Rename package to hub
7 changed files with 366 additions and 260 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import struct
import hashlib
import hashlib
import hmac
import hmac
import ipaddress
import ipaddress
@ -5,8 +6,13 @@ import logging
import logging.handlers
import logging.handlers
import typing
import typing
import collections
import collections
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Iterable
from asyncio import get_event_loop, Event
from asyncio import get_event_loop, Event
from prometheus_client import Counter
from prometheus_client import Counter
from hub.schema.tags import clean_tags
from hub.schema.url import normalize_name
from hub.error import TooManyClaimSearchParametersError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -23,6 +29,22 @@ HISTOGRAM_BUCKETS = (
.005, .01, .025, .05, .075, .1, .25, .5, .75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0, 60.0, float('inf')
.005, .01, .025, .05, .075, .1, .25, .5, .75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0, 60.0, float('inf')
'stream': 1,
'channel': 2,
'repost': 3,
'collection': 4,
'video': 1,
'audio': 2,
'image': 3,
'document': 4,
'binary': 5,
'model': 6,
def setup_logging(log_path: str):
def setup_logging(log_path: str):
log = logging.getLogger('scribe')
log = logging.getLogger('scribe')
@ -404,3 +426,340 @@ class IndexVersionMismatch(Exception):
def __init__(self, got_version, expected_version):
def __init__(self, got_version, expected_version):
self.got_version = got_version
self.got_version = got_version
self.expected_version = expected_version
self.expected_version = expected_version
# Elasticsearch constants
{"analyzer": {
"default": {"tokenizer": "whitespace", "filter": ["lowercase", "porter_stem"]}}},
{"refresh_interval": -1,
"number_of_shards": 1,
"number_of_replicas": 0,
"sort": {
"field": ["trending_score", "release_time"],
"order": ["desc", "desc"]
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"claim_id": {
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"ignore_above": 256,
"type": "keyword"
"type": "text",
"index_prefixes": {
"min_chars": 1,
"max_chars": 10
"sd_hash": {
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"ignore_above": 96,
"type": "keyword"
"type": "text",
"index_prefixes": {
"min_chars": 1,
"max_chars": 4
"height": {"type": "integer"},
"claim_type": {"type": "byte"},
"censor_type": {"type": "byte"},
"trending_score": {"type": "double"},
"release_time": {"type": "long"}
'claim_id', 'claim_type', 'claim_name', 'normalized_name',
'tx_id', 'tx_nout', 'tx_position',
'short_url', 'canonical_url',
'is_controlling', 'last_take_over_height',
'public_key_bytes', 'public_key_id', 'claims_in_channel',
'channel_id', 'signature', 'signature_digest', 'is_signature_valid',
'amount', 'effective_amount', 'support_amount',
'fee_amount', 'fee_currency',
'height', 'creation_height', 'activation_height', 'expiration_height',
'stream_type', 'media_type', 'censor_type',
'title', 'author', 'description',
'timestamp', 'creation_timestamp',
'duration', 'release_time',
'tags', 'languages', 'has_source', 'reposted_claim_type',
'reposted_claim_id', 'repost_count', 'sd_hash',
'trending_score', 'tx_num',
'channel_tx_id', 'channel_tx_position', 'channel_height', 'reposted_tx_id',
'reposted_tx_position', 'reposted_height',
'author', 'canonical_url', 'channel_id', 'description', 'claim_id', 'censoring_channel_id',
'media_type', 'normalized_name', 'public_key_bytes', 'public_key_id', 'short_url', 'signature',
'claim_name', 'signature_digest', 'title', 'tx_id', 'fee_currency', 'reposted_claim_id',
'tags', 'sd_hash', 'channel_tx_id', 'reposted_tx_id',
'height', 'creation_height', 'activation_height', 'expiration_height',
'timestamp', 'creation_timestamp', 'duration', 'release_time', 'fee_amount',
'tx_position', 'repost_count', 'limit_claims_per_channel',
'amount', 'effective_amount', 'support_amount',
'trending_score', 'censor_type', 'tx_num', 'reposted_tx_position', 'reposted_height',
'channel_tx_position', 'channel_height',
'claim_name': 'normalized_name',
'name': 'normalized_name',
'txid': 'tx_id',
'nout': 'tx_nout',
'trending_group': 'trending_score',
'trending_mixed': 'trending_score',
'trending_global': 'trending_score',
'trending_local': 'trending_score',
'reposted': 'repost_count',
'stream_types': 'stream_type',
'media_types': 'media_type',
'valid_channel_signature': 'is_signature_valid'
def expand_query(**kwargs):
if "amount_order" in kwargs:
kwargs["limit"] = 1
kwargs["order_by"] = "effective_amount"
kwargs["offset"] = int(kwargs["amount_order"]) - 1
if 'name' in kwargs:
kwargs['name'] = normalize_name(kwargs.pop('name'))
if kwargs.get('is_controlling') is False:
query = {'must': [], 'must_not': []}
collapse = None
if 'fee_currency' in kwargs and kwargs['fee_currency'] is not None:
kwargs['fee_currency'] = kwargs['fee_currency'].upper()
for key, value in kwargs.items():
key = key.replace('claim.', '')
many = key.endswith('__in') or isinstance(value, list)
if many and len(value) > 2048:
raise TooManyClaimSearchParametersError(key, 2048)
if many:
key = key.replace('__in', '')
value = list(filter(None, value))
if value is None or isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 0:
key = REPLACEMENTS.get(key, key)
if key in FIELDS:
partial_id = False
if key == 'claim_type':
if isinstance(value, str):
value = CLAIM_TYPES[value]
value = [CLAIM_TYPES[claim_type] for claim_type in value]
elif key == 'stream_type':
value = [STREAM_TYPES[value]] if isinstance(value, str) else list(map(STREAM_TYPES.get, value))
if key == '_id':
if isinstance(value, Iterable):
value = [item[::-1].hex() for item in value]
value = value[::-1].hex()
if not many and key in ('_id', 'claim_id', 'sd_hash') and len(value) < 20:
partial_id = True
if key in ('signature_valid', 'has_source'):
continue # handled later
if key in TEXT_FIELDS:
key += '.keyword'
ops = {'<=': 'lte', '>=': 'gte', '<': 'lt', '>': 'gt'}
if partial_id:
query['must'].append({"prefix": {key: value}})
elif key in RANGE_FIELDS and isinstance(value, str) and value[0] in ops:
operator_length = 2 if value[:2] in ops else 1
operator, value = value[:operator_length], value[operator_length:]
if key == 'fee_amount':
value = str(Decimal(value)*1000)
query['must'].append({"range": {key: {ops[operator]: value}}})
elif key in RANGE_FIELDS and isinstance(value, list) and all(v[0] in ops for v in value):
range_constraints = []
release_times = []
for v in value:
operator_length = 2 if v[:2] in ops else 1
operator, stripped_op_v = v[:operator_length], v[operator_length:]
if key == 'fee_amount':
stripped_op_v = str(Decimal(stripped_op_v)*1000)
if key == 'release_time':
release_times.append((operator, stripped_op_v))
range_constraints.append((operator, stripped_op_v))
if key != 'release_time':
query['must'].append({"range": {key: {ops[operator]: v for operator, v in range_constraints}}})
{"should": [
{"bool": {
"must_not": {
"exists": {
"field": "release_time"
{"bool": {
"must": [
{"exists": {"field": "release_time"}},
{'range': {key: {ops[operator]: v for operator, v in release_times}}},
elif many:
query['must'].append({"terms": {key: value}})
if key == 'fee_amount':
value = str(Decimal(value)*1000)
query['must'].append({"term": {key: {"value": value}}})
elif key == 'not_channel_ids':
for channel_id in value:
query['must_not'].append({"term": {'channel_id.keyword': channel_id}})
query['must_not'].append({"term": {'_id': channel_id}})
elif key == 'channel_ids':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'channel_id.keyword': value}})
elif key == 'claim_ids':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'claim_id.keyword': value}})
elif key == 'media_types':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'media_type.keyword': value}})
elif key == 'any_languages':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'languages': clean_tags(value)}})
elif key == 'any_languages':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'languages': value}})
elif key == 'all_languages':
query['must'].extend([{"term": {'languages': tag}} for tag in value])
elif key == 'any_tags':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'tags.keyword': clean_tags(value)}})
elif key == 'all_tags':
query['must'].extend([{"term": {'tags.keyword': tag}} for tag in clean_tags(value)])
elif key == 'not_tags':
query['must_not'].extend([{"term": {'tags.keyword': tag}} for tag in clean_tags(value)])
elif key == 'not_claim_id':
query['must_not'].extend([{"term": {'claim_id.keyword': cid}} for cid in value])
elif key == 'limit_claims_per_channel':
collapse = ('channel_id.keyword', value)
if kwargs.get('has_channel_signature'):
query['must'].append({"exists": {"field": "signature"}})
if 'signature_valid' in kwargs:
query['must'].append({"term": {"is_signature_valid": bool(kwargs["signature_valid"])}})
elif 'signature_valid' in kwargs:
{"should": [
{"bool": {"must_not": {"exists": {"field": "signature"}}}},
{"bool" : {"must" : {"term": {"is_signature_valid": bool(kwargs["signature_valid"])}}}}
if 'has_source' in kwargs:
is_stream_or_repost_terms = {"terms": {"claim_type": [CLAIM_TYPES['stream'], CLAIM_TYPES['repost']]}}
{"should": [
{"bool": # when is_stream_or_repost AND has_source
{"must": [
{"match": {"has_source": kwargs['has_source']}},
{"bool": # when not is_stream_or_repost
{"must_not": is_stream_or_repost_terms}
{"bool": # when reposted_claim_type wouldn't have source
{"term": {"reposted_claim_type": CLAIM_TYPES['stream']}}
{"term": {"claim_type": CLAIM_TYPES['repost']}}
if kwargs.get('text'):
{"query": kwargs["text"], "fields": [
"claim_name^4", "channel_name^8", "title^1", "description^.5", "author^1", "tags^.5"
query = {
"_source": {"excludes": ["description", "title"]},
'query': {'bool': query},
"sort": [],
if "limit" in kwargs:
query["size"] = kwargs["limit"]
if 'offset' in kwargs:
query["from"] = kwargs["offset"]
if 'order_by' in kwargs:
if isinstance(kwargs["order_by"], str):
kwargs["order_by"] = [kwargs["order_by"]]
for value in kwargs['order_by']:
if 'trending_group' in value:
# fixme: trending_mixed is 0 for all records on variable decay, making sort slow.
is_asc = value.startswith('^')
value = value[1:] if is_asc else value
value = REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value)
if value in TEXT_FIELDS:
value += '.keyword'
query['sort'].append({value: "asc" if is_asc else "desc"})
if collapse:
query["collapse"] = {
"field": collapse[0],
"inner_hits": {
"name": collapse[0],
"size": collapse[1],
"sort": query["sort"]
return query
def expand_result(results):
inner_hits = []
expanded = []
for result in results:
if result.get("inner_hits"):
for _, inner_hit in result["inner_hits"].items():
result = result['_source']
result['claim_hash'] = bytes.fromhex(result['claim_id'])[::-1]
if result['reposted_claim_id']:
result['reposted_claim_hash'] = bytes.fromhex(result['reposted_claim_id'])[::-1]
result['reposted_claim_hash'] = None
result['channel_hash'] = bytes.fromhex(result['channel_id'])[::-1] if result['channel_id'] else None
result['txo_hash'] = bytes.fromhex(result['tx_id'])[::-1] + struct.pack('<I', result['tx_nout'])
result['tx_hash'] = bytes.fromhex(result['tx_id'])[::-1]
result['reposted'] = result.pop('repost_count')
result['signature_valid'] = result.pop('is_signature_valid')
# result['normalized'] = result.pop('normalized_name')
# if result['censoring_channel_hash']:
# result['censoring_channel_hash'] = unhexlify(result['censoring_channel_hash'])[::-1]
if inner_hits:
return expand_result(inner_hits)
return expanded
@ -53,22 +53,6 @@ class DB_PREFIXES(enum.Enum):
COLUMN_SETTINGS = {} # this is updated by the PrefixRow metaclass
COLUMN_SETTINGS = {} # this is updated by the PrefixRow metaclass
'stream': 1,
'channel': 2,
'repost': 3,
'collection': 4,
'video': 1,
'audio': 2,
'image': 3,
'document': 4,
'binary': 5,
'model': 6,
# 9/21/2020
# 9/21/2020
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ from hub.schema.url import URL, normalize_name
from hub.schema.claim import guess_stream_type
from hub.schema.claim import guess_stream_type
from hub.schema.result import Censor
from hub.schema.result import Censor
from hub.scribe.transaction import TxInput
from hub.scribe.transaction import TxInput
from hub.common import hash_to_hex_str, hash160, LRUCacheWithMetrics, sha256
from hub.common import hash_to_hex_str, hash160, LRUCacheWithMetrics, sha256, STREAM_TYPES, CLAIM_TYPES
from hub.db.merkle import Merkle, MerkleCache, FastMerkleCacheItem
from hub.db.merkle import Merkle, MerkleCache, FastMerkleCacheItem
from hub.db.common import ResolveResult, STREAM_TYPES, CLAIM_TYPES, ExpandedResolveResult, DBError, UTXO
from hub.db.common import ResolveResult,ExpandedResolveResult, DBError, UTXO
from hub.db.prefixes import PendingActivationValue, ClaimTakeoverValue, ClaimToTXOValue, PrefixDB
from hub.db.prefixes import PendingActivationValue, ClaimTakeoverValue, ClaimToTXOValue, PrefixDB
from hub.db.prefixes import ACTIVATED_CLAIM_TXO_TYPE, ACTIVATED_SUPPORT_TXO_TYPE, EffectiveAmountKey
from hub.db.prefixes import ACTIVATED_CLAIM_TXO_TYPE, ACTIVATED_SUPPORT_TXO_TYPE, EffectiveAmountKey
from hub.db.prefixes import PendingActivationKey, TXOToClaimValue, DBStatePrefixRow, MempoolTXPrefixRow
from hub.db.prefixes import PendingActivationKey, TXOToClaimValue, DBStatePrefixRow, MempoolTXPrefixRow
@ -7,12 +7,10 @@ from elasticsearch import AsyncElasticsearch, NotFoundError
from elasticsearch.helpers import async_streaming_bulk
from elasticsearch.helpers import async_streaming_bulk
from hub.schema.result import Censor
from hub.schema.result import Censor
from hub.service import BlockchainReaderService
from hub.service import BlockchainReaderService
from hub.common import IndexVersionMismatch
from hub.common import IndexVersionMismatch, ALL_FIELDS, INDEX_DEFAULT_SETTINGS, expand_query
from hub.db.revertable import RevertableOp
from hub.db.revertable import RevertableOp
from hub.db.common import TrendingNotification, DB_PREFIXES
from hub.db.common import TrendingNotification, DB_PREFIXES
from hub.notifier_protocol import ElasticNotifierProtocol
from hub.notifier_protocol import ElasticNotifierProtocol
from import expand_query
from hub.elastic_sync.constants import ALL_FIELDS, INDEX_DEFAULT_SETTINGS
from hub.elastic_sync.fast_ar_trending import FAST_AR_TRENDING_SCRIPT
from hub.elastic_sync.fast_ar_trending import FAST_AR_TRENDING_SCRIPT
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from hub.elastic_sync.env import ElasticEnv
from hub.elastic_sync.env import ElasticEnv
@ -1,20 +1,13 @@
import logging
import logging
import asyncio
import asyncio
import struct
from bisect import bisect_right
from bisect import bisect_right
from collections import Counter, deque
from collections import Counter, deque
from decimal import Decimal
from operator import itemgetter
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Optional, List, Iterable, TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Optional, List, TYPE_CHECKING
from elasticsearch import AsyncElasticsearch, NotFoundError, ConnectionError
from elasticsearch import AsyncElasticsearch, NotFoundError, ConnectionError
from hub.schema.result import Censor, Outputs
from hub.schema.result import Censor, Outputs
from hub.schema.tags import clean_tags
from hub.common import LRUCache, IndexVersionMismatch, INDEX_DEFAULT_SETTINGS, expand_query, expand_result
from hub.schema.url import normalize_name
from hub.error import TooManyClaimSearchParametersError
from hub.common import LRUCache, IndexVersionMismatch
from hub.db.common import CLAIM_TYPES, STREAM_TYPES
from hub.db.common import ResolveResult
from hub.db.common import ResolveResult
from hub.db import HubDB
from hub.db import HubDB
@ -85,7 +78,7 @@ class SearchIndex:
self.logger.error("es search index has an incompatible version: %s vs %s", index_version, self.VERSION)
self.logger.error("es search index has an incompatible version: %s vs %s", index_version, self.VERSION)
raise IndexVersionMismatch(index_version, self.VERSION)
raise IndexVersionMismatch(index_version, self.VERSION)
await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index)
await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index)
return acked
return True
async def stop(self):
async def stop(self):
clients = [c for c in (self.sync_client, self.search_client) if c is not None]
clients = [c for c in (self.sync_client, self.search_client) if c is not None]
@ -291,234 +284,6 @@ class SearchIndex:
return referenced_txos
return referenced_txos
def expand_query(**kwargs):
if "amount_order" in kwargs:
kwargs["limit"] = 1
kwargs["order_by"] = "effective_amount"
kwargs["offset"] = int(kwargs["amount_order"]) - 1
if 'name' in kwargs:
kwargs['name'] = normalize_name(kwargs.pop('name'))
if kwargs.get('is_controlling') is False:
query = {'must': [], 'must_not': []}
collapse = None
if 'fee_currency' in kwargs and kwargs['fee_currency'] is not None:
kwargs['fee_currency'] = kwargs['fee_currency'].upper()
for key, value in kwargs.items():
key = key.replace('claim.', '')
many = key.endswith('__in') or isinstance(value, list)
if many and len(value) > 2048:
raise TooManyClaimSearchParametersError(key, 2048)
if many:
key = key.replace('__in', '')
value = list(filter(None, value))
if value is None or isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 0:
key = REPLACEMENTS.get(key, key)
if key in FIELDS:
partial_id = False
if key == 'claim_type':
if isinstance(value, str):
value = CLAIM_TYPES[value]
value = [CLAIM_TYPES[claim_type] for claim_type in value]
elif key == 'stream_type':
value = [STREAM_TYPES[value]] if isinstance(value, str) else list(map(STREAM_TYPES.get, value))
if key == '_id':
if isinstance(value, Iterable):
value = [item[::-1].hex() for item in value]
value = value[::-1].hex()
if not many and key in ('_id', 'claim_id', 'sd_hash') and len(value) < 20:
partial_id = True
if key in ('signature_valid', 'has_source'):
continue # handled later
if key in TEXT_FIELDS:
key += '.keyword'
ops = {'<=': 'lte', '>=': 'gte', '<': 'lt', '>': 'gt'}
if partial_id:
query['must'].append({"prefix": {key: value}})
elif key in RANGE_FIELDS and isinstance(value, str) and value[0] in ops:
operator_length = 2 if value[:2] in ops else 1
operator, value = value[:operator_length], value[operator_length:]
if key == 'fee_amount':
value = str(Decimal(value)*1000)
query['must'].append({"range": {key: {ops[operator]: value}}})
elif key in RANGE_FIELDS and isinstance(value, list) and all(v[0] in ops for v in value):
range_constraints = []
release_times = []
for v in value:
operator_length = 2 if v[:2] in ops else 1
operator, stripped_op_v = v[:operator_length], v[operator_length:]
if key == 'fee_amount':
stripped_op_v = str(Decimal(stripped_op_v)*1000)
if key == 'release_time':
release_times.append((operator, stripped_op_v))
range_constraints.append((operator, stripped_op_v))
if key != 'release_time':
query['must'].append({"range": {key: {ops[operator]: v for operator, v in range_constraints}}})
{"should": [
{"bool": {
"must_not": {
"exists": {
"field": "release_time"
{"bool": {
"must": [
{"exists": {"field": "release_time"}},
{'range': {key: {ops[operator]: v for operator, v in release_times}}},
elif many:
query['must'].append({"terms": {key: value}})
if key == 'fee_amount':
value = str(Decimal(value)*1000)
query['must'].append({"term": {key: {"value": value}}})
elif key == 'not_channel_ids':
for channel_id in value:
query['must_not'].append({"term": {'channel_id.keyword': channel_id}})
query['must_not'].append({"term": {'_id': channel_id}})
elif key == 'channel_ids':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'channel_id.keyword': value}})
elif key == 'claim_ids':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'claim_id.keyword': value}})
elif key == 'media_types':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'media_type.keyword': value}})
elif key == 'any_languages':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'languages': clean_tags(value)}})
elif key == 'any_languages':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'languages': value}})
elif key == 'all_languages':
query['must'].extend([{"term": {'languages': tag}} for tag in value])
elif key == 'any_tags':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'tags.keyword': clean_tags(value)}})
elif key == 'all_tags':
query['must'].extend([{"term": {'tags.keyword': tag}} for tag in clean_tags(value)])
elif key == 'not_tags':
query['must_not'].extend([{"term": {'tags.keyword': tag}} for tag in clean_tags(value)])
elif key == 'not_claim_id':
query['must_not'].extend([{"term": {'claim_id.keyword': cid}} for cid in value])
elif key == 'limit_claims_per_channel':
collapse = ('channel_id.keyword', value)
if kwargs.get('has_channel_signature'):
query['must'].append({"exists": {"field": "signature"}})
if 'signature_valid' in kwargs:
query['must'].append({"term": {"is_signature_valid": bool(kwargs["signature_valid"])}})
elif 'signature_valid' in kwargs:
{"should": [
{"bool": {"must_not": {"exists": {"field": "signature"}}}},
{"bool" : {"must" : {"term": {"is_signature_valid": bool(kwargs["signature_valid"])}}}}
if 'has_source' in kwargs:
is_stream_or_repost_terms = {"terms": {"claim_type": [CLAIM_TYPES['stream'], CLAIM_TYPES['repost']]}}
{"should": [
{"bool": # when is_stream_or_repost AND has_source
{"must": [
{"match": {"has_source": kwargs['has_source']}},
{"bool": # when not is_stream_or_repost
{"must_not": is_stream_or_repost_terms}
{"bool": # when reposted_claim_type wouldn't have source
{"term": {"reposted_claim_type": CLAIM_TYPES['stream']}}
{"term": {"claim_type": CLAIM_TYPES['repost']}}
if kwargs.get('text'):
{"query": kwargs["text"], "fields": [
"claim_name^4", "channel_name^8", "title^1", "description^.5", "author^1", "tags^.5"
query = {
"_source": {"excludes": ["description", "title"]},
'query': {'bool': query},
"sort": [],
if "limit" in kwargs:
query["size"] = kwargs["limit"]
if 'offset' in kwargs:
query["from"] = kwargs["offset"]
if 'order_by' in kwargs:
if isinstance(kwargs["order_by"], str):
kwargs["order_by"] = [kwargs["order_by"]]
for value in kwargs['order_by']:
if 'trending_group' in value:
# fixme: trending_mixed is 0 for all records on variable decay, making sort slow.
is_asc = value.startswith('^')
value = value[1:] if is_asc else value
value = REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value)
if value in TEXT_FIELDS:
value += '.keyword'
query['sort'].append({value: "asc" if is_asc else "desc"})
if collapse:
query["collapse"] = {
"field": collapse[0],
"inner_hits": {
"name": collapse[0],
"size": collapse[1],
"sort": query["sort"]
return query
def expand_result(results):
inner_hits = []
expanded = []
for result in results:
if result.get("inner_hits"):
for _, inner_hit in result["inner_hits"].items():
result = result['_source']
result['claim_hash'] = bytes.fromhex(result['claim_id'])[::-1]
if result['reposted_claim_id']:
result['reposted_claim_hash'] = bytes.fromhex(result['reposted_claim_id'])[::-1]
result['reposted_claim_hash'] = None
result['channel_hash'] = bytes.fromhex(result['channel_id'])[::-1] if result['channel_id'] else None
result['txo_hash'] = bytes.fromhex(result['tx_id'])[::-1] + struct.pack('<I', result['tx_nout'])
result['tx_hash'] = bytes.fromhex(result['tx_id'])[::-1]
result['reposted'] = result.pop('repost_count')
result['signature_valid'] = result.pop('is_signature_valid')
# result['normalized'] = result.pop('normalized_name')
# if result['censoring_channel_hash']:
# result['censoring_channel_hash'] = unhexlify(result['censoring_channel_hash'])[::-1]
if inner_hits:
return expand_result(inner_hits)
return expanded
class ResultCacheItem:
class ResultCacheItem:
__slots__ = '_result', 'lock', 'has_result'
__slots__ = '_result', 'lock', 'has_result'
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from hub.error import ResolveCensoredError, TooManyClaimSearchParametersError
from hub import __version__, PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE
from hub import __version__, PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE
from hub.build_info import BUILD, COMMIT_HASH, DOCKER_TAG
from hub.build_info import BUILD, COMMIT_HASH, DOCKER_TAG
from import SearchIndex
from import SearchIndex
from hub.common import sha256, hash_to_hex_str, hex_str_to_hash, HASHX_LEN, version_string, formatted_time
from hub.common import sha256, hash_to_hex_str, hex_str_to_hash, HASHX_LEN, version_string, formatted_time
from hub.common import protocol_version, RPCError, DaemonError, TaskGroup, HISTOGRAM_BUCKETS
from hub.common import protocol_version, RPCError, DaemonError, TaskGroup, HISTOGRAM_BUCKETS
from hub.herald.jsonrpc import JSONRPCAutoDetect, JSONRPCConnection, JSONRPCv2, JSONRPC
from hub.herald.jsonrpc import JSONRPCAutoDetect, JSONRPCConnection, JSONRPCv2, JSONRPC
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