Jeffrey Picard 5387aeeebe Most of federation is written, need to finish udp and test
Cleanup, more reorg, more arguments, started adding tests
Comments and another test
Simplify writing of peers and add unit test
2021-10-29 16:56:36 -04:00

269 lines
7.4 KiB

package server
import (
pb "github.com/lbryio/hub/protobuf/go"
type Server struct {
GrpcServer *grpc.Server
Args *Args
MultiSpaceRe *regexp.Regexp
WeirdCharsRe *regexp.Regexp
EsClient *elastic.Client
Servers map[string]*FederatedServer
QueryCache *ttlcache.Cache
S256 *hash.Hash
LastRefreshCheck time.Time
RefreshDelta time.Duration
NumESRefreshes int64
PeerSubs sync.Map
peerChannel chan *peerAddMsg
func getVersion() string {
return meta.Version
// MakeHubServer takes the arguments given to a hub when it's started and
// initializes everything. It loads information about previously known peers,
// creates needed internal data structures, and initializes goroutines.
func MakeHubServer(ctx context.Context, args *Args) *Server {
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(grpc.NumStreamWorkers(10))
peerChannel := make(chan *peerAddMsg)
multiSpaceRe, err := regexp.Compile(`\s{2,}`)
if err != nil {
weirdCharsRe, err := regexp.Compile("[#!~]")
if err != nil {
servers := loadPeers(args)
var client *elastic.Client
if !args.DisableEs {
esUrl := args.EsHost + ":" + args.EsPort
opts := []elastic.ClientOptionFunc{
elastic.SetSnifferTimeoutStartup(time.Second * 60),
elastic.SetSnifferTimeout(time.Second * 60),
if args.Debug {
opts = append(opts, elastic.SetTraceLog(log.New(os.Stderr, "[[ELASTIC]]", 0)))
client, err = elastic.NewClient(opts...)
if err != nil {
} else {
client = nil
cache := ttlcache.NewCache()
err = cache.SetTTL(time.Duration(args.CacheTTL) * time.Minute)
if err != nil {
s256 := sha256.New()
var refreshDelta = time.Second * time.Duration(args.RefreshDelta)
if args.Debug {
refreshDelta = time.Second * 0
s := &Server{
GrpcServer: grpcServer,
Args: args,
MultiSpaceRe: multiSpaceRe,
WeirdCharsRe: weirdCharsRe,
EsClient: client,
QueryCache: cache,
S256: &s256,
LastRefreshCheck: time.Now(),
RefreshDelta: refreshDelta,
NumESRefreshes: 0,
Servers: servers,
PeerSubs: sync.Map{},
peerChannel: peerChannel,
// Start up our background services
if args.StartPeerAdder {
go s.peerAdder(ctx)
if args.StartPrometheus {
go s.prometheusEndpoint(s.Args.PrometheusPort, "metrics")
if args.StartUDP {
go func() {
err := UDPServer(args)
if err != nil {
log.Println("UDP Server failed!", err)
return s
// prometheusEndpoint is a goroutine which start up a prometheus endpoint
// for this hub to allow for metric tracking.
func (s *Server) prometheusEndpoint(port string, endpoint string) {
http.Handle("/"+endpoint, promhttp.Handler())
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("listening on :%s /%s", port, endpoint))
err := http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, nil)
log.Fatalln("Shouldn't happen??!?!", err)
// Hello is a grpc endpoint to allow another hub to tell us about itself.
// The passed message includes information about the other hub, and all
// of its peers which are added to the knowledge of this hub.
func (s *Server) Hello(ctx context.Context, args *pb.HelloMessage) (*pb.HelloMessage, error) {
port := args.Port
host := args.Host
server := &FederatedServer{
Address: host,
Port: port,
Ts: time.Now(),
s.addPeer(&pb.ServerMessage{Address: host, Port: port}, false)
return s.makeHelloMessage(), nil
// PeerSubscribe adds a peer hub to the list of subscribers to update about
// new peers.
func (s *Server) PeerSubscribe(ctx context.Context, in *pb.ServerMessage) (*pb.StringValue, error) {
peer := &FederatedServer{
Address: in.Address,
Port: in.Port,
Ts: time.Now(),
s.PeerSubs.Store(peerKey(in), peer)
return &pb.StringValue{Value: "Success"}, nil
// PeerSubscribeStreaming is a streaming grpc endpoint that allows another hub to
// subscribe to this hub for peer updates. This first loops through all the
// peers that this hub knows about and sends them to the connecting hub,
// it then stores the peer, along with a channel to indicate when it's finished
// and it's stream context in our map of peer subs. Finally, it waits on the
// context to finish, or a message in the done channel. This function cannot
// exit while the peer is subscribe or the context will die. Communicating with
// the peer is handled by the peerAdder goroutine in federation.go, which
// listens on a channel of new peers and notifies all our connected peers when
// we find out about a new one.
func (s *Server) PeerSubscribeStreaming(in *pb.ServerMessage, stream pb.Hub_PeerSubscribeStreamingServer) error {
for _, server := range s.Servers {
err := stream.Send(&pb.ServerMessage{
Address: server.Address,
Port: server.Port,
if err != nil {
return err
done := make(chan bool)
ctx := stream.Context()
s.PeerSubs.Store(peerKey(in), &sub{stream: stream, done: done})
for {
select {
case <-done:
log.Println("Removing client:", in)
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Println("Client disconnected: ", in)
return nil
// AddPeer is a grpc endpoint to tell this hub about another hub in the network.
func (s *Server) AddPeer(ctx context.Context, args *pb.ServerMessage) (*pb.StringValue, error) {
s.addPeer(args, true)
return &pb.StringValue{Value: "Success!"}, nil
// Ping is a grpc endpoint that returns a short message.
func (s *Server) Ping(ctx context.Context, args *pb.EmptyMessage) (*pb.StringValue, error) {
metrics.RequestsCount.With(prometheus.Labels{"method": "ping"}).Inc()
return &pb.StringValue{Value: "Hello, world!"}, nil
// Version is a grpc endpoint to get this hub's version.
func (s *Server) Version(ctx context.Context, args *pb.EmptyMessage) (*pb.StringValue, error) {
metrics.RequestsCount.With(prometheus.Labels{"method": "version"}).Inc()
return &pb.StringValue{Value: getVersion()}, nil