloblock-js')({
network: 'testnet'
describe('Bitcoin-js', function() {
it('can spend from a 2-of-2 address', function(done) {
var privKeys = [
].map(function(wif) {
return ECKey.fromWIF(wif)
var coldAmount = 2e4
var outputAmount = 1e4
var pubKeys = { return })
var redeemScript = scripts.multisigOutput(2, pubKeys)
var scriptPubKey = scripts.scriptHashOutput(redeemScript.getHash())
var multisigAddress = Address.fromOutputScript(scriptPubKey, networks.testnet).toString()
// Attempt to send funds to the source address, providing some unspents for later
helloblock.faucet.withdraw(multisigAddress, coldAmount, function(err) {
if (err) return done(err)
// make a random private key
var targetAddress = ECKey.makeRandom().pub.getAddress(networks.testnet).toString()
// get latest unspents from the multisigAddress
helloblock.addresses.getUnspents(multisigAddress, function(err, res, unspents) {
if (err) return done(err)
// use the oldest unspent
var unspent = unspents[unspents.length - 1]
var spendAmount = Math.min(unspent.value, outputAmount)
var txb = new TransactionBuilder()
txb.addInput(unspent.txHash, unspent.index)
txb.addOutput(targetAddress, spendAmount)
privKeys.forEach(function(privKey) {
txb.sign(0, privKey, redeemScript)
// broadcast our transaction
helloblock.transactions.propagate(, function(err) {
// no err means that the transaction has been successfully propagated
if (err) return done(err)
// Check that the funds (spendAmount Satoshis) indeed arrived at the intended address
helloblock.addresses.get(targetAddress, function(err, res, addrInfo) {
if (err) return done(err)
assert.equal(addrInfo.balance, spendAmount)