Alexej Kubarev 7421e2d7b4
Adding support for OnDelete callback function
OnDelete will receive an item that is being processed for deletion to support calling cleanup function specific to the item stored
2018-07-16 18:20:17 +02:00

231 lines
5 KiB

// An LRU cached aimed at high concurrency
package ccache
import (
type Cache struct {
list *list.List
size int64
buckets []*bucket
bucketMask uint32
deletables chan *Item
promotables chan *Item
donec chan struct{}
// Create a new cache with the specified configuration
// See ccache.Configure() for creating a configuration
func New(config *Configuration) *Cache {
c := &Cache{
list: list.New(),
Configuration: config,
bucketMask: uint32(config.buckets) - 1,
buckets: make([]*bucket, config.buckets),
for i := 0; i < int(config.buckets); i++ {
c.buckets[i] = &bucket{
lookup: make(map[string]*Item),
return c
// Get an item from the cache. Returns nil if the item wasn't found.
// This can return an expired item. Use item.Expired() to see if the item
// is expired and item.TTL() to see how long until the item expires (which
// will be negative for an already expired item).
func (c *Cache) Get(key string) *Item {
item := c.bucket(key).get(key)
if item == nil {
return nil
if item.expires > time.Now().UnixNano() {
return item
// Used when the cache was created with the Track() configuration option.
// Avoid otherwise
func (c *Cache) TrackingGet(key string) TrackedItem {
item := c.Get(key)
if item == nil {
return NilTracked
return item
// Set the value in the cache for the specified duration
func (c *Cache) Set(key string, value interface{}, duration time.Duration) {
c.set(key, value, duration)
// Replace the value if it exists, does not set if it doesn't.
// Returns true if the item existed an was replaced, false otherwise.
// Replace does not reset item's TTL
func (c *Cache) Replace(key string, value interface{}) bool {
item := c.bucket(key).get(key)
if item == nil {
return false
c.Set(key, value, item.TTL())
return true
// Attempts to get the value from the cache and calles fetch on a miss (missing
// or stale item). If fetch returns an error, no value is cached and the error
// is returned back to the caller.
func (c *Cache) Fetch(key string, duration time.Duration, fetch func() (interface{}, error)) (*Item, error) {
item := c.Get(key)
if item != nil && !item.Expired() {
return item, nil
value, err := fetch()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.set(key, value, duration), nil
// Remove the item from the cache, return true if the item was present, false otherwise.
func (c *Cache) Delete(key string) bool {
item := c.bucket(key).delete(key)
if item != nil {
c.deletables <- item
return true
return false
//this isn't thread safe. It's meant to be called from non-concurrent tests
func (c *Cache) Clear() {
for _, bucket := range c.buckets {
c.size = 0
c.list = list.New()
// Stops the background worker. Operations performed on the cache after Stop
// is called are likely to panic
func (c *Cache) Stop() {
func (c *Cache) restart() {
c.deletables = make(chan *Item, c.deleteBuffer)
c.promotables = make(chan *Item, c.promoteBuffer)
c.donec = make(chan struct{})
go c.worker()
func (c *Cache) deleteItem(bucket *bucket, item *Item) {
bucket.delete(item.key) //stop other GETs from getting it
c.deletables <- item
func (c *Cache) set(key string, value interface{}, duration time.Duration) *Item {
item, existing := c.bucket(key).set(key, value, duration)
if existing != nil {
c.deletables <- existing
return item
func (c *Cache) bucket(key string) *bucket {
h := fnv.New32a()
return c.buckets[h.Sum32()&c.bucketMask]
func (c *Cache) promote(item *Item) {
c.promotables <- item
func (c *Cache) worker() {
defer close(c.donec)
for {
select {
case item, ok := <-c.promotables:
if ok == false {
goto drain
if c.doPromote(item) && c.size > c.maxSize {
case item := <-c.deletables:
for {
select {
case item := <-c.deletables:
func (c *Cache) doDelete(item *Item) {
if item.element == nil {
item.promotions = -2
} else {
c.size -= item.size
if c.onDelete != nil {
func (c *Cache) doPromote(item *Item) bool {
//already deleted
if item.promotions == -2 {
return false
if item.element != nil { //not a new item
if item.shouldPromote(c.getsPerPromote) {
item.promotions = 0
return false
c.size += item.size
item.element = c.list.PushFront(item)
return true
func (c *Cache) gc() {
element := c.list.Back()
for i := 0; i < c.itemsToPrune; i++ {
if element == nil {
prev := element.Prev()
item := element.Value.(*Item)
if c.tracking == false || atomic.LoadInt32(&item.refCount) == 0 {
c.size -= item.size
item.promotions = -2
element = prev