claimnode: Add the example on the whitepaper as a testcase.

Note: all the test cases will be reworked to a more compact form.
This commit is contained in:
Tzu-Jung Lee 2018-07-11 12:40:13 -07:00
parent 5e642e642f
commit a5627ecfcc

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@ -65,6 +65,146 @@ func Test_calNodeHash(t *testing.T) {
// The example on the [whitepaper](
func Test_History0(t *testing.T) {
proportionalDelayFactor = 32
n := NewNode()
claimA, _ := n.AddClaim(*newOutPoint(1), 10) // Claim A
// Claim A for 10LBC is accepted. It is the first claim, so it immediately becomes active and controlling.
assert.Equal(t, claimA, n.BestClaim()) // A(10) is controlling.
n.AddClaim(*newOutPoint(2), 20) // Claim B
// Claim B for 20LBC is accepted. Its activation height is 1001+min(4032,floor(10011332))=1001+30=1031
assert.Equal(t, claimA, n.BestClaim()) // A(10) is controlling, B(20) is accepted.
n.AddSupport(*newOutPoint(1001), 14, claimA.ID) // Support X
// Support X for 14LBC for claim A is accepted. Since it is a support for the controlling claim, it activates immediately.
assert.Equal(t, claimA, n.BestClaim()) // A(10+14) is controlling, B(20) is accepted.
n.AddClaim(*newOutPoint(3), 50) // Claim C
// Claim C for 50LBC is accepted. The activation height is 1020+min(4032,floor(10201332))=1020+31=1051
assert.Equal(t, claimA, n.BestClaim()) // A(10+14) is controlling, B(20) is accepted, C(50) is accepted.
// Claim B activates. It has 20LBC, while claim A has 24LBC (10 original + 14 from support X). There is no takeover, and claim A remains controlling.
assert.Equal(t, claimA, n.BestClaim()) // A(10+14) is controlling, B(20) is active, C(50) is accepted.
claimD, _ := n.AddClaim(*newOutPoint(4), 300) // Claim D
// Claim D for 300LBC is accepted. The activation height is 1040+min(4032,floor(10401332))=1040+32=1072
assert.Equal(t, claimA, n.BestClaim()) //A(10+14) is controlling, B(20) is active, C(50) is accepted, D(300) is accepted.
// Claim C activates. It has 50LBC, while claim A has 24LBC, so a takeover is initiated.
// The takeover height for this name is set to 1051, and therefore the activation delay for all the claims becomes min(4032, floor(10511051/32)) = 0.
// All the claims become active.
// The totals for each claim are recalculated, and claim D becomes controlling because it has the highest total.
assert.Equal(t, claimD, n.BestClaim()) // A(10+14) is active, B(20) is active, C(50) is active, D(300) is controlling.
// The following are the corresponding commands in the CLI to reproduce the test.
// Note that when a Toakeover happens, the {TakeoverHeight, BestClaim(OutPoint:Indx)} is pushed to the BestClaims stack.
// This provides sufficient info to update and backtracking the BestClaim at any height.
// claimtrie > c -ht 12
// claimtrie > ac -a 10
// claimtrie > c -ht 13
// claimtrie > s
// <ClaimTrie Height 13>
// Hello : Height 13, 6f5970c9c13f00c77054d98e5b2c50b1a1bb723d91676cc03f984fac763ec6c3 BestClaims: {13, 31},
// C-2f9b2ca28b30c97122de584e8d784e784bc7bdfb43b3b4bf9de69fc31196571f:31 amt: 10 effamt: 10 accepted: 13 active: 13 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb <B>
// claimtrie > c -ht 1000
// claimtrie > ac -a 20
// claimtrie > c -ht 1001
// claimtrie > s
// <ClaimTrie Height 1001>
// Hello : Height 1000, 6f5970c9c13f00c77054d98e5b2c50b1a1bb723d91676cc03f984fac763ec6c3 BestClaims: {13, 31},
// C-2f9b2ca28b30c97122de584e8d784e784bc7bdfb43b3b4bf9de69fc31196571f:31 amt: 10 effamt: 10 accepted: 13 active: 13 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb <B>
// C-74fd7c15b445e7ac2de49a8058ad7dbb070ef31838345feff168dd40c2ef422e:46 amt: 20 effamt: 0 accepted: 1001 active: 1031 id: 2edc6338e9f3654f8b2b878817e029a2b2ecfa9e
// claimtrie > c -ht 1009
// claimtrie > as -a 14 -id ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb
// claimtrie > c -ht 1010
// claimtrie > s
// <ClaimTrie Height 1010>
// Hello : Height 1010, 6f5970c9c13f00c77054d98e5b2c50b1a1bb723d91676cc03f984fac763ec6c3 BestClaims: {13, 31},
// C-2f9b2ca28b30c97122de584e8d784e784bc7bdfb43b3b4bf9de69fc31196571f:31 amt: 10 effamt: 24 accepted: 13 active: 13 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb <B>
// C-74fd7c15b445e7ac2de49a8058ad7dbb070ef31838345feff168dd40c2ef422e:46 amt: 20 effamt: 0 accepted: 1001 active: 1031 id: 2edc6338e9f3654f8b2b878817e029a2b2ecfa9e
// S-087acb4f22ab6eb2e6c827624deab7beb02c190056376e0b3a3c3546b79bf216:22 amt: 14 accepted: 1010 active: 1010 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb
// claimtrie > c -ht 1019
// claimtrie > ac -a 50
// claimtrie > c -ht 1020
// claimtrie > s
// <ClaimTrie Height 1020>
// Hello : Height 1019, 6f5970c9c13f00c77054d98e5b2c50b1a1bb723d91676cc03f984fac763ec6c3 BestClaims: {13, 31},
// C-2f9b2ca28b30c97122de584e8d784e784bc7bdfb43b3b4bf9de69fc31196571f:31 amt: 10 effamt: 24 accepted: 13 active: 13 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb <B>
// C-74fd7c15b445e7ac2de49a8058ad7dbb070ef31838345feff168dd40c2ef422e:46 amt: 20 effamt: 0 accepted: 1001 active: 1031 id: 2edc6338e9f3654f8b2b878817e029a2b2ecfa9e
// C-864dc683ed1fbe3c072c2387bca7d74e60c2505f1987054fd70955a2e1c9490b:11 amt: 50 effamt: 0 accepted: 1020 active: 1051 id: 0f2ba15a5c66b978df4a27f52525680a6009185e
// S-087acb4f22ab6eb2e6c827624deab7beb02c190056376e0b3a3c3546b79bf216:22 amt: 14 accepted: 1010 active: 1010 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb
// claimtrie > c -ht 1031
// claimtrie > s
// <ClaimTrie Height 1031>
// Hello : Height 1031, 6f5970c9c13f00c77054d98e5b2c50b1a1bb723d91676cc03f984fac763ec6c3 BestClaims: {13, 31},
// C-2f9b2ca28b30c97122de584e8d784e784bc7bdfb43b3b4bf9de69fc31196571f:31 amt: 10 effamt: 24 accepted: 13 active: 13 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb <B>
// C-74fd7c15b445e7ac2de49a8058ad7dbb070ef31838345feff168dd40c2ef422e:46 amt: 20 effamt: 20 accepted: 1001 active: 1031 id: 2edc6338e9f3654f8b2b878817e029a2b2ecfa9e
// C-864dc683ed1fbe3c072c2387bca7d74e60c2505f1987054fd70955a2e1c9490b:11 amt: 50 effamt: 0 accepted: 1020 active: 1051 id: 0f2ba15a5c66b978df4a27f52525680a6009185e
// S-087acb4f22ab6eb2e6c827624deab7beb02c190056376e0b3a3c3546b79bf216:22 amt: 14 accepted: 1010 active: 1010 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb
// claimtrie > c -ht 1039
// claimtrie > ac -a 300
// claimtrie > c -ht 1040
// claimtrie > s
// <ClaimTrie Height 1040>
// Hello : Height 1039, 6f5970c9c13f00c77054d98e5b2c50b1a1bb723d91676cc03f984fac763ec6c3 BestClaims: {13, 31},
// C-2f9b2ca28b30c97122de584e8d784e784bc7bdfb43b3b4bf9de69fc31196571f:31 amt: 10 effamt: 24 accepted: 13 active: 13 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb <B>
// C-74fd7c15b445e7ac2de49a8058ad7dbb070ef31838345feff168dd40c2ef422e:46 amt: 20 effamt: 20 accepted: 1001 active: 1031 id: 2edc6338e9f3654f8b2b878817e029a2b2ecfa9e
// C-864dc683ed1fbe3c072c2387bca7d74e60c2505f1987054fd70955a2e1c9490b:11 amt: 50 effamt: 0 accepted: 1020 active: 1051 id: 0f2ba15a5c66b978df4a27f52525680a6009185e
// C-26292b27122d04d08fee4e4cc5a5f94681832204cc29d61039c09af9a5298d16:22 amt: 300 effamt: 0 accepted: 1040 active: 1072 id: 270496c0710e525156510e60e4be2ffa6fe2f507
// S-087acb4f22ab6eb2e6c827624deab7beb02c190056376e0b3a3c3546b79bf216:22 amt: 14 accepted: 1010 active: 1010 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb
// claimtrie > c -ht 1051
// claimtrie > s
// <ClaimTrie Height 1051>
// Hello : Height 1051, 68dff86c9450e3cf96570f31b6ad8f8d35ae0cbce6cdcb3761910e25a815ee8b BestClaims: {13, 31}, {1051, 22},
// C-2f9b2ca28b30c97122de584e8d784e784bc7bdfb43b3b4bf9de69fc31196571f:31 amt: 10 effamt: 24 accepted: 13 active: 13 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb
// C-74fd7c15b445e7ac2de49a8058ad7dbb070ef31838345feff168dd40c2ef422e:46 amt: 20 effamt: 20 accepted: 1001 active: 1001 id: 2edc6338e9f3654f8b2b878817e029a2b2ecfa9e
// C-864dc683ed1fbe3c072c2387bca7d74e60c2505f1987054fd70955a2e1c9490b:11 amt: 50 effamt: 50 accepted: 1020 active: 1020 id: 0f2ba15a5c66b978df4a27f52525680a6009185e
// C-26292b27122d04d08fee4e4cc5a5f94681832204cc29d61039c09af9a5298d16:22 amt: 300 effamt: 300 accepted: 1040 active: 1040 id: 270496c0710e525156510e60e4be2ffa6fe2f507 <B>
// S-087acb4f22ab6eb2e6c827624deab7beb02c190056376e0b3a3c3546b79bf216:22 amt: 14 accepted: 1010 active: 1010 id: ae8b3adc8c8b378c76eae12edf3878357b31c0eb
var c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10 *claim.Claim
var s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10 *claim.Support
@ -279,6 +419,7 @@ func Test_History1(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, c2, n.BestClaim())
tests := []func(){