Alexej Kubarev 7421e2d7b4
Adding support for OnDelete callback function
OnDelete will receive an item that is being processed for deletion to support calling cleanup function specific to the item stored
2018-07-16 18:20:17 +02:00

104 lines
3.2 KiB

package ccache
type Configuration struct {
maxSize int64
buckets int
itemsToPrune int
deleteBuffer int
promoteBuffer int
getsPerPromote int32
tracking bool
onDelete func(item *Item)
// Creates a configuration object with sensible defaults
// Use this as the start of the fluent configuration:
// e.g.: ccache.New(ccache.Configure().MaxSize(10000))
func Configure() *Configuration {
return &Configuration{
buckets: 16,
itemsToPrune: 500,
deleteBuffer: 1024,
getsPerPromote: 3,
promoteBuffer: 1024,
maxSize: 5000,
tracking: false,
// The max size for the cache
// [5000]
func (c *Configuration) MaxSize(max int64) *Configuration {
c.maxSize = max
return c
// Keys are hashed into % bucket count to provide greater concurrency (every set
// requires a write lock on the bucket). Must be a power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...)
// [16]
func (c *Configuration) Buckets(count uint32) *Configuration {
if count == 0 || ((count&(^count+1)) == count) == false {
count = 16
c.buckets = int(count)
return c
// The number of items to prune when memory is low
// [500]
func (c *Configuration) ItemsToPrune(count uint32) *Configuration {
c.itemsToPrune = int(count)
return c
// The size of the queue for items which should be promoted. If the queue fills
// up, promotions are skipped
// [1024]
func (c *Configuration) PromoteBuffer(size uint32) *Configuration {
c.promoteBuffer = int(size)
return c
// The size of the queue for items which should be deleted. If the queue fills
// up, calls to Delete() will block
func (c *Configuration) DeleteBuffer(size uint32) *Configuration {
c.deleteBuffer = int(size)
return c
// Give a large cache with a high read / write ratio, it's usually unnecessary
// to promote an item on every Get. GetsPerPromote specifies the number of Gets
// a key must have before being promoted
// [3]
func (c *Configuration) GetsPerPromote(count int32) *Configuration {
c.getsPerPromote = count
return c
// Typically, a cache is agnostic about how cached values are use. This is fine
// for a typical cache usage, where you fetch an item from the cache, do something
// (write it out) and nothing else.
// However, if callers are going to keep a reference to a cached item for a long
// time, things get messy. Specifically, the cache can evict the item, while
// references still exist. Technically, this isn't an issue. However, if you reload
// the item back into the cache, you end up with 2 objects representing the same
// data. This is a waste of space and could lead to weird behavior (the type an
// identity map is meant to solve).
// By turning tracking on and using the cache's TrackingGet, the cache
// won't evict items which you haven't called Release() on. It's a simple reference
// counter.
func (c *Configuration) Track() *Configuration {
c.tracking = true
return c
// OnDelete allows setting a callback function to react to ideam deletion.
// This typically allows to do a cleanup of resources, such as calling a Close() on
// cached object that require some kind of tear-down.
func (c *Configuration) OnDelete(callback func(item *Item)) *Configuration {
c.onDelete = callback
return c