228 lines
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228 lines
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var chart;
var chartData = [];
var chartLoadInProgress = false;
var minPeriod = 'hh';
var validPeriods = ['24h', '72h', '168h', '30d', '90d', '1y'];
var defaultPeriod = (validPeriods.indexOf(localStorage.getItem('chartPeriod')) > -1) ? localStorage.getItem('chartPeriod') : '24h';
var periodGridCounts = {'24h': 24, '72h': 24, '168h': 14, '30d': 30, '90d': 45, '1y': 12 };
AmCharts.ready(function() {
chart = AmCharts.makeChart('block-size-chart', {
type: 'serial',
theme: 'light',
mouseWheelZoomEnabled: true,
categoryField: 'date',
synchronizeGrid: true,
dataProvider: chartData,
valueAxes: [
id: 'v-block-size',
axisColor: '#1e88e5',
axisThickness: 2,
labelFunction: function(value) {
return (Math.round((value / 1000) * 100)/100).toFixed(2) + ' KB';
id: 'v-price',
axisColor: '#00e676',
offset: 75,
gridAlpha: 0,
axisThickness: 2,
labelFunction: function(value) {
return '$' + value.toFixed(2);
categoryAxis: {
parseDates: true,
minPeriod: minPeriod, // DD for daily
autoGridCount: false,
minorGridEnabled: true,
minorGridAlpha: 0.04,
axisColor: '#dadada',
twoLineMode: true,
dateFormats: [{
period: 'fff',
format: 'JJ:NN:SS'
}, {
period: 'ss',
format: 'JJ:NN:SS'
}, {
period: 'mm',
format: 'JJ:NN'
}, {
period: 'hh',
format: 'JJ:NN'
}, {
period: 'DD',
format: 'DD'
}, {
period: 'WW',
format: 'DD MMM'
}, {
period: 'MM',
format: 'MMM'
}, {
period: 'YYYY',
format: 'YYYY'
graphs: [
id: 'g-block-size',
valueAxis: 'v-block-size', // we have to indicate which value axis should be used
title: 'Avg Block Size',
valueField: 'AvgBlockSize',
bullet: 'round',
bulletBorderThickness: 1,
bulletBorderAlpha: 1,
bulletColor: '#ffffff',
bulletSize: 5,
useLineColorForBulletBorder: true,
lineColor: '#1e88e5',
hideBulletsCount: 101,
balloonText: '[[AvgBlockSize]] KB',
switchable: false,
balloonFunction: function(item, graph) {
var result = graph.balloonText;
return result.replace('[[AvgBlockSize]]', (Math.round((item.dataContext.AvgBlockSize / 1000) * 100)/100).toFixed(2));
id: 'g-price',
valueAxis: 'v-price',
title: 'Average Price',
valueField: 'AvgUSD',
bullet: 'round',
bulletBorderThickness: 1,
bulletBorderAlpha: 1,
bulletColor: '#ffffff',
bulletSize: 5,
useLineColorForBulletBorder: true,
lineColor: '#00e676',
balloonText: '$[[AvgUSD]]',
balloonFunction: function(item, graph) {
var result = graph.balloonText;
if (!item.dataContext.AvgUSD) {
return '';
return result.replace('[[AvgUSD]]', item.dataContext.AvgUSD.toFixed(2));
hideBulletsCount: 101,
labelFunction: function(value) {
return '$' + value;
chartCursor: {
cursorAlpha: 0.1,
fullWidth: true,
valueLineBalloonEnabled: true,
categoryBalloonColor: '#333333',
cursorColor: '#1e88e5',
categoryBalloonDateFormat: minPeriod === 'hh' ? 'D MMM HH:NN ' : 'D MMM'
chartScrollbar: {
scrollbarHeight: 36,
color: '#888888',
gridColor: '#bbbbbb'
legend: {
marginLeft: 110,
useGraphSettings: true,
valueAlign: 'right',
valueWidth: 60,
spacing: 64,
valueFunction: function(item, formatted) {
if (item.dataContext) {
var g = item.graph;
if (g.id === 'g-block-size' && item.dataContext.AvgBlockSize > 0) {
return g.balloonText.replace('[[AvgBlockSize]]', (Math.round((item.dataContext.AvgBlockSize / 1000) * 100)/100).toFixed(2) );
if (g.id === 'g-price' && item.dataContext.AvgUSD) {
return g.balloonText.replace('[[AvgUSD]]', item.dataContext.AvgUSD.toFixed(2));
return formatted;
export: {
enabled: true,
fileName: 'lbry-block-size-chart',
position: 'bottom-right',
divId: 'chart-export'
var loadChartData = function(dataPeriod) {
var loadProgress = $('.block-size-chart-container .load-progress');
// clear previous chart data
url: '/api/v1/charts/blocksize/' + dataPeriod,
type: 'get',
dataType: 'json',
beforeSend: function() {
chartLoadInProgress = true;
loadProgress.css({ display: 'block' });
success: function(response) {
if (response.success) {
chartData = [];
var data = response.data;
for (var period in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(period)) {
date: Date.parse(period),
AvgBlockSize: data[period].AvgBlockSize,
AvgUSD: data[period].AvgUSD
// save selcted period to localStorage
localStorage.setItem('chartPeriod', dataPeriod);
if (chart) {
var isHourly = (dataPeriod.indexOf('h') > -1);
var gridCount = periodGridCounts[dataPeriod];
chart.categoryAxis.minPeriod = isHourly ? 'hh' : 'DD';
chart.categoryAxis.dateFormats[4].format = isHourly ? 'DD MMM' : 'DD';
chart.chartCursor.categoryBalloonDateFormat = isHourly ? 'D MMM HH:NN ' : 'D MMM YYYY';
chart.categoryAxis.gridCount = gridCount;
chart.chartScrollbar.gridCount = gridCount;
chart.dataProvider = chartData;
complete: function() {
chartLoadInProgress = false;
loadProgress.css({ display: 'none' });
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.block-size-data-links a').on('click', function(evt) {
if (chartLoadInProgress) {
var link = $(this);
if (link.hasClass('active')) {
var period = link.attr('data-period');
$('a[data-period="' + defaultPeriod + '"]').addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active');