Dale Rahn 96f7305c29 One DB instad of many.
improved error handling

Fix testing, no point in running tests multiple times

Fix error when no blocks in database, reopen would misreport NewstSha() return
2013-09-10 10:05:26 -04:00

269 lines
6.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ldb
import (
// InsertBlockData stores a block hash and its associated data block with a
// previous sha of `prevSha' and a version of `pver'.
func (db *LevelDb) InsertBlockData(sha *btcwire.ShaHash, prevSha *btcwire.ShaHash, pver uint32, buf []byte) (blockid int64, err error) {
defer db.dbLock.Unlock()
return db.insertBlockData(sha, prevSha, buf)
func (db *LevelDb) getBlkLoc(sha *btcwire.ShaHash) (int64, error) {
var blkHeight int64
key := shaBlkToKey(sha)
data, err := db.lDb.Get(key,
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// deserialize
dr := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
err = binary.Read(dr, binary.LittleEndian, &blkHeight)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("get getBlkLoc len %v\n", len(data))
err = fmt.Errorf("Db Corrupt 0")
return 0, err
return blkHeight, nil
func (db *LevelDb) getBlkByHeight(blkHeight int64) (rsha *btcwire.ShaHash, rbuf []byte, err error) {
var blkVal []byte
key := int64ToKey(blkHeight)
blkVal, err = db.lDb.Get(key,
if err != nil {
log.Tracef("failed to find height %v", blkHeight)
return // exists ???
var sha btcwire.ShaHash
blockdata := make([]byte, len(blkVal[32:]))
copy(blockdata[:], blkVal[32:])
return &sha, blockdata, nil
func (db *LevelDb) getBlk(sha *btcwire.ShaHash) (rblkHeight int64, rbuf []byte, err error) {
var blkHeight int64
blkHeight, err = db.getBlkLoc(sha)
if err != nil {
var buf []byte
_, buf, err = db.getBlkByHeight(blkHeight)
if err != nil {
return blkHeight, buf, nil
func (db *LevelDb) setBlk(sha *btcwire.ShaHash, blkHeight int64, buf []byte) error {
// serialize
var lw bytes.Buffer
err := binary.Write(&lw, binary.LittleEndian, blkHeight)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Write Fail")
return err
shaKey := shaBlkToKey(sha)
blkKey := int64ToKey(blkHeight)
shaB := sha.Bytes()
blkVal := make([]byte, len(shaB)+len(buf))
copy(blkVal[0:], shaB)
copy(blkVal[len(shaB):], buf)
db.lBatch().Put(shaKey, lw.Bytes())
db.lBatch().Put(blkKey, blkVal)
return nil
// insertSha stores a block hash and its associated data block with a
// previous sha of `prevSha' and a version of `pver'.
// insertSha shall be called with db lock held
func (db *LevelDb) insertBlockData(sha *btcwire.ShaHash, prevSha *btcwire.ShaHash, buf []byte) (blockid int64, err error) {
var oBlkHeight int64
oBlkHeight, err = db.getBlkLoc(prevSha)
if err != nil {
// check current block count
// if count != 0 {
// err = btcdb.PrevShaMissing
// return
// }
oBlkHeight = -1
if db.nextBlock != 0 {
return 0, err
// TODO(drahn) check curfile filesize, increment curfile if this puts it over
blkHeight := oBlkHeight + 1
err = db.setBlk(sha, blkHeight, buf)
if err != nil {
// update the last block cache
db.lastBlkShaCached = true
db.lastBlkSha = *sha
db.lastBlkIdx = blkHeight
db.nextBlock = blkHeight + 1
return blkHeight, nil
// fetchSha returns the datablock and pver for the given ShaHash.
func (db *LevelDb) fetchSha(sha *btcwire.ShaHash) (rbuf []byte,
rblkHeight int64, err error) {
var blkHeight int64
var buf []byte
blkHeight, buf, err = db.getBlk(sha)
if err != nil {
return buf, blkHeight, nil
// ExistsSha looks up the given block hash
// returns true if it is present in the database.
func (db *LevelDb) ExistsSha(sha *btcwire.ShaHash) (exists bool) {
defer db.dbLock.Unlock()
// not in cache, try database
exists = db.blkExistsSha(sha)
// blkExistsSha looks up the given block hash
// returns true if it is present in the database.
func (db *LevelDb) blkExistsSha(sha *btcwire.ShaHash) bool {
_, err := db.getBlkLoc(sha)
if err != nil {
should this warn if the failure is something besides does not exist ?
log.Warnf("blkExistsSha: fail %v", err)
return false
return true
// FetchBlockShaByHeight returns a block hash based on its height in the
// block chain.
func (db *LevelDb) FetchBlockShaByHeight(height int64) (sha *btcwire.ShaHash, err error) {
defer db.dbLock.Unlock()
return db.fetchBlockShaByHeight(height)
// fetchBlockShaByHeight returns a block hash based on its height in the
// block chain.
func (db *LevelDb) fetchBlockShaByHeight(height int64) (rsha *btcwire.ShaHash, err error) {
var sha *btcwire.ShaHash
sha, _, err = db.getBlkByHeight(height)
if err != nil {
return sha, nil
// FetchHeightRange looks up a range of blocks by the start and ending
// heights. Fetch is inclusive of the start height and exclusive of the
// ending height. To fetch all hashes from the start height until no
// more are present, use the special id `AllShas'.
func (db *LevelDb) FetchHeightRange(startHeight, endHeight int64) (rshalist []btcwire.ShaHash, err error) {
defer db.dbLock.Unlock()
var endidx int64
if endHeight == btcdb.AllShas {
endidx = startHeight + 500
} else {
endidx = endHeight
var shalist []btcwire.ShaHash
for height := startHeight; height < endidx; height++ {
// TODO(drahn) fix blkFile from height
key := int64ToKey(height)
blkVal, lerr := db.lDb.Get(key,
if lerr != nil {
var sha btcwire.ShaHash
shalist = append(shalist, sha)
if err != nil {
//log.Tracef("FetchIdxRange idx %v %v returned %v shas err %v", startHeight, endHeight, len(shalist), err)
return shalist, nil
// NewestSha returns the hash and block height of the most recent (end) block of
// the block chain. It will return the zero hash, -1 for the block height, and
// no error (nil) if there are not any blocks in the database yet.
func (db *LevelDb) NewestSha() (rsha *btcwire.ShaHash, rblkid int64, err error) {
defer db.dbLock.Unlock()
if db.lastBlkIdx == -1 {
rblkid = db.lastBlkIdx
err = fmt.Errorf("Empty Database")
sha := db.lastBlkSha
return &sha, db.lastBlkIdx, nil
func (db *LevelDb) NewIterateBlocks() (rbogus btcdb.BlockIterator, err error) {
err = fmt.Errorf("Not implemented")