Currently, we're only focus on the changes that are visible in
run time, such as executable name, config files/dirs, errors
and hint messages. And wire messages exchanged in network.
btc{d,ctl,wallet} lbc{d,ctl,wallet}
Update the fields of GetBlockChainInfoResult to reflect the current state of
the RPC returned by other full-node implementations.
* InitialBlockDownload - Node is in Initial Block Download mode if True.
* SizeOnDisk - The estimated size of the block and undo files on disk.
The PR #1594 introduced a change that made the order of parameters
relevant, if one of them is nil. This makes it harder to be backward
compatible with the same JSON message if an existing parameter in
bitcoind was re-purposed to have a different meaning.
* GetBlockTemplate RPC client implementation
* Txid added to the getblocktemplate result
* Omitempty for TxID and improved comment for GetBlockTemplate 'rules' field
Updated the rpcserver handler for validateaddress JSON-RPC command to
have parity with the bitcoind 0.20.0 interface.
The new fields included are - isscript, iswitness, witness_version, and
witness_program. The scriptPubKey field has been left out since it
requires wallet access.
This update has no impact on the rpcclient.ValidateAddress method,
which uses the btcjson.ValidateAddressWalletResult type for modelling
the response from bitcoind.
This change makes btcd's getblock command match bitcoind's. Previously
the default verbosity was 0, which caused errors when using the
rpcclient library to connect to a bitcoind node - getblock would
unmarshall incorrectly since it didn't expect a verbosity=1 result when
it did not specify verbosity.
Version 0.15.0 of Bitcoin Core will include a new RPC command that will
allow us to obtain the amount of time (in seconds) that the server has
been running.
If the locktime is given, the transaction inputs will be set to a
non-max value, activating the locktime. The locktime for the
new transaction will be set to the given value.
This mimics Bitcoin Core commit 212bcca92089f406d9313dbe6d0e1d25143d61ff
Create GenerateCmd in btcjson v2. Update tests to check GenerateCmd.
Update chaincfg/params.go with a new bool in Params, GenerateSupported,
with true values in SimNetParams and RegressionNetParams and false in
the others.
Create new flag, discreteMining, in CPUMiner struct.
Add GenerateNBlocks function to cpuminer.go and handleGenerate
function to rpcserver.go.
Update documentation for the RPC calls.