**lbcd** loads config file at `"${LBCDDIR}/lbcd.conf"`.
If no config is found, it creates a [default one](sample-lbcd.conf), which includes all available options with default settings except randomly generated *RPC credentials* (see below).
RPC credentials (`rpcuser` and `rpcpass`) is required to enable RPC server. It can be specify in the `"${LBCDDIR}/lbcd.conf"`, using command line options:
2. verbosity (numeric, optional, default=1) Specifies whether the block data should be returned as a hex-encoded string (0), as parsed data with a slice of TXIDs (1), or as parsed data with parsed transaction data (2)
Result (verbosity=0):
"value" (string) Hex-encoded bytes of the serialized block
Result (verbosity=1):
"getblockverboseresultbase": { (object)
"hash": "value", (string) The hash of the block (same as provided)
"confirmations": n, (numeric) The number of confirmations
"strippedsize": n, (numeric) The size of the block without witness data
"size": n, (numeric) The size of the block
"weight": n, (numeric) The weight of the block
"height": n, (numeric) The height of the block in the block chain
"version": n, (numeric) The block version
"versionHex": "value", (string) The block version in hexadecimal
"merkleroot": "value", (string) Root hash of the merkle tree
"time": n, (numeric) The block time in seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT
"mediantime": n, (numeric) The median block time in seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT
"nonce": n, (numeric) The block nonce
"bits": "value", (string) The bits which represent the block difficulty
"difficulty": n.nnn, (numeric) The proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty
"chainwork": "value", (string) Expected number of hashes required to produce the chain up to this block (in hex)
"previousblockhash": "value", (string) The hash of the previous block
"nextblockhash": "value", (string) The hash of the next block (only if there is one)
"nameclaimroot": "value", (string) Root hash of the claim trie
"nTx": n, (numeric) The number of transactions (aka, count of TX)
"tx": ["value",...], (array of string) The transaction hashes (only when verbosity=1)
## **lbcd** & **lbcwallet**
*Wallet* related functianlities and RPCs are provided by a separate programe - [**lbcwallet**](https://github.com/lbryio/lbcwallet).
Once setup, lbcwallet can serve wallet related RPCs as well as proxy lbcd RPCs to an assocated lbcd now.
It's sufficient for user to connect just the **lbcwallet** instead of both.
``` mermaid
actor C as lbcctl
participant W as lbcwallet (port: 9244)
participant D as lbcd (port: 9245)
rect rgb(200,200,200)
Note over C,D: lbcctl getblockcount
C ->>+ D: getblockcount
D -->>- C: response
rect rgb(200,200,200)
Note over C,W: lbcctl --wallet balance
C ->>+ W: getbalance
W -->>- C: response
rect rgb(200,200,200)
Note over C,D: lbcctl --wallet getblockcount (lbcd RPC service proxied by lbcwallet)
C ->>+ W: getblockcount
W ->>+ D: getblockcount
D -->>- W: response
W -->>- C: response
While **lbcd** can run standalone as a full node, **lbcwallet** requires an associated **lbcd** instance for scanning and sync'ing block data.
``` mermaid
participant W as lbcwallet (RPC port: 9244)
participant D as lbcd (RPC port: 9245, P2P port: 9246)
participant D2 as other lbcd node(s) (P2P port: 9246)
rect rgb(200,200,200)
Note over W,D: Asynchronous websocket notifications
W ->> D: subscribe to notifications
D -->> W: notification
D -->> W: notification
rect rgb(200,200,200)
Note over W,D: lbcd RPCs
W ->>+ D: getblockheader
D ->>- W: response
rect rgb(200,200,200)
Note over D,D2: P2P messages over port 9246
D -->> D2: P2P message
D2 -->> D: P2P message
## Data integrity
**lbcd** is not immune to data loss. It expects a clean shutdown via SIGINT or
SIGTERM. SIGKILL, immediate VM kills, and sudden power loss can cause data
corruption, thus requiring chain resynchronization for recovery.
## Security
We take security seriously. Please contact [security](mailto:security@lbry.com) regarding any security issues.
Our PGP key is [here](https://lbry.com/faq/pgp-key) if you need it.
We maintain a mailing list for notifications of upgrades, security issues,
and soft/hard forks. To join, visit [fork list](https://lbry.com/forklist)