ecdsa: remove unused functions

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Cousens 2015-09-08 15:59:32 +10:00
parent 87cb018466
commit 7cdabef954
3 changed files with 0 additions and 206 deletions

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@ -154,93 +154,8 @@ function verify (hash, signature, Q) {
return v.equals(r) return v.equals(r)
} }
* Recover a public key from a signature.
* See SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography, section 4.1.6, "Public
* Key Recovery Operation".
function recoverPubKey (e, signature, i) {
), arguments)
var n = secp256k1.n
var G = secp256k1.G
var r = signature.r
var s = signature.s
if (r.signum() <= 0 || r.compareTo(n) >= 0) throw new Error('Invalid r value')
if (s.signum() <= 0 || s.compareTo(n) >= 0) throw new Error('Invalid s value')
// A set LSB signifies that the y-coordinate is odd
var isYOdd = i & 1
// The more significant bit specifies whether we should use the
// first or second candidate key.
var isSecondKey = i >> 1
// 1.1 Let x = r + jn
var x = isSecondKey ? r.add(n) : r
var R = secp256k1.pointFromX(isYOdd, x)
// 1.4 Check that nR is at infinity
var nR = R.multiply(n)
if (!secp256k1.isInfinity(nR)) throw new Error('nR is not a valid curve point')
// Compute r^-1
var rInv = r.modInverse(n)
// Compute -e from e
var eNeg = e.negate().mod(n)
// 1.6.1 Compute Q = r^-1 (sR - eG)
// Q = r^-1 (sR + -eG)
var Q = R.multiplyTwo(s, G, eNeg).multiply(rInv)
return Q
* Calculate pubkey extraction parameter.
* When extracting a pubkey from a signature, we have to
* distinguish four different cases. Rather than putting this
* burden on the verifier, Bitcoin includes a 2-bit value with the
* signature.
* This function simply tries all four cases and returns the value
* that resulted in a successful pubkey recovery.
function calcPubKeyRecoveryParam (e, signature, Q) {
), arguments)
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var Qprime = recoverPubKey(e, signature, i)
// 1.6.2 Verify Q
if (Qprime.equals(Q)) {
return i
throw new Error('Unable to find valid recovery factor')
module.exports = { module.exports = {
calcPubKeyRecoveryParam: calcPubKeyRecoveryParam,
deterministicGenerateK: deterministicGenerateK, deterministicGenerateK: deterministicGenerateK,
recoverPubKey: recoverPubKey,
sign: sign, sign: sign,
verify: verify, verify: verify,

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@ -81,55 +81,6 @@ describe('ecdsa', function () {
}) })
}) })
describe('recoverPubKey', function () {
fixtures.valid.ecdsa.forEach(function (f) {
it('recovers the pubKey for ' + f.d, function () {
var d = BigInteger.fromHex(f.d)
var Q = curve.G.multiply(d)
var signature = ECSignature.fromDER(new Buffer(f.signature, 'hex'))
var h1 = bcrypto.sha256(f.message)
var e = BigInteger.fromBuffer(h1)
var Qprime = ecdsa.recoverPubKey(e, signature, f.i)
describe('with i ∈ {0,1,2,3}', function () {
var hash = new Buffer('feef89995d7575f12d65ccc9d28ccaf7ab224c2e59dad4cc7f6a2b0708d24696', 'hex')
var e = BigInteger.fromBuffer(hash)
var signatureBuffer = new Buffer('INcvXVVEFyIfHLbDX+xoxlKFn3Wzj9g0UbhObXdMq+YMKC252o5RHFr0/cKdQe1WsBLUBi4morhgZ77obDJVuV0=', 'base64')
var signature = ECSignature.parseCompact(signatureBuffer).signature
var points = [
points.forEach(function (expectedHex, i) {
it('recovers an expected point for i of ' + i, function () {
var Qprime = ecdsa.recoverPubKey(e, signature, i)
var QprimeHex = Qprime.getEncoded().toString('hex')
assert.strictEqual(QprimeHex, expectedHex)
fixtures.invalid.recoverPubKey.forEach(function (f) {
it('throws on ' + f.description + ' (' + f.exception + ')', function () {
var e = BigInteger.fromHex(f.e)
var signature = new ECSignature(new BigInteger(f.signatureRaw.r, 16), new BigInteger(f.signatureRaw.s, 16))
assert.throws(function () {
ecdsa.recoverPubKey(e, signature, f.i)
}, new RegExp(f.exception))
describe('sign', function () { describe('sign', function () {
fixtures.valid.ecdsa.forEach(function (f) { fixtures.valid.ecdsa.forEach(function (f) {
it('produces a deterministic signature for "' + f.message + '"', function () { it('produces a deterministic signature for "' + f.message + '"', function () {

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@ -125,78 +125,6 @@
] ]
}, },
"invalid": { "invalid": {
"recoverPubKey": [
"description": "Invalid r value (< 0)",
"exception": "Invalid r value",
"e": "01",
"signatureRaw": {
"r": "-01",
"s": "02"
"i": 0
"description": "Invalid r value (== 0)",
"exception": "Invalid r value",
"e": "01",
"signatureRaw": {
"r": "00",
"s": "02"
"i": 0
"description": "Invalid s value (< 0)",
"exception": "Invalid s value",
"e": "01",
"signatureRaw": {
"r": "02",
"s": "-01"
"i": 0
"description": "Invalid s value (== 0)",
"exception": "Invalid s value",
"e": "01",
"signatureRaw": {
"r": "02",
"s": "00"
"i": 0
"description": "Invalid r value (nR is infinity)",
"exception": "nR is not a valid curve point",
"e": "01",
"signatureRaw": {
"r": "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364140",
"s": "01"
"i": 0
"description": "Invalid curve point",
"exception": "Point is not on the curve",
"e": "01",
"signatureRaw": {
"r": "4b3b4ca85a86c47a098a223fffffffff",
"s": "01"
"i": 0
"description": "Invalid i value (> 3)",
"exception": "Expected property \"2\" of type UInt2, got Number 4",
"e": "01",
"signatureRaw": {
"r": "00",
"s": "02"
"i": 4
"verify": [ "verify": [
{ {
"description": "The wrong signature", "description": "The wrong signature",