ios: correctly unlock the keychain, to be able to remotely sign the app

This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Virbel 2013-01-25 12:57:49 +01:00
parent 3318ca9f66
commit 17cc24ea87

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@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ iOS target, based on kivy-ios project. (not working yet.)
import plistlib
from buildozer import BuildozerCommandException
from import Target
from os.path import join, basename
from getpass import getpass
class TargetIos(Target):
@ -67,6 +69,8 @@ class TargetIos(Target):
return package.lower()
def build_package(self):
# create the project
app_name = self.buildozer.namify(self.buildozer.config.get('app', 'title'))
@ -208,10 +212,100 @@ class TargetIos(Target):
def check_configuration_tokens(self):
errors = []
if not self.buildozer.config.getdefault('app', 'ios.codesign.debug'):
errors.append('[app] "ios.codesign.debug" key missing, you must give a certificate name to use.')
config = self.buildozer.config
identity_debug = config.getdefault('app', 'ios.codesign.debug', '')
identity_release = config.getdefault('app', 'ios.codesign.release',
available_identities = self._get_available_identities()
if not identity_debug:
errors.append('[app] "ios.codesign.debug" key missing, '
'you must give a certificate name to use.')
elif identity_debug not in available_identities:
errors.append('[app] identity {} not found. '
'Check with list_identities'.format(identity_debug))
if not identity_release:
errors.append('[app] "ios.codesign.release" key missing, '
'you must give a certificate name to use.')
elif identity_release not in available_identities:
errors.append('[app] identity "{}" not found. '
'Check with list_identities'.format(identity_release))
super(TargetIos, self).check_configuration_tokens(errors)
def cmd_list_identities(self, *args):
'''List the available identities to use for signing.
identities = self._get_available_identities()
print('Available identities:')
for x in identities:
print(' - {}'.format(x))
def _get_available_identities(self):
output = self.buildozer.cmd('security find-identity -v -p codesigning',
lines = output.splitlines()[:-1]
lines = ['"{}"'.format(x.split('"')[1]) for x in lines]
return lines
def _unlock_keychain(self):
password_file = join(self.buildozer.buildozer_dir, '.ioscodesign')
password = None
if self.buildozer.file_exists(password_file):
with open(password_file) as fd:
password =
if not password:
# no password available, try to unlock anyway...
error = self.buildozer.cmd('security unlock-keychain -u',
if not error:
# password available, try to unlock
error = self.buildozer.cmd('security unlock-keychain -p {}'.format(
password), break_on_error=False, sensible=True)[2]
if not error:
# we need the password to unlock.
correct = False
attempt = 3
while attempt:
attempt -= 1
password = getpass('Password to unlock the default keychain:')
error = self.buildozer.cmd('security unlock-keychain -p "{}"'.format(
password), break_on_error=False, sensible=True)[2]
if not error:
correct = True
self.error('Invalid keychain password')
if not correct:
self.error('Unable to unlock the keychain, exiting.')
raise BuildozerCommandException()
# maybe user want to save it for further reuse?
'The keychain password can be saved in the build directory\n'
'As soon as the build directory will be cleaned, '
'the password will be erased.')
save = None
while save is None:
q = raw_input('Do you want to save the password (Y/n): ')
if q in ('', 'Y'):
save = True
elif q == 'n':
save = False
print('Invalid answer!')
if save:
with open(password_file, 'wb') as fd:
def get_target(buildozer):
return TargetIos(buildozer)