* changes for repo move * Go back to protobuf 1.27.1, update go to 1.18 * update readme for new rocksdb version
1051 lines
26 KiB
Protocol Buffer
1051 lines
26 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "github.com/lbryio/herald/protobuf/go/pb";
package pb;
message Claim {
oneof type {
Stream stream = 1;
Channel channel = 2;
ClaimList collection = 3;
ClaimReference repost = 4;
string title = 8;
string description = 9;
Source thumbnail = 10;
repeated string tags = 11;
repeated Language languages = 12;
repeated Location locations = 13;
message Stream {
Source source = 1;
string author = 2;
string license = 3;
string license_url = 4;
int64 release_time = 5; // seconds since UNIX epoch
Fee fee = 6;
oneof type {
Image image = 10;
Video video = 11;
Audio audio = 12;
Software software = 13;
message Channel {
bytes public_key = 1;
string email = 2;
string website_url = 3;
Source cover = 4;
ClaimList featured = 5;
message ClaimReference {
bytes claim_hash = 1;
message ClaimList {
enum ListType {
COLLECTION = 0; // play lists, etc
DERIVATION = 2; // movie in multiple languages, software for different OSes
ListType list_type = 1;
repeated ClaimReference claim_references = 2;
message Source {
bytes hash = 1; // SHA-384 hash of the entire unencrypted file
string name = 2;
uint64 size = 3;
string media_type = 4;
string url = 5;
bytes sd_hash = 6; // SHA-384 hash of the streams manifest blob
bytes bt_infohash = 7; // 20-byte SHA1 hash used to reference a torrent file
message Fee {
enum Currency {
LBC = 1;
BTC = 2;
USD = 3;
Currency currency = 1;
bytes address = 2;
uint64 amount = 3; // deweys for LBC/BTC, cents for USD
message Image {
uint32 width = 1;
uint32 height = 2;
message Video {
uint32 width = 1;
uint32 height = 2;
uint32 duration = 3;
Audio audio = 15;
message Audio {
uint32 duration = 1;
message Software {
enum OS {
ANY = 1;
LINUX = 2;
MAC = 4;
IOS = 6;
string os = 1;
// RFC 5646
message Language {
Language language = 1;
Script script = 2;
Location.Country region = 3;
// ISO 639-1
enum Language {
en = 1;
aa = 2;
ab = 3;
ae = 4;
af = 5;
ak = 6;
am = 7;
an = 8;
ar = 9;
as = 10;
av = 11;
ay = 12;
az = 13;
ba = 14;
be = 15;
bg = 16;
bh = 17;
bi = 18;
bm = 19;
bn = 20;
bo = 21;
br = 22;
bs = 23;
ca = 24;
ce = 25;
ch = 26;
co = 27;
cr = 28;
cs = 29;
cu = 30;
cv = 31;
cy = 32;
da = 33;
de = 34;
dv = 35;
dz = 36;
ee = 37;
el = 38;
eo = 39;
es = 40;
et = 41;
eu = 42;
fa = 43;
ff = 44;
fi = 45;
fj = 46;
fo = 47;
fr = 48;
fy = 49;
ga = 50;
gd = 51;
gl = 52;
gn = 53;
gu = 54;
gv = 55;
ha = 56;
he = 57;
hi = 58;
ho = 59;
hr = 60;
ht = 61;
hu = 62;
hy = 63;
hz = 64;
ia = 65;
id = 66;
ie = 67;
ig = 68;
ii = 69;
ik = 70;
io = 71;
is = 72;
it = 73;
iu = 74;
ja = 75;
jv = 76;
ka = 77;
kg = 78;
ki = 79;
kj = 80;
kk = 81;
kl = 82;
km = 83;
kn = 84;
ko = 85;
kr = 86;
ks = 87;
ku = 88;
kv = 89;
kw = 90;
ky = 91;
la = 92;
lb = 93;
lg = 94;
li = 95;
ln = 96;
lo = 97;
lt = 98;
lu = 99;
lv = 100;
mg = 101;
mh = 102;
mi = 103;
mk = 104;
ml = 105;
mn = 106;
mr = 107;
ms = 108;
mt = 109;
my = 110;
na = 111;
nb = 112;
nd = 113;
ne = 114;
ng = 115;
nl = 116;
nn = 117;
no = 118;
nr = 119;
nv = 120;
ny = 121;
oc = 122;
oj = 123;
om = 124;
or = 125;
os = 126;
pa = 127;
pi = 128;
pl = 129;
ps = 130;
pt = 131;
qu = 132;
rm = 133;
rn = 134;
ro = 135;
ru = 136;
rw = 137;
sa = 138;
sc = 139;
sd = 140;
se = 141;
sg = 142;
si = 143;
sk = 144;
sl = 145;
sm = 146;
sn = 147;
so = 148;
sq = 149;
sr = 150;
ss = 151;
st = 152;
su = 153;
sv = 154;
sw = 155;
ta = 156;
te = 157;
tg = 158;
th = 159;
ti = 160;
tk = 161;
tl = 162;
tn = 163;
to = 164;
tr = 165;
ts = 166;
tt = 167;
tw = 168;
ty = 169;
ug = 170;
uk = 171;
ur = 172;
uz = 173;
ve = 174;
vi = 175;
vo = 176;
wa = 177;
wo = 178;
xh = 179;
yi = 180;
yo = 181;
za = 182;
zh = 183;
zu = 184;
// ISO 15924
enum Script {
Adlm = 1;
Afak = 2;
Aghb = 3;
Ahom = 4;
Arab = 5;
Aran = 6;
Armi = 7;
Armn = 8;
Avst = 9;
Bali = 10;
Bamu = 11;
Bass = 12;
Batk = 13;
Beng = 14;
Bhks = 15;
Blis = 16;
Bopo = 17;
Brah = 18;
Brai = 19;
Bugi = 20;
Buhd = 21;
Cakm = 22;
Cans = 23;
Cari = 24;
Cham = 25;
Cher = 26;
Cirt = 27;
Copt = 28;
Cpmn = 29;
Cprt = 30;
Cyrl = 31;
Cyrs = 32;
Deva = 33;
Dogr = 34;
Dsrt = 35;
Dupl = 36;
Egyd = 37;
Egyh = 38;
Egyp = 39;
Elba = 40;
Elym = 41;
Ethi = 42;
Geok = 43;
Geor = 44;
Glag = 45;
Gong = 46;
Gonm = 47;
Goth = 48;
Gran = 49;
Grek = 50;
Gujr = 51;
Guru = 52;
Hanb = 53;
Hang = 54;
Hani = 55;
Hano = 56;
Hans = 57;
Hant = 58;
Hatr = 59;
Hebr = 60;
Hira = 61;
Hluw = 62;
Hmng = 63;
Hmnp = 64;
Hrkt = 65;
Hung = 66;
Inds = 67;
Ital = 68;
Jamo = 69;
Java = 70;
Jpan = 71;
Jurc = 72;
Kali = 73;
Kana = 74;
Khar = 75;
Khmr = 76;
Khoj = 77;
Kitl = 78;
Kits = 79;
Knda = 80;
Kore = 81;
Kpel = 82;
Kthi = 83;
Lana = 84;
Laoo = 85;
Latf = 86;
Latg = 87;
Latn = 88;
Leke = 89;
Lepc = 90;
Limb = 91;
Lina = 92;
Linb = 93;
Lisu = 94;
Loma = 95;
Lyci = 96;
Lydi = 97;
Mahj = 98;
Maka = 99;
Mand = 100;
Mani = 101;
Marc = 102;
Maya = 103;
Medf = 104;
Mend = 105;
Merc = 106;
Mero = 107;
Mlym = 108;
Modi = 109;
Mong = 110;
Moon = 111;
Mroo = 112;
Mtei = 113;
Mult = 114;
Mymr = 115;
Nand = 116;
Narb = 117;
Nbat = 118;
Newa = 119;
Nkdb = 120;
Nkgb = 121;
Nkoo = 122;
Nshu = 123;
Ogam = 124;
Olck = 125;
Orkh = 126;
Orya = 127;
Osge = 128;
Osma = 129;
Palm = 130;
Pauc = 131;
Perm = 132;
Phag = 133;
Phli = 134;
Phlp = 135;
Phlv = 136;
Phnx = 137;
Plrd = 138;
Piqd = 139;
Prti = 140;
Qaaa = 141;
Qabx = 142;
Rjng = 143;
Rohg = 144;
Roro = 145;
Runr = 146;
Samr = 147;
Sara = 148;
Sarb = 149;
Saur = 150;
Sgnw = 151;
Shaw = 152;
Shrd = 153;
Shui = 154;
Sidd = 155;
Sind = 156;
Sinh = 157;
Sogd = 158;
Sogo = 159;
Sora = 160;
Soyo = 161;
Sund = 162;
Sylo = 163;
Syrc = 164;
Syre = 165;
Syrj = 166;
Syrn = 167;
Tagb = 168;
Takr = 169;
Tale = 170;
Talu = 171;
Taml = 172;
Tang = 173;
Tavt = 174;
Telu = 175;
Teng = 176;
Tfng = 177;
Tglg = 178;
Thaa = 179;
Thai = 180;
Tibt = 181;
Tirh = 182;
Ugar = 183;
Vaii = 184;
Visp = 185;
Wara = 186;
Wcho = 187;
Wole = 188;
Xpeo = 189;
Xsux = 190;
Yiii = 191;
Zanb = 192;
Zinh = 193;
Zmth = 194;
Zsye = 195;
Zsym = 196;
Zxxx = 197;
Zyyy = 198;
Zzzz = 199;
message Location {
Country country = 1;
string state = 2;
string city = 3;
string code = 4;
sint32 latitude = 5;
sint32 longitude = 6;
enum Country {
AF = 1;
AX = 2;
AL = 3;
DZ = 4;
AS = 5;
AD = 6;
AO = 7;
AI = 8;
AQ = 9;
AG = 10;
AR = 11;
AM = 12;
AW = 13;
AU = 14;
AT = 15;
AZ = 16;
BS = 17;
BH = 18;
BD = 19;
BB = 20;
BY = 21;
BE = 22;
BZ = 23;
BJ = 24;
BM = 25;
BT = 26;
BO = 27;
BQ = 28;
BA = 29;
BW = 30;
BV = 31;
BR = 32;
IO = 33;
BN = 34;
BG = 35;
BF = 36;
BI = 37;
KH = 38;
CM = 39;
CA = 40;
CV = 41;
KY = 42;
CF = 43;
TD = 44;
CL = 45;
CN = 46;
CX = 47;
CC = 48;
CO = 49;
KM = 50;
CG = 51;
CD = 52;
CK = 53;
CR = 54;
CI = 55;
HR = 56;
CU = 57;
CW = 58;
CY = 59;
CZ = 60;
DK = 61;
DJ = 62;
DM = 63;
DO = 64;
EC = 65;
EG = 66;
SV = 67;
GQ = 68;
ER = 69;
EE = 70;
ET = 71;
FK = 72;
FO = 73;
FJ = 74;
FI = 75;
FR = 76;
GF = 77;
PF = 78;
TF = 79;
GA = 80;
GM = 81;
GE = 82;
DE = 83;
GH = 84;
GI = 85;
GR = 86;
GL = 87;
GD = 88;
GP = 89;
GU = 90;
GT = 91;
GG = 92;
GN = 93;
GW = 94;
GY = 95;
HT = 96;
HM = 97;
VA = 98;
HN = 99;
HK = 100;
HU = 101;
IS = 102;
IN = 103;
ID = 104;
IR = 105;
IQ = 106;
IE = 107;
IM = 108;
IL = 109;
IT = 110;
JM = 111;
JP = 112;
JE = 113;
JO = 114;
KZ = 115;
KE = 116;
KI = 117;
KP = 118;
KR = 119;
KW = 120;
KG = 121;
LA = 122;
LV = 123;
LB = 124;
LS = 125;
LR = 126;
LY = 127;
LI = 128;
LT = 129;
LU = 130;
MO = 131;
MK = 132;
MG = 133;
MW = 134;
MY = 135;
MV = 136;
ML = 137;
MT = 138;
MH = 139;
MQ = 140;
MR = 141;
MU = 142;
YT = 143;
MX = 144;
FM = 145;
MD = 146;
MC = 147;
MN = 148;
ME = 149;
MS = 150;
MA = 151;
MZ = 152;
MM = 153;
NA = 154;
NR = 155;
NP = 156;
NL = 157;
NC = 158;
NZ = 159;
NI = 160;
NE = 161;
NG = 162;
NU = 163;
NF = 164;
MP = 165;
NO = 166;
OM = 167;
PK = 168;
PW = 169;
PS = 170;
PA = 171;
PG = 172;
PY = 173;
PE = 174;
PH = 175;
PN = 176;
PL = 177;
PT = 178;
PR = 179;
QA = 180;
RE = 181;
RO = 182;
RU = 183;
RW = 184;
BL = 185;
SH = 186;
KN = 187;
LC = 188;
MF = 189;
PM = 190;
VC = 191;
WS = 192;
SM = 193;
ST = 194;
SA = 195;
SN = 196;
RS = 197;
SC = 198;
SL = 199;
SG = 200;
SX = 201;
SK = 202;
SI = 203;
SB = 204;
SO = 205;
ZA = 206;
GS = 207;
SS = 208;
ES = 209;
LK = 210;
SD = 211;
SR = 212;
SJ = 213;
SZ = 214;
SE = 215;
CH = 216;
SY = 217;
TW = 218;
TJ = 219;
TZ = 220;
TH = 221;
TL = 222;
TG = 223;
TK = 224;
TO = 225;
TT = 226;
TN = 227;
TR = 228;
TM = 229;
TC = 230;
TV = 231;
UG = 232;
UA = 233;
AE = 234;
GB = 235;
US = 236;
UM = 237;
UY = 238;
UZ = 239;
VU = 240;
VE = 241;
VN = 242;
VG = 243;
VI = 244;
WF = 245;
EH = 246;
YE = 247;
ZM = 248;
ZW = 249;
// UN M.49 Geographic Regions
R001 = 250; // World
R002 = 251; // Africa
R015 = 252; // Northern Africa
R012 = 253; // Algeria DZA
R818 = 254; // Egypt EGY
R434 = 255; // Libya LBY
R504 = 256; // Morocco MAR
R729 = 257; // Sudan SDN LDC
R788 = 258; // Tunisia TUN
R732 = 259; // Western Sahara ESH
R202 = 260; // Sub-Saharan Africa
R014 = 261; // Eastern Africa
R086 = 262; // British Indian Ocean Territory IOT
R108 = 263; // Burundi BDI LDC LLDC
R174 = 264; // Comoros COM LDC SIDS
R262 = 265; // Djibouti DJI LDC
R232 = 266; // Eritrea ERI LDC
R231 = 267; // Ethiopia ETH LDC LLDC
R260 = 268; // French Southern Territories ATF
R404 = 269; // Kenya KEN
R450 = 270; // Madagascar MDG LDC
R454 = 271; // Malawi MWI LDC LLDC
R480 = 272; // Mauritius MUS SIDS
R175 = 273; // Mayotte MYT
R508 = 274; // Mozambique MOZ LDC
R638 = 275; // Réunion REU
R646 = 276; // Rwanda RWA LDC LLDC
R690 = 277; // Seychelles SYC SIDS
R706 = 278; // Somalia SOM LDC
R728 = 279; // South Sudan SSD LDC LLDC
R800 = 280; // Uganda UGA LDC LLDC
R834 = 281; // United Republic of Tanzania TZA LDC
R894 = 282; // Zambia ZMB LDC LLDC
R716 = 283; // Zimbabwe ZWE LLDC
R017 = 284; // Middle Africa
R024 = 285; // Angola AGO LDC
R120 = 286; // Cameroon CMR
R140 = 287; // Central African Republic CAF LDC LLDC
R148 = 288; // Chad TCD LDC LLDC
R178 = 289; // Congo COG
R180 = 290; // Democratic Republic of the Congo COD LDC
R226 = 291; // Equatorial Guinea GNQ
R266 = 292; // Gabon GAB
R678 = 293; // Sao Tome and Principe STP LDC SIDS
R018 = 294; // Southern Africa
R072 = 295; // Botswana BWA LLDC
R748 = 296; // Eswatini SWZ LLDC
R426 = 297; // Lesotho LSO LDC LLDC
R516 = 298; // Namibia NAM
R710 = 299; // South Africa ZAF
R011 = 300; // Western Africa
R204 = 301; // Benin BEN LDC
R854 = 302; // Burkina Faso BFA LDC LLDC
R132 = 303; // Cabo Verde CPV SIDS
R384 = 304; // Côte d’Ivoire CIV
R270 = 305; // Gambia GMB LDC
R288 = 306; // Ghana GHA
R324 = 307; // Guinea GIN LDC
R624 = 308; // Guinea-Bissau GNB LDC SIDS
R430 = 309; // Liberia LBR LDC
R466 = 310; // Mali MLI LDC LLDC
R478 = 311; // Mauritania MRT LDC
R562 = 312; // Niger NER LDC LLDC
R566 = 313; // Nigeria NGA
R654 = 314; // Saint Helena SHN
R686 = 315; // Senegal SEN LDC
R694 = 316; // Sierra Leone SLE LDC
R768 = 317; // Togo TGO LDC
R019 = 318; // Americas
R419 = 319; // Latin America and the Caribbean
R029 = 320; // Caribbean
R660 = 321; // Anguilla AIA SIDS
R028 = 322; // Antigua and Barbuda ATG SIDS
R533 = 323; // Aruba ABW SIDS
R044 = 324; // Bahamas BHS SIDS
R052 = 325; // Barbados BRB SIDS
R535 = 326; // Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BES SIDS
R092 = 327; // British Virgin Islands VGB SIDS
R136 = 328; // Cayman Islands CYM
R192 = 329; // Cuba CUB SIDS
R531 = 330; // Curaçao CUW SIDS
R212 = 331; // Dominica DMA SIDS
R214 = 332; // Dominican Republic DOM SIDS
R308 = 333; // Grenada GRD SIDS
R312 = 334; // Guadeloupe GLP
R332 = 335; // Haiti HTI LDC SIDS
R388 = 336; // Jamaica JAM SIDS
R474 = 337; // Martinique MTQ
R500 = 338; // Montserrat MSR SIDS
R630 = 339; // Puerto Rico PRI SIDS
R652 = 340; // Saint Barthélemy BLM
R659 = 341; // Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA SIDS
R662 = 342; // Saint Lucia LCA SIDS
R663 = 343; // Saint Martin (French Part) MAF
R670 = 344; // Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT SIDS
R534 = 345; // Sint Maarten (Dutch part) SXM SIDS
R780 = 346; // Trinidad and Tobago TTO SIDS
R796 = 347; // Turks and Caicos Islands TCA
R850 = 348; // United States Virgin Islands VIR SIDS
R013 = 349; // Central America
R084 = 350; // Belize BLZ SIDS
R188 = 351; // Costa Rica CRI
R222 = 352; // El Salvador SLV
R320 = 353; // Guatemala GTM
R340 = 354; // Honduras HND
R484 = 355; // Mexico MEX
R558 = 356; // Nicaragua NIC
R591 = 357; // Panama PAN
R005 = 358; // South America
R032 = 359; // Argentina ARG
R068 = 360; // Bolivia (Plurinational State of) BOL LLDC
R074 = 361; // Bouvet Island BVT
R076 = 362; // Brazil BRA
R152 = 363; // Chile CHL
R170 = 364; // Colombia COL
R218 = 365; // Ecuador ECU
R238 = 366; // Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FLK
R254 = 367; // French Guiana GUF
R328 = 368; // Guyana GUY SIDS
R600 = 369; // Paraguay PRY LLDC
R604 = 370; // Peru PER
R239 = 371; // South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands SGS
R740 = 372; // Suriname SUR SIDS
R858 = 373; // Uruguay URY
R862 = 374; // Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VEN
R021 = 375; // Northern America
R060 = 376; // Bermuda BMU
R124 = 377; // Canada CAN
R304 = 378; // Greenland GRL
R666 = 379; // Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM
R840 = 380; // United States of America USA
R010 = 381; // Antarctica ATA
R142 = 382; // Asia
R143 = 383; // Central Asia
R398 = 384; // Kazakhstan KAZ LLDC
R417 = 385; // Kyrgyzstan KGZ LLDC
R762 = 386; // Tajikistan TJK LLDC
R795 = 387; // Turkmenistan TKM LLDC
R860 = 388; // Uzbekistan UZB LLDC
R030 = 389; // Eastern Asia
R156 = 390; // China CHN
R344 = 391; // China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region HKG
R446 = 392; // China, Macao Special Administrative Region MAC
R408 = 393; // Democratic People's Republic of Korea PRK
R392 = 394; // Japan JPN
R496 = 395; // Mongolia MNG LLDC
R410 = 396; // Republic of Korea KOR
R035 = 397; // South-eastern Asia
R096 = 398; // Brunei Darussalam BRN
R116 = 399; // Cambodia KHM LDC
R360 = 400; // Indonesia IDN
R418 = 401; // Lao People's Democratic Republic LAO LDC LLDC
R458 = 402; // Malaysia MYS
R104 = 403; // Myanmar MMR LDC
R608 = 404; // Philippines PHL
R702 = 405; // Singapore SGP SIDS
R764 = 406; // Thailand THA
R626 = 407; // Timor-Leste TLS LDC SIDS
R704 = 408; // Viet Nam VNM
R034 = 409; // Southern Asia
R004 = 410; // Afghanistan AFG LDC LLDC
R050 = 411; // Bangladesh BGD LDC
R064 = 412; // Bhutan BTN LDC LLDC
R356 = 413; // India IND
R364 = 414; // Iran (Islamic Republic of) IRN
R462 = 415; // Maldives MDV SIDS
R524 = 416; // Nepal NPL LDC LLDC
R586 = 417; // Pakistan PAK
R144 = 418; // Sri Lanka LKA
R145 = 419; // Western Asia
R051 = 420; // Armenia ARM LLDC
R031 = 421; // Azerbaijan AZE LLDC
R048 = 422; // Bahrain BHR
R196 = 423; // Cyprus CYP
R268 = 424; // Georgia GEO
R368 = 425; // Iraq IRQ
R376 = 426; // Israel ISR
R400 = 427; // Jordan JOR
R414 = 428; // Kuwait KWT
R422 = 429; // Lebanon LBN
R512 = 430; // Oman OMN
R634 = 431; // Qatar QAT
R682 = 432; // Saudi Arabia SAU
R275 = 433; // State of Palestine PSE
R760 = 434; // Syrian Arab Republic SYR
R792 = 435; // Turkey TUR
R784 = 436; // United Arab Emirates ARE
R887 = 437; // Yemen YEM LDC
R150 = 438; // Europe
R151 = 439; // Eastern Europe
R112 = 440; // Belarus BLR
R100 = 441; // Bulgaria BGR
R203 = 442; // Czechia CZE
R348 = 443; // Hungary HUN
R616 = 444; // Poland POL
R498 = 445; // Republic of Moldova MDA LLDC
R642 = 446; // Romania ROU
R643 = 447; // Russian Federation RUS
R703 = 448; // Slovakia SVK
R804 = 449; // Ukraine UKR
R154 = 450; // Northern Europe
R248 = 451; // Åland Islands ALA
R830 = 452; // Channel Islands
R831 = 453; // Guernsey GGY
R832 = 454; // Jersey JEY
R680 = 455; // Sark
R208 = 456; // Denmark DNK
R233 = 457; // Estonia EST
R234 = 458; // Faroe Islands FRO
R246 = 459; // Finland FIN
R352 = 460; // Iceland ISL
R372 = 461; // Ireland IRL
R833 = 462; // Isle of Man IMN
R428 = 463; // Latvia LVA
R440 = 464; // Lithuania LTU
R578 = 465; // Norway NOR
R744 = 466; // Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJM
R752 = 467; // Sweden SWE
R826 = 468; // United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GBR
R039 = 469; // Southern Europe
R008 = 470; // Albania ALB
R020 = 471; // Andorra AND
R070 = 472; // Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH
R191 = 473; // Croatia HRV
R292 = 474; // Gibraltar GIB
R300 = 475; // Greece GRC
R336 = 476; // Holy See VAT
R380 = 477; // Italy ITA
R470 = 478; // Malta MLT
R499 = 479; // Montenegro MNE
R807 = 480; // North Macedonia MKD LLDC
R620 = 481; // Portugal PRT
R674 = 482; // San Marino SMR
R688 = 483; // Serbia SRB
R705 = 484; // Slovenia SVN
R724 = 485; // Spain ESP
R155 = 486; // Western Europe
R040 = 487; // Austria AUT
R056 = 488; // Belgium BEL
R250 = 489; // France FRA
R276 = 490; // Germany DEU
R438 = 491; // Liechtenstein LIE
R442 = 492; // Luxembourg LUX
R492 = 493; // Monaco MCO
R528 = 494; // Netherlands NLD
R756 = 495; // Switzerland CHE
R009 = 496; // Oceania
R053 = 497; // Australia and New Zealand
R036 = 498; // Australia AUS
R162 = 499; // Christmas Island CXR
R166 = 500; // Cocos (Keeling) Islands CCK
R334 = 501; // Heard Island and McDonald Islands HMD
R554 = 502; // New Zealand NZL
R574 = 503; // Norfolk Island NFK
R054 = 504; // Melanesia
R242 = 505; // Fiji FJI SIDS
R540 = 506; // New Caledonia NCL SIDS
R598 = 507; // Papua New Guinea PNG SIDS
R090 = 508; // Solomon Islands SLB LDC SIDS
R548 = 509; // Vanuatu VUT LDC SIDS
R057 = 510; // Micronesia
R316 = 511; // Guam GUM SIDS
R296 = 512; // Kiribati KIR LDC SIDS
R584 = 513; // Marshall Islands MHL SIDS
R583 = 514; // Micronesia (Federated States of) FSM SIDS
R520 = 515; // Nauru NRU SIDS
R580 = 516; // Northern Mariana Islands MNP SIDS
R585 = 517; // Palau PLW SIDS
R581 = 518; // United States Minor Outlying Islands UMI
R061 = 519; // Polynesia
R016 = 520; // American Samoa ASM SIDS
R184 = 521; // Cook Islands COK SIDS
R258 = 522; // French Polynesia PYF SIDS
R570 = 523; // Niue NIU SIDS
R612 = 524; // Pitcairn PCN
R882 = 525; // Samoa WSM SIDS
R772 = 526; // Tokelau TKL
R776 = 527; // Tonga TON SIDS
R798 = 528; // Tuvalu TUV LDC SIDS
R876 = 529; // Wallis and Futuna Islands WLF