Dave Collins 656fa8699b Improve disconnect and shutdown handling.
Previously the exported Disconnect and Shutdown functions called each other
and therefore needed to release and reacquire the locks which could
potentionally allow a request to sneak in between the lock and unlock.

This commit changes the exported Shutdown function so that everything is
done under the request lock to prevent this possibility.  In order to
support this, the shared code between the Disconnect and Shutdown
functions has been refactored into unexported functions and the locking
has been altered accordingly.

Also, replace the sendMessage function with a select over the send and
disconnect channels to prevent any issues with queued up messages.

joint debugging effort between myself and @jrick
2014-07-07 21:58:13 -05:00

1162 lines
35 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package btcrpcclient
import (
var (
// ErrInvalidAuth is an error to describe the condition where the client
// is either unable to authenticate or the specified endpoint is
// incorrect.
ErrInvalidAuth = errors.New("authentication failure")
// ErrInvalidEndpoint is an error to describe the condition where the
// websocket handshake failed with the specified endpoint.
ErrInvalidEndpoint = errors.New("the endpoint either does not support " +
"websockets or does not exist")
// ErrClientDisconnect is an error to describe the condition where the
// client has been disconnected from the RPC server. When the
// DisableAutoReconnect option is not set, any outstanding futures
// when a client disconnect occurs will return this error as will
// any new requests.
ErrClientDisconnect = errors.New("the client has been disconnected")
// ErrClientShutdown is an error to describe the condition where the
// client is either already shutdown, or in the process of shutting
// down. Any outstanding futures when a client shutdown occurs will
// return this error as will any new requests.
ErrClientShutdown = errors.New("the client has been shutdown")
const (
// sendBufferSize is the number of elements the websocket send channel
// can queue before blocking.
sendBufferSize = 50
// sendPostBufferSize is the number of elements the HTTP POST send
// channel can queue before blocking.
sendPostBufferSize = 100
// connectionRetryInterval is the amount of time to wait in between
// retries when automatically reconnecting to an RPC server.
connectionRetryInterval = time.Second * 5
// sendPostDetails houses an HTTP POST request to send to an RPC server as well
// as the original JSON-RPC command and a channel to reply on when the server
// responds with the result.
type sendPostDetails struct {
command btcjson.Cmd
request *http.Request
responseChan chan *response
// jsonRequest holds information about a json request that is used to properly
// detect, interpret, and deliver a reply to it.
type jsonRequest struct {
cmd btcjson.Cmd
responseChan chan *response
// Client represents a Bitcoin RPC client which allows easy access to the
// various RPC methods available on a Bitcoin RPC server. Each of the wrapper
// functions handle the details of converting the passed and return types to and
// from the underlying JSON types which are required for the JSON-RPC
// invocations
// The client provides each RPC in both synchronous (blocking) and asynchronous
// (non-blocking) forms. The asynchronous forms are based on the concept of
// futures where they return an instance of a type that promises to deliver the
// result of the invocation at some future time. Invoking the Receive method on
// the returned future will block until the result is available if it's not
// already.
type Client struct {
id uint64 // atomic, so must stay 64-bit aligned
// config holds the connection configuration assoiated with this client.
config *ConnConfig
// wsConn is the underlying websocket connection when not in HTTP POST
// mode.
wsConn *websocket.Conn
// httpClient is the underlying HTTP client to use when running in HTTP
// POST mode.
httpClient *http.Client
// mtx is a mutex to protect access to connection related fields.
mtx sync.Mutex
// disconnected indicated whether or not the server is disconnected.
disconnected bool
// retryCount holds the number of times the client has tried to
// reconnect to the RPC server.
retryCount int64
// Track command and their response channels by ID.
requestLock sync.Mutex
requestMap map[uint64]*list.Element
requestList *list.List
// Notifications.
ntfnHandlers *NotificationHandlers
ntfnState *notificationState
// Networking infrastructure.
sendChan chan []byte
sendPostChan chan *sendPostDetails
disconnect chan struct{}
shutdown chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// NextID returns the next id to be used when sending a JSON-RPC message. This
// ID allows responses to be associated with particular requests per the
// JSON-RPC specification. Typically the consumer of the client does not need
// to call this function, however, if a custom request is being created and used
// this function should be used to ensure the ID is unique amongst all requests
// being made.
func (c *Client) NextID() uint64 {
return atomic.AddUint64(&, 1)
// addRequest associates the passed jsonRequest with the passed id. This allows
// the response from the remote server to be unmarshalled to the appropriate
// type and sent to the specified channel when it is received.
// If the client has already begun shutting down, ErrClientShutdown is returned
// and the request is not added.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (c *Client) addRequest(id uint64, request *jsonRequest) error {
defer c.requestLock.Unlock()
// A non-blocking read of the shutdown channel with the request lock
// held avoids adding the request to the client's internal data
// structures if the client is in the process of shutting down (and
// has not yet grabbed the request lock), or has finished shutdown
// already (responding to each outstanding request with
// ErrClientShutdown).
select {
case <-c.shutdown:
return ErrClientShutdown
// TODO(davec): Already there?
element := c.requestList.PushBack(request)
c.requestMap[id] = element
return nil
// removeRequest returns and removes the jsonRequest which contains the response
// channel and original method associated with the passed id or nil if there is
// no association.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (c *Client) removeRequest(id uint64) *jsonRequest {
defer c.requestLock.Unlock()
element := c.requestMap[id]
if element != nil {
delete(c.requestMap, id)
request := c.requestList.Remove(element).(*jsonRequest)
return request
return nil
// removeAllRequests removes all the jsonRequests which contain the response
// channels for outstanding requests.
// This function MUST be called with the request lock held.
func (c *Client) removeAllRequests() {
c.requestMap = make(map[uint64]*list.Element)
// trackRegisteredNtfns examines the passed command to see if it is one of
// the notification commands and updates the notification state that is used
// to automatically re-establish registered notifications on reconnects.
func (c *Client) trackRegisteredNtfns(cmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Nothing to do if the caller is not interested in notifications.
if c.ntfnHandlers == nil {
defer c.ntfnState.Unlock()
switch bcmd := cmd.(type) {
case *btcws.NotifyBlocksCmd:
c.ntfnState.notifyBlocks = true
case *btcws.NotifyNewTransactionsCmd:
if bcmd.Verbose {
c.ntfnState.notifyNewTxVerbose = true
} else {
c.ntfnState.notifyNewTx = true
case *btcws.NotifySpentCmd:
for _, op := range bcmd.OutPoints {
c.ntfnState.notifySpent[op] = struct{}{}
case *btcws.NotifyReceivedCmd:
for _, addr := range bcmd.Addresses {
c.ntfnState.notifyReceived[addr] = struct{}{}
type (
// inMessage is the first type that an incoming message is unmarshaled
// into. It supports both requests (for notification support) and
// responses. The partially-unmarshaled message is a notification if
// the embedded ID (from the response) is nil. Otherwise, it is a
// response.
inMessage struct {
ID *uint64 `json:"id"`
// rawNotification is a partially-unmarshaled JSON-RPC notification.
rawNotification struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
Params []json.RawMessage `json:"params"`
// rawResponse is a partially-unmarshaled JSON-RPC response. For this
// to be valid (according to JSON-RPC 1.0 spec), ID may not be nil.
rawResponse struct {
Result json.RawMessage `json:"result"`
Error *btcjson.Error `json:"error"`
// response is the raw bytes of a JSON-RPC result, or the error if the response
// error object was non-null.
type response struct {
result []byte
err error
// result checks whether the unmarshaled response contains a non-nil error,
// returning an unmarshaled btcjson.Error (or an unmarshaling error) if so.
// If the response is not an error, the raw bytes of the request are
// returned for further unmashaling into specific result types.
func (r rawResponse) result() (result []byte, err error) {
if r.Error != nil {
return nil, r.Error
return r.Result, nil
// handleMessage is the main handler for incoming notifications and responses.
func (c *Client) handleMessage(msg []byte) {
// Attempt to unmarshal the message as either a notifiation or response.
var in inMessage
err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &in)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Remote server sent invalid message: %v", err)
// JSON-RPC 1.0 notifications are requests with a null id.
if in.ID == nil {
ntfn := in.rawNotification
if ntfn == nil {
log.Warn("Malformed notification: missing " +
"method and parameters")
if ntfn.Method == "" {
log.Warn("Malformed notification: missing method")
// params are not optional: nil isn't valid (but len == 0 is)
if ntfn.Params == nil {
log.Warn("Malformed notification: missing params")
// Deliver the notification.
log.Tracef("Received notification [%s]", in.Method)
if in.rawResponse == nil {
log.Warn("Malformed response: missing result and error")
id := *in.ID
log.Tracef("Received response for id %d (result %s)", id, in.Result)
request := c.removeRequest(id)
// Nothing more to do if there is no request associated with this reply.
if request == nil || request.responseChan == nil {
log.Warnf("Received unexpected reply: %s (id %d)", in.Result,
// Since the command was successful, examine it to see if it's a
// notification, and if is, add it to the notification state so it
// can automatically be re-established on reconnect.
// Deliver the response.
result, err := in.rawResponse.result()
request.responseChan <- &response{result: result, err: err}
// wsInHandler handles all incoming messages for the websocket connection
// associated with the client. It must be run as a goroutine.
func (c *Client) wsInHandler() {
for {
// Break out of the loop once the shutdown channel has been
// closed. Use a non-blocking select here so we fall through
// otherwise.
select {
case <-c.shutdown:
break out
_, msg, err := c.wsConn.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
// Log the error if it's not due to disconnecting.
if _, ok := err.(*net.OpError); !ok {
log.Errorf("Websocket receive error from "+
"%s: %v", c.config.Host, err)
break out
// Ensure the connection is closed.
log.Tracef("RPC client input handler done for %s", c.config.Host)
// wsOutHandler handles all outgoing messages for the websocket connection. It
// uses a buffered channel to serialize output messages while allowing the
// sender to continue running asynchronously. It must be run as a goroutine.
func (c *Client) wsOutHandler() {
for {
// Send any messages ready for send until the client is
// disconnected closed.
select {
case msg := <-c.sendChan:
err := c.wsConn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, msg)
if err != nil {
break out
case <-c.disconnect:
break out
// Drain any channels before exiting so nothing is left waiting around
// to send.
for {
select {
case <-c.sendChan:
break cleanup
log.Tracef("RPC client output handler done for %s", c.config.Host)
// sendMessage sends the passed JSON to the connected server using the
// websocket connection. It is backed by a buffered channel, so it will not
// block until the send channel is full.
func (c *Client) sendMessage(marshalledJSON []byte) {
// Don't send the message if disconnected.
select {
case c.sendChan <- marshalledJSON:
case <-c.disconnect:
// reregisterNtfns creates and sends commands needed to re-establish the current
// notification state associated with the client. It should only be called on
// on reconnect by the resendCmds function.
func (c *Client) reregisterNtfns() error {
// Nothing to do if the caller is not interested in notifications.
if c.ntfnHandlers == nil {
return nil
// In order to avoid holding the lock on the notification state for the
// entire time of the potentially long running RPCs issued below, make a
// copy of it and work from that.
// Also, other commands will be running concurrently which could modify
// the notification state (while not under the lock of course) which
// also register it with the remote RPC server, so this prevents double
// registrations.
stateCopy := c.ntfnState.Copy()
// Reregister notifyblocks if needed.
if stateCopy.notifyBlocks {
log.Debugf("Reregistering [notifyblocks]")
if err := c.NotifyBlocks(); err != nil {
return err
// Reregister notifynewtransactions if needed.
if stateCopy.notifyNewTx || stateCopy.notifyNewTxVerbose {
log.Debugf("Reregistering [notifynewtransactions] (verbose=%v)",
err := c.NotifyNewTransactions(stateCopy.notifyNewTxVerbose)
if err != nil {
return err
// Reregister the combination of all previously registered notifyspent
// outpoints in one command if needed.
nslen := len(stateCopy.notifySpent)
if nslen > 0 {
outpoints := make([]btcws.OutPoint, 0, nslen)
for op := range stateCopy.notifySpent {
outpoints = append(outpoints, op)
log.Debugf("Reregistering [notifyspent] outpoints: %v", outpoints)
if err := c.notifySpentInternal(outpoints).Receive(); err != nil {
return err
// Reregister the combination of all previously registered
// notifyreceived addresses in one command if needed.
nrlen := len(stateCopy.notifyReceived)
if nrlen > 0 {
addresses := make([]string, 0, nrlen)
for addr := range stateCopy.notifyReceived {
addresses = append(addresses, addr)
log.Debugf("Reregistering [notifyreceived] addresses: %v", addresses)
if err := c.notifyReceivedInternal(addresses).Receive(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ignoreResends is a set of all methods for requests that are "long running"
// are not be reissued by the client on reconnect.
var ignoreResends = map[string]struct{}{
"rescan": struct{}{},
// resendCmds resends any commands that had not completed when the client
// disconnected. It is intended to be called once the client has reconnected as
// a separate goroutine.
func (c *Client) resendCmds() {
// Set the notification state back up. If anything goes wrong,
// disconnect the client.
if err := c.reregisterNtfns(); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Unable to re-establish notification state: %v", err)
// Since it's possible to block on send and more commands might be
// added by the caller while resending, make a copy of all of the
// commands that need to be resent now and work from the copy. This
// also allows the lock to be released quickly.
resendCmds := make([]*jsonRequest, 0, c.requestList.Len())
var nextElem *list.Element
for e := c.requestList.Front(); e != nil; e = nextElem {
nextElem = e.Next()
req := e.Value.(*jsonRequest)
if _, ok := ignoreResends[req.cmd.Method()]; ok {
// If a request is not sent on reconnect, remove it
// from the request structures, since no reply is
// expected.
delete(c.requestMap, req.cmd.Id().(uint64))
} else {
resendCmds = append(resendCmds, req)
for _, req := range resendCmds {
// Stop resending commands if the client disconnected again
// since the next reconnect will handle them.
if c.Disconnected() {
c.marshalAndSend(req.cmd, req.responseChan)
// wsReconnectHandler listens for client disconnects and automatically tries
// to reconnect with retry interval that scales based on the number of retries.
// It also resends any commands that had not completed when the client
// disconnected so the disconnect/reconnect process is largely transparent to
// the caller. This function is not run when the DisableAutoReconnect config
// options is set.
// This function must be run as a goroutine.
func (c *Client) wsReconnectHandler() {
for {
select {
case <-c.disconnect:
// On disconnect, fallthrough to reestablish the
// connection.
case <-c.shutdown:
break out
for {
select {
case <-c.shutdown:
break out
wsConn, err := dial(c.config)
if err != nil {
log.Infof("Failed to connect to %s: %v",
c.config.Host, err)
// Scale the retry interval by the number of
// retries so there is a backoff up to a max
// of 1 minute.
scaledInterval := connectionRetryInterval.Nanoseconds() * c.retryCount
scaledDuration := time.Duration(scaledInterval)
if scaledDuration > time.Minute {
scaledDuration = time.Minute
log.Infof("Retrying connection to %s in "+
"%s", c.config.Host, scaledDuration)
continue reconnect
log.Infof("Reestablished connection to RPC server %s",
// Reset the connection state and signal the reconnect
// has happened.
c.wsConn = wsConn
c.retryCount = 0
c.disconnect = make(chan struct{})
c.disconnected = false
// Start processing input and output for the
// new connection.
// Reissue pending commands in another goroutine since
// the send can block.
go c.resendCmds()
// Break out of the reconnect loop back to wait for
// disconnect again.
break reconnect
log.Tracef("RPC client reconnect handler done for %s", c.config.Host)
// handleSendPostMessage handles performing the passed HTTP request, reading the
// result, unmarshalling it, and delivering the unmarhsalled result to the
// provided response channel.
func (c *Client) handleSendPostMessage(details *sendPostDetails) {
// Post the request.
cmd := details.command
log.Tracef("Sending command [%s] with id %d", cmd.Method(), cmd.Id())
httpResponse, err := c.httpClient.Do(details.request)
if err != nil {
details.responseChan <- &response{err: err}
// Read the raw bytes and close the response.
respBytes, err := btcjson.GetRaw(httpResponse.Body)
if err != nil {
details.responseChan <- &response{err: err}
// Handle unsuccessful HTTP responses
if httpResponse.StatusCode < 200 || httpResponse.StatusCode >= 300 {
details.responseChan <- &response{err: errors.New(string(respBytes))}
var resp rawResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(respBytes, &resp)
if err != nil {
details.responseChan <- &response{err: err}
res, err := resp.result()
details.responseChan <- &response{result: res, err: err}
// sendPostHandler handles all outgoing messages when the client is running
// in HTTP POST mode. It uses a buffered channel to serialize output messages
// while allowing the sender to continue running asynchronously. It must be run
// as a goroutine.
func (c *Client) sendPostHandler() {
for {
// Send any messages ready for send until the shutdown channel
// is closed.
select {
case details := <-c.sendPostChan:
case <-c.shutdown:
break out
// Drain any wait channels before exiting so nothing is left waiting
// around to send.
for {
select {
case details := <-c.sendPostChan:
details.responseChan <- &response{
result: nil,
err: ErrClientShutdown,
break cleanup
log.Tracef("RPC client send handler done for %s", c.config.Host)
// sendPostRequest sends the passed HTTP request to the RPC server using the
// HTTP client associated with the client. It is backed by a buffered channel,
// so it will not block until the send channel is full.
func (c *Client) sendPostRequest(req *http.Request, command btcjson.Cmd, responseChan chan *response) {
// Don't send the message if shutting down.
select {
case <-c.shutdown:
responseChan <- &response{result: nil, err: ErrClientShutdown}
c.sendPostChan <- &sendPostDetails{
command: command,
request: req,
responseChan: responseChan,
// newFutureError returns a new future result channel that already has the
// passed error waitin on the channel with the reply set to nil. This is useful
// to easily return errors from the various Async functions.
func newFutureError(err error) chan *response {
responseChan := make(chan *response, 1)
responseChan <- &response{err: err}
return responseChan
// receiveFuture receives from the passed futureResult channel to extract a
// reply or any errors. The examined errors include an error in the
// futureResult and the error in the reply from the server. This will block
// until the result is available on the passed channel.
func receiveFuture(f chan *response) ([]byte, error) {
// Wait for a response on the returned channel.
r := <-f
return r.result, r.err
// marshalAndSendPost marshals the passed command to JSON-RPC and sends it to
// the server by issuing an HTTP POST request and returns a response channel
// on which the reply will be delivered. Typically a new connection is opened
// and closed for each command when using this method, however, the underlying
// HTTP client might coalesce multiple commands depending on several factors
// including the remote server configuration.
func (c *Client) marshalAndSendPost(cmd btcjson.Cmd, responseChan chan *response) {
marshalledJSON, err := json.Marshal(cmd)
if err != nil {
responseChan <- &response{result: nil, err: err}
// Generate a request to the configured RPC server.
protocol := "http"
if !c.config.DisableTLS {
protocol = "https"
url := protocol + "://" + c.config.Host
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewReader(marshalledJSON))
if err != nil {
responseChan <- &response{result: nil, err: err}
req.Close = true
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
// Configure basic access authorization.
req.SetBasicAuth(c.config.User, c.config.Pass)
log.Tracef("Sending command [%s] with id %d", cmd.Method(), cmd.Id())
c.sendPostRequest(req, cmd, responseChan)
// marshalAndSend marshals the passed command to JSON-RPC and sends it to the
// server. It returns a response channel on which the reply will be delivered.
func (c *Client) marshalAndSend(cmd btcjson.Cmd, responseChan chan *response) {
marshalledJSON, err := cmd.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
responseChan <- &response{result: nil, err: err}
log.Tracef("Sending command [%s] with id %d", cmd.Method(), cmd.Id())
// sendCmd sends the passed command to the associated server and returns a
// response channel on which the reply will be deliver at some point in the
// future. It handles both websocket and HTTP POST mode depending on the
// configuration of the client.
func (c *Client) sendCmd(cmd btcjson.Cmd) chan *response {
// Choose which marshal and send function to use depending on whether
// the client running in HTTP POST mode or not. When running in HTTP
// POST mode, the command is issued via an HTTP client. Otherwise,
// the command is issued via the asynchronous websocket channels.
responseChan := make(chan *response, 1)
if c.config.HttpPostMode {
c.marshalAndSendPost(cmd, responseChan)
return responseChan
err := c.addRequest(cmd.Id().(uint64), &jsonRequest{
cmd: cmd,
responseChan: responseChan,
if err != nil {
responseChan <- &response{err: err}
return responseChan
c.marshalAndSend(cmd, responseChan)
return responseChan
// sendCmdAndWait sends the passed command to the associated server, waits
// for the reply, and returns the result from it. It will return the error
// field in the reply if there is one.
func (c *Client) sendCmdAndWait(cmd btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
// Marshal the command to JSON-RPC, send it to the connected server, and
// wait for a response on the returned channel.
return receiveFuture(c.sendCmd(cmd))
// Disconnected returns whether or not the server is disconnected.
func (c *Client) Disconnected() bool {
defer c.mtx.Unlock()
return c.disconnected
// doDisconnect disconnects the websocket associated with the client if it
// hasn't already been disconnected. It will return false if the disconnect is
// not needed or the client is running in HTTP POST mode.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (c *Client) doDisconnect() bool {
if c.config.HttpPostMode {
return false
defer c.mtx.Unlock()
// Nothing to do if already disconnected.
if c.disconnected {
return false
log.Tracef("Disconnecting RPC client %s", c.config.Host)
c.disconnected = true
return true
// doShutdown closes the shutdown channel and logs the shutdown unless shutdown
// is already in progress. It will return false if the shutdown is not needed.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (c *Client) doShutdown() bool {
// Ignore the shutdown request if the client is already in the process
// of shutting down or already shutdown.
select {
case <-c.shutdown:
return false
log.Tracef("Shutting down RPC client %s", c.config.Host)
return true
// Disconnect disconnects the current websocket associated with the client. The
// connection will automatically be re-established unless the client was
// created with the DisableAutoReconnect flag.
// This function has no effect when the client is running in HTTP POST mode.
func (c *Client) Disconnect() {
// Nothing to do if already disconnected or running in HTTP POST mode.
if !c.doDisconnect() {
defer c.requestLock.Unlock()
// When operating without auto reconnect, send errors to any pending
// requests and shutdown the client.
if c.config.DisableAutoReconnect {
for e := c.requestList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
req := e.Value.(*jsonRequest)
req.responseChan <- &response{
result: nil,
err: ErrClientDisconnect,
// Shutdown shuts down the client by disconnecting any connections associated
// with the client and, when automatic reconnect is enabled, preventing future
// attempts to reconnect. It also stops all goroutines.
func (c *Client) Shutdown() {
// Do the shutdown under the request lock to prevent clients from
// adding new requests while the client shutdown process is initiated.
defer c.requestLock.Unlock()
// Ignore the shutdown request if the client is already in the process
// of shutting down or already shutdown.
if !c.doShutdown() {
// Send the ErrClientShutdown error to any pending requests.
for e := c.requestList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
req := e.Value.(*jsonRequest)
req.responseChan <- &response{
result: nil,
err: ErrClientShutdown,
// Disconnect the client if needed.
// Start begins processing input and output messages.
func (c *Client) start() {
log.Tracef("Starting RPC client %s", c.config.Host)
// Start the I/O processing handlers depending on whether the client is
// in HTTP POST mode or the default websocket mode.
if c.config.HttpPostMode {
go c.sendPostHandler()
} else {
go func() {
if c.ntfnHandlers != nil {
if c.ntfnHandlers.OnClientConnected != nil {
go c.wsInHandler()
go c.wsOutHandler()
// WaitForShutdown blocks until the client goroutines are stopped and the
// connection is closed.
func (c *Client) WaitForShutdown() {
// ConnConfig describes the connection configuration parameters for the client.
// This
type ConnConfig struct {
// Host is the IP address and port of the RPC server you want to connect
// to.
Host string
// Endpoint is the websocket endpoint on the RPC server. This is
// typically "ws".
Endpoint string
// User is the username to use to authenticate to the RPC server.
User string
// Pass is the passphrase to use to authenticate to the RPC server.
Pass string
// DisableTLS specifies whether transport layer security should be
// disabled. It is recommended to always use TLS if the RPC server
// supports it as otherwise your username and password is sent across
// the wire in cleartext.
DisableTLS bool
// Certificates are the bytes for a PEM-encoded certificate chain used
// for the TLS connection. It has no effect if the DisableTLS parameter
// is true.
Certificates []byte
// Proxy specifies to connect through a SOCKS 5 proxy server. It may
// be an empty string if a proxy is not required.
Proxy string
// ProxyUser is an optional username to use for the proxy server if it
// requires authentication. It has no effect if the Proxy parameter
// is not set.
ProxyUser string
// ProxyPass is an optional password to use for the proxy server if it
// requires authentication. It has no effect if the Proxy parameter
// is not set.
ProxyPass string
// DisableAutoReconnect specifies the client should not automatically
// try to reconnect to the server when it has been disconnected.
DisableAutoReconnect bool
// HttpPostMode instructs the client to run using multiple independent
// connections issuing HTTP POST requests instead of using the default
// of websockets. Websockets are generally preferred as some of the
// features of the client such notifications only work with websockets,
// however, not all servers support the websocket extensions, so this
// flag can be set to true to use basic HTTP POST requests instead.
HttpPostMode bool
// newHTTPClient returns a new http client that is configured according to the
// proxy and TLS settings in the associated connection configuration.
func newHTTPClient(config *ConnConfig) (*http.Client, error) {
// Set proxy function if there is a proxy configured.
var proxyFunc func(*http.Request) (*url.URL, error)
if config.Proxy != "" {
proxyURL, err := url.Parse(config.Proxy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
proxyFunc = http.ProxyURL(proxyURL)
// Configure TLS if needed.
var tlsConfig *tls.Config
if !config.DisableTLS {
if len(config.Certificates) > 0 {
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
tlsConfig = &tls.Config{
RootCAs: pool,
client := http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Proxy: proxyFunc,
TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
return &client, nil
// dial opens a websocket connection using the passed connection configuration
// details.
func dial(config *ConnConfig) (*websocket.Conn, error) {
// Setup TLS if not disabled.
var tlsConfig *tls.Config
var scheme = "ws"
if !config.DisableTLS {
tlsConfig = &tls.Config{
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
if len(config.Certificates) > 0 {
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
tlsConfig.RootCAs = pool
scheme = "wss"
// Create a websocket dialer that will be used to make the connection.
// It is modified by the proxy setting below as needed.
dialer := websocket.Dialer{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig}
// Setup the proxy if one is configured.
if config.Proxy != "" {
proxy := &socks.Proxy{
Addr: config.Proxy,
Username: config.ProxyUser,
Password: config.ProxyPass,
dialer.NetDial = proxy.Dial
// The RPC server requires basic authorization, so create a custom
// request header with the Authorization header set.
login := config.User + ":" + config.Pass
auth := "Basic " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(login))
requestHeader := make(http.Header)
requestHeader.Add("Authorization", auth)
// Dial the connection.
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/%s", scheme, config.Host, config.Endpoint)
wsConn, resp, err := dialer.Dial(url, requestHeader)
if err != nil {
if err != websocket.ErrBadHandshake || resp == nil {
return nil, err
// Detect HTTP authentication error status codes.
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized ||
resp.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden {
return nil, ErrInvalidAuth
// The connection was authenticated and the status response was
// ok, but the websocket handshake still failed, so the endpoint
// is invalid in some way.
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
return nil, ErrInvalidEndpoint
// Return the status text from the server if none of the special
// cases above apply.
return nil, errors.New(resp.Status)
return wsConn, nil
// New creates a new RPC client based on the provided connection configuration
// details. The notification handlers parameter may be nil if you are not
// interested in receiving notifications and will be ignored when if the
// configuration is set to run in HTTP POST mode.
func New(config *ConnConfig, ntfnHandlers *NotificationHandlers) (*Client, error) {
// Either open a websocket connection or create an HTTP client depending
// on the HTTP POST mode. Also, set the notification handlers to nil
// when running in HTTP POST mode.
var wsConn *websocket.Conn
var httpClient *http.Client
if config.HttpPostMode {
ntfnHandlers = nil
var err error
httpClient, err = newHTTPClient(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
var err error
wsConn, err = dial(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Infof("Established connection to RPC server %s",
client := &Client{
config: config,
wsConn: wsConn,
httpClient: httpClient,
requestMap: make(map[uint64]*list.Element),
requestList: list.New(),
ntfnHandlers: ntfnHandlers,
ntfnState: newNotificationState(),
sendChan: make(chan []byte, sendBufferSize),
sendPostChan: make(chan *sendPostDetails, sendPostBufferSize),
disconnect: make(chan struct{}),
shutdown: make(chan struct{}),
if !client.config.HttpPostMode && !client.config.DisableAutoReconnect {
go client.wsReconnectHandler()
return client, nil