Borrowed from p4a: https://github.com/kivy/python-for-android/pull/2159 Also refs upstream issue: https://bugs.python.org/issue40261 Note that the fix used upstream cannot really be used directly here because the actual system Python is impacted. Adds venv build to CI to check for regressions.
98 lines
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98 lines
3.9 KiB
from toolchain import Recipe, cd, shprint
from os.path import join
import os
import sh
import shutil
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Hostpython3Recipe(Recipe):
version = "3.8.2"
url = "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/{version}/Python-{version}.tgz"
depends = ["hostlibffi", "hostopenssl"]
optional_depends = []
archs = ["x86_64"]
build_subdir = 'native-build'
def init_with_ctx(self, ctx):
super(Hostpython3Recipe, self).init_with_ctx(ctx)
self.set_hostpython(self, "3.8")
self.ctx.so_suffix = ".cpython-38m-darwin.so"
self.ctx.hostpython = join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "hostpython3", "bin", "python")
self.ctx.hostpgen = join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "hostpython3", "bin", "pgen")
logger.info("Global: hostpython located at {}".format(self.ctx.hostpython))
logger.info("Global: hostpgen located at {}".format(self.ctx.hostpgen))
def get_build_subdir(self, arch):
return join(self.get_build_dir(arch), self.build_subdir)
def prebuild_arch(self, arch):
if self.has_marker("patched"):
self.copy_file("ModulesSetup", "Modules/Setup.local")
def postbuild_arch(self, arch):
def get_build_env(self):
sdk_path = sh.xcrun("--sdk", "macosx", "--show-sdk-path").strip()
build_env = self.ctx.env.copy()
self.build_env_x86_84 = build_env
ccache = (build_env["CCACHE"] + ' ') if 'CCACHE' in build_env else ''
build_env["CC"] = ccache + "clang -Qunused-arguments -fcolor-diagnostics"
build_env["LDFLAGS"] = " ".join([
"-L{}".format(join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "hostlibffi", "usr", "local", "lib"))
build_env["CFLAGS"] = " ".join([
"-arch x86_64",
"-I{}".format(join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "hostlibffi", "usr", "local", "include"))
return build_env
def build_x86_64(self):
build_env = self.get_build_env()
configure = sh.Command(join(self.build_dir, "configure"))
arch = self.filtered_archs[0]
build_subdir = self.get_build_subdir(arch.arch)
os.makedirs(build_subdir, exist_ok=True)
with cd(build_subdir):
"--prefix={}".format(join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "hostpython3")),
"--with-openssl={}".format(join(self.ctx.dist_dir, 'hostopenssl')),
shprint(sh.make, "-C", build_subdir, self.ctx.concurrent_make,
def install(self):
arch = list(self.filtered_archs)[0]
build_env = self.get_build_env()
build_subdir = self.get_build_subdir(arch.arch)
build_env["PATH"] = os.environ["PATH"]
shprint(sh.make, self.ctx.concurrent_make,
"-C", build_subdir,
join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "hostpython3", "bin", "python3"),
join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "hostpython3", "bin", "python"))
I don't like this kind of "patches".
sysconfig was overriding our cflags and extensions were failing to build.
This hack resets the cflags provided by sysconfig.
with open(join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "hostpython3", "lib", "python3.8", "distutils", "sysconfig.py"), 'r') as sysconfigfile:
lines = sysconfigfile.readlines()
lines[192] = ' cflags = ""\n'
with open(join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "hostpython3", "lib", "python3.8", "distutils", "sysconfig.py"), 'w') as sysconfigfile:
recipe = Hostpython3Recipe()