1562 lines
44 KiB
1562 lines
44 KiB
import { Psbt as PsbtBase } from 'bip174';
import * as varuint from 'bip174/src/lib/converter/varint';
import {
Transaction as ITransaction,
} from 'bip174/src/lib/interfaces';
import { checkForInput } from 'bip174/src/lib/utils';
import { toOutputScript } from './address';
import { reverseBuffer } from './bufferutils';
import { hash160 } from './crypto';
import {
fromPublicKey as ecPairFromPublicKey,
} from './ecpair';
import { bitcoin as btcNetwork, Network } from './networks';
import * as payments from './payments';
import * as bscript from './script';
import { Output, Transaction } from './transaction';
* These are the default arguments for a Psbt instance.
const DEFAULT_OPTS: PsbtOpts = {
* A bitcoinjs Network object. This is only used if you pass an `address`
* parameter to addOutput. Otherwise it is not needed and can be left default.
network: btcNetwork,
* When extractTransaction is called, the fee rate is checked.
* It is only here as a last ditch effort to prevent sending a 500 BTC fee etc.
maximumFeeRate: 5000, // satoshi per byte
* Psbt class can parse and generate a PSBT binary based off of the BIP174.
* There are 6 roles that this class fulfills. (Explained in BIP174)
* Creator: This can be done with `new Psbt()`
* Updater: This can be done with `psbt.addInput(input)`, `psbt.addInputs(inputs)`,
* `psbt.addOutput(output)`, `psbt.addOutputs(outputs)` when you are looking to
* add new inputs and outputs to the PSBT, and `psbt.updateGlobal(itemObject)`,
* `psbt.updateInput(itemObject)`, `psbt.updateOutput(itemObject)`
* addInput requires hash: Buffer | string; and index: number; as attributes
* and can also include any attributes that are used in updateInput method.
* addOutput requires script: Buffer; and value: number; and likewise can include
* data for updateOutput.
* For a list of what attributes should be what types. Check the bip174 library.
* Also, check the integration tests for some examples of usage.
* Signer: There are a few methods. signAllInputs and signAllInputsAsync, which will search all input
* information for your pubkey or pubkeyhash, and only sign inputs where it finds
* your info. Or you can explicitly sign a specific input with signInput and
* signInputAsync. For the async methods you can create a SignerAsync object
* and use something like a hardware wallet to sign with. (You must implement this)
* Combiner: psbts can be combined easily with `psbt.combine(psbt2, psbt3, psbt4 ...)`
* the psbt calling combine will always have precedence when a conflict occurs.
* Combine checks if the internal bitcoin transaction is the same, so be sure that
* all sequences, version, locktime, etc. are the same before combining.
* Input Finalizer: This role is fairly important. Not only does it need to construct
* the input scriptSigs and witnesses, but it SHOULD verify the signatures etc.
* Before running `psbt.finalizeAllInputs()` please run `psbt.validateSignaturesOfAllInputs()`
* Running any finalize method will delete any data in the input(s) that are no longer
* needed due to the finalized scripts containing the information.
* Transaction Extractor: This role will perform some checks before returning a
* Transaction object. Such as fee rate not being larger than maximumFeeRate etc.
export class Psbt {
static fromBase64(data: string, opts: PsbtOptsOptional = {}): Psbt {
const buffer = Buffer.from(data, 'base64');
return this.fromBuffer(buffer, opts);
static fromHex(data: string, opts: PsbtOptsOptional = {}): Psbt {
const buffer = Buffer.from(data, 'hex');
return this.fromBuffer(buffer, opts);
static fromBuffer(buffer: Buffer, opts: PsbtOptsOptional = {}): Psbt {
const psbtBase = PsbtBase.fromBuffer(buffer, transactionFromBuffer);
const psbt = new Psbt(opts, psbtBase);
checkTxForDupeIns(psbt.__CACHE.__TX, psbt.__CACHE);
return psbt;
private __CACHE: PsbtCache;
private opts: PsbtOpts;
opts: PsbtOptsOptional = {},
readonly data: PsbtBase = new PsbtBase(new PsbtTransaction()),
) {
// set defaults
this.opts = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTS, opts);
this.__CACHE = {
__TX_IN_CACHE: {},
__TX: (this.data.globalMap.unsignedTx as PsbtTransaction).tx,
if (this.data.inputs.length === 0) this.setVersion(2);
// Make data hidden when enumerating
const dpew = (
obj: any,
attr: string,
enumerable: boolean,
writable: boolean,
): any =>
Object.defineProperty(obj, attr, {
dpew(this, '__CACHE', false, true);
dpew(this, 'opts', false, true);
get inputCount(): number {
return this.data.inputs.length;
get txVersion(): number {
return this.__CACHE.__TX.version;
get txLocktime(): number {
return this.__CACHE.__TX.locktime;
get txInputs(): TransactionInput[] {
return deepClone(this.__CACHE.__TX.ins);
get txOutputs(): TransactionInput[] {
return deepClone(this.__CACHE.__TX.outs);
combine(...those: Psbt[]): this {
this.data.combine(...those.map(o => o.data));
return this;
clone(): Psbt {
// TODO: more efficient cloning
const res = Psbt.fromBuffer(this.data.toBuffer());
res.opts = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.opts));
return res;
setMaximumFeeRate(satoshiPerByte: number): void {
check32Bit(satoshiPerByte); // 42.9 BTC per byte IS excessive... so throw
this.opts.maximumFeeRate = satoshiPerByte;
setVersion(version: number): this {
checkInputsForPartialSig(this.data.inputs, 'setVersion');
const c = this.__CACHE;
c.__TX.version = version;
c.__EXTRACTED_TX = undefined;
return this;
setLocktime(locktime: number): this {
checkInputsForPartialSig(this.data.inputs, 'setLocktime');
const c = this.__CACHE;
c.__TX.locktime = locktime;
c.__EXTRACTED_TX = undefined;
return this;
setInputSequence(inputIndex: number, sequence: number): this {
checkInputsForPartialSig(this.data.inputs, 'setInputSequence');
const c = this.__CACHE;
if (c.__TX.ins.length <= inputIndex) {
throw new Error('Input index too high');
c.__TX.ins[inputIndex].sequence = sequence;
c.__EXTRACTED_TX = undefined;
return this;
addInputs(inputDatas: PsbtInputExtended[]): this {
inputDatas.forEach(inputData => this.addInput(inputData));
return this;
addInput(inputData: PsbtInputExtended): this {
if (
arguments.length > 1 ||
!inputData ||
inputData.hash === undefined ||
inputData.index === undefined
) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid arguments for Psbt.addInput. ` +
`Requires single object with at least [hash] and [index]`,
checkInputsForPartialSig(this.data.inputs, 'addInput');
const c = this.__CACHE;
const txIn = c.__TX.ins[c.__TX.ins.length - 1];
checkTxInputCache(c, txIn);
const inputIndex = this.data.inputs.length - 1;
const input = this.data.inputs[inputIndex];
if (input.nonWitnessUtxo) {
addNonWitnessTxCache(this.__CACHE, input, inputIndex);
c.__FEE = undefined;
c.__FEE_RATE = undefined;
c.__EXTRACTED_TX = undefined;
return this;
addOutputs(outputDatas: PsbtOutputExtended[]): this {
outputDatas.forEach(outputData => this.addOutput(outputData));
return this;
addOutput(outputData: PsbtOutputExtended): this {
if (
arguments.length > 1 ||
!outputData ||
outputData.value === undefined ||
((outputData as any).address === undefined &&
(outputData as any).script === undefined)
) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid arguments for Psbt.addOutput. ` +
`Requires single object with at least [script or address] and [value]`,
checkInputsForPartialSig(this.data.inputs, 'addOutput');
const { address } = outputData as any;
if (typeof address === 'string') {
const { network } = this.opts;
const script = toOutputScript(address, network);
outputData = Object.assign(outputData, { script });
const c = this.__CACHE;
c.__FEE = undefined;
c.__FEE_RATE = undefined;
c.__EXTRACTED_TX = undefined;
return this;
extractTransaction(disableFeeCheck?: boolean): Transaction {
if (!this.data.inputs.every(isFinalized)) throw new Error('Not finalized');
const c = this.__CACHE;
if (!disableFeeCheck) {
checkFees(this, c, this.opts);
if (c.__EXTRACTED_TX) return c.__EXTRACTED_TX;
const tx = c.__TX.clone();
inputFinalizeGetAmts(this.data.inputs, tx, c, true);
return tx;
getFeeRate(): number {
return getTxCacheValue(
'fee rate',
getFee(): number {
return getTxCacheValue('__FEE', 'fee', this.data.inputs, this.__CACHE)!;
finalizeAllInputs(): this {
checkForInput(this.data.inputs, 0); // making sure we have at least one
range(this.data.inputs.length).forEach(idx => this.finalizeInput(idx));
return this;
inputIndex: number,
finalScriptsFunc: FinalScriptsFunc = getFinalScripts,
): this {
const input = checkForInput(this.data.inputs, inputIndex);
const { script, isP2SH, isP2WSH, isSegwit } = getScriptFromInput(
if (!script) throw new Error(`No script found for input #${inputIndex}`);
const { finalScriptSig, finalScriptWitness } = finalScriptsFunc(
if (finalScriptSig) this.data.updateInput(inputIndex, { finalScriptSig });
if (finalScriptWitness)
this.data.updateInput(inputIndex, { finalScriptWitness });
if (!finalScriptSig && !finalScriptWitness)
throw new Error(`Unknown error finalizing input #${inputIndex}`);
return this;
validateSignaturesOfAllInputs(): boolean {
checkForInput(this.data.inputs, 0); // making sure we have at least one
const results = range(this.data.inputs.length).map(idx =>
return results.reduce((final, res) => res === true && final, true);
validateSignaturesOfInput(inputIndex: number, pubkey?: Buffer): boolean {
const input = this.data.inputs[inputIndex];
const partialSig = (input || {}).partialSig;
if (!input || !partialSig || partialSig.length < 1)
throw new Error('No signatures to validate');
const mySigs = pubkey
? partialSig.filter(sig => sig.pubkey.equals(pubkey))
: partialSig;
if (mySigs.length < 1) throw new Error('No signatures for this pubkey');
const results: boolean[] = [];
let hashCache: Buffer;
let scriptCache: Buffer;
let sighashCache: number;
for (const pSig of mySigs) {
const sig = bscript.signature.decode(pSig.signature);
const { hash, script } =
sighashCache! !== sig.hashType
? getHashForSig(
Object.assign({}, input, { sighashType: sig.hashType }),
: { hash: hashCache!, script: scriptCache! };
sighashCache = sig.hashType;
hashCache = hash;
scriptCache = script;
checkScriptForPubkey(pSig.pubkey, script, 'verify');
const keypair = ecPairFromPublicKey(pSig.pubkey);
results.push(keypair.verify(hash, sig.signature));
return results.every(res => res === true);
hdKeyPair: HDSigner,
sighashTypes: number[] = [Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL],
): this {
if (!hdKeyPair || !hdKeyPair.publicKey || !hdKeyPair.fingerprint) {
throw new Error('Need HDSigner to sign input');
const results: boolean[] = [];
for (const i of range(this.data.inputs.length)) {
try {
this.signInputHD(i, hdKeyPair, sighashTypes);
} catch (err) {
if (results.every(v => v === false)) {
throw new Error('No inputs were signed');
return this;
hdKeyPair: HDSigner | HDSignerAsync,
sighashTypes: number[] = [Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL],
): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(
(resolve, reject): any => {
if (!hdKeyPair || !hdKeyPair.publicKey || !hdKeyPair.fingerprint) {
return reject(new Error('Need HDSigner to sign input'));
const results: boolean[] = [];
const promises: Array<Promise<void>> = [];
for (const i of range(this.data.inputs.length)) {
this.signInputHDAsync(i, hdKeyPair, sighashTypes).then(
() => {
() => {
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
if (results.every(v => v === false)) {
return reject(new Error('No inputs were signed'));
inputIndex: number,
hdKeyPair: HDSigner,
sighashTypes: number[] = [Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL],
): this {
if (!hdKeyPair || !hdKeyPair.publicKey || !hdKeyPair.fingerprint) {
throw new Error('Need HDSigner to sign input');
const signers = getSignersFromHD(
) as Signer[];
signers.forEach(signer => this.signInput(inputIndex, signer, sighashTypes));
return this;
inputIndex: number,
hdKeyPair: HDSigner | HDSignerAsync,
sighashTypes: number[] = [Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL],
): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(
(resolve, reject): any => {
if (!hdKeyPair || !hdKeyPair.publicKey || !hdKeyPair.fingerprint) {
return reject(new Error('Need HDSigner to sign input'));
const signers = getSignersFromHD(
const promises = signers.map(signer =>
this.signInputAsync(inputIndex, signer, sighashTypes),
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(() => {
keyPair: Signer,
sighashTypes: number[] = [Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL],
): this {
if (!keyPair || !keyPair.publicKey)
throw new Error('Need Signer to sign input');
// TODO: Add a pubkey/pubkeyhash cache to each input
// as input information is added, then eventually
// optimize this method.
const results: boolean[] = [];
for (const i of range(this.data.inputs.length)) {
try {
this.signInput(i, keyPair, sighashTypes);
} catch (err) {
if (results.every(v => v === false)) {
throw new Error('No inputs were signed');
return this;
keyPair: Signer | SignerAsync,
sighashTypes: number[] = [Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL],
): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(
(resolve, reject): any => {
if (!keyPair || !keyPair.publicKey)
return reject(new Error('Need Signer to sign input'));
// TODO: Add a pubkey/pubkeyhash cache to each input
// as input information is added, then eventually
// optimize this method.
const results: boolean[] = [];
const promises: Array<Promise<void>> = [];
for (const [i] of this.data.inputs.entries()) {
this.signInputAsync(i, keyPair, sighashTypes).then(
() => {
() => {
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
if (results.every(v => v === false)) {
return reject(new Error('No inputs were signed'));
inputIndex: number,
keyPair: Signer,
sighashTypes: number[] = [Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL],
): this {
if (!keyPair || !keyPair.publicKey)
throw new Error('Need Signer to sign input');
const { hash, sighashType } = getHashAndSighashType(
const partialSig = [
pubkey: keyPair.publicKey,
signature: bscript.signature.encode(keyPair.sign(hash), sighashType),
this.data.updateInput(inputIndex, { partialSig });
return this;
inputIndex: number,
keyPair: Signer | SignerAsync,
sighashTypes: number[] = [Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL],
): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(
(resolve, reject): void => {
if (!keyPair || !keyPair.publicKey)
return reject(new Error('Need Signer to sign input'));
const { hash, sighashType } = getHashAndSighashType(
Promise.resolve(keyPair.sign(hash)).then(signature => {
const partialSig = [
pubkey: keyPair.publicKey,
signature: bscript.signature.encode(signature, sighashType),
this.data.updateInput(inputIndex, { partialSig });
toBuffer(): Buffer {
return this.data.toBuffer();
toHex(): string {
return this.data.toHex();
toBase64(): string {
return this.data.toBase64();
updateGlobal(updateData: PsbtGlobalUpdate): this {
return this;
updateInput(inputIndex: number, updateData: PsbtInputUpdate): this {
this.data.updateInput(inputIndex, updateData);
if (updateData.nonWitnessUtxo) {
return this;
updateOutput(outputIndex: number, updateData: PsbtOutputUpdate): this {
this.data.updateOutput(outputIndex, updateData);
return this;
addUnknownKeyValToGlobal(keyVal: KeyValue): this {
return this;
addUnknownKeyValToInput(inputIndex: number, keyVal: KeyValue): this {
this.data.addUnknownKeyValToInput(inputIndex, keyVal);
return this;
addUnknownKeyValToOutput(outputIndex: number, keyVal: KeyValue): this {
this.data.addUnknownKeyValToOutput(outputIndex, keyVal);
return this;
clearFinalizedInput(inputIndex: number): this {
return this;
interface PsbtCache {
__TX_IN_CACHE: { [index: string]: number };
__TX: Transaction;
__FEE_RATE?: number;
__FEE?: number;
__EXTRACTED_TX?: Transaction;
interface PsbtOptsOptional {
network?: Network;
maximumFeeRate?: number;
interface PsbtOpts {
network: Network;
maximumFeeRate: number;
interface PsbtInputExtended extends PsbtInput, TransactionInput {}
type PsbtOutputExtended = PsbtOutputExtendedAddress | PsbtOutputExtendedScript;
interface PsbtOutputExtendedAddress extends PsbtOutput {
address: string;
value: number;
interface PsbtOutputExtendedScript extends PsbtOutput {
script: Buffer;
value: number;
interface HDSignerBase {
* DER format compressed publicKey buffer
publicKey: Buffer;
* The first 4 bytes of the sha256-ripemd160 of the publicKey
fingerprint: Buffer;
interface HDSigner extends HDSignerBase {
* The path string must match /^m(\/\d+'?)+$/
* ex. m/44'/0'/0'/1/23 levels with ' must be hard derivations
derivePath(path: string): HDSigner;
* Input hash (the "message digest") for the signature algorithm
* Return a 64 byte signature (32 byte r and 32 byte s in that order)
sign(hash: Buffer): Buffer;
* Same as above but with async sign method
interface HDSignerAsync extends HDSignerBase {
derivePath(path: string): HDSignerAsync;
sign(hash: Buffer): Promise<Buffer>;
* This function is needed to pass to the bip174 base class's fromBuffer.
* It takes the "transaction buffer" portion of the psbt buffer and returns a
* Transaction (From the bip174 library) interface.
const transactionFromBuffer: TransactionFromBuffer = (
buffer: Buffer,
): ITransaction => new PsbtTransaction(buffer);
* This class implements the Transaction interface from bip174 library.
* It contains a bitcoinjs-lib Transaction object.
class PsbtTransaction implements ITransaction {
tx: Transaction;
constructor(buffer: Buffer = Buffer.from([2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) {
this.tx = Transaction.fromBuffer(buffer);
Object.defineProperty(this, 'tx', {
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
getInputOutputCounts(): {
inputCount: number;
outputCount: number;
} {
return {
inputCount: this.tx.ins.length,
outputCount: this.tx.outs.length,
addInput(input: any): void {
if (
(input as any).hash === undefined ||
(input as any).index === undefined ||
(!Buffer.isBuffer((input as any).hash) &&
typeof (input as any).hash !== 'string') ||
typeof (input as any).index !== 'number'
) {
throw new Error('Error adding input.');
const hash =
typeof input.hash === 'string'
? reverseBuffer(Buffer.from(input.hash, 'hex'))
: input.hash;
this.tx.addInput(hash, input.index, input.sequence);
addOutput(output: any): void {
if (
(output as any).script === undefined ||
(output as any).value === undefined ||
!Buffer.isBuffer((output as any).script) ||
typeof (output as any).value !== 'number'
) {
throw new Error('Error adding output.');
this.tx.addOutput(output.script, output.value);
toBuffer(): Buffer {
return this.tx.toBuffer();
function deepClone(obj: any): any {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj), (_, value) =>
value.type === 'Buffer' ? Buffer.from(value.data) : value,
function canFinalize(
input: PsbtInput,
script: Buffer,
scriptType: string,
): boolean {
switch (scriptType) {
case 'pubkey':
case 'pubkeyhash':
case 'witnesspubkeyhash':
return hasSigs(1, input.partialSig);
case 'multisig':
const p2ms = payments.p2ms({ output: script });
return hasSigs(p2ms.m!, input.partialSig, p2ms.pubkeys);
return false;
function hasSigs(
neededSigs: number,
partialSig?: any[],
pubkeys?: Buffer[],
): boolean {
if (!partialSig) return false;
let sigs: any;
if (pubkeys) {
sigs = pubkeys
.map(pkey => {
const pubkey = ecPairFromPublicKey(pkey, { compressed: true })
return partialSig.find(pSig => pSig.pubkey.equals(pubkey));
.filter(v => !!v);
} else {
sigs = partialSig;
if (sigs.length > neededSigs) throw new Error('Too many signatures');
return sigs.length === neededSigs;
function isFinalized(input: PsbtInput): boolean {
return !!input.finalScriptSig || !!input.finalScriptWitness;
function isPaymentFactory(payment: any): (script: Buffer) => boolean {
return (script: Buffer): boolean => {
try {
payment({ output: script });
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
const isP2MS = isPaymentFactory(payments.p2ms);
const isP2PK = isPaymentFactory(payments.p2pk);
const isP2PKH = isPaymentFactory(payments.p2pkh);
const isP2WPKH = isPaymentFactory(payments.p2wpkh);
const isP2WSHScript = isPaymentFactory(payments.p2wsh);
function check32Bit(num: number): void {
if (
typeof num !== 'number' ||
num !== Math.floor(num) ||
num > 0xffffffff ||
num < 0
) {
throw new Error('Invalid 32 bit integer');
function checkFees(psbt: Psbt, cache: PsbtCache, opts: PsbtOpts): void {
const feeRate = cache.__FEE_RATE || psbt.getFeeRate();
const vsize = cache.__EXTRACTED_TX!.virtualSize();
const satoshis = feeRate * vsize;
if (feeRate >= opts.maximumFeeRate) {
throw new Error(
`Warning: You are paying around ${(satoshis / 1e8).toFixed(8)} in ` +
`fees, which is ${feeRate} satoshi per byte for a transaction ` +
`with a VSize of ${vsize} bytes (segwit counted as 0.25 byte per ` +
`byte). Use setMaximumFeeRate method to raise your threshold, or ` +
`pass true to the first arg of extractTransaction.`,
function checkInputsForPartialSig(inputs: PsbtInput[], action: string): void {
inputs.forEach(input => {
let throws = false;
let pSigs: PartialSig[] = [];
if ((input.partialSig || []).length === 0) {
if (!input.finalScriptSig && !input.finalScriptWitness) return;
pSigs = getPsigsFromInputFinalScripts(input);
} else {
pSigs = input.partialSig!;
pSigs.forEach(pSig => {
const { hashType } = bscript.signature.decode(pSig.signature);
const whitelist: string[] = [];
const isAnyoneCanPay = hashType & Transaction.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY;
if (isAnyoneCanPay) whitelist.push('addInput');
const hashMod = hashType & 0x1f;
switch (hashMod) {
case Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL:
case Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE:
case Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE:
if (whitelist.indexOf(action) === -1) {
throws = true;
if (throws) {
throw new Error('Can not modify transaction, signatures exist.');
function checkPartialSigSighashes(input: PsbtInput): void {
if (!input.sighashType || !input.partialSig) return;
const { partialSig, sighashType } = input;
partialSig.forEach(pSig => {
const { hashType } = bscript.signature.decode(pSig.signature);
if (sighashType !== hashType) {
throw new Error('Signature sighash does not match input sighash type');
function checkScriptForPubkey(
pubkey: Buffer,
script: Buffer,
action: string,
): void {
const pubkeyHash = hash160(pubkey);
const decompiled = bscript.decompile(script);
if (decompiled === null) throw new Error('Unknown script error');
const hasKey = decompiled.some(element => {
if (typeof element === 'number') return false;
return element.equals(pubkey) || element.equals(pubkeyHash);
if (!hasKey) {
throw new Error(
`Can not ${action} for this input with the key ${pubkey.toString('hex')}`,
function checkTxEmpty(tx: Transaction): void {
const isEmpty = tx.ins.every(
input =>
input.script &&
input.script.length === 0 &&
input.witness &&
input.witness.length === 0,
if (!isEmpty) {
throw new Error('Format Error: Transaction ScriptSigs are not empty');
function checkTxForDupeIns(tx: Transaction, cache: PsbtCache): void {
tx.ins.forEach(input => {
checkTxInputCache(cache, input);
function checkTxInputCache(
cache: PsbtCache,
input: { hash: Buffer; index: number },
): void {
const key =
reverseBuffer(Buffer.from(input.hash)).toString('hex') + ':' + input.index;
if (cache.__TX_IN_CACHE[key]) throw new Error('Duplicate input detected.');
cache.__TX_IN_CACHE[key] = 1;
function scriptCheckerFactory(
payment: any,
paymentScriptName: string,
): (idx: number, spk: Buffer, rs: Buffer) => void {
return (
inputIndex: number,
scriptPubKey: Buffer,
redeemScript: Buffer,
): void => {
const redeemScriptOutput = payment({
redeem: { output: redeemScript },
}).output as Buffer;
if (!scriptPubKey.equals(redeemScriptOutput)) {
throw new Error(
`${paymentScriptName} for input #${inputIndex} doesn't match the scriptPubKey in the prevout`,
const checkRedeemScript = scriptCheckerFactory(payments.p2sh, 'Redeem script');
const checkWitnessScript = scriptCheckerFactory(
'Witness script',
type TxCacheNumberKey = '__FEE_RATE' | '__FEE';
function getTxCacheValue(
key: TxCacheNumberKey,
name: string,
inputs: PsbtInput[],
c: PsbtCache,
): number | undefined {
if (!inputs.every(isFinalized))
throw new Error(`PSBT must be finalized to calculate ${name}`);
if (key === '__FEE_RATE' && c.__FEE_RATE) return c.__FEE_RATE;
if (key === '__FEE' && c.__FEE) return c.__FEE;
let tx: Transaction;
let mustFinalize = true;
if (c.__EXTRACTED_TX) {
tx = c.__EXTRACTED_TX;
mustFinalize = false;
} else {
tx = c.__TX.clone();
inputFinalizeGetAmts(inputs, tx, c, mustFinalize);
if (key === '__FEE_RATE') return c.__FEE_RATE!;
else if (key === '__FEE') return c.__FEE!;
* This function must do two things:
* 1. Check if the `input` can be finalized. If it can not be finalized, throw.
* ie. `Can not finalize input #${inputIndex}`
* 2. Create the finalScriptSig and finalScriptWitness Buffers.
type FinalScriptsFunc = (
inputIndex: number, // Which input is it?
input: PsbtInput, // The PSBT input contents
script: Buffer, // The "meaningful" locking script Buffer (redeemScript for P2SH etc.)
isSegwit: boolean, // Is it segwit?
isP2SH: boolean, // Is it P2SH?
isP2WSH: boolean, // Is it P2WSH?
) => {
finalScriptSig: Buffer | undefined;
finalScriptWitness: Buffer | undefined;
function getFinalScripts(
inputIndex: number,
input: PsbtInput,
script: Buffer,
isSegwit: boolean,
isP2SH: boolean,
isP2WSH: boolean,
): {
finalScriptSig: Buffer | undefined;
finalScriptWitness: Buffer | undefined;
} {
const scriptType = classifyScript(script);
if (!canFinalize(input, script, scriptType))
throw new Error(`Can not finalize input #${inputIndex}`);
return prepareFinalScripts(
function prepareFinalScripts(
script: Buffer,
scriptType: string,
partialSig: PartialSig[],
isSegwit: boolean,
isP2SH: boolean,
isP2WSH: boolean,
): {
finalScriptSig: Buffer | undefined;
finalScriptWitness: Buffer | undefined;
} {
let finalScriptSig: Buffer | undefined;
let finalScriptWitness: Buffer | undefined;
// Wow, the payments API is very handy
const payment: payments.Payment = getPayment(script, scriptType, partialSig);
const p2wsh = !isP2WSH ? null : payments.p2wsh({ redeem: payment });
const p2sh = !isP2SH ? null : payments.p2sh({ redeem: p2wsh || payment });
if (isSegwit) {
if (p2wsh) {
finalScriptWitness = witnessStackToScriptWitness(p2wsh.witness!);
} else {
finalScriptWitness = witnessStackToScriptWitness(payment.witness!);
if (p2sh) {
finalScriptSig = p2sh.input;
} else {
if (p2sh) {
finalScriptSig = p2sh.input;
} else {
finalScriptSig = payment.input;
return {
function getHashAndSighashType(
inputs: PsbtInput[],
inputIndex: number,
pubkey: Buffer,
cache: PsbtCache,
sighashTypes: number[],
): {
hash: Buffer;
sighashType: number;
} {
const input = checkForInput(inputs, inputIndex);
const { hash, sighashType, script } = getHashForSig(
checkScriptForPubkey(pubkey, script, 'sign');
return {
function getHashForSig(
inputIndex: number,
input: PsbtInput,
cache: PsbtCache,
sighashTypes?: number[],
): {
script: Buffer;
hash: Buffer;
sighashType: number;
} {
const unsignedTx = cache.__TX;
const sighashType = input.sighashType || Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL;
if (sighashTypes && sighashTypes.indexOf(sighashType) < 0) {
const str = sighashTypeToString(sighashType);
throw new Error(
`Sighash type is not allowed. Retry the sign method passing the ` +
`sighashTypes array of whitelisted types. Sighash type: ${str}`,
let hash: Buffer;
let script: Buffer;
if (input.nonWitnessUtxo) {
const nonWitnessUtxoTx = nonWitnessUtxoTxFromCache(
const prevoutHash = unsignedTx.ins[inputIndex].hash;
const utxoHash = nonWitnessUtxoTx.getHash();
// If a non-witness UTXO is provided, its hash must match the hash specified in the prevout
if (!prevoutHash.equals(utxoHash)) {
throw new Error(
`Non-witness UTXO hash for input #${inputIndex} doesn't match the hash specified in the prevout`,
const prevoutIndex = unsignedTx.ins[inputIndex].index;
const prevout = nonWitnessUtxoTx.outs[prevoutIndex] as Output;
if (input.redeemScript) {
// If a redeemScript is provided, the scriptPubKey must be for that redeemScript
checkRedeemScript(inputIndex, prevout.script, input.redeemScript);
script = input.redeemScript;
} else {
script = prevout.script;
if (isP2WSHScript(script)) {
if (!input.witnessScript)
throw new Error('Segwit input needs witnessScript if not P2WPKH');
checkWitnessScript(inputIndex, script, input.witnessScript);
hash = unsignedTx.hashForWitnessV0(
script = input.witnessScript;
} else if (isP2WPKH(script)) {
// P2WPKH uses the P2PKH template for prevoutScript when signing
const signingScript = payments.p2pkh({ hash: script.slice(2) }).output!;
hash = unsignedTx.hashForWitnessV0(
} else {
hash = unsignedTx.hashForSignature(inputIndex, script, sighashType);
} else if (input.witnessUtxo) {
let _script: Buffer; // so we don't shadow the `let script` above
if (input.redeemScript) {
// If a redeemScript is provided, the scriptPubKey must be for that redeemScript
_script = input.redeemScript;
} else {
_script = input.witnessUtxo.script;
if (isP2WPKH(_script)) {
// P2WPKH uses the P2PKH template for prevoutScript when signing
const signingScript = payments.p2pkh({ hash: _script.slice(2) }).output!;
hash = unsignedTx.hashForWitnessV0(
script = _script;
} else if (isP2WSHScript(_script)) {
if (!input.witnessScript)
throw new Error('Segwit input needs witnessScript if not P2WPKH');
checkWitnessScript(inputIndex, _script, input.witnessScript);
hash = unsignedTx.hashForWitnessV0(
// want to make sure the script we return is the actual meaningful script
script = input.witnessScript;
} else {
throw new Error(
`Input #${inputIndex} has witnessUtxo but non-segwit script: ` +
} else {
throw new Error('Need a Utxo input item for signing');
return {
function getPayment(
script: Buffer,
scriptType: string,
partialSig: PartialSig[],
): payments.Payment {
let payment: payments.Payment;
switch (scriptType) {
case 'multisig':
const sigs = getSortedSigs(script, partialSig);
payment = payments.p2ms({
output: script,
signatures: sigs,
case 'pubkey':
payment = payments.p2pk({
output: script,
signature: partialSig[0].signature,
case 'pubkeyhash':
payment = payments.p2pkh({
output: script,
pubkey: partialSig[0].pubkey,
signature: partialSig[0].signature,
case 'witnesspubkeyhash':
payment = payments.p2wpkh({
output: script,
pubkey: partialSig[0].pubkey,
signature: partialSig[0].signature,
return payment!;
function getPsigsFromInputFinalScripts(input: PsbtInput): PartialSig[] {
const scriptItems = !input.finalScriptSig
? []
: bscript.decompile(input.finalScriptSig) || [];
const witnessItems = !input.finalScriptWitness
? []
: bscript.decompile(input.finalScriptWitness) || [];
return scriptItems
.filter(item => {
return Buffer.isBuffer(item) && bscript.isCanonicalScriptSignature(item);
.map(sig => ({ signature: sig })) as PartialSig[];
interface GetScriptReturn {
script: Buffer | null;
isSegwit: boolean;
isP2SH: boolean;
isP2WSH: boolean;
function getScriptFromInput(
inputIndex: number,
input: PsbtInput,
cache: PsbtCache,
): GetScriptReturn {
const unsignedTx = cache.__TX;
const res: GetScriptReturn = {
script: null,
isSegwit: false,
isP2SH: false,
isP2WSH: false,
res.isP2SH = !!input.redeemScript;
res.isP2WSH = !!input.witnessScript;
if (input.witnessScript) {
res.script = input.witnessScript;
} else if (input.redeemScript) {
res.script = input.redeemScript;
} else {
if (input.nonWitnessUtxo) {
const nonWitnessUtxoTx = nonWitnessUtxoTxFromCache(
const prevoutIndex = unsignedTx.ins[inputIndex].index;
res.script = nonWitnessUtxoTx.outs[prevoutIndex].script;
} else if (input.witnessUtxo) {
res.script = input.witnessUtxo.script;
if (input.witnessScript || isP2WPKH(res.script!)) {
res.isSegwit = true;
return res;
function getSignersFromHD(
inputIndex: number,
inputs: PsbtInput[],
hdKeyPair: HDSigner | HDSignerAsync,
): Array<Signer | SignerAsync> {
const input = checkForInput(inputs, inputIndex);
if (!input.bip32Derivation || input.bip32Derivation.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Need bip32Derivation to sign with HD');
const myDerivations = input.bip32Derivation
.map(bipDv => {
if (bipDv.masterFingerprint.equals(hdKeyPair.fingerprint)) {
return bipDv;
} else {
.filter(v => !!v);
if (myDerivations.length === 0) {
throw new Error(
'Need one bip32Derivation masterFingerprint to match the HDSigner fingerprint',
const signers: Array<Signer | SignerAsync> = myDerivations.map(bipDv => {
const node = hdKeyPair.derivePath(bipDv!.path);
if (!bipDv!.pubkey.equals(node.publicKey)) {
throw new Error('pubkey did not match bip32Derivation');
return node;
return signers;
function getSortedSigs(script: Buffer, partialSig: PartialSig[]): Buffer[] {
const p2ms = payments.p2ms({ output: script });
// for each pubkey in order of p2ms script
return p2ms
.pubkeys!.map(pk => {
// filter partialSig array by pubkey being equal
return (
partialSig.filter(ps => {
return ps.pubkey.equals(pk);
})[0] || {}
// Any pubkey without a match will return undefined
// this last filter removes all the undefined items in the array.
.filter(v => !!v);
function scriptWitnessToWitnessStack(buffer: Buffer): Buffer[] {
let offset = 0;
function readSlice(n: number): Buffer {
offset += n;
return buffer.slice(offset - n, offset);
function readVarInt(): number {
const vi = varuint.decode(buffer, offset);
offset += (varuint.decode as any).bytes;
return vi;
function readVarSlice(): Buffer {
return readSlice(readVarInt());
function readVector(): Buffer[] {
const count = readVarInt();
const vector: Buffer[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) vector.push(readVarSlice());
return vector;
return readVector();
function sighashTypeToString(sighashType: number): string {
let text =
sighashType & Transaction.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY
: '';
const sigMod = sighashType & 0x1f;
switch (sigMod) {
case Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL:
text += 'SIGHASH_ALL';
case Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE:
case Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE:
text += 'SIGHASH_NONE';
return text;
function witnessStackToScriptWitness(witness: Buffer[]): Buffer {
let buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0);
function writeSlice(slice: Buffer): void {
buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, Buffer.from(slice)]);
function writeVarInt(i: number): void {
const currentLen = buffer.length;
const varintLen = varuint.encodingLength(i);
buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, Buffer.allocUnsafe(varintLen)]);
varuint.encode(i, buffer, currentLen);
function writeVarSlice(slice: Buffer): void {
function writeVector(vector: Buffer[]): void {
return buffer;
function addNonWitnessTxCache(
cache: PsbtCache,
input: PsbtInput,
inputIndex: number,
): void {
cache.__NON_WITNESS_UTXO_BUF_CACHE[inputIndex] = input.nonWitnessUtxo!;
const tx = Transaction.fromBuffer(input.nonWitnessUtxo!);
cache.__NON_WITNESS_UTXO_TX_CACHE[inputIndex] = tx;
const self = cache;
const selfIndex = inputIndex;
delete input.nonWitnessUtxo;
Object.defineProperty(input, 'nonWitnessUtxo', {
enumerable: true,
get(): Buffer {
const buf = self.__NON_WITNESS_UTXO_BUF_CACHE[selfIndex];
const txCache = self.__NON_WITNESS_UTXO_TX_CACHE[selfIndex];
if (buf !== undefined) {
return buf;
} else {
const newBuf = txCache.toBuffer();
self.__NON_WITNESS_UTXO_BUF_CACHE[selfIndex] = newBuf;
return newBuf;
set(data: Buffer): void {
self.__NON_WITNESS_UTXO_BUF_CACHE[selfIndex] = data;
function inputFinalizeGetAmts(
inputs: PsbtInput[],
tx: Transaction,
cache: PsbtCache,
mustFinalize: boolean,
): void {
let inputAmount = 0;
inputs.forEach((input, idx) => {
if (mustFinalize && input.finalScriptSig)
tx.ins[idx].script = input.finalScriptSig;
if (mustFinalize && input.finalScriptWitness) {
tx.ins[idx].witness = scriptWitnessToWitnessStack(
if (input.witnessUtxo) {
inputAmount += input.witnessUtxo.value;
} else if (input.nonWitnessUtxo) {
const nwTx = nonWitnessUtxoTxFromCache(cache, input, idx);
const vout = tx.ins[idx].index;
const out = nwTx.outs[vout] as Output;
inputAmount += out.value;
const outputAmount = (tx.outs as Output[]).reduce(
(total, o) => total + o.value,
const fee = inputAmount - outputAmount;
if (fee < 0) {
throw new Error('Outputs are spending more than Inputs');
const bytes = tx.virtualSize();
cache.__FEE = fee;
cache.__EXTRACTED_TX = tx;
cache.__FEE_RATE = Math.floor(fee / bytes);
function nonWitnessUtxoTxFromCache(
cache: PsbtCache,
input: PsbtInput,
inputIndex: number,
): Transaction {
const c = cache.__NON_WITNESS_UTXO_TX_CACHE;
if (!c[inputIndex]) {
addNonWitnessTxCache(cache, input, inputIndex);
return c[inputIndex];
function classifyScript(script: Buffer): string {
if (isP2WPKH(script)) return 'witnesspubkeyhash';
if (isP2PKH(script)) return 'pubkeyhash';
if (isP2MS(script)) return 'multisig';
if (isP2PK(script)) return 'pubkey';
return 'nonstandard';
function range(n: number): number[] {
return [...Array(n).keys()];