Dave Collins 79bb334b9a Remove old regression test db in regtest mode.
The regression test mode is special in that the 'official' block test
suite requires an empty database to work properly.  Rather than having to
manual go delete it before each test, add code to automatically delete the
old regression test database when in regression test mode.
2013-09-15 16:58:02 -05:00

485 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const (
chanBufferSize = 50
// blockDbNamePrefix is the prefix for the block database name. The
// database type is appended to this value to form the full block
// database name.
blockDbNamePrefix = "blocks"
// blockMsg packages a bitcoin block message and the peer it came from together
// so the block handler has access to that information.
type blockMsg struct {
block *btcutil.Block
peer *peer
// txMsg packages a bitcoin tx message and the peer it came from together
// so the block handler has access to that information.
type txMsg struct {
msg *btcwire.MsgTx
peer *peer
// blockManager provides a concurrency safe block manager for handling all
// incoming blocks.
type blockManager struct {
server *server
started bool
shutdown bool
blockChain *btcchain.BlockChain
blockPeer map[btcwire.ShaHash]*peer
blockPeerMutex sync.Mutex
receivedLogBlocks int64
receivedLogTx int64
lastBlockLogTime time.Time
processingReqs bool
syncPeer *peer
newBlocks chan bool
newCandidates chan *peer
donePeers chan *peer
blockQueue chan *blockMsg
chainNotify chan *btcchain.Notification
wg sync.WaitGroup
quit chan bool
// startSync will choose the best peer among the available candidate peers to
// download/sync the blockchain from. When syncing is already running, it
// simply returns. It also examines the candidates for any which are no longer
// candidates and removes them as needed.
func (b *blockManager) startSync(peers *list.List) {
// Return now if we're already syncing.
if b.syncPeer != nil {
// Find the height of the current known best block.
_, height, err := b.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[BMGR] %v", err)
var bestPeer *peer
for e := peers.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
p := e.Value.(*peer)
// Remove sync candidate peers that are no longer candidates due
// to passing their latest known block.
if p.lastBlock <= int32(height) {
// TODO(davec): Use a better algorithm to choose the best peer.
// For now, just pick the first available candidate.
bestPeer = p
// Start syncing from the best peer if one was selected.
if bestPeer != nil {
locator, err := b.blockChain.LatestBlockLocator()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[BMGR] Failed to get block locator for the "+
"latest block: %v", err)
log.Infof("[BMGR] Syncing to block height %d from peer %v",
bestPeer.lastBlock, bestPeer.conn.RemoteAddr())
bestPeer.pushGetBlocksMsg(locator, &zeroHash)
b.syncPeer = bestPeer
// handleNewCandidateMsg deals with new peers that have signalled they may
// be considered as a sync peer (they have already successfully negotiated). It
// also start syncing if needed. It is invoked from the syncHandler goroutine.
func (b *blockManager) handleNewCandidateMsg(peers *list.List, p *peer) {
// Ignore if in the process of shutting down.
if b.shutdown {
// The peer is not a candidate for sync if it's not a full node.
if != btcwire.SFNodeNetwork {
// Add the peer as a candidate to sync from.
// Start syncing by choosing the best candidate if needed.
// handleDonePeerMsg deals with peers that have signalled they are done. It
// removes the peer as a candidate for syncing and in the case where it was
// the current sync peer, attempts to select a new best peer to sync from. It
// is invoked from the syncHandler goroutine.
func (b *blockManager) handleDonePeerMsg(peers *list.List, p *peer) {
// Remove the peer from the list of candidate peers.
for e := peers.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
if e.Value == p {
// Attempt to find a new peer to sync from if the quitting peer is the
// sync peer.
if b.syncPeer != nil && b.syncPeer == p {
b.syncPeer = nil
// syncHandler deals with handling downloading (syncing) the block chain from
// other peers as they connect and disconnect. It must be run as a goroutine.
func (b *blockManager) syncHandler() {
log.Tracef("[BMGR] Starting sync handler")
candidatePeers := list.New()
// Live while we're not shutting down.
for !b.shutdown {
select {
case peer := <-b.newCandidates:
b.handleNewCandidateMsg(candidatePeers, peer)
case peer := <-b.donePeers:
b.handleDonePeerMsg(candidatePeers, peer)
case <-b.quit:
break out
log.Trace("[BMGR] Sync handler done")
// logBlockHeight logs a new block height as an information message to show
// progress to the user. In order to prevent spam, it limits logging to one
// message every 10 seconds with duration and totals included.
func (b *blockManager) logBlockHeight(numTx, height int64) {
b.receivedLogTx += numTx
now := time.Now()
duration := now.Sub(b.lastBlockLogTime)
if duration < time.Second*10 {
// Log information about new block height.
blockStr := "blocks"
if b.receivedLogBlocks == 1 {
blockStr = "block"
txStr := "transactions"
if b.receivedLogTx == 1 {
txStr = "transaction"
log.Infof("[BMGR] Processed %d %s (%d %s) in the last %s - Block "+
"height %d", b.receivedLogBlocks, blockStr, b.receivedLogTx,
txStr, duration, height)
b.receivedLogBlocks = 0
b.receivedLogTx = 0
b.lastBlockLogTime = now
// handleBlockMsg handles block messages from all peers.
func (b *blockManager) handleBlockMsg(bmsg *blockMsg) {
// Keep track of which peer the block was sent from so the notification
// handler can request the parent blocks from the appropriate peer.
blockSha, _ := bmsg.block.Sha()
b.blockPeer[*blockSha] = bmsg.peer
// Process the block to include validation, best chain selection, orphan
// handling, etc.
err := b.blockChain.ProcessBlock(bmsg.block)
if err != nil {
delete(b.blockPeer, *blockSha)
log.Warnf("[BMGR] Failed to process block %v: %v", blockSha, err)
// Don't keep track of the peer that sent the block any longer if it's
// not an orphan.
if !b.blockChain.IsKnownOrphan(blockSha) {
delete(b.blockPeer, *blockSha)
// Log info about the new block height.
_, height, err := b.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("[BMGR] Failed to obtain latest sha - %v", err)
b.logBlockHeight(int64(len(bmsg.block.MsgBlock().Transactions)), height)
// Sync the db to disk.
// blockHandler is the main handler for the block manager. It must be run
// as a goroutine. It processes block and inv messages in a separate goroutine
// from the peer handlers so the block (MsgBlock) and tx (MsgTx) messages are
// handled by a single thread without needing to lock memory data structures.
// This is important because the block manager controls which blocks are needed
// and how the fetching should proceed.
// NOTE: Tx messages need to be handled here too.
// (either that or block and tx need to be handled in separate threads)
func (b *blockManager) blockHandler() {
for !b.shutdown {
select {
// Handle new block messages.
case bmsg := <-b.blockQueue:
bmsg.peer.blockProcessed <- true
case <-b.quit:
break out
log.Trace("[BMGR] Block handler done")
// handleNotifyMsg handles notifications from btcchain. Currently it doesn't
// respond to any notifications, but the idea is that it requests missing blocks
// in response to orphan notifications and updates the wallet for blocks
// connected to and disconnected from the main chain.
func (b *blockManager) handleNotifyMsg(notification *btcchain.Notification) {
switch notification.Type {
// An orphan block has been accepted by the block chain.
case btcchain.NTOrphanBlock:
defer b.blockPeerMutex.Unlock()
orphanHash := notification.Data.(*btcwire.ShaHash)
if peer, exists := b.blockPeer[*orphanHash]; exists {
orphanRoot := b.blockChain.GetOrphanRoot(orphanHash)
locator, err := b.blockChain.LatestBlockLocator()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[BMGR] Failed to get block locator "+
"for the latest block: %v", err)
peer.pushGetBlocksMsg(locator, orphanRoot)
delete(b.blockPeer, *orphanRoot)
// A block has been accepted into the block chain.
case btcchain.NTBlockAccepted:
block, ok := notification.Data.(*btcutil.Block)
if !ok {
log.Warnf("[BMGR] Chain notification type not a block.")
// It's ok to ignore the error here since the notification is
// coming from the chain code which has already cached the hash.
hash, _ := block.Sha()
// Generate the inventory vector and relay it.
iv := btcwire.NewInvVect(btcwire.InvVect_Block, hash)
// chainNotificationHandler is the handler for asynchronous notifications from
// btcchain. It must be run as a goroutine.
func (b *blockManager) chainNotificationHandler() {
for !b.shutdown {
select {
case notification := <-b.chainNotify:
case <-b.quit:
break out
log.Trace("[BMGR] Chain notification handler done")
// QueueBlock adds the passed block message and peer to the block handling queue.
func (b *blockManager) QueueBlock(block *btcutil.Block, p *peer) {
// Don't accept more blocks if we're shutting down.
if b.shutdown {
p.blockProcessed <- false
bmsg := blockMsg{block: block, peer: p}
b.blockQueue <- &bmsg
// Start begins the core block handler which processes block and inv messages.
func (b *blockManager) Start() {
// Already started?
if b.started {
log.Trace("[BMGR] Starting block manager")
go b.syncHandler()
go b.blockHandler()
go b.chainNotificationHandler()
b.started = true
// Stop gracefully shuts down the block manager by stopping all asynchronous
// handlers and waiting for them to finish.
func (b *blockManager) Stop() error {
if b.shutdown {
log.Warnf("[BMGR] Block manager is already in the process of " +
"shutting down")
return nil
log.Infof("[BMGR] Block manager shutting down")
b.shutdown = true
return nil
// newBlockManager returns a new bitcoin block manager.
// Use Start to begin processing asynchronous block and inv updates.
func newBlockManager(s *server) *blockManager {
chainNotify := make(chan *btcchain.Notification, chanBufferSize)
bm := blockManager{
server: s,
blockChain: btcchain.New(s.db, s.btcnet, chainNotify),
blockPeer: make(map[btcwire.ShaHash]*peer),
lastBlockLogTime: time.Now(),
newBlocks: make(chan bool, 1),
newCandidates: make(chan *peer, cfg.MaxPeers),
donePeers: make(chan *peer, cfg.MaxPeers),
blockQueue: make(chan *blockMsg, chanBufferSize),
chainNotify: chainNotify,
quit: make(chan bool),
return &bm
// removeRegressionDB removes the existing regression test database if running
// in regression test mode and it already exists.
func removeRegressionDB(dbPath string) error {
// Dont do anything if not in regression test mode.
if !cfg.RegressionTest {
return nil
// Remove the old regression test database if it already exists.
fi, err := os.Stat(dbPath)
if err == nil {
log.Infof("[BMGR] Removing regression test database from '%s'", dbPath)
if fi.IsDir() {
err := os.RemoveAll(dbPath)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err := os.Remove(dbPath)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// loadBlockDB opens the block database and returns a handle to it.
func loadBlockDB() (btcdb.Db, error) {
// The database name is based on the database type.
dbName := blockDbNamePrefix + "_" + cfg.DbType
if cfg.DbType == "sqlite" {
dbName = dbName + ".db"
dbPath := filepath.Join(cfg.DataDir, dbName)
// The regression test is special in that it needs a clean database for
// each run, so remove it now if it already exists.
log.Infof("[BMGR] Loading block database from '%s'", dbPath)
db, err := btcdb.OpenDB(cfg.DbType, dbPath)
if err != nil {
// Return the error if it's not because the database doesn't
// exist.
if err != btcdb.DbDoesNotExist {
return nil, err
// Create the db if it does not exist.
err = os.MkdirAll(cfg.DataDir, 0700)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
db, err = btcdb.CreateDB(cfg.DbType, dbPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get the latest block height from the database.
_, height, err := db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Insert the appropriate genesis block for the bitcoin network being
// connected to if needed.
if height == -1 {
genesis := btcutil.NewBlock(activeNetParams.genesisBlock)
_, err := db.InsertBlock(genesis)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Infof("[BMGR] Inserted genesis block %v",
height = 0
log.Infof("[BMGR] Block database loaded with block height %d", height)
return db, nil