
195 lines
5.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-03-08 11:01:19 -05:00
import sys
import functools
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
from struct import Struct
from scribe.schema.claim import Claim
from scribe.common import double_sha256
2022-03-08 11:01:19 -05:00
if (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) > (3, 7):
cachedproperty = functools.cached_property
cachedproperty = property
struct_le_i = Struct('<i')
struct_le_q = Struct('<q')
struct_le_H = Struct('<H')
struct_le_I = Struct('<I')
struct_le_Q = Struct('<Q')
struct_be_H = Struct('>H')
struct_be_I = Struct('>I')
structB = Struct('B')
unpack_le_int32_from = struct_le_i.unpack_from
unpack_le_int64_from = struct_le_q.unpack_from
unpack_le_uint16_from = struct_le_H.unpack_from
unpack_le_uint32_from = struct_le_I.unpack_from
unpack_le_uint64_from = struct_le_Q.unpack_from
unpack_be_uint16_from = struct_be_H.unpack_from
unpack_be_uint32_from = struct_be_I.unpack_from
pack_le_int32 = struct_le_i.pack
pack_le_int64 = struct_le_q.pack
pack_le_uint16 = struct_le_H.pack
pack_le_uint32 = struct_le_I.pack
pack_le_uint64 = struct_le_q.pack
pack_be_uint64 = lambda x: x.to_bytes(8, byteorder='big')
pack_be_uint16 = lambda x: x.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
pack_be_uint32 = struct_be_I.pack
pack_byte = structB.pack
def pack_varint(n):
if n < 253:
return pack_byte(n)
if n < 65536:
return pack_byte(253) + pack_le_uint16(n)
if n < 4294967296:
return pack_byte(254) + pack_le_uint32(n)
return pack_byte(255) + pack_le_uint64(n)
def pack_varbytes(data):
return pack_varint(len(data)) + data
class NameClaim(typing.NamedTuple):
name: bytes
value: bytes
class ClaimUpdate(typing.NamedTuple):
name: bytes
claim_hash: bytes
value: typing.Optional[bytes] = None
class ClaimSupport(typing.NamedTuple):
name: bytes
claim_hash: bytes
value: typing.Optional[bytes] = None
ZERO = bytes(32)
MINUS_1 = 4294967295
class Tx(typing.NamedTuple):
version: int
inputs: typing.List['TxInput']
outputs: typing.List['TxOutput']
locktime: int
raw: bytes
marker: typing.Optional[int] = None
flag: typing.Optional[int] = None
witness: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.List[bytes]]] = None
def as_dict(self, coin):
txid = double_sha256(self.raw)[::-1].hex()
result = {
"txid": txid,
"hash": txid,
"version": self.version,
"size": len(self.raw),
"vsize": len(self.raw),
"weight": None, # FIXME: add this
"locktime": self.locktime,
"vin": [
"txid": txin.prev_hash[::-1].hex(),
"vout": txin.prev_idx,
"scriptSig": {
"asm": None, # FIXME: add this
"hex": txin.script.hex()
"sequence": txin.sequence
} for txin in self.inputs
"vout": [
"value": txo.value / 1E8,
"n": txo.nout,
"scriptPubKey": {
"asm": None, # FIXME: add this
"hex": txo.pk_script.hex(),
"reqSigs": 1, # FIXME: what if it isn't 1?
"type": "nonstandard" if (txo.is_support or txo.is_claim or txo.is_update) else "pubkeyhash" if txo.pubkey_hash else "scripthash",
"addresses": [
} for txo in self.outputs
"hex": self.raw.hex()
for n, txo in enumerate(self.outputs):
if txo.is_support or txo.is_claim or txo.is_update:
result['vout'][n]["scriptPubKey"]["isclaim"] = txo.is_claim or txo.is_update
result['vout'][n]["scriptPubKey"]["issupport"] = txo.is_support
result['vout'][n]["scriptPubKey"]["subtype"] = "pubkeyhash" if txo.pubkey_hash else "scripthash"
return result
2022-03-08 11:01:19 -05:00
class TxInput(typing.NamedTuple):
prev_hash: bytes
prev_idx: int
script: bytes
sequence: int
def __str__(self):
return f"TxInput({self.prev_hash[::-1].hex()}, {self.prev_idx:d}, script={self.script.hex()}, " \
def is_generation(self):
"""Test if an input is generation/coinbase like"""
return self.prev_idx == MINUS_1 and self.prev_hash == ZERO
def serialize(self):
return b''.join((
class TxOutput:
nout: int
value: int
pk_script: bytes
claim: typing.Optional[typing.Union[NameClaim, ClaimUpdate]] # TODO: fix this being mutable, it shouldn't be
support: typing.Optional[ClaimSupport]
pubkey_hash: typing.Optional[bytes]
script_hash: typing.Optional[bytes]
pubkey: typing.Optional[bytes]
def is_claim(self):
return isinstance(self.claim, NameClaim)
def is_update(self):
return isinstance(self.claim, ClaimUpdate)
def metadata(self) -> typing.Optional[Claim]:
return None if not (self.claim or else Claim.from_bytes((self.claim or
def is_support(self):
return is not None
def serialize(self):
return b''.join((
class Block(typing.NamedTuple):
raw: bytes
header: bytes
transactions: typing.List[Tx]