Split the massive switch statement in rpcserver into a map of handlers.
Cleans up a the code a lot and removes the need to be careful about shadowing err. Much rejoicing from jcv, jrick and davec.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 337 additions and 357 deletions
@ -308,6 +308,311 @@ func jsonRPCRead(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, s *rpcServer) {
type commandHandler func(*rpcServer, btcjson.Cmd, chan []byte) (interface{}, error)
var handlers = map[string]commandHandler{
"decoderawtransaction": handleDecodeRawTransaction,
"getbestblockhash": handleGetBestBlockHash,
"getblock": handleGetBlock,
"getblockcount": handleGetBlockCount,
"getblockhash": handleGetBlockHash,
"getconnectioncount": handleGetConnectionCount,
"getdifficulty": handleGetDifficulty,
"getgenerate": handleGetGenerate,
"gethashespersec": handleGetHashesPerSec,
"getrawmempool": handleGetRawMempool,
"getrawtransaction": handleGetRawTransaction,
"sendrawtransaction": handleSendRawTransaction,
"setgenerate": handleSetGenerate,
"stop": handleStop,
// handleDecodeRawTransaction handles decoderawtransaction commands.
func handleDecodeRawTransaction(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd,
walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
// TODO: use c.HexTx and fill result with info.
return btcjson.TxRawDecodeResult{}, nil
// handleGetBestBlockHash implements the getbestblockhash command.
func handleGetBestBlockHash(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
var sha *btcwire.ShaHash
sha, _, err := s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error getting newest sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBestBlockHash
return sha.String, nil
// handleGetBlock implements the getblock command.
func handleGetBlock(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.GetBlockCmd)
sha, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(c.Hash)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error generating sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
blk, err := s.server.db.FetchBlockBySha(sha)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error fetching sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
idx := blk.Height()
buf, err := blk.Bytes()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error fetching block: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
txList, _ := blk.TxShas()
txNames := make([]string, len(txList))
for i, v := range txList {
txNames[i] = v.String()
_, maxidx, err := s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Cannot get newest sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
blockHeader := &blk.MsgBlock().Header
blockReply := btcjson.BlockResult{
Hash: c.Hash,
Version: blockHeader.Version,
MerkleRoot: blockHeader.MerkleRoot.String(),
PreviousHash: blockHeader.PrevBlock.String(),
Nonce: blockHeader.Nonce,
Time: blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix(),
Confirmations: uint64(1 + maxidx - idx),
Height: idx,
Tx: txNames,
Size: len(buf),
Bits: strconv.FormatInt(int64(blockHeader.Bits), 16),
Difficulty: getDifficultyRatio(blockHeader.Bits),
// Get next block unless we are already at the top.
if idx < maxidx {
var shaNext *btcwire.ShaHash
shaNext, err = s.server.db.FetchBlockShaByHeight(int64(idx + 1))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: No next block: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
blockReply.NextHash = shaNext.String()
return blockReply, nil
// handleGetBlockCount implements the getblockcount command.
func handleGetBlockCount(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
_, maxidx, err := s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error getting newest sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockCount
return maxidx, nil
// handleGetBlockHash implements the getblockhash command.
func handleGetBlockHash(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.GetBlockHashCmd)
sha, err := s.server.db.FetchBlockShaByHeight(c.Index)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[RCPS] Error getting block: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrOutOfRange
return sha.String(), nil
// handleGetConnectionCount implements the getconnectioncount command.
func handleGetConnectionCount(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
// TODO fillmein.
return 0, nil
// handleGetDifficulty implements the getdifficulty command.
func handleGetDifficulty(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
sha, _, err := s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error getting sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrDifficulty
blk, err := s.server.db.FetchBlockBySha(sha)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error getting block: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrDifficulty
blockHeader := &blk.MsgBlock().Header
return getDifficultyRatio(blockHeader.Bits), nil
// handleGetGenerate implements the getgenerate command.
func handleGetGenerate(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
// btcd does not do mining so we can hardcode replies here.
return false, nil
// handleGetHashesPerSec implements the gethashespersec command.
func handleGetHashesPerSec(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
// btcd does not do mining so we can hardcode replies here.
return 0, nil
// handleGetRawMempool implements the getrawmempool command.
func handleGetRawMempool(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
hashes := s.server.txMemPool.TxShas()
hashStrings := make([]string, len(hashes))
for i := 0; i < len(hashes); i++ {
hashStrings[i] = hashes[i].String()
return hashStrings, nil
// handleGetRawTransaction implements the getrawtransaction command.
func handleGetRawTransaction(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.GetRawTransactionCmd)
if c.Verbose {
// TODO: check error code. tx is not checked before
// this point.
txSha, _ := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(c.Txid)
txList, err := s.server.db.FetchTxBySha(txSha)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error fetching tx: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrNoTxInfo
lastTx := len(txList) - 1
txS := txList[lastTx].Tx
blksha := txList[lastTx].BlkSha
blk, err := s.server.db.FetchBlockBySha(blksha)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error fetching sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
idx := blk.Height()
txOutList := txS.TxOut
voutList := make([]btcjson.Vout, len(txOutList))
txInList := txS.TxIn
vinList := make([]btcjson.Vin, len(txInList))
for i, v := range txInList {
vinList[i].Sequence = float64(v.Sequence)
disbuf, _ := btcscript.DisasmString(v.SignatureScript)
vinList[i].ScriptSig.Asm = strings.Replace(disbuf, " ", "", -1)
vinList[i].Vout = i + 1
for i, v := range txOutList {
voutList[i].N = i
voutList[i].Value = float64(v.Value) / 100000000
isbuf, _ := btcscript.DisasmString(v.PkScript)
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Asm = isbuf
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.ReqSig = strings.Count(isbuf, "OP_CHECKSIG")
_, addrhash, err := btcscript.ScriptToAddrHash(v.PkScript)
if err != nil {
// TODO: set and return error?
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error getting address hash for %v: %v", txSha, err)
if addr, err := btcutil.EncodeAddress(addrhash, s.server.btcnet); err != nil {
// TODO: set and return error?
addrList := make([]string, 1)
addrList[0] = addr
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Addresses = addrList
_, maxidx, err := s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Cannot get newest sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrNoNewestBlockInfo
confirmations := uint64(1 + maxidx - idx)
blockHeader := &blk.MsgBlock().Header
txReply := btcjson.TxRawResult{
Txid: c.Txid,
Vout: voutList,
Vin: vinList,
Version: txS.Version,
LockTime: txS.LockTime,
// This is not a typo, they are identical in
// bitcoind as well.
Time: blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix(),
Blocktime: blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix(),
BlockHash: blksha.String(),
Confirmations: confirmations,
return txReply, nil
} else {
// Don't return details
// not used yet
return nil, nil
// handleSendRawTransaction implements the sendrawtransaction command.
func handleSendRawTransaction(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.SendRawTransactionCmd)
// Deserialize and send off to tx relay
serializedTx, err := hex.DecodeString(c.HexTx)
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.ErrDecodeHexString
msgtx := btcwire.NewMsgTx()
err = msgtx.Deserialize(bytes.NewBuffer(serializedTx))
if err != nil {
err := btcjson.Error{
Code: -22,
Message: "Unable to deserialize raw tx",
return nil, err
tx := btcutil.NewTx(msgtx)
err = s.server.txMemPool.ProcessTransaction(tx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Failed to process transaction: %v", err)
err = btcjson.Error{
Code: -22,
Message: "Failed to process transaction",
return nil, err
txsha := tx.Sha()
// If called from websocket code, add a mined tx hashes
// request.
if walletNotification != nil {
s.ws.requests.AddMinedTxRequest(walletNotification, txsha)
return txsha.String(), nil
// handleSetGenerate implements the setgenerate command.
func handleSetGenerate(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
// btcd does not do mining so we can hardcode replies here.
return nil, nil
// handleStop implements the stop command.
func handleStop(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd, walletNotification chan []byte) (interface{}, error) {
return "btcd stopping.", nil
// jsonRead abstracts the JSON unmarshalling and reply handling used
// by both RPC and websockets. If called from websocket code, a non-nil
// wallet notification channel can be used to automatically register
@ -329,363 +634,10 @@ func jsonRead(body []byte, s *rpcServer, walletNotification chan []byte) (reply
log.Tracef("RPCS: received: %v", cmd)
// Set final reply based on error if non-nil.
defer func() {
if err != nil {
id := cmd.Id()
if jsonErr, ok := err.(btcjson.Error); ok {
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Error: &jsonErr,
Id: &id,
err = errors.New(jsonErr.Message)
} else {
// In the case where we did not have a btcjson
// error to begin with, make a new one to send,
// but this really should not happen.
rawJSONError := btcjson.Error{
Code: -32603,
Message: err.Error(),
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Error: &rawJSONError,
Id: &id,
id := cmd.Id()
// Deal with commands
switch c := cmd.(type) {
case *btcjson.DecodeRawTransactionCmd:
// TODO: use c.HexTx and fill result with info.
txReply := btcjson.TxRawDecodeResult{}
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: txReply,
Error: nil,
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.GetBestBlockHashCmd:
var sha *btcwire.ShaHash
sha, _, err = s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error getting newest sha: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrBestBlockHash
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: sha.String(),
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.GetBlockCmd:
var sha *btcwire.ShaHash
sha, err = btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(c.Hash)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error generating sha: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
var blk *btcutil.Block
blk, err = s.server.db.FetchBlockBySha(sha)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error fetching sha: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
idx := blk.Height()
var buf []byte
buf, err = blk.Bytes()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error fetching block: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
txList, _ := blk.TxShas()
txNames := make([]string, len(txList))
for i, v := range txList {
txNames[i] = v.String()
var maxidx int64
_, maxidx, err = s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Cannot get newest sha: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
blockHeader := &blk.MsgBlock().Header
blockReply := btcjson.BlockResult{
Hash: c.Hash,
Version: blockHeader.Version,
MerkleRoot: blockHeader.MerkleRoot.String(),
PreviousHash: blockHeader.PrevBlock.String(),
Nonce: blockHeader.Nonce,
Time: blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix(),
Confirmations: uint64(1 + maxidx - idx),
Height: idx,
Tx: txNames,
Size: len(buf),
Bits: strconv.FormatInt(int64(blockHeader.Bits), 16),
Difficulty: getDifficultyRatio(blockHeader.Bits),
// Get next block unless we are already at the top.
if idx < maxidx {
var shaNext *btcwire.ShaHash
shaNext, err = s.server.db.FetchBlockShaByHeight(int64(idx + 1))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: No next block: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
blockReply.NextHash = shaNext.String()
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: blockReply,
Error: nil,
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.GetBlockCountCmd:
var maxidx int64
_, maxidx, err = s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error getting newest sha: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrBlockCount
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: maxidx,
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.GetBlockHashCmd:
var sha *btcwire.ShaHash
sha, err = s.server.db.FetchBlockShaByHeight(c.Index)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[RCPS] Error getting block: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrOutOfRange
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: sha.String(),
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.GetConnectionCountCmd:
var count int
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: count,
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.GetDifficultyCmd:
var sha *btcwire.ShaHash
sha, _, err = s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error getting sha: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrDifficulty
var blk *btcutil.Block
blk, err = s.server.db.FetchBlockBySha(sha)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error getting block: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrDifficulty
blockHeader := &blk.MsgBlock().Header
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: getDifficultyRatio(blockHeader.Bits),
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.GetGenerateCmd:
// btcd does not do mining so we can hardcode replies here.
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: false,
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.GetHashesPerSecCmd:
// btcd does not do mining so we can hardcode replies here.
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: 0,
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.GetRawMempoolCmd:
hashes := s.server.txMemPool.TxShas()
hashStrings := make([]string, len(hashes))
for i := 0; i < len(hashes); i++ {
hashStrings[i] = hashes[i].String()
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: hashStrings,
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.GetRawTransactionCmd:
if c.Verbose {
// TODO: check error code. tx is not checked before
// this point.
txSha, _ := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(c.Txid)
var txS *btcwire.MsgTx
var txList []*btcdb.TxListReply
txList, err = s.server.db.FetchTxBySha(txSha)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error fetching tx: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrNoTxInfo
lastTx := len(txList) - 1
txS = txList[lastTx].Tx
blksha := txList[lastTx].BlkSha
var blk *btcutil.Block
blk, err = s.server.db.FetchBlockBySha(blksha)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error fetching sha: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
idx := blk.Height()
txOutList := txS.TxOut
voutList := make([]btcjson.Vout, len(txOutList))
txInList := txS.TxIn
vinList := make([]btcjson.Vin, len(txInList))
for i, v := range txInList {
vinList[i].Sequence = float64(v.Sequence)
disbuf, _ := btcscript.DisasmString(v.SignatureScript)
vinList[i].ScriptSig.Asm = strings.Replace(disbuf, " ", "", -1)
vinList[i].Vout = i + 1
for i, v := range txOutList {
voutList[i].N = i
voutList[i].Value = float64(v.Value) / 100000000
isbuf, _ := btcscript.DisasmString(v.PkScript)
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Asm = isbuf
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.ReqSig = strings.Count(isbuf, "OP_CHECKSIG")
_, addrhash, err := btcscript.ScriptToAddrHash(v.PkScript)
if err != nil {
// TODO: set and return error?
log.Errorf("RPCS: Error getting address hash for %v: %v", txSha, err)
if addr, err := btcutil.EncodeAddress(addrhash, s.server.btcnet); err != nil {
// TODO: set and return error?
addrList := make([]string, 1)
addrList[0] = addr
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Addresses = addrList
var maxidx int64
_, maxidx, err = s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Cannot get newest sha: %v", err)
err = btcjson.ErrNoNewestBlockInfo
confirmations := uint64(1 + maxidx - idx)
blockHeader := &blk.MsgBlock().Header
txReply := btcjson.TxRawResult{
Txid: c.Txid,
Vout: voutList,
Vin: vinList,
Version: txS.Version,
LockTime: txS.LockTime,
// This is not a typo, they are identical in
// bitcoind as well.
Time: blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix(),
Blocktime: blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix(),
BlockHash: blksha.String(),
Confirmations: confirmations,
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: txReply,
Error: nil,
Id: &id,
} else {
// Don't return details
// not used yet
case *btcjson.SendRawTransactionCmd:
// Deserialize and send off to tx relay
var serializedTx []byte
serializedTx, err = hex.DecodeString(c.HexTx)
if err != nil {
err = btcjson.ErrDecodeHexString
msgtx := btcwire.NewMsgTx()
err = msgtx.Deserialize(bytes.NewBuffer(serializedTx))
if err != nil {
err = btcjson.Error{
Code: -22,
Message: "Unable to deserialize raw tx",
tx := btcutil.NewTx(msgtx)
err = s.server.txMemPool.ProcessTransaction(tx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("RPCS: Failed to process transaction: %v", err)
err = btcjson.Error{
Code: -22,
Message: "Failed to process transaction",
var result interface{}
txsha := tx.Sha()
result = txsha.String()
// If called from websocket code, add a mined tx hashes
// request.
if walletNotification != nil {
s.ws.requests.AddMinedTxRequest(walletNotification, txsha)
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: result,
Error: nil,
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.SetGenerateCmd:
// btcd does not do mining so we can hardcode replies here.
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: nil,
Id: &id,
case *btcjson.StopCmd:
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: "btcd stopping.",
Id: &id,
handler, ok := handlers[cmd.Method()]
if !ok {
jsonError := btcjson.Error{
Code: -32601,
Message: "Method not found",
@ -695,10 +647,38 @@ func jsonRead(body []byte, s *rpcServer, walletNotification chan []byte) (reply
Error: &jsonError,
Id: &id,
err = ErrMethodNotImplemented
return reply, ErrMethodNotImplemented
result, err := handler(s, cmd, walletNotification)
if err != nil {
if jsonErr, ok := err.(btcjson.Error); ok {
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Error: &jsonErr,
Id: &id,
err = errors.New(jsonErr.Message)
} else {
// In the case where we did not have a btcjson
// error to begin with, make a new one to send,
// but this really should not happen.
rawJSONError := btcjson.Error{
Code: -32603,
Message: err.Error(),
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Error: &rawJSONError,
Id: &id,
} else {
reply = btcjson.Reply{
Result: result,
Id: &id,
return reply, err
func jsonWSRead(walletNotification chan []byte, replychan chan *btcjson.Reply, body []byte, s *rpcServer) error {
Add table
Reference in a new issue