561 lines
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561 lines
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package server
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
type headerNotification struct {
blockHeaderElectrum *BlockHeaderElectrum
blockHeaderStr string
type hashXNotification struct {
hashX [HASHX_LEN]byte
status []byte
statusStr string
type session struct {
id uintptr
addr net.Addr
conn net.Conn
// hashXSubs maps hashX to the original subscription key (address or scripthash)
hashXSubs map[[HASHX_LEN]byte]string
// headersSub indicates header subscription
headersSub bool
// headersSubRaw indicates the header subscription mode
headersSubRaw bool
// client provides the ability to send notifications
client rpc.ClientCodec
clientSeq uint64
// lastRecv records time of last incoming data
lastRecv time.Time
// lastSend records time of last outgoing data
lastSend time.Time
func (s *session) doNotify(notification interface{}) {
var method string
var params interface{}
switch notification.(type) {
case headerNotification:
if !s.headersSub {
note, _ := notification.(headerNotification)
heightHash := note.HeightHash
method = "blockchain.headers.subscribe"
if s.headersSubRaw {
header := note.blockHeaderStr
if len(header) == 0 {
header = hex.EncodeToString(note.BlockHeader[:])
params = &HeadersSubscribeRawResp{
Hex: header,
Height: uint32(heightHash.Height),
} else {
header := note.blockHeaderElectrum
if header == nil { // not initialized
header = newBlockHeaderElectrum((*[HEADER_SIZE]byte)(note.BlockHeader), uint32(heightHash.Height))
params = header
case hashXNotification:
note, _ := notification.(hashXNotification)
orig, ok := s.hashXSubs[note.hashX]
if !ok {
if len(orig) == 64 {
method = "blockchain.scripthash.subscribe"
} else {
method = "blockchain.address.subscribe"
status := note.statusStr
if len(status) == 0 {
status = hex.EncodeToString(note.status)
params = []string{orig, status}
log.Warnf("unknown notification type: %v", notification)
// Send the notification.
s.clientSeq += 1
req := &rpc.Request{
ServiceMethod: method,
Seq: s.clientSeq,
err := s.client.WriteRequest(req, params)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("error: %v", err)
// Bump last send time.
s.lastSend = time.Now()
type sessionMap map[uintptr]*session
type sessionManager struct {
// sessionsMut protects sessions, headerSubs, hashXSubs state
sessionsMut sync.RWMutex
sessions sessionMap
// sessionsWait sync.WaitGroup
grp *stop.Group
sessionsMax int
sessionTimeout time.Duration
manageTicker *time.Ticker
db *db.ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily
args *Args
chain *chaincfg.Params
// headerSubs are sessions subscribed via 'blockchain.headers.subscribe'
headerSubs sessionMap
// hashXSubs are sessions subscribed via 'blockchain.{address,scripthash}.subscribe'
hashXSubs map[[HASHX_LEN]byte]sessionMap
func newSessionManager(db *db.ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily, args *Args, grp *stop.Group, chain *chaincfg.Params) *sessionManager {
return &sessionManager{
sessions: make(sessionMap),
grp: grp,
sessionsMax: args.MaxSessions,
sessionTimeout: time.Duration(args.SessionTimeout) * time.Second,
manageTicker: time.NewTicker(time.Duration(max(5, args.SessionTimeout/20)) * time.Second),
db: db,
args: args,
chain: chain,
headerSubs: make(sessionMap),
hashXSubs: make(map[[HASHX_LEN]byte]sessionMap),
func (sm *sessionManager) start() {
go sm.manage()
func (sm *sessionManager) stop() {
defer sm.sessionsMut.Unlock()
sm.headerSubs = make(sessionMap)
sm.hashXSubs = make(map[[HASHX_LEN]byte]sessionMap)
for _, sess := range sm.sessions {
sm.sessions = make(sessionMap)
func (sm *sessionManager) manage() {
for {
for _, sess := range sm.sessions {
if time.Since(sess.lastRecv) > sm.sessionTimeout {
log.Infof("session %v timed out", sess.addr.String())
// Wait for next management clock tick.
select {
case <-sm.grp.Ch():
case <-sm.manageTicker.C:
func (sm *sessionManager) addSession(conn net.Conn) *session {
sess := &session{
addr: conn.RemoteAddr(),
conn: conn,
hashXSubs: make(map[[11]byte]string),
client: jsonrpc.NewClientCodec(conn),
lastRecv: time.Now(),
sess.id = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sess))
sm.sessions[sess.id] = sess
// Create a new RPC server. These services are linked to the
// session, which allows RPC handlers to know the session for
// each request and update subscriptions.
s1 := rpc.NewServer()
// Register "server.{features,banner,version}" handlers.
serverSvc := &ServerService{sm.args}
err := s1.RegisterName("server", serverSvc)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RegisterName: %v\n", err)
// Register "blockchain.claimtrie.*"" handlers.
claimtrieSvc := &ClaimtrieService{sm.db}
err = s1.RegisterName("blockchain.claimtrie", claimtrieSvc)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RegisterName: %v\n", err)
// Register "blockchain.{block,address,scripthash,transaction}.*" handlers.
blockchainSvc := &BlockchainBlockService{sm.db, sm.chain}
err = s1.RegisterName("blockchain.block", blockchainSvc)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RegisterName: %v\n", err)
goto fail
err = s1.RegisterName("blockchain.headers", &BlockchainHeadersService{sm.db, sm.chain, sm, sess})
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RegisterName: %v\n", err)
goto fail
err = s1.RegisterName("blockchain.address", &BlockchainAddressService{sm.db, sm.chain, sm, sess})
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RegisterName: %v\n", err)
goto fail
err = s1.RegisterName("blockchain.scripthash", &BlockchainScripthashService{sm.db, sm.chain, sm, sess})
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RegisterName: %v\n", err)
goto fail
err = s1.RegisterName("blockchain.transaction", &BlockchainTransactionService{sm.db, sm.chain, sm})
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RegisterName: %v\n", err)
goto fail
go func() {
s1.ServeCodec(&sessionServerCodec{jsonrpc.NewServerCodec(newJsonPatchingCodec(conn)), sess})
log.Infof("session %v goroutine exit", sess.addr.String())
return sess
return nil
func (sm *sessionManager) removeSession(sess *session) {
defer sm.sessionsMut.Unlock()
func (sm *sessionManager) removeSessionLocked(sess *session) {
if sess.headersSub {
delete(sm.headerSubs, sess.id)
for hashX := range sess.hashXSubs {
subs, ok := sm.hashXSubs[hashX]
if !ok {
delete(subs, sess.id)
delete(sm.sessions, sess.id)
func (sm *sessionManager) broadcastTx(rawTx []byte) (*chainhash.Hash, error) {
return nil, nil
func (sm *sessionManager) headersSubscribe(sess *session, raw bool, subscribe bool) {
defer sm.sessionsMut.Unlock()
if subscribe {
sm.headerSubs[sess.id] = sess
sess.headersSub = true
sess.headersSubRaw = raw
delete(sm.headerSubs, sess.id)
sess.headersSub = false
sess.headersSubRaw = false
func (sm *sessionManager) hashXSubscribe(sess *session, hashX []byte, original string, subscribe bool) {
defer sm.sessionsMut.Unlock()
var key [HASHX_LEN]byte
copy(key[:], hashX)
subs, ok := sm.hashXSubs[key]
if subscribe {
if !ok {
subs = make(sessionMap)
sm.hashXSubs[key] = subs
subs[sess.id] = sess
sess.hashXSubs[key] = original
if ok {
delete(subs, sess.id)
if len(subs) == 0 {
delete(sm.hashXSubs, key)
delete(sess.hashXSubs, key)
func (sm *sessionManager) doNotify(notification interface{}) {
switch notification.(type) {
case internal.HeightHash:
// The HeightHash notification translates to headerNotification.
notification = &headerNotification{HeightHash: notification.(internal.HeightHash)}
var subsCopy sessionMap
switch notification.(type) {
case headerNotification:
note, _ := notification.(headerNotification)
subsCopy = sm.headerSubs
if len(subsCopy) > 0 {
hdr := [HEADER_SIZE]byte{}
copy(hdr[:], note.BlockHeader)
note.blockHeaderElectrum = newBlockHeaderElectrum(&hdr, uint32(note.Height))
note.blockHeaderStr = hex.EncodeToString(note.BlockHeader[:])
case hashXNotification:
note, _ := notification.(hashXNotification)
hashXSubs, ok := sm.hashXSubs[note.hashX]
if ok {
subsCopy = hashXSubs
if len(subsCopy) > 0 {
note.statusStr = hex.EncodeToString(note.status)
log.Warnf("unknown notification type: %v", notification)
// Deliver notification to relevant sessions.
for _, sess := range subsCopy {
type sessionServerCodec struct {
sess *session
// ReadRequestHeader provides ability to rewrite the incoming
// request "method" field. For example:
// blockchain.block.get_header -> blockchain.block.Get_header
// blockchain.address.listunspent -> blockchain.address.Listunspent
// This makes the "method" string compatible with rpc.Server
// requirements.
func (c *sessionServerCodec) ReadRequestHeader(req *rpc.Request) error {
log.Infof("from %v receive header", c.sess.addr.String())
err := c.ServerCodec.ReadRequestHeader(req)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("error: %v", err)
return err
log.Infof("from %v receive header: %#v", c.sess.addr.String(), *req)
rawMethod := req.ServiceMethod
parts := strings.Split(rawMethod, ".")
if len(parts) < 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("blockchain rpc: service/method ill-formed: %q", rawMethod)
service := strings.Join(parts[0:len(parts)-1], ".")
method := parts[len(parts)-1]
if len(method) < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("blockchain rpc: method ill-formed: %q", method)
method = strings.ToUpper(string(method[0])) + string(method[1:])
req.ServiceMethod = service + "." + method
return err
// ReadRequestBody wraps the regular implementation, but updates session stats too.
func (c *sessionServerCodec) ReadRequestBody(params any) error {
log.Infof("from %v receive body", c.sess.addr.String())
err := c.ServerCodec.ReadRequestBody(params)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("error: %v", err)
return err
log.Infof("from %v receive body: %#v", c.sess.addr.String(), params)
// Bump last receive time.
c.sess.lastRecv = time.Now()
return err
// WriteResponse wraps the regular implementation, but updates session stats too.
func (c *sessionServerCodec) WriteResponse(resp *rpc.Response, reply any) error {
log.Infof("respond to %v", c.sess.addr.String())
err := c.ServerCodec.WriteResponse(resp, reply)
if err != nil {
return err
// Bump last send time.
c.sess.lastSend = time.Now()
return err
// serverRequest is a duplicate of serverRequest from
// net/rpc/jsonrpc/server.go with an added Version which
// we can check.
type serverRequest struct {
Version string `json:"jsonrpc"`
Method string `json:"method"`
Params *json.RawMessage `json:"params"`
Id *json.RawMessage `json:"id"`
// serverResponse is a duplicate of serverResponse from
// net/rpc/jsonrpc/server.go with an added Version which
// we can set at will.
type serverResponse struct {
Version string `json:"jsonrpc"`
Id *json.RawMessage `json:"id"`
Result any `json:"result,omitempty"`
Error any `json:"error,omitempty"`
// jsonPatchingCodec is able to intercept the JSON requests/responses
// and tweak them. Currently, it appears we need to make several changes:
// 1) add "jsonrpc": "2.0" (or "jsonrpc": "1.0") in response
// 2) add newline to frame response
// 3) add "params": [] when "params" is missing
// 4) replace params ["arg1", "arg2", ...] with [["arg1", "arg2", ...]]
type jsonPatchingCodec struct {
conn net.Conn
inBuffer *bytes.Buffer
dec *json.Decoder
enc *json.Encoder
outBuffer *bytes.Buffer
func newJsonPatchingCodec(conn net.Conn) *jsonPatchingCodec {
buf1, buf2 := bytes.NewBuffer(nil), bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
return &jsonPatchingCodec{
conn: conn,
inBuffer: buf1,
dec: json.NewDecoder(buf1),
enc: json.NewEncoder(buf2),
outBuffer: buf2,
func (c *jsonPatchingCodec) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if c.outBuffer.Len() > 0 {
// Return remaining decoded bytes.
return c.outBuffer.Read(p)
// Buffer contents consumed. Try to decode more JSON.
// Read until framing newline. This allows us to print the raw request.
for !bytes.ContainsAny(c.inBuffer.Bytes(), "\n") {
var buf [1024]byte
n, err = c.conn.Read(buf[:])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
log.Infof("raw request: %v", c.inBuffer.String())
var req serverRequest
err = c.dec.Decode(&req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if req.Params != nil {
n := len(*req.Params)
if n < 2 || (*req.Params)[0] != '[' && (*req.Params)[n-1] != ']' {
// This is an error, but we're not going to try to correct it.
goto encode
// FIXME: The heuristics here don't cover all possibilities.
// For example: [{obj1}, {obj2}] or ["foo,bar"] would not
// be handled correctly.
bracketed := (*req.Params)[1 : n-1]
n = len(bracketed)
if n > 1 && (bracketed[0] == '{' || bracketed[0] == '[') {
// Probable single object or list argument.
goto encode
// The params look like ["arg1", "arg2", "arg3", ...].
// We're in trouble because our jsonrpc library does not
// handle this. So pack these args in an inner list.
// The handler method will receive ONE list argument.
params := json.RawMessage(fmt.Sprintf("[[%s]]", bracketed))
req.Params = ¶ms
} else {
// Add empty argument list if params omitted.
params := json.RawMessage("[]")
req.Params = ¶ms
// Encode the request. This allows us to print the patched request.
buf, err := json.Marshal(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
log.Infof("patched request: %v", string(buf))
err = c.enc.Encode(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return c.outBuffer.Read(p)
func (c *jsonPatchingCodec) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
log.Infof("raw response: %v", string(p))
var resp serverResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(p, &resp)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Add "jsonrpc": "2.0" if missing.
if len(resp.Version) == 0 {
resp.Version = "2.0"
buf, err := json.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
log.Infof("patched response: %v", string(buf))
// Add newline for framing.
return c.conn.Write(append(buf, '\n'))
func (c *jsonPatchingCodec) Close() error {
return c.conn.Close()