Chainquery integration #49
2 changed files with 9 additions and 222 deletions
@ -152,82 +152,9 @@ if (strlen(trim($desc)) == 0) {
if ($idx % 3 == 0) {
$autoThumbText = $claim->getAutoThumbText();
$cost = '';
if (isset($claim->price) && $claim->price > 0) {
$cost = $this->Amount->formatCurrency($claim->price) . ' LBC';
} else if (isset($claim->fee) && strtolower($claim->fee_currency) === 'lbc') {
$cost = $this->Amount->formatCurrency($claim->Fee) . ' LBC';
// content type
$ctTag = $claim->getContentTag();
<div data-id="<?php echo $claim->claim_id ?>" class="claim-grid-item<?php if ($idx % 3 == 0): ?> last-item<?php endif; ?><?php if ($last_row): ?> last-row<?php endif; ?>">
<?php if (strlen(trim($cost)) > 0): ?>
<div class="price-tag"><?php echo $cost ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="tags">
<?php if ($ctTag): ?>
<div class="content-type"><?php echo strtoupper($ctTag) ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($claim->is_nsfw): ?>
<div class="nsfw">NSFW</div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div data-autothumb="<?php echo $autoThumbText ?>" class="thumbnail <?php echo $a[mt_rand(0, count($a) - 1)] ?>">
<?php if (!$claim->is_nsfw && strlen(trim($claim->thumbnail_url)) > 0): ?>
<img src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($claim->thumbnail_url) ?>" alt="" />
<?php else: ?>
<div class="autothumb"><?php echo $autoThumbText ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="metadata">
<div class="title" title="<?php echo $claim->claim_type == 1 ? $claim->name : ((strlen(trim($claim->title)) > 0) ? $claim->title : '') ?>"><?php echo $claim->claim_type == 1 ? $claim->name : ((strlen(trim($claim->title)) > 0) ? $claim->title : '<em>No Title</em>') ?></div>
<div class="link" title="<?php echo $claim->getLbryLink() ?>"><a href="<?php echo $claim->getLbryLink() ?>" rel="nofollow"><?php echo $claim->getLbryLink() ?></a></div>
<div class="desc"><?php echo strlen(trim($claim->description)) > 0 ? $claim->description : '<em>No description available</em>' ?></div>
<div class="label half-width">Transaction</div>
<div class="label half-width">Created</div>
<div class="value half-width"><a href="/tx/<?php echo $claim->transaction_hash_id ?>#output-<?php echo $claim->vout ?>" title="<?php echo $claim->transaction_hash_id ?>"><?php echo $claim->transaction_hash_id ?></a></div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo $claim->created_at->format('j M Y H:i:s') ?> UTC">
<?php echo \Carbon\Carbon::createFromTimestamp($claim->created_at->format('U'))->diffForHumans(); ?>
<div class="clear spacer"></div>
<?php if ($claim->claim_type == 2): ?>
<div class="label half-width">Content Type</div>
<div class="label half-width">Language</div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo $claim->content_type ?>"><?php echo $claim->content_type ?></div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo $claim->language == 'en' ? 'English' : $claim->language ?>"><?php echo $claim->language == 'en' ? 'English' : $claim->language ?></div>
<div class="clear spacer"></div>
<div class="label half-width">Author</div>
<div class="label half-width">License</div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo strlen(trim($claim->author)) > 0 ? $claim->author : '<em>Unspecified</em>' ?>"><?php echo strlen(trim($claim->author)) > 0 ? $claim->author : '<em>Unspecified</em>' ?></div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo strlen(trim($claim->License)) > 0 ? $claim->License : '' ?>">
<?php if (strlen(trim($claim->LicenseUrl)) > 0): ?><a href="<?php echo $claim->LicenseUrl ?>" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><?php endif; ?>
<?php echo strlen(trim($claim->License)) > 0 ? $claim->License : '<em>Unspecified</em>' ?>
<?php if (strlen(trim($claim->LicenseUrl))): ?></a><?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $idx++; endforeach; ?>
echo $this->element('claimbox', array('claim' => $claim));
endforeach; ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
@ -256,81 +183,9 @@ if (strlen(trim($desc)) == 0) {
if ($idx % 3 == 0) {
$autoThumbText = $claim->getAutoThumbText();
$cost = '';
if (isset($claim->price) && $claim->price > 0) {
$cost = $this->Amount->formatCurrency($claim->price) . ' LBC';
} else if (isset($claim->fee) && strtolower($claim->fee_currency) === 'lbc') {
$cost = $this->Amount->formatCurrency($claim->fee) . ' LBC';
// content type
$ctTag = $claim->getContentTag();
<div data-id="<?php echo $claim->claim_id ?>" class="claim-grid-item<?php if ($idx % 3 == 0): ?> last-item<?php endif; ?><?php if ($last_row): ?> last-row<?php endif; ?>">
<?php if (strlen(trim($cost)) > 0): ?>
<div class="price-tag"><?php echo $cost ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="tags">
<?php if ($ctTag): ?>
<div class="content-type"><?php echo strtoupper($ctTag) ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($claim->is_nsfw): ?>
<div class="nsfw">NSFW</div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div data-autothumb="<?php echo $autoThumbText ?>" class="thumbnail <?php echo $a[mt_rand(0, count($a) - 1)] ?>">
<?php if (!$claim->is_nsfw && strlen(trim($claim->thumbnail_url)) > 0): ?>
<img src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($claim->thumbnail_url) ?>" alt="" />
<?php else: ?>
<div class="autothumb"><?php echo $autoThumbText ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="metadata">
<div class="title" title="<?php echo $claim->claim_type == 1 ? $claim->name : ((strlen(trim($claim->title)) > 0) ? $claim->title : '') ?>"><?php echo $claim->claim_type == 1 ? $claim->name : ((strlen(trim($claim->title)) > 0) ? $claim->title : '<em>No Title</em>') ?></div>
<div class="link" title="<?php echo $claim->getLbryLink() ?>"><a href="<?php echo $claim->getLbryLink() ?>" rel="nofollow"><?php echo $claim->getLbryLink() ?></a></div>
<div class="desc"><?php echo strlen(trim($claim->description)) > 0 ? $claim->description : '<em>No description available</em>' ?></div>
<div class="label half-width">Transaction</div>
<div class="label half-width">Created</div>
<div class="value half-width"><a href="/tx/<?php echo $claim->transaction_hash_id ?>#output-<?php echo $claim->Vout ?>" title="<?php echo $claim->transaction_hash_id ?>"><?php echo $claim->transaction_hash_id ?></a></div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo $claim->created_at->format('j M Y H:i:s') ?> UTC">
<?php echo \Carbon\Carbon::createFromTimestamp($claim->transaction_time > 0 ? $claim->transaction_time : $claim->created_at->format('U'))->diffForHumans(); ?>
<div class="clear spacer"></div>
<?php if ($claim->claim_type == 2): ?>
<div class="label half-width">Content Type</div>
<div class="label half-width">Language</div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo $claim->content_type ?>"><?php echo $claim->content_type ?></div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo $claim->language == 'en' ? 'English' : $claim->language ?>"><?php echo $claim->language == 'en' ? 'English' : $claim->language ?></div>
<div class="clear spacer"></div>
<div class="label half-width">Author</div>
<div class="label half-width">License</div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo strlen(trim($claim->author)) > 0 ? $claim->author : '<em>Unspecified</em>' ?>"><?php echo strlen(trim($claim->author)) > 0 ? $claim->author : '<em>Unspecified</em>' ?></div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo strlen(trim($claim->License)) > 0 ? $claim->License : '' ?>">
<?php if (strlen(trim($claim->LicenseUrl)) > 0): ?><a href="<?php echo $claim->LicenseUrl ?>" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><?php endif; ?>
<?php echo strlen(trim($claim->License)) > 0 ? $claim->License : '<em>Unspecified</em>' ?>
<?php if (strlen(trim($claim->LicenseUrl))): ?></a><?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $idx++; endforeach; ?>
echo $this->element('claimbox', array('claim' => $claim));
endforeach; ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
@ -54,77 +54,9 @@
if ($idx % 3 == 0) {
$autoThumbText = $claim->getAutoThumbText();
$cost = '';
if (isset($claim->Price) && $claim->Price > 0) {
$cost = $this->Amount->formatCurrency($claim->Price) . ' LBC';
} else if (isset($claim->Fee) && strtolower($claim->FeeCurrency) === 'lbc') {
$cost = $this->Amount->formatCurrency($claim->Fee) . ' LBC';
// content type
$ctTag = $claim->getContentTag();
<div data-id="<?php echo $claim->ClaimId ?>" class="claim-grid-item<?php if ($idx % 3 == 0): ?> last-item<?php endif; ?><?php if ($last_row): ?> last-row<?php endif; ?>">
<?php if (strlen(trim($cost)) > 0): ?>
<div class="price-tag"><?php echo $cost ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="tags">
<?php if ($ctTag): ?>
<div class="content-type"><?php echo strtoupper($ctTag) ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($claim->IsNSFW): ?>
<div class="nsfw">NSFW</div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div data-autothumb="<?php echo $autoThumbText ?>" class="thumbnail <?php echo $a[mt_rand(0, count($a) - 1)] ?>">
<?php if (!$claim->IsNSFW && strlen(trim($claim->ThumbnailUrl)) > 0): ?>
<img src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($claim->ThumbnailUrl) ?>" alt="" />
<?php else: ?>
<div class="autothumb"><?php echo $autoThumbText ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="metadata">
<div class="title" title="<?php echo $claim->ClaimType == 1 ? $claim->Name : ((strlen(trim($claim->Title)) > 0) ? $claim->Title : '') ?>"><?php echo $claim->ClaimType == 1 ? $claim->Name : ((strlen(trim($claim->Title)) > 0) ? $claim->Title : '<em>No Title</em>') ?></div>
<div class="link" title="<?php echo $claim->getLbryLink() ?>"><a href="<?php echo $claim->getLbryLink() ?>" rel="nofollow"><?php echo $claim->getLbryLink() ?></a></div>
<div class="desc"><?php echo strlen(trim($claim->Description)) > 0 ? $claim->Description : '<em>No description available</em>' ?></div>
<div class="label half-width">Transaction</div>
<div class="label half-width">Created</div>
<div class="value half-width"><a href="/tx/<?php echo $claim->TransactionHash ?>#output-<?php echo $claim->Vout ?>" title="<?php echo $claim->TransactionHash ?>"><?php echo $claim->TransactionHash ?></a></div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo $claim->Created->format('j M Y H:i:s') ?> UTC">
<?php echo \Carbon\Carbon::createFromTimestamp($claim->Created->format('U'))->diffForHumans(); ?>
<div class="clear spacer"></div>
<?php if ($claim->ClaimType == 2): ?>
<div class="label half-width">Content Type</div>
<div class="label half-width">Language</div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo $claim->ContentType ?>"><?php echo $claim->ContentType ?></div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo $claim->Language == 'en' ? 'English' : $claim->Language ?>"><?php echo $claim->Language == 'en' ? 'English' : $claim->Language ?></div>
<div class="clear spacer"></div>
<div class="label half-width">Author</div>
<div class="label half-width">License</div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo strlen(trim($claim->Author)) > 0 ? $claim->Author : '<em>Unspecified</em>' ?>"><?php echo strlen(trim($claim->Author)) > 0 ? $claim->Author : '<em>Unspecified</em>' ?></div>
<div class="value half-width" title="<?php echo strlen(trim($claim->License)) > 0 ? $claim->License : '' ?>">
<?php if (strlen(trim($claim->LicenseUrl)) > 0): ?><a href="<?php echo $claim->LicenseUrl ?>" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><?php endif; ?>
<?php echo strlen(trim($claim->License)) > 0 ? $claim->License : '<em>Unspecified</em>' ?>
<?php if (strlen(trim($claim->LicenseUrl))): ?></a><?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $idx++; endforeach; ?>
echo $this->element('claimbox', array('claim' => $claim));
endforeach; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="no-results">No results were found.</div>
<?php endif; ?>
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