Consistency and general cleanup in btcec.
This commit contains various modifications for code and comment consistency in the btcec package: - Call out references at the top and reference them by their identifier in the other comments - Remove a TODO that no longer applies - Add comments to the fields in the KoblitzCurve struct and reorder them slightly - Make comments wrap to 80 - Cleanup code that was far exceeding col 80 (only function declarations typically do this) - Extend block comments to use as much of the 80 cols as available - Add a bit more explanation in a couple of places - Update copyright year on secp256k1.go - Fix a couple of typos in the comments
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 109 additions and 88 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ package btcec
// References:
// [SECG]: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters
// [GECC]: Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography (Hankerson, Menezes, Vanstone)
// This package operates, internally, on Jacobian coordinates. For a given
// (x, y) position on the curve, the Jacobian coordinates are (x1, y1, z1)
@ -23,9 +25,6 @@ import (
//TODO: examine if we need to care about EC optimization as descibed here
var (
// fieldOne is simply the integer 1 in field representation. It is
// used to avoid needing to create it multiple times during the internal
@ -40,21 +39,29 @@ type KoblitzCurve struct {
q *big.Int
H int // cofactor of the curve.
// The next 6 values are used specifically for endomorphism optimizations
// in ScalarMult.
// byteSize is simply the bit size / 8 and is provided for convenience
// since it is calculated repeatedly.
byteSize int
// lambda should fulfill lambda^3 = 1 mod N where N is the order of G
lambda *big.Int
// beta should fulfill beta^3 = 1 mod P where P is the prime field of the curve
beta *fieldVal
// a1, b1, a2 and b2 are explained in detail in Guide To Elliptical Curve
// Cryptography (Hankerson, Menezes, Vanstone) in Algorithm 3.74
a1 *big.Int
b1 *big.Int
a2 *big.Int
b2 *big.Int
byteSize int
// bytePoints
bytePoints *[32][256][3]fieldVal
// The next 6 values are used specifically for endomorphism
// optimizations in ScalarMult.
// lambda must fulfill lambda^3 = 1 mod N where N is the order of G.
lambda *big.Int
// beta must fulfill beta^3 = 1 mod P where P is the prime field of the
// curve.
beta *fieldVal
// See the EndomorphismVectors in gensecp256k1.go to see how these are
// derived.
a1 *big.Int
b1 *big.Int
a2 *big.Int
b2 *big.Int
// Params returns the parameters for the curve.
@ -609,20 +616,23 @@ func (curve *KoblitzCurve) Double(x1, y1 *big.Int) (*big.Int, *big.Int) {
return curve.fieldJacobianToBigAffine(fx3, fy3, fz3)
// splitK returns a balanced length-two representation of k and their
// signs.
// This is algorithm 3.74 from Guide to Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ref above)
// splitK returns a balanced length-two representation of k and their signs.
// This is algorithm 3.74 from [GECC].
// One thing of note about this algorithm is that no matter what c1 and c2 are,
// the final equation of k = k1 + k2 * lambda (mod n) will hold. This is provable
// mathematically due to how a1/b1/a2/b2 are computed.
// the final equation of k = k1 + k2 * lambda (mod n) will hold. This is
// provable mathematically due to how a1/b1/a2/b2 are computed.
// c1 and c2 are chosen to minimize the max(k1,k2).
func (curve *KoblitzCurve) splitK(k []byte) ([]byte, []byte, int, int) {
// All math here is done with big.Int, which is slow.
// At some point, it might be useful to write something similar to fieldVal
// but for N instead of P as the prime field if this ends up being a
// bottleneck.
bigIntK, c1, c2, tmp1, tmp2, k1, k2 := new(big.Int), new(big.Int), new(big.Int), new(big.Int), new(big.Int), new(big.Int), new(big.Int)
// At some point, it might be useful to write something similar to
// fieldVal but for N instead of P as the prime field if this ends up
// being a bottleneck.
bigIntK := new(big.Int)
c1, c2 := new(big.Int), new(big.Int)
tmp1, tmp2 := new(big.Int), new(big.Int)
k1, k2 := new(big.Int), new(big.Int)
// c1 = round(b2 * k / n) from step 4.
@ -649,15 +659,14 @@ func (curve *KoblitzCurve) splitK(k []byte) ([]byte, []byte, int, int) {
return k1.Bytes(), k2.Bytes(), k1.Sign(), k2.Sign()
// moduloReduce reduces k from more than 32 bytes to 32 bytes and under.
// This is done by doing a simple modulo curve.N. We can do this since
// G^N = 1 and thus any other valid point on the elliptical curve has the
// same order.
// moduloReduce reduces k from more than 32 bytes to 32 bytes and under. This
// is done by doing a simple modulo curve.N. We can do this since G^N = 1 and
// thus any other valid point on the elliptic curve has the same order.
func (curve *KoblitzCurve) moduloReduce(k []byte) []byte {
// Since the order of G is curve.N, we can use a much smaller number
// by doing modulo curve.N
if len(k) > curve.byteSize {
// reduce k by performing modulo curve.N
// Reduce k by performing modulo curve.N.
tmpK := new(big.Int).SetBytes(k)
tmpK.Mod(tmpK, curve.N)
return tmpK.Bytes()
@ -666,24 +675,24 @@ func (curve *KoblitzCurve) moduloReduce(k []byte) []byte {
return k
// NAF takes a positive integer k and returns the Non-Adjacent Form (NAF)
// as two byte slices. The first is where 1's should be. The second is where
// -1's should be.
// NAF is also convenient in that on average, only 1/3rd of its values are
// non-zero.
// The algorithm here is from Guide to Elliptical Cryptography 3.30 (ref above)
// NAF takes a positive integer k and returns the Non-Adjacent Form (NAF) as two
// byte slices. The first is where 1s will be. The second is where -1s will
// be. NAF is convenient in that on average, only 1/3rd of its values are
// non-zero. This is algorithm 3.30 from [GECC].
// Essentially, this makes it possible to minimize the number of operations
// since the resulting ints returned will be at least 50% 0's.
// since the resulting ints returned will be at least 50% 0s.
func NAF(k []byte) ([]byte, []byte) {
// The essence of this algorithm is that whenever we have consecutive 1s
// in the binary, we want to put a -1 in the lowest bit and get a bunch of
// 0s up to the highest bit of consecutive 1s. This is due to this identity:
// in the binary, we want to put a -1 in the lowest bit and get a bunch
// of 0s up to the highest bit of consecutive 1s. This is due to this
// identity:
// 2^n + 2^(n-1) + 2^(n-2) + ... + 2^(n-k) = 2^(n+1) - 2^(n-k)
// The algorithm thus may need to go 1 more bit than the length of the bits
// we actually have, hence bits being 1 bit longer than was necessary.
// Since we need to know whether adding will cause a carry, we go from
// right-to-left in this addition.
// The algorithm thus may need to go 1 more bit than the length of the
// bits we actually have, hence bits being 1 bit longer than was
// necessary. Since we need to know whether adding will cause a carry,
// we go from right-to-left in this addition.
var carry, curIsOne, nextIsOne bool
// these default to zero
retPos := make([]byte, len(k)+1)
@ -703,28 +712,33 @@ func NAF(k []byte) ([]byte, []byte) {
if carry {
if curIsOne {
// This bit is 1, so we continue to carry and
// don't need to do anything
// This bit is 1, so continue to carry
// and don't need to do anything.
} else {
// We've hit a 0 after some number of 1s.
// We've hit a 0 after some number of
// 1s.
if nextIsOne {
// We start carrying again since we're starting
// a new sequence of 1s.
// Start carrying again since
// a new sequence of 1s is
// starting.
retNeg[i+1] += 1 << j
} else {
// We stop carrying since 1s have stopped.
// Stop carrying since 1s have
// stopped.
carry = false
retPos[i+1] += 1 << j
} else if curIsOne {
if nextIsOne {
// if this is the start of at least 2 consecutive 1's
// we want to set the current one to -1 and start carrying
// If this is the start of at least 2
// consecutive 1s, set the current one
// to -1 and start carrying.
retNeg[i+1] += 1 << j
carry = true
} else {
// this is a singleton, not consecutive 1's.
// This is a singleton, not consecutive
// 1s.
retPos[i+1] += 1 << j
@ -744,27 +758,31 @@ func (curve *KoblitzCurve) ScalarMult(Bx, By *big.Int, k []byte) (*big.Int, *big
// Point Q = ∞ (point at infinity).
qx, qy, qz := new(fieldVal), new(fieldVal), new(fieldVal)
// decompose K into k1 and k2 in order to halve the number of EC ops
// see Algorithm 3.74 in Guide to Elliptical Curve Cryptography by
// Hankerson, et al.
// Decompose K into k1 and k2 in order to halve the number of EC ops.
// See Algorithm 3.74 in [GECC].
k1, k2, signK1, signK2 := curve.splitK(curve.moduloReduce(k))
// The main equation here to remember is
// k * P = k1 * P + k2 * ϕ(P)
// The main equation here to remember is:
// k * P = k1 * P + k2 * ϕ(P)
// P1 below is P in the equation, P2 below is ϕ(P) in the equation
p1x, p1y := curve.bigAffineToField(Bx, By)
// For NAF, we need the negative point
p1yNeg := new(fieldVal).NegateVal(p1y, 1)
p1z := new(fieldVal).SetInt(1)
// Note ϕ(x,y) = (βx,y), the Jacobian z coordinate is 1, so this math
// NOTE: ϕ(x,y) = (βx,y). The Jacobian z coordinate is 1, so this math
// goes through.
p2x := new(fieldVal).Mul2(p1x, curve.beta)
p2y := new(fieldVal).Set(p1y)
// For NAF, we need the negative point
p2yNeg := new(fieldVal).NegateVal(p2y, 1)
p2z := new(fieldVal).SetInt(1)
// If k1 or k2 are negative, we flip the positive/negative values
// Flip the positive and negative values of the points as needed
// depending on the signs of k1 and k2. As mentioned in the equation
// above, each of k1 and k2 are multiplied by the respective point.
// Since -k * P is the same thing as k * -P, and the group law for
// elliptic curves states that P(x, y) = -P(x, -y), it's faster and
// simplifies the code to just make the point negative.
if signK1 == -1 {
p1y, p1yNeg = p1yNeg, p1y
@ -772,9 +790,10 @@ func (curve *KoblitzCurve) ScalarMult(Bx, By *big.Int, k []byte) (*big.Int, *big
p2y, p2yNeg = p2yNeg, p2y
// NAF versions of k1 and k2 should have a lot more zeros
// the Pos version of the bytes contain the +1's and the Neg versions
// contain the -1's
// NAF versions of k1 and k2 should have a lot more zeros.
// The Pos version of the bytes contain the +1s and the Neg versions
// contain the -1s.
k1PosNAF, k1NegNAF := NAF(k1)
k2PosNAF, k2NegNAF := NAF(k2)
k1Len := len(k1PosNAF)
@ -785,14 +804,13 @@ func (curve *KoblitzCurve) ScalarMult(Bx, By *big.Int, k []byte) (*big.Int, *big
m = k2Len
// We add left-to-right using the NAF optimization. This is using
// algorithm 3.77 from Guide to Elliptical Curve Cryptography.
// This should be faster overall since there will be a lot more instances
// of 0, hence reducing the number of Jacobian additions at the cost
// of 1 possible extra doubling.
// Add left-to-right using the NAF optimization. See algorithm 3.77
// from [GECC]. This should be faster overall since there will be a lot
// more instances of 0, hence reducing the number of Jacobian additions
// at the cost of 1 possible extra doubling.
var k1BytePos, k1ByteNeg, k2BytePos, k2ByteNeg byte
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
// Since we're going left-to-right, we need to pad the front with 0's
// Since we're going left-to-right, pad the front with 0s.
if i < m-k1Len {
k1BytePos = 0
k1ByteNeg = 0
@ -813,15 +831,19 @@ func (curve *KoblitzCurve) ScalarMult(Bx, By *big.Int, k []byte) (*big.Int, *big
curve.doubleJacobian(qx, qy, qz, qx, qy, qz)
if k1BytePos&0x80 == 0x80 {
curve.addJacobian(qx, qy, qz, p1x, p1y, p1z, qx, qy, qz)
curve.addJacobian(qx, qy, qz, p1x, p1y, p1z,
qx, qy, qz)
} else if k1ByteNeg&0x80 == 0x80 {
curve.addJacobian(qx, qy, qz, p1x, p1yNeg, p1z, qx, qy, qz)
curve.addJacobian(qx, qy, qz, p1x, p1yNeg, p1z,
qx, qy, qz)
if k2BytePos&0x80 == 0x80 {
curve.addJacobian(qx, qy, qz, p2x, p2y, p2z, qx, qy, qz)
curve.addJacobian(qx, qy, qz, p2x, p2y, p2z,
qx, qy, qz)
} else if k2ByteNeg&0x80 == 0x80 {
curve.addJacobian(qx, qy, qz, p2x, p2yNeg, p2z, qx, qy, qz)
curve.addJacobian(qx, qy, qz, p2x, p2yNeg, p2z,
qx, qy, qz)
k1BytePos <<= 1
k1ByteNeg <<= 1
@ -850,8 +872,8 @@ func (curve *KoblitzCurve) ScalarBaseMult(k []byte) (*big.Int, *big.Int) {
// Each "digit" in the 8-bit window can be looked up using bytePoints
// and added together.
for i, byteVal := range newK {
point := curve.bytePoints[diff+i][byteVal]
curve.addJacobian(qx, qy, qz, &point[0], &point[1], &point[2], qx, qy, qz)
p := curve.bytePoints[diff+i][byteVal]
curve.addJacobian(qx, qy, qz, &p[0], &p[1], &p[2], qx, qy, qz)
return curve.fieldJacobianToBigAffine(qx, qy, qz)
@ -894,6 +916,9 @@ func initS256() {
secp256k1.q = new(big.Int).Div(new(big.Int).Add(secp256k1.P,
big.NewInt(1)), big.NewInt(4))
// Provided for convenience since this gets computed repeatedly.
secp256k1.byteSize = secp256k1.BitSize / 8
// Deserialize and set the pre-computed table used to accelerate scalar
// base multiplication. This is hard-coded data, so any errors are
// panics because it means something is wrong in the source code.
@ -904,8 +929,9 @@ func initS256() {
// Next 6 constants are from Hal Finney's post:
// May he rest in peace.
// These have been independently verified by Dave Collins using
// an ecc math script.
// They have also been independently derived from the code in the
// EndomorphismVectors function in gensecp256k1.go.
secp256k1.lambda = fromHex("5363AD4CC05C30E0A5261C028812645A122E22EA20816678DF02967C1B23BD72")
secp256k1.beta = new(fieldVal).SetHex("7AE96A2B657C07106E64479EAC3434E99CF0497512F58995C1396C28719501EE")
secp256k1.a1 = fromHex("3086D221A7D46BCDE86C90E49284EB15")
@ -913,13 +939,8 @@ func initS256() {
secp256k1.a2 = fromHex("114CA50F7A8E2F3F657C1108D9D44CFD8")
secp256k1.b2 = fromHex("3086D221A7D46BCDE86C90E49284EB15")
// for convenience this gets computed repeatedly
secp256k1.byteSize = secp256k1.BitSize / 8
// Alternatively, we can use the parameters below, however, they seem
// to be about 8% slower.
// λ = AC9C52B33FA3CF1F5AD9E3FD77ED9BA4A880B9FC8EC739C2E0CFC810B51283CE
// β = 851695D49A83F8EF919BB86153CBCB16630FB68AED0A766A3EC693D68E6AFA40
// secp256k1.lambda = fromHex("AC9C52B33FA3CF1F5AD9E3FD77ED9BA4A880B9FC8EC739C2E0CFC810B51283CE")
// secp256k1.beta = new(fieldVal).SetHex("851695D49A83F8EF919BB86153CBCB16630FB68AED0A766A3EC693D68E6AFA40")
// secp256k1.a1 = fromHex("E4437ED6010E88286F547FA90ABFE4C3")
@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ func (f *fieldVal) MulInt(val uint) *fieldVal {
// Mul multiplies the passed value to the existing field value and stores the
// result in f. Note that this function can overflow if multiplying any
// of the individual words exceeds a max uint32. In practice, this means the
// magnitude of either value invovled in the multiplication must be a max of
// magnitude of either value involved in the multiplication must be a max of
// 8.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ func (f *fieldVal) Mul(val *fieldVal) *fieldVal {
// Mul2 multiplies the passed two field values together and stores the result
// result in f. Note that this function can overflow if multiplying any of
// the individual words exceeds a max uint32. In practice, this means the
// magnitude of either value invovled in the multiplication must be a max of
// magnitude of either value involved in the multiplication must be a max of
// 8.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Add table
Reference in a new issue