mining: Improve tests for prio queue. (#667)

This improves the tests of the priority queue to include the secondary
sort ordering as well as adds some manual entries to ensure the edge
conditions are properly tested.

This also brings the priority queue test coverage up to 100%.
This commit is contained in:
Dave Collins 2016-04-14 00:19:23 -05:00
parent 432ad76952
commit e15d3008cf

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@ -15,51 +15,96 @@ import (
// TestTxFeePrioHeap ensures the priority queue for transaction fees and
// priorities works as expected.
func TestTxFeePrioHeap(t *testing.T) {
// Create priority items with random fees and priorites.
const numItems = 1000
prioItems := make([]*txPrioItem, numItems)
highestFeePerKB := int64(0)
highestPrio := float64(0)
// Create some fake priority items that exercise the expected sort
// edge conditions.
testItems := []*txPrioItem{
{feePerKB: 5678, priority: 3},
{feePerKB: 5678, priority: 1},
{feePerKB: 5678, priority: 1}, // Duplicate fee and prio
{feePerKB: 5678, priority: 5},
{feePerKB: 5678, priority: 2},
{feePerKB: 1234, priority: 3},
{feePerKB: 1234, priority: 1},
{feePerKB: 1234, priority: 5},
{feePerKB: 1234, priority: 5}, // Duplicate fee and prio
{feePerKB: 1234, priority: 2},
{feePerKB: 10000, priority: 0}, // Higher fee, smaller prio
{feePerKB: 0, priority: 10000}, // Higher prio, lower fee
// Add random data in addition to the edge conditions already manually
// specified.
randSeed := rand.Int63()
defer func() {
if t.Failed() {
t.Logf("Random numbers using seed: %v", randSeed)
prng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(randSeed))
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
randPrio := rand.Float64() * 100
if randPrio > highestPrio {
highestPrio = randPrio
randFeePerKB := int64(rand.Float64() * btcutil.SatoshiPerBitcoin)
if randFeePerKB > highestFeePerKB {
highestFeePerKB = randFeePerKB
prioItems[i] = &txPrioItem{
tx: nil,
priority: randPrio,
feePerKB: randFeePerKB,
testItems = append(testItems, &txPrioItem{
feePerKB: int64(prng.Float64() * btcutil.SatoshiPerBitcoin),
priority: prng.Float64() * 100,
// Test sorting by fee per KB.
priorityQueue := newTxPriorityQueue(numItems, true)
for i := 0; i < numItems; i++ {
heap.Push(priorityQueue, prioItems[i])
// Test sorting by fee per KB then priority.
var highest *txPrioItem
priorityQueue := newTxPriorityQueue(len(testItems), true)
for i := 0; i < len(testItems); i++ {
prioItem := testItems[i]
if highest == nil {
highest = prioItem
for i := 0; i < numItems; i++ {
prioItem := heap.Pop(priorityQueue).(*txPrioItem)
if prioItem.feePerKB > highestFeePerKB {
t.Fatalf("bad pop: %v fee per KB was more than last of %v",
prioItem.feePerKB, highestFeePerKB)
if prioItem.feePerKB >= highest.feePerKB &&
prioItem.priority > highest.priority {
highest = prioItem
highestFeePerKB = prioItem.feePerKB
heap.Push(priorityQueue, prioItem)
// Test sorting by priority.
priorityQueue = newTxPriorityQueue(numItems, false)
for i := 0; i < numItems; i++ {
heap.Push(priorityQueue, prioItems[i])
for i := 0; i < numItems; i++ {
for i := 0; i < len(testItems); i++ {
prioItem := heap.Pop(priorityQueue).(*txPrioItem)
if prioItem.priority > highestPrio {
t.Fatalf("bad pop: %v priority was more than last of %v",
prioItem.priority, highestPrio)
if prioItem.feePerKB >= highest.feePerKB &&
prioItem.priority > highest.priority {
t.Fatalf("fee sort: item (fee per KB: %v, "+
"priority: %v) higher than than prev "+
"(fee per KB: %v, priority %v)",
prioItem.feePerKB, prioItem.priority,
highest.feePerKB, highest.priority)
highest = prioItem
// Test sorting by priority then fee per KB.
highest = nil
priorityQueue = newTxPriorityQueue(len(testItems), false)
for i := 0; i < len(testItems); i++ {
prioItem := testItems[i]
if highest == nil {
highest = prioItem
if prioItem.priority >= highest.priority &&
prioItem.feePerKB > highest.feePerKB {
highest = prioItem
heap.Push(priorityQueue, prioItem)
for i := 0; i < len(testItems); i++ {
prioItem := heap.Pop(priorityQueue).(*txPrioItem)
if prioItem.priority >= highest.priority &&
prioItem.feePerKB > highest.feePerKB {
t.Fatalf("priority sort: item (fee per KB: %v, "+
"priority: %v) higher than than prev "+
"(fee per KB: %v, priority %v)",
prioItem.feePerKB, prioItem.priority,
highest.feePerKB, highest.priority)
highest = prioItem