
469 lines
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Raw Normal View History

package claimtrie
import (
// ClaimTrie implements a Merkle Trie supporting linear history of commits.
type ClaimTrie struct {
// Repository for calculated block hashes.
blockRepo block.Repo
// Repository for storing temporal information of nodes at each block height.
// For example, which nodes (by name) should be refreshed at each block height
// due to stake expiration or delayed activation.
temporalRepo temporal.Repo
// Cache layer of Nodes.
nodeManager node.Manager
// Prefix tree (trie) that manages merkle hash of each node.
merkleTrie merkletrie.MerkleTrie
// Current block height, which is increased by one when AppendBlock() is called.
height int32
// Registrered cleanup functions which are invoked in the Close() in reverse order.
cleanups []func() error
func New(cfg config.Config) (*ClaimTrie, error) {
var cleanups []func() error
// The passed in cfg.DataDir has been prepended with netname.
dataDir := filepath.Join(cfg.DataDir, "claim_dbs")
dbPath := filepath.Join(dataDir, cfg.BlockRepoPebble.Path)
blockRepo, err := blockrepo.NewPebble(dbPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creating block repo")
cleanups = append(cleanups, blockRepo.Close)
err = blockRepo.Set(0, merkletrie.EmptyTrieHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "setting block repo genesis")
dbPath = filepath.Join(dataDir, cfg.TemporalRepoPebble.Path)
temporalRepo, err := temporalrepo.NewPebble(dbPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creating temporal repo")
cleanups = append(cleanups, temporalRepo.Close)
// Initialize repository for changes to nodes.
// The cleanup is delegated to the Node Manager.
dbPath = filepath.Join(dataDir, cfg.NodeRepoPebble.Path)
nodeRepo, err := noderepo.NewPebble(dbPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creating node repo")
baseManager, err := node.NewBaseManager(nodeRepo)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creating node base manager")
normalizingManager := node.NewNormalizingManager(baseManager)
nodeManager := &node.HashV2Manager{Manager: normalizingManager}
cleanups = append(cleanups, nodeManager.Close)
var trie merkletrie.MerkleTrie
if cfg.RamTrie {
trie = merkletrie.NewRamTrie()
} else {
// Initialize repository for MerkleTrie. The cleanup is delegated to MerkleTrie.
dbPath = filepath.Join(dataDir, cfg.MerkleTrieRepoPebble.Path)
trieRepo, err := merkletrierepo.NewPebble(dbPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creating trie repo")
persistentTrie := merkletrie.NewPersistentTrie(trieRepo)
cleanups = append(cleanups, persistentTrie.Close)
trie = persistentTrie
// Restore the last height.
previousHeight, err := blockRepo.Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "load block tip")
ct := &ClaimTrie{
blockRepo: blockRepo,
temporalRepo: temporalRepo,
nodeManager: nodeManager,
merkleTrie: trie,
height: previousHeight,
ct.cleanups = cleanups
if previousHeight > 0 {
hash, err := blockRepo.Get(previousHeight)
if err != nil {
ct.Close() // TODO: the cleanups aren't run when we exit with an err above here (but should be)
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "block repo get")
_, err = nodeManager.IncrementHeightTo(previousHeight)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "increment height to")
err = trie.SetRoot(hash) // keep this after IncrementHeightTo
if err == merkletrie.ErrFullRebuildRequired {
// TODO: pass in the interrupt signal here:
if !ct.MerkleHash().IsEqual(hash) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to restore the claim hash to %s at height %d", hash.String(), previousHeight)
return ct, nil
// AddClaim adds a Claim to the ClaimTrie.
func (ct *ClaimTrie) AddClaim(name []byte, op wire.OutPoint, id change.ClaimID, amt int64) error {
chg := change.Change{
Type: change.AddClaim,
Name: name,
OutPoint: op,
Amount: amt,
ClaimID: id,
return ct.forwardNodeChange(chg)
// UpdateClaim updates a Claim in the ClaimTrie.
func (ct *ClaimTrie) UpdateClaim(name []byte, op wire.OutPoint, amt int64, id change.ClaimID) error {
chg := change.Change{
Type: change.UpdateClaim,
Name: name,
OutPoint: op,
Amount: amt,
ClaimID: id,
return ct.forwardNodeChange(chg)
// SpendClaim spends a Claim in the ClaimTrie.
func (ct *ClaimTrie) SpendClaim(name []byte, op wire.OutPoint, id change.ClaimID) error {
chg := change.Change{
Type: change.SpendClaim,
Name: name,
OutPoint: op,
ClaimID: id,
return ct.forwardNodeChange(chg)
// AddSupport adds a Support to the ClaimTrie.
func (ct *ClaimTrie) AddSupport(name []byte, op wire.OutPoint, amt int64, id change.ClaimID) error {
chg := change.Change{
Type: change.AddSupport,
Name: name,
OutPoint: op,
Amount: amt,
ClaimID: id,
return ct.forwardNodeChange(chg)
// SpendSupport spends a Support in the ClaimTrie.
func (ct *ClaimTrie) SpendSupport(name []byte, op wire.OutPoint, id change.ClaimID) error {
chg := change.Change{
Type: change.SpendSupport,
Name: name,
OutPoint: op,
ClaimID: id,
return ct.forwardNodeChange(chg)
// AppendBlock increases block by one.
func (ct *ClaimTrie) AppendBlock() error {
names, err := ct.nodeManager.IncrementHeightTo(ct.height)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "node manager increment")
expirations, err := ct.temporalRepo.NodesAt(ct.height)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "temporal repo get")
names = removeDuplicates(names) // comes out sorted
updateNames := make([][]byte, 0, len(names)+len(expirations))
updateHeights := make([]int32, 0, len(names)+len(expirations))
updateNames = append(updateNames, names...)
for range names { // log to the db that we updated a name at this height for rollback purposes
updateHeights = append(updateHeights, ct.height)
names = append(names, expirations...)
names = removeDuplicates(names)
nhns := ct.makeNameHashNext(names, false)
for nhn := range nhns {
ct.merkleTrie.Update(nhn.Name, nhn.Hash, true)
if nhn.Next <= 0 {
newName := normalization.NormalizeIfNecessary(nhn.Name, nhn.Next)
updateNames = append(updateNames, newName)
updateHeights = append(updateHeights, nhn.Next)
if len(updateNames) != 0 {
err = ct.temporalRepo.SetNodesAt(updateNames, updateHeights)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "temporal repo set")
hitFork := ct.updateTrieForHashForkIfNecessary()
h := ct.MerkleHash()
ct.blockRepo.Set(ct.height, h)
if hitFork {
err = ct.merkleTrie.SetRoot(h) // for clearing the memory entirely
return errors.Wrap(err, "merkle trie clear memory")
func (ct *ClaimTrie) updateTrieForHashForkIfNecessary() bool {
if ct.height != param.ActiveParams.AllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight {
return false
node.LogOnce(fmt.Sprintf("Rebuilding all trie nodes for the hash fork at %d...", ct.height))
return true
func removeDuplicates(names [][]byte) [][]byte { // this might be too expensive; we'll have to profile it
sort.Slice(names, func(i, j int) bool { // put names in order so we can skip duplicates
return bytes.Compare(names[i], names[j]) < 0
for i := len(names) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
if bytes.Equal(names[i], names[i+1]) {
names = append(names[:i], names[i+1:]...)
return names
// ResetHeight resets the ClaimTrie to a previous known height..
func (ct *ClaimTrie) ResetHeight(height int32) error {
names := make([][]byte, 0)
for h := height + 1; h <= ct.height; h++ {
results, err := ct.temporalRepo.NodesAt(h)
if err != nil {
return err
names = append(names, results...)
err := ct.nodeManager.DecrementHeightTo(names, height)
if err != nil {
return err
passedHashFork := ct.height >= param.ActiveParams.AllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight && height < param.ActiveParams.AllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight
hash, err := ct.blockRepo.Get(height)
if err != nil {
return err
ct.height = height // keep this before the rebuild
if passedHashFork {
names = nil // force them to reconsider all names
err = ct.merkleTrie.SetRoot(hash)
if err == merkletrie.ErrFullRebuildRequired {
if !ct.MerkleHash().IsEqual(hash) {
return errors.Errorf("unable to restore the hash at height %d", height)
return nil
func (ct *ClaimTrie) runFullTrieRebuild(names [][]byte) {
var nhns chan NameHashNext
if names == nil {
node.LogOnce("Building the entire claim trie in RAM...")
nhns = ct.makeNameHashNext(nil, true)
} else {
nhns = ct.makeNameHashNext(names, false)
for nhn := range nhns {
ct.merkleTrie.Update(nhn.Name, nhn.Hash, false)
// MerkleHash returns the Merkle Hash of the claimTrie.
func (ct *ClaimTrie) MerkleHash() *chainhash.Hash {
if ct.height >= param.ActiveParams.AllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight {
return ct.merkleTrie.MerkleHashAllClaims()
return ct.merkleTrie.MerkleHash()
// Height returns the current block height.
func (ct *ClaimTrie) Height() int32 {
return ct.height
// Close persists states.
// Any calls to the ClaimTrie after Close() being called results undefined behaviour.
func (ct *ClaimTrie) Close() {
for i := len(ct.cleanups) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
cleanup := ct.cleanups[i]
err := cleanup()
if err != nil { // it would be better to cleanup what we can than exit early
node.LogOnce("On cleanup: " + err.Error())
ct.cleanups = nil
func (ct *ClaimTrie) forwardNodeChange(chg change.Change) error {
chg.Height = ct.Height() + 1
return nil
func (ct *ClaimTrie) NodeAt(height int32, name []byte) (*node.Node, error) {
return ct.nodeManager.NodeAt(height, name)
func (ct *ClaimTrie) NamesChangedInBlock(height int32) ([]string, error) {
hits, err := ct.temporalRepo.NodesAt(height)
r := make([]string, len(hits))
for i := range hits {
r[i] = string(hits[i])
return r, err
func (ct *ClaimTrie) FlushToDisk() {
// maybe the user can fix the file lock shown in the warning before they shut down
if err := ct.nodeManager.Flush(); err != nil {
node.Warn("During nodeManager flush: " + err.Error())
if err := ct.temporalRepo.Flush(); err != nil {
node.Warn("During temporalRepo flush: " + err.Error())
if err := ct.merkleTrie.Flush(); err != nil {
node.Warn("During merkleTrie flush: " + err.Error())
if err := ct.blockRepo.Flush(); err != nil {
node.Warn("During blockRepo flush: " + err.Error())
type NameHashNext struct {
Name []byte
Hash *chainhash.Hash
Next int32
func (ct *ClaimTrie) makeNameHashNext(names [][]byte, all bool) chan NameHashNext {
inputs := make(chan []byte, 512)
outputs := make(chan NameHashNext, 512)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
2021-08-18 15:22:04 -04:00
hashComputationWorker := func() {
for name := range inputs {
hash, next := ct.nodeManager.Hash(name)
outputs <- NameHashNext{name, hash, next}
threads := int(0.8 * float32(runtime.NumCPU()))
if threads < 1 {
threads = 1
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for threads > 0 {
2021-08-18 15:22:04 -04:00
go hashComputationWorker()
go func() {
if all {
ct.nodeManager.IterateNames(func(name []byte) bool {
clone := make([]byte, len(name))
copy(clone, name) // iteration name buffer is reused on future loops
inputs <- clone
return true
} else {
for _, name := range names {
inputs <- name
go func() {
return outputs