
301 lines
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2022-03-08 11:01:19 -05:00
import re
import struct
import typing
from typing import List
from hashlib import sha256
from decimal import Decimal
from scribe.base58 import Base58
from scribe.bip32 import PublicKey
from scribe.common import hash160, hash_to_hex_str, double_sha256
from scribe.blockchain.transaction import TxOutput, TxInput, Block
from scribe.blockchain.transaction.deserializer import Deserializer
from scribe.blockchain.transaction.script import OpCodes, P2PKH_script, P2SH_script, txo_script_parser
class CoinError(Exception):
"""Exception raised for coin-related errors."""
ENCODE_CHECK = Base58.encode_check
DECODE_CHECK = Base58.decode_check
class LBCMainNet:
NET = "mainnet"
ENCODE_CHECK = Base58.encode_check
DECODE_CHECK = Base58.decode_check
DESERIALIZER = Deserializer
XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("55")
P2SH_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("7A")
WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("1C")
GENESIS_HASH = '9c89283ba0f3227f6c03b70216b9f665f0118d5e0fa729cedf4fb34d6a34f463'
RPC_PORT = 9245
RPC_URL_REGEX = re.compile('.+@(\\[[0-9a-fA-F:]+\\]|[^:]+)(:[0-9]+)?')
VALUE_PER_COIN = 100000000
# Peer discovery
PEER_DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t': '50001', 's': '50002'}
PEERS: List[str] = []
# claimtrie/takeover params
nOriginalClaimExpirationTime = 262974
nExtendedClaimExpirationTime = 2102400
nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight = 400155
nNormalizedNameForkHeight = 539940 # targeting 21 March 2019
nMinTakeoverWorkaroundHeight = 496850
nMaxTakeoverWorkaroundHeight = 658300 # targeting 30 Oct 2019
nWitnessForkHeight = 680770 # targeting 11 Dec 2019
nAllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight = 658310 # targeting 30 Oct 2019
proportionalDelayFactor = 32
maxTakeoverDelay = 4032
def sanitize_url(cls, url):
# Remove surrounding ws and trailing /s
url = url.strip().rstrip('/')
match = cls.RPC_URL_REGEX.match(url)
if not match:
raise CoinError(f'invalid daemon URL: "{url}"')
if match.groups()[1] is None:
url += f':{cls.RPC_PORT:d}'
if not url.startswith('http://') and not url.startswith('https://'):
url = 'http://' + url
return url + '/'
def address_to_hashX(cls, address):
"""Return a hashX given a coin address."""
return cls.hashX_from_script(cls.pay_to_address_script(address))
def P2PKH_address_from_hash160(cls, hash160_bytes):
"""Return a P2PKH address given a public key."""
assert len(hash160_bytes) == 20
return ENCODE_CHECK(cls.P2PKH_VERBYTE + hash160_bytes)
def P2PKH_address_from_pubkey(cls, pubkey):
"""Return a coin address given a public key."""
return cls.P2PKH_address_from_hash160(hash160(pubkey))
def P2SH_address_from_hash160(cls, hash160_bytes):
"""Return a coin address given a hash160."""
assert len(hash160_bytes) == 20
return ENCODE_CHECK(cls.P2SH_VERBYTES + hash160_bytes)
def hash160_to_P2PKH_script(cls, hash160_bytes):
return P2PKH_script(hash160_bytes)
def hash160_to_P2PKH_hashX(cls, hash160_bytes):
return cls.hashX_from_script(P2PKH_script(hash160_bytes))
def pay_to_address_script(cls, address):
"""Return a pubkey script that pays to a pubkey hash.
Pass the address (either P2PKH or P2SH) in base58 form.
raw = DECODE_CHECK(address)
# Require version byte(s) plus hash160.
verlen = len(raw) - 20
if verlen > 0:
verbyte, hash160_bytes = raw[:verlen], raw[verlen:]
if verbyte == cls.P2PKH_VERBYTE:
return P2PKH_script(hash160_bytes)
if verbyte in cls.P2SH_VERBYTES:
return P2SH_script(hash160_bytes)
raise CoinError(f'invalid address: {address}')
def privkey_WIF(cls, privkey_bytes, compressed):
"""Return the private key encoded in Wallet Import Format."""
payload = bytearray(cls.WIF_BYTE) + privkey_bytes
if compressed:
return cls.ENCODE_CHECK(payload)
def header_hash(cls, header):
"""Given a header return hash"""
return double_sha256(header)
def header_prevhash(cls, header):
"""Given a header return previous hash"""
return header[4:36]
def static_header_offset(cls, height):
"""Given a header height return its offset in the headers file.
If header sizes change at some point, this is the only code
that needs updating."""
return height * cls.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE
def static_header_len(cls, height):
"""Given a header height return its length."""
return (cls.static_header_offset(height + 1)
- cls.static_header_offset(height))
def block_header(cls, block, height):
"""Returns the block header given a block and its height."""
return block[:cls.static_header_len(height)]
def block(cls, raw_block, height):
"""Return a Block namedtuple given a raw block and its height."""
header = cls.block_header(raw_block, height)
txs = Deserializer(raw_block, start=len(header)).read_tx_block()
return Block(raw_block, header, txs)
def transaction(cls, raw_tx: bytes):
"""Return a Block namedtuple given a raw block and its height."""
return Deserializer(raw_tx).read_tx()
def decimal_value(cls, value):
"""Return the number of standard coin units as a Decimal given a
quantity of smallest units.
For example 1 BTC is returned for 100 million satoshis.
return Decimal(value) / cls.VALUE_PER_COIN
def genesis_block(cls, block):
'''Check the Genesis block is the right one for this coin.
Return the block less its unspendable coinbase.
header = cls.block_header(block, 0)
header_hex_hash = hash_to_hex_str(cls.header_hash(header))
if header_hex_hash != cls.GENESIS_HASH:
raise CoinError(f'genesis block has hash {header_hex_hash} expected {cls.GENESIS_HASH}')
return block
def electrum_header(cls, header, height):
version, = struct.unpack('<I', header[:4])
timestamp, bits, nonce = struct.unpack('<III', header[100:112])
return {
'version': version,
'prev_block_hash': hash_to_hex_str(header[4:36]),
'merkle_root': hash_to_hex_str(header[36:68]),
'claim_trie_root': hash_to_hex_str(header[68:100]),
'timestamp': timestamp,
'bits': bits,
'nonce': nonce,
'block_height': height,
def claim_address_handler(cls, txo: TxOutput) -> typing.Optional[str]:
'''Parse a claim script, returns the address
if txo.pubkey_hash:
return cls.P2PKH_address_from_hash160(txo.pubkey_hash)
elif txo.script_hash:
return cls.P2SH_address_from_hash160(txo.script_hash)
elif txo.pubkey:
return cls.P2PKH_address_from_pubkey(txo.pubkey)
def hashX_from_txo(cls, txo: 'TxOutput'):
address = cls.claim_address_handler(txo)
if address:
script = cls.pay_to_address_script(address)
script = txo.pk_script
return sha256(script).digest()[:HASHX_LEN]
def hashX_from_script(cls, script: bytes):
Overrides electrumx hashX from script by extracting addresses from claim scripts.
if script and script[0] == OpCodes.OP_RETURN or not script:
return None
if script[0] in [
decoded = txo_script_parser(script)
if not decoded:
claim, support, pubkey_hash, script_hash, pubkey = decoded
if pubkey_hash:
return cls.address_to_hashX(cls.P2PKH_address_from_hash160(pubkey_hash))
elif script_hash:
return cls.address_to_hashX(cls.P2SH_address_from_hash160(script_hash))
elif pubkey:
return cls.address_to_hashX(cls.P2PKH_address_from_pubkey(pubkey))
return sha256(script).digest()[:HASHX_LEN]
def get_expiration_height(cls, last_updated_height: int, extended: bool = False) -> int:
if extended:
return last_updated_height + cls.nExtendedClaimExpirationTime
if last_updated_height < cls.nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight:
return last_updated_height + cls.nOriginalClaimExpirationTime
return last_updated_height + cls.nExtendedClaimExpirationTime
def get_delay_for_name(cls, blocks_of_continuous_ownership: int) -> int:
return min(blocks_of_continuous_ownership // cls.proportionalDelayFactor, cls.maxTakeoverDelay)
def verify_signed_metadata(cls, public_key_bytes: bytes, txo: TxOutput, first_input: TxInput):
m = txo.metadata
if m.unsigned_payload:
pieces = (Base58.decode(cls.claim_address_handler(txo)), m.unsigned_payload, m.signing_channel_hash[::-1])
pieces = (first_input.prev_hash + first_input.prev_idx.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'),
m.signing_channel_hash, m.to_message_bytes())
return PublicKey.from_compressed(public_key_bytes).verify(
m.signature, sha256(b''.join(pieces)).digest()
class LBCRegTest(LBCMainNet):
NET = "regtest"
GENESIS_HASH = '6e3fcf1299d4ec5d79c3a4c91d624a4acf9e2e173d95a1a0504f677669687556'
XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex('043587cf')
XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex('04358394')
P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("6f")
P2SH_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("c4")
nOriginalClaimExpirationTime = 500
nExtendedClaimExpirationTime = 600
nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight = 800
nNormalizedNameForkHeight = 250
nMinTakeoverWorkaroundHeight = -1
nMaxTakeoverWorkaroundHeight = -1
nWitnessForkHeight = 150
nAllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight = 350
class LBCTestNet(LBCRegTest):
NET = "testnet"
GENESIS_HASH = '9c89283ba0f3227f6c03b70216b9f665f0118d5e0fa729cedf4fb34d6a34f463'