This is a test I have been using to validate a 2-of-3 multi sig address using known public keys as well as validating the multi sig address from the redeem script. I am working on more redeem script validation tests but I want to make sure I am on the right track and see if this test is something you all would deem useful.
54 lines
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54 lines
1.8 KiB
var Script = require('../src/script.js')
var assert = require('assert')
var Address = require('../src/address.js')
var Util = require('../src/util.js')
var sha256ripe160 = Util.sha256ripe160;
var Convert = require('../src/convert.js')
var bytesToHex = Convert.bytesToHex;
var hexToBytes = Convert.hexToBytes;
describe('Script', function() {
describe('constructor', function() {
it('works for a byte array', function() {
assert.ok(new Script([]))
it('works when nothing is passed in', function() {
assert.ok(new Script())
it('throws an error when input is not an array', function() {
assert.throws(function(){ new Script({}) })
describe('2-of-3 Multi-Signature', function() {
var compressedPubKeys = []
var numSigs
beforeEach(function() {
compressedPubKeys = ['02ea1297665dd733d444f31ec2581020004892cdaaf3dd6c0107c615afb839785f',
numSigs = 2;
it('should create valid multi-sig address', function() {
var network = 0x05 //mainnet
var script = Script.createMultiSigOutputScript(numSigs,
var multisig = sha256ripe160(script.buffer)
var multiSigAddress = Address(multisig,network).toString()
var redeemScript = bytesToHex(script.buffer)