This change removes the most common ambiguities. As the network module is not representative of a class, the lower case has been used.
78 lines
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78 lines
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var assert = require('assert');
var Address = require('../../src/address');
var ECKey = require('../../src/eckey').ECKey;
var T = require('../../src/transaction');
var Transaction = T.Transaction;
var Script = require('../../src/script');
var networks = require('../../src/networks');
var crypto = require('../../src/crypto');
var helloblock = require('helloblock-js')({
network: 'testnet'
describe('p2sh', function() {
it('spends from a 2-of-2 address', function(done) {
var privKeys = [
].map(function(wif) {
return ECKey.fromWIF(wif)
var pubKeys = {
var pubKeyBuffers = {
return q.toBuffer()
var redeemScript = Script.createMultisigOutputScript(2, pubKeyBuffers)
var hash160 = crypto.hash160(redeemScript.buffer)
var multisigAddress = new Address(hash160, networks.testnet.scriptHash)
// Check what our target address's starting value is
var targetAddress = 'mrCDrCybB6J1vRfbwM5hemdJz73FwDBC8r';
helloblock.addresses.get(targetAddress, function(err, resp, resource) {
if (err) done(err);
var startingBalance = resource.balance
// Send some testnet coins to the multisig address so we ensure it has some unspents
helloblock.faucet.withdraw(multisigAddress.toString(), 100000, function(err, resp, resource) {
if (err) done(err);
// Get latest unspents from the mutlsigAddress
helloblock.addresses.getUnspents(multisigAddress.toString(), function(err, resp, resource) {
if (err) done(err);
var tx = new Transaction()
var unspent = resource[0];
tx.addInput(unspent.txHash, unspent.index)
tx.addOutput(targetAddress, 100000, networks.testnet)
var signatures = {
return tx.signScriptSig(0, redeemScript, privKey)
var scriptSig = Script.createP2SHMultisigScriptSig(signatures, redeemScript)
tx.setScriptSig(0, scriptSig)
// Send from mutlsigAddress to targetAddress
helloblock.transactions.propagate(tx.serializeHex(), function(err, resp, resource) {
// no err means that transaction has been successfully propagated
if (err) done(err);
// Check that the funds (100000) indeed arrived at the intended target address
helloblock.addresses.get(targetAddress, function(err, resp, resource) {
if (err) done(err);
assert.equal(resource.balance, startingBalance + 100000)