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2022-03-15 23:57:42 -04:00
scribe update readme 2022-03-15 23:57:42 -04:00
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Scribe maintains a rocksdb database containing the LBRY blockchain and provides an interface for python based services that utilize the blockchain data in an ongoing manner. Scribe includes implementations of this interface to provide an electrum server for thin-wallet clients (such as lbry-sdk) and to maintain an elasticsearch database of metadata for claims in the LBRY blockchain.

  • Uses Python 3.7-3.8
  • Protobuf schema for encoding and decoding metadata stored on the blockchain (scribe.schema).
  • Blockchain processor that maintains an up to date rocksdb database (scribe.blockchain)
  • Rocksdb based database containing the blockchain data (scribe.db)
  • Interface for python services to implement in order for them maintain a read only view of the blockchain data (scribe.reader.interface)
  • Electrum based server for thin-wallet clients like lbry-sdk (scribe.reader.hub_server)
  • Elasticsearch sync utility to index all the claim metadata in the blockchain into an easily searchable form (scribe.reader.elastic_sync)


Our releases page contains pre-built binaries of the latest release, pre-releases, and past releases for macOS and Debian-based Linux. Prebuilt docker images are also available.


Scribe needs either the lbrycrd or lbcd blockchain daemon to be running.

As of block 1124663 (3/10/22) the size of the rocksdb database is 87GB and the size of the elasticsearch volume is 49GB.

To start scribe, run the following (providing your own args)

scribe --db_dir /your/db/path --daemon_url rpcuser:rpcpass@localhost:9245

Running from source

Installing from source is also relatively painless. Full instructions are in


Contributions to this project are welcome, encouraged, and compensated. For more details, please check this link.


This project is MIT licensed. For the full license, see LICENSE.


We take security seriously. Please contact regarding any security issues. Our PGP key is here if you need it.


The primary contact for this project is @jackrobison.