WIP: next hard fork #5

BrannonKing wants to merge 178 commits from WIP-HF-2022 into master
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@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ $ go get -u github.com/btcsuite/btcd/txscript
* [Manually Signing a Transaction Output](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/btcsuite/btcd/txscript#example-SignTxOutput)
Demonstrates manually creating and signing a redeem transaction.
* [Counting Opcodes in Scripts](http://godoc.org/github.com/decred/dcrd/txscript#example-ScriptTokenizer)
Demonstrates creating a script tokenizer instance and using it to count the
number of opcodes a script contains.
## GPG Verification Key
All official release tags are signed by Conformal so users can ensure the code

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@ -96,17 +96,18 @@ func BenchmarkScriptParsing(b *testing.B) {
b.Fatalf("failed to create benchmark script: %v", err)
const scriptVersion = 0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
tokenizer := MakeScriptTokenizer(scriptVersion, script)
for tokenizer.Next() {
_ = tokenizer.Opcode()
_ = tokenizer.Data()
_ = tokenizer.ByteIndex()
if err := tokenizer.Err(); err != nil {
b.Fatalf("failed to parse script: %v", err)
for _, pop := range pops {
_ = pop.opcode
_ = pop.data

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
// Copyright (c) 2013-2017 The btcsuite developers
// Copyright (c) 2015-2019 The Decred developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@ -47,6 +48,10 @@ const (
// the provided data exceeds MaxDataCarrierSize.
// ErrUnsupportedScriptVersion is returned when an unsupported script
// version is passed to a function which deals with script analysis.
// ------------------------------------------
// Failures related to final execution state.
// ------------------------------------------
@ -352,6 +357,7 @@ var errorCodeStrings = map[ErrorCode]string{
ErrNotMultisigScript: "ErrNotMultisigScript",
ErrTooManyRequiredSigs: "ErrTooManyRequiredSigs",
ErrTooMuchNullData: "ErrTooMuchNullData",
ErrUnsupportedScriptVersion: "ErrUnsupportedScriptVersion",
ErrEarlyReturn: "ErrEarlyReturn",
ErrEmptyStack: "ErrEmptyStack",
ErrEvalFalse: "ErrEvalFalse",

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017 The btcsuite developers
// Copyright (c) 2015-2019 The Decred developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ func TestErrorCodeStringer(t *testing.T) {
{ErrUnsupportedAddress, "ErrUnsupportedAddress"},
{ErrTooManyRequiredSigs, "ErrTooManyRequiredSigs"},
{ErrTooMuchNullData, "ErrTooMuchNullData"},
{ErrUnsupportedScriptVersion, "ErrUnsupportedScriptVersion"},
{ErrNotMultisigScript, "ErrNotMultisigScript"},
{ErrEarlyReturn, "ErrEarlyReturn"},
{ErrEmptyStack, "ErrEmptyStack"},

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The btcsuite developers
// Copyright (c) 2015-2019 The Decred developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@ -180,3 +181,34 @@ func ExampleSignTxOutput() {
// Output:
// Transaction successfully signed
// This example demonstrates creating a script tokenizer instance and using it
// to count the number of opcodes a script contains.
func ExampleScriptTokenizer() {
// Create a script to use in the example. Ordinarily this would come from
// some other source.
hash160 := btcutil.Hash160([]byte("example"))
script, err := txscript.NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(txscript.OP_DUP).
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to build script: %v\n", err)
// Create a tokenizer to iterate the script and count the number of opcodes.
const scriptVersion = 0
var numOpcodes int
tokenizer := txscript.MakeScriptTokenizer(scriptVersion, script)
for tokenizer.Next() {
if tokenizer.Err() != nil {
fmt.Printf("script failed to parse: %v\n", err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("script contains %d opcode(s)\n", numOpcodes)
// Output:
// script contains 5 opcode(s)

txscript/tokenizer.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Decred developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package txscript
import (
// opcodeArrayRef is used to break initialization cycles.
var opcodeArrayRef *[256]opcode
func init() {
opcodeArrayRef = &opcodeArray
// ScriptTokenizer provides a facility for easily and efficiently tokenizing
// transaction scripts without creating allocations. Each successive opcode is
// parsed with the Next function, which returns false when iteration is
// complete, either due to successfully tokenizing the entire script or
// encountering a parse error. In the case of failure, the Err function may be
// used to obtain the specific parse error.
// Upon successfully parsing an opcode, the opcode and data associated with it
// may be obtained via the Opcode and Data functions, respectively.
// The ByteIndex function may be used to obtain the tokenizer's current offset
// into the raw script.
type ScriptTokenizer struct {
script []byte
version uint16
offset int32
op *opcode
data []byte
err error
// Done returns true when either all opcodes have been exhausted or a parse
// failure was encountered and therefore the state has an associated error.
func (t *ScriptTokenizer) Done() bool {
return t.err != nil || t.offset >= int32(len(t.script))
// Next attempts to parse the next opcode and returns whether or not it was
// successful. It will not be successful if invoked when already at the end of
// the script, a parse failure is encountered, or an associated error already
// exists due to a previous parse failure.
// In the case of a true return, the parsed opcode and data can be obtained with
// the associated functions and the offset into the script will either point to
// the next opcode or the end of the script if the final opcode was parsed.
// In the case of a false return, the parsed opcode and data will be the last
// successfully parsed values (if any) and the offset into the script will
// either point to the failing opcode or the end of the script if the function
// was invoked when already at the end of the script.
// Invoking this function when already at the end of the script is not
// considered an error and will simply return false.
func (t *ScriptTokenizer) Next() bool {
if t.Done() {
return false
op := &opcodeArrayRef[t.script[t.offset]]
switch {
// No additional data. Note that some of the opcodes, notably OP_1NEGATE,
// OP_0, and OP_[1-16] represent the data themselves.
case op.length == 1:
t.op = op
t.data = nil
return true
// Data pushes of specific lengths -- OP_DATA_[1-75].
case op.length > 1:
script := t.script[t.offset:]
if len(script) < op.length {
str := fmt.Sprintf("opcode %s requires %d bytes, but script only "+
"has %d remaining", op.name, op.length, len(script))
t.err = scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, str)
return false
// Move the offset forward and set the opcode and data accordingly.
t.offset += int32(op.length)
t.op = op
t.data = script[1:op.length]
return true
// Data pushes with parsed lengths -- OP_PUSHDATA{1,2,4}.
case op.length < 0:
script := t.script[t.offset+1:]
if len(script) < -op.length {
str := fmt.Sprintf("opcode %s requires %d bytes, but script only "+
"has %d remaining", op.name, -op.length, len(script))
t.err = scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, str)
return false
// Next -length bytes are little endian length of data.
var dataLen int32
switch op.length {
case -1:
dataLen = int32(script[0])
case -2:
dataLen = int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(script[:2]))
case -4:
dataLen = int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(script[:4]))
// In practice it should be impossible to hit this
// check as each op code is predefined, and only uses
// the specified lengths.
str := fmt.Sprintf("invalid opcode length %d", op.length)
t.err = scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, str)
return false
// Move to the beginning of the data.
script = script[-op.length:]
// Disallow entries that do not fit script or were sign extended.
if dataLen > int32(len(script)) || dataLen < 0 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("opcode %s pushes %d bytes, but script only "+
"has %d remaining", op.name, dataLen, len(script))
t.err = scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, str)
return false
// Move the offset forward and set the opcode and data accordingly.
t.offset += 1 + int32(-op.length) + dataLen
t.op = op
t.data = script[:dataLen]
return true
// The only remaining case is an opcode with length zero which is
// impossible.
// Script returns the full script associated with the tokenizer.
func (t *ScriptTokenizer) Script() []byte {
return t.script
// ByteIndex returns the current offset into the full script that will be parsed
// next and therefore also implies everything before it has already been parsed.
func (t *ScriptTokenizer) ByteIndex() int32 {
return t.offset
// Opcode returns the current opcode associated with the tokenizer.
func (t *ScriptTokenizer) Opcode() byte {
return t.op.value
// Data returns the data associated with the most recently successfully parsed
// opcode.
func (t *ScriptTokenizer) Data() []byte {
return t.data
// Err returns any errors currently associated with the tokenizer. This will
// only be non-nil in the case a parsing error was encountered.
func (t *ScriptTokenizer) Err() error {
return t.err
// MakeScriptTokenizer returns a new instance of a script tokenizer. Passing
// an unsupported script version will result in the returned tokenizer
// immediately having an err set accordingly.
// See the docs for ScriptTokenizer for more details.
func MakeScriptTokenizer(scriptVersion uint16, script []byte) ScriptTokenizer {
// Only version 0 scripts are currently supported.
var err error
if scriptVersion != 0 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("script version %d is not supported", scriptVersion)
err = scriptError(ErrUnsupportedScriptVersion, str)
return ScriptTokenizer{version: scriptVersion, script: script, err: err}

txscript/tokenizer_test.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Decred developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package txscript
import (
// TestScriptTokenizer ensures a wide variety of behavior provided by the script
// tokenizer performs as expected.
func TestScriptTokenizer(t *testing.T) {
type expectedResult struct {
op byte // expected parsed opcode
data []byte // expected parsed data
index int32 // expected index into raw script after parsing token
type tokenizerTest struct {
name string // test description
script []byte // the script to tokenize
expected []expectedResult // the expected info after parsing each token
finalIdx int32 // the expected final byte index
err error // expected error
// Add both positive and negative tests for OP_DATA_1 through OP_DATA_75.
const numTestsHint = 100 // Make prealloc linter happy.
tests := make([]tokenizerTest, 0, numTestsHint)
for op := byte(OP_DATA_1); op < OP_DATA_75; op++ {
data := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x01}, int(op))
tests = append(tests, tokenizerTest{
name: fmt.Sprintf("OP_DATA_%d", op),
script: append([]byte{op}, data...),
expected: []expectedResult{{op, data, 1 + int32(op)}},
finalIdx: 1 + int32(op),
err: nil,
// Create test that provides one less byte than the data push requires.
tests = append(tests, tokenizerTest{
name: fmt.Sprintf("short OP_DATA_%d", op),
script: append([]byte{op}, data[1:]...),
expected: nil,
finalIdx: 0,
err: scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, ""),
// Add both positive and negative tests for OP_PUSHDATA{1,2,4}.
data := mustParseShortForm("0x01{76}")
tests = append(tests, []tokenizerTest{{
name: "OP_PUSHDATA1",
script: mustParseShortForm("OP_PUSHDATA1 0x4c 0x01{76}"),
expected: []expectedResult{{OP_PUSHDATA1, data, 2 + int32(len(data))}},
finalIdx: 2 + int32(len(data)),
err: nil,
}, {
name: "OP_PUSHDATA1 no data length",
script: mustParseShortForm("OP_PUSHDATA1"),
expected: nil,
finalIdx: 0,
err: scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, ""),
}, {
name: "OP_PUSHDATA1 short data by 1 byte",
script: mustParseShortForm("OP_PUSHDATA1 0x4c 0x01{75}"),
expected: nil,
finalIdx: 0,
err: scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, ""),
}, {
name: "OP_PUSHDATA2",
script: mustParseShortForm("OP_PUSHDATA2 0x4c00 0x01{76}"),
expected: []expectedResult{{OP_PUSHDATA2, data, 3 + int32(len(data))}},
finalIdx: 3 + int32(len(data)),
err: nil,
}, {
name: "OP_PUSHDATA2 no data length",
script: mustParseShortForm("OP_PUSHDATA2"),
expected: nil,
finalIdx: 0,
err: scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, ""),
}, {
name: "OP_PUSHDATA2 short data by 1 byte",
script: mustParseShortForm("OP_PUSHDATA2 0x4c00 0x01{75}"),
expected: nil,
finalIdx: 0,
err: scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, ""),
}, {
name: "OP_PUSHDATA4",
script: mustParseShortForm("OP_PUSHDATA4 0x4c000000 0x01{76}"),
expected: []expectedResult{{OP_PUSHDATA4, data, 5 + int32(len(data))}},
finalIdx: 5 + int32(len(data)),
err: nil,
}, {
name: "OP_PUSHDATA4 no data length",
script: mustParseShortForm("OP_PUSHDATA4"),
expected: nil,
finalIdx: 0,
err: scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, ""),
}, {
name: "OP_PUSHDATA4 short data by 1 byte",
script: mustParseShortForm("OP_PUSHDATA4 0x4c000000 0x01{75}"),
expected: nil,
finalIdx: 0,
err: scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, ""),
// Add tests for OP_0, and OP_1 through OP_16 (small integers/true/false).
opcodes := []byte{OP_0}
for op := byte(OP_1); op < OP_16; op++ {
opcodes = append(opcodes, op)
for _, op := range opcodes {
tests = append(tests, tokenizerTest{
name: fmt.Sprintf("OP_%d", op),
script: []byte{op},
expected: []expectedResult{{op, nil, 1}},
finalIdx: 1,
err: nil,
// Add various positive and negative tests for multi-opcode scripts.
tests = append(tests, []tokenizerTest{{
name: "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
script: mustParseShortForm("DUP HASH160 DATA_20 0x01{20} EQUAL CHECKSIG"),
expected: []expectedResult{
{OP_DUP, nil, 1}, {OP_HASH160, nil, 2},
{OP_DATA_20, mustParseShortForm("0x01{20}"), 23},
{OP_EQUAL, nil, 24}, {OP_CHECKSIG, nil, 25},
finalIdx: 25,
err: nil,
}, {
name: "almost pay-to-pubkey-hash (short data)",
script: mustParseShortForm("DUP HASH160 DATA_20 0x01{17} EQUAL CHECKSIG"),
expected: []expectedResult{
{OP_DUP, nil, 1}, {OP_HASH160, nil, 2},
finalIdx: 2,
err: scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, ""),
}, {
name: "almost pay-to-pubkey-hash (overlapped data)",
script: mustParseShortForm("DUP HASH160 DATA_20 0x01{19} EQUAL CHECKSIG"),
expected: []expectedResult{
{OP_DUP, nil, 1}, {OP_HASH160, nil, 2},
{OP_DATA_20, mustParseShortForm("0x01{19} EQUAL"), 23},
{OP_CHECKSIG, nil, 24},
finalIdx: 24,
err: nil,
}, {
name: "pay-to-script-hash",
script: mustParseShortForm("HASH160 DATA_20 0x01{20} EQUAL"),
expected: []expectedResult{
{OP_HASH160, nil, 1},
{OP_DATA_20, mustParseShortForm("0x01{20}"), 22},
{OP_EQUAL, nil, 23},
finalIdx: 23,
err: nil,
}, {
name: "almost pay-to-script-hash (short data)",
script: mustParseShortForm("HASH160 DATA_20 0x01{18} EQUAL"),
expected: []expectedResult{
{OP_HASH160, nil, 1},
finalIdx: 1,
err: scriptError(ErrMalformedPush, ""),
}, {
name: "almost pay-to-script-hash (overlapped data)",
script: mustParseShortForm("HASH160 DATA_20 0x01{19} EQUAL"),
expected: []expectedResult{
{OP_HASH160, nil, 1},
{OP_DATA_20, mustParseShortForm("0x01{19} EQUAL"), 22},
finalIdx: 22,
err: nil,
const scriptVersion = 0
for _, test := range tests {
tokenizer := MakeScriptTokenizer(scriptVersion, test.script)
var opcodeNum int
for tokenizer.Next() {
// Ensure Next never returns true when there is an error set.
if err := tokenizer.Err(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%q: Next returned true when tokenizer has err: %v",
test.name, err)
// Ensure the test data expects a token to be parsed.
op := tokenizer.Opcode()
data := tokenizer.Data()
if opcodeNum >= len(test.expected) {
t.Fatalf("%q: unexpected token '%d' (data: '%x')", test.name,
op, data)
expected := &test.expected[opcodeNum]
// Ensure the opcode and data are the expected values.
if op != expected.op {
t.Fatalf("%q: unexpected opcode -- got %v, want %v", test.name,
op, expected.op)
if !bytes.Equal(data, expected.data) {
t.Fatalf("%q: unexpected data -- got %x, want %x", test.name,
data, expected.data)
tokenizerIdx := tokenizer.ByteIndex()
if tokenizerIdx != expected.index {
t.Fatalf("%q: unexpected byte index -- got %d, want %d",
test.name, tokenizerIdx, expected.index)
// Ensure the tokenizer claims it is done. This should be the case
// regardless of whether or not there was a parse error.
if !tokenizer.Done() {
t.Fatalf("%q: tokenizer claims it is not done", test.name)
// Ensure the error is as expected.
if test.err == nil && tokenizer.Err() != nil {
t.Fatalf("%q: unexpected tokenizer err -- got %v, want nil",
test.name, tokenizer.Err())
} else if test.err != nil {
if !IsErrorCode(tokenizer.Err(), test.err.(Error).ErrorCode) {
t.Fatalf("%q: unexpected tokenizer err -- got %v, want %v",
test.name, tokenizer.Err(), test.err.(Error).ErrorCode)
// Ensure the final index is the expected value.
tokenizerIdx := tokenizer.ByteIndex()
if tokenizerIdx != test.finalIdx {
t.Fatalf("%q: unexpected final byte index -- got %d, want %d",
test.name, tokenizerIdx, test.finalIdx)
// TestScriptTokenizerUnsupportedVersion ensures the tokenizer fails immediately
// with an unsupported script version.
func TestScriptTokenizerUnsupportedVersion(t *testing.T) {
const scriptVersion = 65535
tokenizer := MakeScriptTokenizer(scriptVersion, nil)
if !IsErrorCode(tokenizer.Err(), ErrUnsupportedScriptVersion) {
t.Fatalf("script tokenizer did not error with unsupported version")