312 lines
9.3 KiB
312 lines
9.3 KiB
/* global describe, it, beforeEach */
var assert = require('assert')
var Address = require('../src/address')
var BigInteger = require('bigi')
var bitcoin = require('../src')
var ECKey = require('../src/eckey')
var Script = require('../src/script')
var Transaction = require('../src/transaction')
var TransactionBuilder = require('../src/transaction_builder')
var fixtures = require('./fixtures/transaction_builder')
function construct (txb, f, sign) {
f.inputs.forEach(function (input) {
var prevTxScript
if (input.prevTxScript) {
prevTxScript = Script.fromASM(input.prevTxScript)
txb.addInput(input.txId, input.vout, input.sequence, prevTxScript)
f.outputs.forEach(function (output) {
var script = Script.fromASM(output.script)
txb.addOutput(script, output.value)
if (sign === undefined || sign) {
f.inputs.forEach(function (input, index) {
input.signs.forEach(function (sign) {
var privKey = ECKey.fromWIF(sign.privKey)
var redeemScript
if (sign.redeemScript) {
redeemScript = Script.fromASM(sign.redeemScript)
txb.sign(index, privKey, redeemScript, sign.hashType)
// FIXME: add support for locktime/version in TransactionBuilder API
if (f.version !== undefined) {
txb.tx.version = f.version
if (f.locktime !== undefined) {
txb.tx.locktime = f.locktime
describe('TransactionBuilder', function () {
var privAddress, privScript
var prevTx, prevTxHash
var privKey
var txb
beforeEach(function () {
txb = new TransactionBuilder()
prevTx = new Transaction()
prevTx.addOutput(Address.fromBase58Check('1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH').toOutputScript(), 0)
prevTx.addOutput(Address.fromBase58Check('1cMh228HTCiwS8ZsaakH8A8wze1JR5ZsP').toOutputScript(), 1)
prevTxHash = prevTx.getHash()
privKey = new ECKey(BigInteger.ONE, false)
privAddress = privKey.pub.getAddress()
privScript = privAddress.toOutputScript()
describe('addInput', function () {
it('accepts a txHash, index [and sequence number]', function () {
var vin = txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 1, 54)
assert.equal(vin, 0)
var txIn = txb.tx.ins[0]
assert.equal(txIn.hash, prevTxHash)
assert.equal(txIn.index, 1)
assert.equal(txIn.sequence, 54)
assert.equal(txb.inputs[0].prevOutScript, undefined)
it('accepts a txHash, index [, sequence number and scriptPubKey]', function () {
var vin = txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 1, 54, prevTx.outs[1].script)
assert.equal(vin, 0)
var txIn = txb.tx.ins[0]
assert.equal(txIn.hash, prevTxHash)
assert.equal(txIn.index, 1)
assert.equal(txIn.sequence, 54)
assert.equal(txb.inputs[0].prevOutScript, prevTx.outs[1].script)
it('accepts a prevTx, index [and sequence number]', function () {
var vin = txb.addInput(prevTx, 1, 54)
assert.equal(vin, 0)
var txIn = txb.tx.ins[0]
assert.deepEqual(txIn.hash, prevTxHash)
assert.equal(txIn.index, 1)
assert.equal(txIn.sequence, 54)
assert.equal(txb.inputs[0].prevOutScript, prevTx.outs[1].script)
it('returns the input index', function () {
assert.equal(txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0), 0)
assert.equal(txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 1), 1)
it('throws if SIGHASH_ALL has been used to sign any existing scriptSigs', function () {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
txb.sign(0, privKey)
assert.throws(function () {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
}, /No, this would invalidate signatures/)
describe('addOutput', function () {
it('accepts an address string and value', function () {
var vout = txb.addOutput(privAddress.toBase58Check(), 1000)
assert.equal(vout, 0)
var txout = txb.tx.outs[0]
assert.deepEqual(txout.script, privScript)
assert.equal(txout.value, 1000)
it('accepts an Address object and value', function () {
var vout = txb.addOutput(privAddress, 1000)
assert.equal(vout, 0)
var txout = txb.tx.outs[0]
assert.deepEqual(txout.script, privScript)
assert.equal(txout.value, 1000)
it('accepts a ScriptPubKey and value', function () {
var vout = txb.addOutput(privScript, 1000)
assert.equal(vout, 0)
var txout = txb.tx.outs[0]
assert.deepEqual(txout.script, privScript)
assert.equal(txout.value, 1000)
it('throws if SIGHASH_ALL has been used to sign any existing scriptSigs', function () {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
txb.addOutput(privScript, 2000)
txb.sign(0, privKey)
assert.throws(function () {
txb.addOutput(privScript, 9000)
}, /No, this would invalidate signatures/)
describe('sign', function () {
fixtures.invalid.sign.forEach(function (f) {
it('throws on ' + f.exception + ' (' + f.description + ')', function () {
construct(txb, f, false)
f.inputs.forEach(function (input, index) {
input.signs.forEach(function (sign) {
var privKey = ECKey.fromWIF(sign.privKey)
var redeemScript
if (sign.redeemScript) {
redeemScript = Script.fromASM(sign.redeemScript)
if (!sign.throws) {
txb.sign(index, privKey, redeemScript, sign.hashType)
} else {
assert.throws(function () {
txb.sign(index, privKey, redeemScript, sign.hashType)
}, new RegExp(f.exception))
describe('build', function () {
fixtures.valid.build.forEach(function (f) {
it('builds "' + f.description + '"', function () {
construct(txb, f)
var tx = txb.build()
assert.equal(tx.toHex(), f.txHex)
fixtures.invalid.build.forEach(function (f) {
describe('for ' + (f.description || f.exception), function () {
beforeEach(function () {
if (f.txHex) {
var tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex)
txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx)
} else {
construct(txb, f)
it('throws', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
}, new RegExp(f.exception))
if (f.alwaysThrows) return
it("doesn't throw if building incomplete", function () {
describe('multisig', function () {
fixtures.valid.multisig.forEach(function (f) {
it(f.description, function () {
var signs = 0
f.inputs.forEach(function (input) {
txb.addInput(input.txId, input.vout)
signs = Math.max(signs, input.signs.length)
f.outputs.forEach(function (output) {
txb.addOutput(Script.fromASM(output.script), output.value)
f.inputs.forEach(function (input) {
var redeemScript = bitcoin.scripts.multisigOutput(input.n, input.pubKeys.map(bitcoin.ECPubKey.fromHex))
assert.equal(redeemScript.toASM(), input.redeemScript)
var tx
var forceFixMultisigSigOrder = false
for (var i = 0; i < signs; i++) {
if (tx) {
txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx)
f.inputs.forEach(function (input, index) {
var privKey = bitcoin.ECKey.fromWIF(input.signs[i].privKey)
var redeemScript = bitcoin.Script.fromASM(input.redeemScript)
txb.sign(index, privKey, redeemScript, null, forceFixMultisigSigOrder)
tx = txb.buildIncomplete()
f.inputs.forEach(function (input, index) {
assert(bitcoin.scripts.isCanonicalSignature(tx.ins[index].script.chunks[input.signs[i].pubKeyIndex + 1]))
assert(tx.ins[index].script.chunks.slice(1, -1).every(function (chunk) {
return chunk === bitcoin.opcodes.OP_0 || bitcoin.scripts.isCanonicalSignature(chunk)
forceFixMultisigSigOrder = false
// manually mess up the signatures
f.inputs.forEach(function (input, index) {
// remove all OP_0s
if (input.signs[i].removeOp0s) {
tx.ins[index].script.chunks = tx.ins[index].script.chunks.filter(function (chunk) {
return chunk !== bitcoin.opcodes.OP_0
// we removed one OP_0 too many, gotta add it back
assert.equal(tx.toHex(), f.txHexIncomplete, 'txHexIncomplete')
tx = txb.build()
assert.equal(tx.toHex(), f.txHexComplete, 'txHexComplete')
describe('fromTransaction', function () {
fixtures.valid.build.forEach(function (f) {
it('builds the correct TransactionBuilder for ' + f.description, function () {
var tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex)
var txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx)
assert.equal(txb.build().toHex(), f.txHex)
fixtures.invalid.fromTransaction.forEach(function (f) {
it('throws on ' + f.exception, function () {
var tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex)
assert.throws(function () {
}, new RegExp(f.exception))