This commit changes all code which deals with extracting addresses from scripts to use the btcscript API ExtractPkScriptAddrs which in turn makes use of the new btcutil.Address interface. This provides much cleaner code for dealing with arbitrary script destinations which is extensible without having to churn the APIs if new destination types are added.
1255 lines
36 KiB
1255 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2013 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
_ "crypto/sha512" // for cert generation
// Errors
var (
// ErrBadParamsField describes an error where the parameters JSON
// field cannot be properly parsed.
ErrBadParamsField = errors.New("bad params field")
type commandHandler func(*rpcServer, btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error)
// handlers maps RPC command strings to appropriate handler functions.
var rpcHandlers = map[string]commandHandler{
"addmultisigaddress": handleAskWallet,
"addnode": handleAddNode,
"backupwallet": handleAskWallet,
"createmultisig": handleAskWallet,
"createrawtransaction": handleCreateRawTransaction,
"debuglevel": handleDebugLevel,
"decoderawtransaction": handleDecodeRawTransaction,
"decodescript": handleDecodeScript,
"dumpprivkey": handleAskWallet,
"dumpwallet": handleAskWallet,
"encryptwallet": handleAskWallet,
"getaccount": handleAskWallet,
"getaccountaddress": handleAskWallet,
"getaddednodeinfo": handleUnimplemented,
"getaddressesbyaccount": handleAskWallet,
"getbalance": handleAskWallet,
"getbestblockhash": handleGetBestBlockHash,
"getblock": handleGetBlock,
"getblockcount": handleGetBlockCount,
"getblockhash": handleGetBlockHash,
"getblocktemplate": handleUnimplemented,
"getconnectioncount": handleGetConnectionCount,
"getdifficulty": handleGetDifficulty,
"getgenerate": handleGetGenerate,
"gethashespersec": handleGetHashesPerSec,
"getinfo": handleUnimplemented,
"getmininginfo": handleUnimplemented,
"getnettotals": handleUnimplemented,
"getnetworkhashps": handleUnimplemented,
"getnewaddress": handleUnimplemented,
"getpeerinfo": handleGetPeerInfo,
"getrawchangeaddress": handleAskWallet,
"getrawmempool": handleGetRawMempool,
"getrawtransaction": handleGetRawTransaction,
"getreceivedbyaccount": handleAskWallet,
"getreceivedbyaddress": handleAskWallet,
"gettransaction": handleAskWallet,
"gettxout": handleAskWallet,
"gettxoutsetinfo": handleAskWallet,
"getwork": handleUnimplemented,
"help": handleUnimplemented,
"importprivkey": handleAskWallet,
"importwallet": handleAskWallet,
"keypoolrefill": handleAskWallet,
"listaccounts": handleAskWallet,
"listaddressgroupings": handleAskWallet,
"listlockunspent": handleAskWallet,
"listreceivedbyaccount": handleAskWallet,
"listreceivedbyaddress": handleAskWallet,
"listsinceblock": handleAskWallet,
"listtransactions": handleAskWallet,
"listunspent": handleAskWallet,
"lockunspent": handleAskWallet,
"move": handleAskWallet,
"ping": handleUnimplemented,
"sendfrom": handleAskWallet,
"sendmany": handleAskWallet,
"sendrawtransaction": handleSendRawTransaction,
"sendtoaddress": handleAskWallet,
"setaccount": handleAskWallet,
"setgenerate": handleSetGenerate,
"settxfee": handleAskWallet,
"signmessage": handleAskWallet,
"signrawtransaction": handleAskWallet,
"stop": handleStop,
"submitblock": handleUnimplemented,
"validateaddress": handleAskWallet,
"verifychain": handleVerifyChain,
"verifymessage": handleAskWallet,
"walletlock": handleAskWallet,
"walletpassphrase": handleAskWallet,
"walletpassphrasechange": handleAskWallet,
// rpcServer holds the items the rpc server may need to access (config,
// shutdown, main server, etc.)
type rpcServer struct {
started int32
shutdown int32
server *server
authsha [sha256.Size]byte
ws wsContext
wg sync.WaitGroup
listeners []net.Listener
quit chan int
// Start is used by server.go to start the rpc listener.
func (s *rpcServer) Start() {
if atomic.AddInt32(&s.started, 1) != 1 {
rpcsLog.Trace("Starting RPC server")
rpcServeMux := http.NewServeMux()
httpServer := &http.Server{Handler: rpcServeMux}
rpcServeMux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := s.checkAuth(r); err != nil {
jsonAuthFail(w, r, s)
jsonRPCRead(w, r, s)
go s.walletListenerDuplicator()
rpcServeMux.HandleFunc("/wallet", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := s.checkAuth(r); err != nil {
http.Error(w, "401 Unauthorized.", http.StatusUnauthorized)
websocket.Handler(s.walletReqsNotifications).ServeHTTP(w, r)
for _, listener := range s.listeners {
go func(listener net.Listener) {
rpcsLog.Infof("RPC server listening on %s", listener.Addr())
rpcsLog.Tracef("RPC listener done for %s", listener.Addr())
// checkAuth checks the HTTP Basic authentication supplied by a wallet
// or RPC client in the HTTP request r. If the supplied authentication
// does not match the username and password expected, a non-nil error is
// returned.
// This check is time-constant.
func (s *rpcServer) checkAuth(r *http.Request) error {
authhdr := r.Header["Authorization"]
if len(authhdr) <= 0 {
rpcsLog.Warnf("Auth failure.")
return errors.New("auth failure")
authsha := sha256.Sum256([]byte(authhdr[0]))
cmp := subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(authsha[:], s.authsha[:])
if cmp != 1 {
rpcsLog.Warnf("Auth failure.")
return errors.New("auth failure")
return nil
// Stop is used by server.go to stop the rpc listener.
func (s *rpcServer) Stop() error {
if atomic.AddInt32(&s.shutdown, 1) != 1 {
rpcsLog.Infof("RPC server is already in the process of shutting down")
return nil
rpcsLog.Warnf("RPC server shutting down")
for _, listener := range s.listeners {
err := listener.Close()
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Problem shutting down rpc: %v", err)
return err
rpcsLog.Infof("RPC server shutdown complete")
return nil
// genkey generates a key/cert pair to the paths provided.
// TODO(oga) wrap errors with fmt.Errorf for more context?
func genKey(key, cert string) error {
rpcsLog.Infof("Generating TLS certificates...")
priv, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P521(), rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return err
notBefore := time.Now()
notAfter := notBefore.Add(10 * 365 * 24 * time.Hour)
// end of ASN.1 time
endOfTime := time.Date(2049, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 0, time.UTC)
if notAfter.After(endOfTime) {
notAfter = endOfTime
template := x509.Certificate{
SerialNumber: new(big.Int).SetInt64(0),
Subject: pkix.Name{
Organization: []string{"btcd autogenerated cert"},
NotBefore: notBefore,
NotAfter: notAfter,
KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment | x509.KeyUsageCertSign,
ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth},
IsCA: true, // so can sign self.
BasicConstraintsValid: true,
host, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return err
template.DNSNames = append(template.DNSNames, host, "localhost")
needLocalhost := true
addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, a := range addrs {
ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(a.String())
if err == nil {
if ip.String() == "" {
needLocalhost = false
template.IPAddresses = append(template.IPAddresses, ip)
if needLocalhost {
localHost := net.ParseIP("")
template.IPAddresses = append(template.IPAddresses, localHost)
derBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &template,
&template, &priv.PublicKey, priv)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to create certificate: %v\n", err)
certOut, err := os.Create(cert)
if err != nil {
return err
pem.Encode(certOut, &pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: derBytes})
keyOut, err := os.OpenFile(key, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,
if err != nil {
return err
keybytes, err := x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(priv)
if err != nil {
return err
pem.Encode(keyOut, &pem.Block{Type: "EC PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: keybytes})
rpcsLog.Infof("Done generating TLS certificates")
return nil
// newRPCServer returns a new instance of the rpcServer struct.
func newRPCServer(listenAddrs []string, s *server) (*rpcServer, error) {
login := cfg.RPCUser + ":" + cfg.RPCPass
auth := "Basic " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(login))
rpc := rpcServer{
authsha: sha256.Sum256([]byte(auth)),
server: s,
quit: make(chan int),
// initialize memory for websocket connections
| = make(map[chan []byte]*requestContexts)
| = make(chan []byte)
| = make(map[string]*list.List)
| = make(map[btcwire.OutPoint]*list.List)
| = make(map[btcwire.ShaHash]*list.List)
// check for existence of cert file and key file
if !fileExists(cfg.RPCKey) && !fileExists(cfg.RPCCert) {
// if both files do not exist, we generate them.
err := genKey(cfg.RPCKey, cfg.RPCCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keypair, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(cfg.RPCCert, cfg.RPCKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tlsConfig := tls.Config{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{keypair},
// TODO(oga) this code is similar to that in server, should be
// factored into something shared.
ipv4ListenAddrs, ipv6ListenAddrs, _, err := parseListeners(listenAddrs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
listeners := make([]net.Listener, 0,
for _, addr := range ipv4ListenAddrs {
var listener net.Listener
listener, err = tls.Listen("tcp4", addr, &tlsConfig)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Warnf("Can't listen on %s: %v", addr,
listeners = append(listeners, listener)
for _, addr := range ipv6ListenAddrs {
var listener net.Listener
listener, err = tls.Listen("tcp6", addr, &tlsConfig)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Warnf("Can't listen on %s: %v", addr,
listeners = append(listeners, listener)
if len(listeners) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("RPCS: No valid listen address")
rpc.listeners = listeners
return &rpc, err
// jsonAuthFail sends a message back to the client if the http auth is rejected.
func jsonAuthFail(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, s *rpcServer) {
fmt.Fprint(w, "401 Unauthorized.\n")
// jsonRPCRead is the RPC wrapper around the jsonRead function to handle reading
// and responding to RPC messages.
func jsonRPCRead(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, s *rpcServer) {
r.Close = true
if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.shutdown) != 0 {
body, err := btcjson.GetRaw(r.Body)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error getting json message: %v", err)
var reply btcjson.Reply
cmd, jsonErr := parseCmd(body)
if cmd != nil {
// Unmarshaling at least a valid JSON-RPC message succeeded.
// Use the provided id for errors.
id := cmd.Id()
reply.Id = &id
if jsonErr != nil {
reply.Error = jsonErr
} else {
reply = standardCmdReply(cmd, s)
rpcsLog.Tracef("reply: %v", reply)
msg, err := btcjson.MarshallAndSend(reply, w)
if err != nil {
// handleUnimplemented is a temporary handler for commands that we should
// support but do not.
func handleUnimplemented(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, btcjson.ErrUnimplemented
// handleAskWallet is the handler for commands that we do recognise as valid
// but that we can not answer correctly since it involves wallet state.
// These commands will be implemented in btcwallet.
func handleAskWallet(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, btcjson.ErrNoWallet
// handleAddNode handles addnode commands.
func handleAddNode(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.AddNodeCmd)
addr := normalizeAddress(c.Addr, activeNetParams.peerPort)
var err error
switch c.SubCmd {
case "add":
err = s.server.AddAddr(addr, true)
case "remove":
err = s.server.RemoveAddr(addr)
case "onetry":
err = s.server.AddAddr(addr, false)
err = errors.New("Invalid subcommand for addnode")
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
// no data returned unless an error.
return nil, nil
// messageToHex serializes a message to the wire protocol encoding using the
// latest protocol version and returns a hex-encoded string of the result.
func messageToHex(msg btcwire.Message) (string, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := msg.BtcEncode(&buf, btcwire.ProtocolVersion)
if err != nil {
return "", btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
return hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()), nil
// handleCreateRawTransaction handles createrawtransaction commands.
func handleCreateRawTransaction(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.CreateRawTransactionCmd)
// Add all transaction inputs to a new transaction after performing
// some validty checks.
mtx := btcwire.NewMsgTx()
for _, input := range c.Inputs {
txHash, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(input.Txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.ErrDecodeHexString
if input.Vout < 0 {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidParameter.Code,
Message: "Invalid parameter, vout must be positive",
prevOut := btcwire.NewOutPoint(txHash, uint32(input.Vout))
txIn := btcwire.NewTxIn(prevOut, []byte{})
// Add all transaction outputs to the transaction after performing
// some validty checks.
for encodedAddr, amount := range c.Amounts {
// Ensure amount is in the valid range for monetary amounts.
if amount <= 0 || amount > btcutil.MaxSatoshi {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrType.Code,
Message: "Invalid amount",
// Decode the provided address.
addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddr(encodedAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey.Code,
Message: btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey.Message +
": " + err.Error(),
// Ensure the address is one of the supported types and that
// the network encoded with the address matches the network the
// server is currently on.
net := s.server.btcnet
switch addr := addr.(type) {
case *btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash:
net = addr.Net()
case *btcutil.AddressScriptHash:
net = addr.Net()
return nil, btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey
if net != s.server.btcnet {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey.Code,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s: %q",
// Create a new script which pays to the provided address.
pkScript, err := btcscript.PayToAddrScript(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
txOut := btcwire.NewTxOut(amount, pkScript)
// Return the serialized and hex-encoded transaction.
mtxHex, err := messageToHex(mtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mtxHex, nil
// handleDebugLevel handles debuglevel commands.
func handleDebugLevel(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.DebugLevelCmd)
// Special show command to list supported subsystems.
if c.LevelSpec == "show" {
return fmt.Sprintf("Supported subsystems %v",
supportedSubsystems()), nil
err := parseAndSetDebugLevels(c.LevelSpec)
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidParams.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
return "Done.", nil
// createVinList returns a slice of JSON objects for the inputs of the passed
// transaction.
func createVinList(mtx *btcwire.MsgTx) ([]btcjson.Vin, error) {
tx := btcutil.NewTx(mtx)
vinList := make([]btcjson.Vin, len(mtx.TxIn))
for i, v := range mtx.TxIn {
if btcchain.IsCoinBase(tx) {
vinList[i].Coinbase = hex.EncodeToString(v.SignatureScript)
} else {
vinList[i].Txid = v.PreviousOutpoint.Hash.String()
vinList[i].Vout = int(v.PreviousOutpoint.Index)
disbuf, err := btcscript.DisasmString(v.SignatureScript)
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
vinList[i].ScriptSig = new(btcjson.ScriptSig)
vinList[i].ScriptSig.Asm = disbuf
vinList[i].ScriptSig.Hex = hex.EncodeToString(v.SignatureScript)
vinList[i].Sequence = v.Sequence
return vinList, nil
// createVoutList returns a slice of JSON objects for the outputs of the passed
// transaction.
func createVoutList(mtx *btcwire.MsgTx, net btcwire.BitcoinNet) ([]btcjson.Vout, error) {
voutList := make([]btcjson.Vout, len(mtx.TxOut))
for i, v := range mtx.TxOut {
voutList[i].N = i
voutList[i].Value = float64(v.Value) / float64(btcutil.SatoshiPerBitcoin)
disbuf, err := btcscript.DisasmString(v.PkScript)
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Asm = disbuf
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Hex = hex.EncodeToString(v.PkScript)
// Ignore the error here since an error means the script
// couldn't parse and there is no additional information about
// it anyways.
scriptClass, addrs, reqSigs, _ := btcscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(v.PkScript, net)
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Type = scriptClass.String()
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.ReqSigs = reqSigs
if addrs == nil {
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Addresses = nil
} else {
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Addresses = make([]string, len(addrs))
for j, addr := range addrs {
voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Addresses[j] = addr.EncodeAddress()
return voutList, nil
// handleDecodeRawTransaction handles decoderawtransaction commands.
func handleDecodeRawTransaction(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.DecodeRawTransactionCmd)
// Deserialize the transaction.
hexStr := c.HexTx
if len(hexStr)%2 != 0 {
hexStr = "0" + hexStr
serializedTx, err := hex.DecodeString(hexStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidParameter.Code,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("argument must be hexadecimal "+
"string (not %q)", hexStr),
var mtx btcwire.MsgTx
err = mtx.Deserialize(bytes.NewBuffer(serializedTx))
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrDeserialization.Code,
Message: "TX decode failed",
txSha, _ := mtx.TxSha()
vin, err := createVinList(&mtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vout, err := createVoutList(&mtx, s.server.btcnet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create and return the result.
txReply := btcjson.TxRawDecodeResult{
Txid: txSha.String(),
Version: mtx.Version,
Locktime: mtx.LockTime,
Vin: vin,
Vout: vout,
return txReply, nil
// handleDecodeScript handles decodescript commands.
func handleDecodeScript(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.DecodeScriptCmd)
// Convert the hex script to bytes.
script, err := hex.DecodeString(c.HexScript)
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidParameter.Code,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("argument must be hexadecimal "+
"string (not %q)", c.HexScript),
// The disassembled string will contain [error] inline if the script
// doesn't fully parse, so ignore the error here.
disbuf, _ := btcscript.DisasmString(script)
// Get information about the script.
// Ignore the error here since an error means the script couldn't parse
// and there is no additinal information about it anyways.
net := s.server.btcnet
scriptClass, addrs, reqSigs, _ := btcscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(script, net)
addresses := make([]string, len(addrs))
for i, addr := range addrs {
addresses[i] = addr.EncodeAddress()
// Convert the script itself to a pay-to-script-hash address.
p2sh, err := btcutil.NewAddressScriptHash(script, net)
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
// Generate and return the reply.
reply := btcjson.DecodeScriptResult{
Asm: disbuf,
ReqSigs: reqSigs,
Type: scriptClass.String(),
Addresses: addresses,
P2sh: p2sh.EncodeAddress(),
return reply, nil
// handleGetBestBlockHash implements the getbestblockhash command.
func handleGetBestBlockHash(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
sha, _, err := s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error getting newest sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBestBlockHash
return sha.String(), nil
// handleGetBlock implements the getblock command.
func handleGetBlock(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.GetBlockCmd)
sha, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(c.Hash)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error generating sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
blk, err := s.server.db.FetchBlockBySha(sha)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error fetching sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
// When the verbose flag isn't set, simply return the network-serialized
// block as a hex-encoded string.
if !c.Verbose {
blkHex, err := messageToHex(blk.MsgBlock())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return blkHex, nil
// The verbose flag is set, so generate the JSON object and return it.
buf, err := blk.Bytes()
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error fetching block: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
idx := blk.Height()
_, maxidx, err := s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Cannot get newest sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
blockHeader := &blk.MsgBlock().Header
blockReply := btcjson.BlockResult{
Hash: c.Hash,
Version: blockHeader.Version,
MerkleRoot: blockHeader.MerkleRoot.String(),
PreviousHash: blockHeader.PrevBlock.String(),
Nonce: blockHeader.Nonce,
Time: blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix(),
Confirmations: uint64(1 + maxidx - idx),
Height: idx,
Size: len(buf),
Bits: strconv.FormatInt(int64(blockHeader.Bits), 16),
Difficulty: getDifficultyRatio(blockHeader.Bits),
if !c.VerboseTx {
txList, _ := blk.TxShas()
txNames := make([]string, len(txList))
for i, v := range txList {
txNames[i] = v.String()
blockReply.Tx = txNames
} else {
txns := blk.Transactions()
rawTxns := make([]btcjson.TxRawResult, len(txns))
for i, tx := range txns {
txSha := tx.Sha().String()
mtx := tx.MsgTx()
rawTxn, err := createTxRawResult(s.server.btcnet, txSha,
mtx, blk, maxidx, sha)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Cannot create TxRawResult for "+
"transaction %s: %v", txSha, err)
return nil, err
rawTxns[i] = *rawTxn
blockReply.RawTx = rawTxns
// Get next block unless we are already at the top.
if idx < maxidx {
var shaNext *btcwire.ShaHash
shaNext, err = s.server.db.FetchBlockShaByHeight(int64(idx + 1))
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("No next block: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
blockReply.NextHash = shaNext.String()
return blockReply, nil
// handleGetBlockCount implements the getblockcount command.
func handleGetBlockCount(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
_, maxidx, err := s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error getting newest sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockCount
return maxidx, nil
// handleGetBlockHash implements the getblockhash command.
func handleGetBlockHash(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.GetBlockHashCmd)
sha, err := s.server.db.FetchBlockShaByHeight(c.Index)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error getting block: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrOutOfRange
return sha.String(), nil
// handleGetConnectionCount implements the getconnectioncount command.
func handleGetConnectionCount(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
return s.server.ConnectedCount(), nil
// handleGetDifficulty implements the getdifficulty command.
func handleGetDifficulty(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
sha, _, err := s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error getting sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrDifficulty
blk, err := s.server.db.FetchBlockBySha(sha)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error getting block: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrDifficulty
blockHeader := &blk.MsgBlock().Header
return getDifficultyRatio(blockHeader.Bits), nil
// handleGetGenerate implements the getgenerate command.
func handleGetGenerate(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
// btcd does not do mining so we can hardcode replies here.
return false, nil
// handleGetHashesPerSec implements the gethashespersec command.
func handleGetHashesPerSec(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
// btcd does not do mining so we can hardcode replies here.
return 0, nil
// handleGetPeerInfo implements the getpeerinfo command.
func handleGetPeerInfo(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
return s.server.PeerInfo(), nil
// mempoolDescriptor describes a JSON object which is returned for each
// transaction in the memory pool in response to a getrawmempool command with
// the verbose flag set.
type mempoolDescriptor struct {
Size int `json:"size"`
Fee float64 `json:"fee"`
Time int64 `json:"time"`
Height int64 `json:"height"`
StartingPriority int `json:"startingpriority"`
CurrentPriority int `json:"currentpriority"`
Depends []string `json:"depends"`
// handleGetRawMempool implements the getrawmempool command.
func handleGetRawMempool(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.GetRawMempoolCmd)
descs := s.server.txMemPool.TxDescs()
if c.Verbose {
result := make(map[string]*mempoolDescriptor, len(descs))
for _, desc := range descs {
mpd := &mempoolDescriptor{
Size: desc.Tx.MsgTx().SerializeSize(),
Fee: float64(desc.Fee) /
Time: desc.Added.Unix(),
Height: desc.Height,
StartingPriority: 0, // We don't mine.
CurrentPriority: 0, // We don't mine.
for _, txIn := range desc.Tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
hash := &txIn.PreviousOutpoint.Hash
if s.server.txMemPool.HaveTransaction(hash) {
mpd.Depends = append(mpd.Depends,
result[desc.Tx.Sha().String()] = mpd
return result, nil
// The response is simply an array of the transaction hashes if the
// verbose flag is not set.
hashStrings := make([]string, len(descs))
for i := range hashStrings {
hashStrings[i] = descs[i].Tx.Sha().String()
return hashStrings, nil
// handleGetRawTransaction implements the getrawtransaction command.
func handleGetRawTransaction(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.GetRawTransactionCmd)
// Convert the provided transaction hash hex to a ShaHash.
txSha, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(c.Txid)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error generating sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound.Code,
Message: "Parameter 1 must be a hexaecimal string",
// Try to fetch the transaction from the memory pool and if that fails,
// try the block database.
var mtx *btcwire.MsgTx
var blksha *btcwire.ShaHash
tx, err := s.server.txMemPool.FetchTransaction(txSha)
if err != nil {
txList, err := s.server.db.FetchTxBySha(txSha)
if err != nil || len(txList) == 0 {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error fetching tx: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrNoTxInfo
lastTx := len(txList) - 1
mtx = txList[lastTx].Tx
blksha = txList[lastTx].BlkSha
} else {
mtx = tx.MsgTx()
// When the verbose flag isn't set, simply return the network-serialized
// transaction as a hex-encoded string.
if !c.Verbose {
mtxHex, err := messageToHex(mtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mtxHex, nil
var blk *btcutil.Block
var maxidx int64
if blksha != nil {
blk, err = s.server.db.FetchBlockBySha(blksha)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error fetching sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrBlockNotFound
_, maxidx, err = s.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Cannot get newest sha: %v", err)
return nil, btcjson.ErrNoNewestBlockInfo
rawTxn, jsonErr := createTxRawResult(s.server.btcnet, c.Txid, mtx, blk, maxidx, blksha)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Cannot create TxRawResult for txSha=%s: %v", txSha, err)
return nil, jsonErr
return *rawTxn, nil
// createTxRawResult converts the passed transaction and associated parameters
// to a raw transaction JSON object.
func createTxRawResult(net btcwire.BitcoinNet, txSha string, mtx *btcwire.MsgTx, blk *btcutil.Block, maxidx int64, blksha *btcwire.ShaHash) (*btcjson.TxRawResult, error) {
mtxHex, err := messageToHex(mtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vin, err := createVinList(mtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vout, err := createVoutList(mtx, net)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txReply := &btcjson.TxRawResult{
Hex: mtxHex,
Txid: txSha,
Vout: vout,
Vin: vin,
Version: mtx.Version,
LockTime: mtx.LockTime,
if blk != nil {
blockHeader := &blk.MsgBlock().Header
idx := blk.Height()
// This is not a typo, they are identical in bitcoind as well.
txReply.Time = blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix()
txReply.Blocktime = blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix()
txReply.BlockHash = blksha.String()
txReply.Confirmations = uint64(1 + maxidx - idx)
return txReply, nil
// handleSendRawTransaction implements the sendrawtransaction command.
func handleSendRawTransaction(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.SendRawTransactionCmd)
// Deserialize and send off to tx relay
serializedTx, err := hex.DecodeString(c.HexTx)
if err != nil {
return nil, btcjson.ErrDecodeHexString
msgtx := btcwire.NewMsgTx()
err = msgtx.Deserialize(bytes.NewBuffer(serializedTx))
if err != nil {
err := btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrDeserialization.Code,
Message: "TX decode failed",
return nil, err
tx := btcutil.NewTx(msgtx)
err = s.server.txMemPool.ProcessTransaction(tx)
if err != nil {
// When the error is a rule error, it means the transaction was
// simply rejected as opposed to something actually going wrong,
// so log it as such. Otherwise, something really did go wrong,
// so log it as an actual error.
if _, ok := err.(TxRuleError); ok {
rpcsLog.Debugf("Rejected transaction %v: %v", tx.Sha(),
} else {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Failed to process transaction %v: %v",
tx.Sha(), err)
err = btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrDeserialization.Code,
Message: "TX rejected",
return nil, err
return tx.Sha().String(), nil
// handleSetGenerate implements the setgenerate command.
func handleSetGenerate(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
// btcd does not do mining so we can hardcode replies here.
return nil, nil
// handleStop implements the stop command.
func handleStop(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
return "btcd stopping.", nil
func verifyChain(db btcdb.Db, level, depth int32) error {
_, curheight64, err := db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Verify is unable to fetch current block "+
"height: %v", err)
curheight := int32(curheight64)
if depth > curheight {
depth = curheight
for height := curheight; height > (curheight - depth); height-- {
// Level 0 just looks up the block.
sha, err := db.FetchBlockShaByHeight(int64(height))
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Verify is unable to fetch block at "+
"height %d: %v", height, err)
return err
block, err := db.FetchBlockBySha(sha)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Verify is unable to fetch block at "+
"sha %v height %d: %v", sha, height, err)
return err
// Level 1 does basic chain sanity checks.
if level > 0 {
err := btcchain.CheckBlockSanity(block,
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Verify is unable to "+
"validate block at sha %v height "+
"%s: %v", sha, height, err)
return err
rpcsLog.Infof("Chain verify completed successfully")
return nil
func handleVerifyChain(s *rpcServer, cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
c := cmd.(*btcjson.VerifyChainCmd)
err := verifyChain(s.server.db, c.CheckLevel, c.CheckDepth)
return err == nil, nil
// parseCmd parses a marshaled known command, returning any errors as a
// btcjson.Error that can be used in replies. The returned cmd may still
// be non-nil if b is at least a valid marshaled JSON-RPC message.
func parseCmd(b []byte) (btcjson.Cmd, *btcjson.Error) {
cmd, err := btcjson.ParseMarshaledCmd(b)
if err != nil {
jsonErr, ok := err.(btcjson.Error)
if !ok {
jsonErr = btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrParse.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
return cmd, &jsonErr
return cmd, nil
// standardCmdReply checks that a parsed command is a standard
// Bitcoin JSON-RPC command and runs the proper handler to reply to the
// command.
func standardCmdReply(cmd btcjson.Cmd, s *rpcServer) (reply btcjson.Reply) {
id := cmd.Id()
reply.Id = &id
handler, ok := rpcHandlers[cmd.Method()]
if !ok {
reply.Error = &btcjson.ErrMethodNotFound
return reply
result, err := handler(s, cmd)
if err != nil {
jsonErr, ok := err.(btcjson.Error)
if !ok {
// In the case where we did not have a btcjson
// error to begin with, make a new one to send,
// but this really should not happen.
jsonErr = btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
reply.Error = &jsonErr
} else {
reply.Result = result
return reply
// getDifficultyRatio returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the
// minimum difficulty using the passed bits field from the header of a block.
func getDifficultyRatio(bits uint32) float64 {
// The minimum difficulty is the max possible proof-of-work limit bits
// converted back to a number. Note this is not the same as the the
// proof of work limit directly because the block difficulty is encoded
// in a block with the compact form which loses precision.
max := btcchain.CompactToBig(activeNetParams.powLimitBits)
target := btcchain.CompactToBig(bits)
difficulty := new(big.Rat).SetFrac(max, target)
outString := difficulty.FloatString(2)
diff, err := strconv.ParseFloat(outString, 64)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Cannot get difficulty: %v", err)
return 0
return diff