39 lines
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39 lines
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posix posixmodule.c # posix (UNIX) system calls
errno errnomodule.c # posix (UNIX) errno values
pwd pwdmodule.c # this is needed to find out the user's home dir
# if $HOME is not set
_sre _sre.c # Fredrik Lundh's new regular expressions
_codecs _codecsmodule.c # access to the builtin codecs and codec registry
zipimport zipimport.c
_symtable symtablemodule.c
array arraymodule.c # array objects
cmath cmathmodule.c # -lm # complex math library functions
math mathmodule.c # -lm # math library functions, e.g. sin()
_struct _struct.c # binary structure packing/unpacking
time timemodule.c # -lm # time operations and variables
operator operator.c # operator.add() and similar goodies
_weakref _weakref.c # basic weak reference support
_random _randommodule.c # Random number generator
_collections _collectionsmodule.c # Container types
itertools itertoolsmodule.c # Functions creating iterators for efficient looping
strop stropmodule.c # String manipulations
_functools _functoolsmodule.c # Tools for working with functions and callable objects
_elementtree -I$(srcdir)/Modules/expat -DHAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H -DUSE_PYEXPAT_CAPI _elementtree.c # elementtree accelerator
datetime datetimemodule.c # date/time type
_bisect _bisectmodule.c # Bisection algorithms
fcntl fcntlmodule.c # fcntl(2) and ioctl(2)
select selectmodule.c # select(2); not on ancient System V
_socket socketmodule.c
_md5 md5module.c md5.c
_sha shamodule.c
_sha256 sha256module.c
_sha512 sha512module.c
binascii binascii.c
parser parsermodule.c
cStringIO cStringIO.c
cPickle cPickle.c
zlib zlibmodule.c -I$(prefix)/include -L$(exec_prefix)/lib -lz
xxsubtype xxsubtype.c
# added in case of
unicodedata unicodedata.c # static Unicode character database