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secondarycache.go | ||
secondarycache_test.go |
CCache is an LRU Cache, written in Go, focused on supporting high concurrency.
Lock contention on the list is reduced by:
- Introducing a window which limits the frequency that an item can get promoted
- Using a buffered channel to queue promotions for a single worker
- Garbage collecting within the same thread as the worker
Unless otherwise stated, all methods are thread-safe.
First, download the project:
go get github.com/karlseguin/ccache
Next, import and create a Cache
import (
var cache = ccache.New(ccache.Configure())
exposes a chainable API:
var cache = ccache.New(ccache.Configure().MaxSize(1000).ItemsToPrune(100))
The most likely configuration options to tweak are:
- the maximum number size to store in the cache (default: 5000)GetsPerPromote(int)
- the number of times an item is fetched before we promote it. For large caches with long TTLs, it normally isn't necessary to promote an item after every fetch (default: 3)ItemsToPrune(int)
- the number of items to prune when we hitMaxSize
. Freeing up more than 1 slot at a time improved performance (default: 500)
Configurations that change the internals of the cache, which aren't as likely to need tweaking:
- ccache shards its internal map to provide a greater amount of concurrency. Must be a power of 2 (default: 16).PromoteBuffer(int)
- the size of the buffer to use to queue promotions (default: 1024)DeleteBuffer(int)
the size of the buffer to use to queue deletions (default: 1024)
Once the cache is setup, you can Get
, Set
and Delete
items from it. A Get
returns an *Item
item := cache.Get("user:4")
if item == nil {
} else {
user := item.Value().(*User)
The returned *Item
exposes a number of methods:
Value() interface{}
- the value cachedExpired() bool
- whether the item is expired or notTTL() time.Duration
- the duration before the item expires (will be a negative value for expired items)Expires() time.Time
- the time the item will expire
By returning expired items, CCache lets you decide if you want to serve stale content or not. For example, you might decide to serve up slightly stale content (< 30 seconds old) while re-fetching newer data in the background. You might also decide to serve up infinitely stale content if you're unable to get new data from your source.
expects the key, value and ttl:
cache.Set("user:4", user, time.Minute * 10)
There's also a Fetch
which mixes a Get
and a Set
item, err := cache.Fetch("user:4", time.Minute * 10, func() (interface{}, error) {
//code to fetch the data incase of a miss
//should return the data to cache and the error, if any
expects the key to delete. It's ok to call Delete
on a non-existant key:
clears the cache. This method is not thread safe. It is meant to be used from tests.
The life of an item can be changed via the Extend
method. This will change the expiry of the item by the specified duration relative to the current time.
The value of an item can be updated to a new value without renewing the item's TTL or it's position in the LRU:
cache.Replace("user:4", user)
returns true if the item existed (and thus was replaced). In the case where the key was not in the cache, the value is not inserted and false is returned.
The cache's background worker can be stopped by calling Stop
. Once Stop
is called
the cache should not be used (calls are likely to panic). Stop must be called in order to allow the garbage collector to reap the cache.
CCache supports a special tracking mode which is meant to be used in conjunction with other pieces of your code that maintains a long-lived reference to data.
When you configure your cache with Track()
cache = ccache.New(ccache.Configure().Track())
The items retrieved via TrackingGet
will not be eligible for purge until Release
is called on them:
item := cache.TrackingGet("user:4")
user := item.Value() //will be nil if "user:4" didn't exist in the cache
item.Release() //can be called even if item.Value() returned nil
In practice, Release
wouldn't be called until later, at some other place in your code.
There's a couple reason to use the tracking mode if other parts of your code also hold references to objects. First, if you're already going to hold a reference to these objects, there's really no reason not to have them in the cache - the memory is used up anyways.
More important, it helps ensure that your code returns consistent data. With tracking, "user:4" might be purged, and a subsequent Fetch
would reload the data. This can result in different versions of "user:4" being returned by different parts of your system.
CCache's LayeredCache
stores and retrieves values by both a primary and secondary key. Deletion can happen against either the primary and secondary key, or the primary key only (removing all values that share the same primary key).
is useful for HTTP caching, when you want to purge all variations of a request.
takes the same configuration object as the main cache, exposes the same optional tracking capabilities, but exposes a slightly different API:
cache := ccache.Layered(ccache.Configure())
cache.Set("/users/goku", "type:json", "{value_to_cache}", time.Minute * 5)
cache.Set("/users/goku", "type:xml", "<value_to_cache>", time.Minute * 5)
json := cache.Get("/users/goku", "type:json")
xml := cache.Get("/users/goku", "type:xml")
cache.Delete("/users/goku", "type:json")
cache.Delete("/users/goku", "type:xml")
// OR
In some cases, when using a LayeredCache
, it may be desirable to always be acting on the secondary portion of the cache entry. This could be the case where the primary key is used as a key elsewhere in your code. The SecondaryCache
is retrieved with:
cache := ccache.Layered(ccache.Configure())
sCache := cache.GetOrCreateSecondaryCache("/users/goku")
sCache.Set("type:json", "{value_to_cache}", time.Minute * 5)
The semantics for interacting with the SecondaryCache
are exactly the same as for a regular Cache
. However, one difference is that Get
will not return nil, but will return an empty 'cache' for a non-existent primary key.
By default, items added to a cache have a size of 1. This means that if you configure MaxSize(10000)
, you'll be able to store 10000 items in the cache.
However, if the values you set into the cache have a method Size() int64
, this size will be used. Note that ccache has an overhead of ~350 bytes per entry, which isn't taken into account. In other words, given a filled up cache, with MaxSize(4096000)
and items that return a Size() int64
of 2048, we can expect to find 2000 items (4096000/2048) taking a total space of 4796000 bytes.
Want Something Simpler?
For a simpler cache, checkout out rcache