2021-07-27 09:34:15 -04:00

450 lines
12 KiB

package node
import (
type Manager interface {
AppendChange(chg change.Change) error
IncrementHeightTo(height int32) ([][]byte, error)
DecrementHeightTo(affectedNames [][]byte, height int32) error
Height() int32
Close() error
Node(name []byte) (*Node, error)
NextUpdateHeightOfNode(name []byte) ([]byte, int32)
IterateNames(predicate func(name []byte) bool)
Hash(name []byte) *chainhash.Hash
type nodeCacheLeaf struct {
node *Node
key string
type nodeCache struct {
elements map[string]*list.Element
data *list.List
maxElements int
func newNodeCache(size int) *nodeCache {
return &nodeCache{elements: make(map[string]*list.Element, size),
data: list.New(),
maxElements: size,
func (nc *nodeCache) Get(key string) *Node {
element := nc.elements[key]
if element != nil {
return element.Value.(nodeCacheLeaf).node
return nil
func (nc *nodeCache) Put(key string, element *Node) {
existing := nc.elements[key]
if existing != nil {
existing.Value = nodeCacheLeaf{element, key}
} else if len(nc.elements) >= nc.maxElements {
existing =
delete(nc.elements, existing.Value.(nodeCacheLeaf).key)
existing.Value = nodeCacheLeaf{element, key}
nc.elements[key] = existing
} else {
nc.elements[key] ={element, key})
func (nc *nodeCache) Delete(key string) {
existing := nc.elements[key]
if existing != nil {
delete(nc.elements, key)
type BaseManager struct {
repo Repo
height int32
cache *nodeCache
changes []change.Change
func NewBaseManager(repo Repo) (*BaseManager, error) {
nm := &BaseManager{
repo: repo,
cache: newNodeCache(param.MaxNodeManagerCacheSize),
return nm, nil
// Node returns a node at the current height.
// The returned node may have pending changes.
func (nm *BaseManager) Node(name []byte) (*Node, error) {
nameStr := string(name)
n := nm.cache.Get(nameStr)
if n != nil {
return n.AdjustTo(nm.height, -1, name), nil
changes, err := nm.repo.LoadChanges(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "in load changes")
n, err = nm.newNodeFromChanges(changes, nm.height)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "in new node")
if n == nil { // they've requested a nonexistent or expired name
return nil, nil
nm.cache.Put(nameStr, n)
return n, nil
// newNodeFromChanges returns a new Node constructed from the changes.
// The changes must preserve their order received.
func (nm *BaseManager) newNodeFromChanges(changes []change.Change, height int32) (*Node, error) {
if len(changes) == 0 {
return nil, nil
n := New()
previous := changes[0].Height
count := len(changes)
for i, chg := range changes {
if chg.Height < previous {
panic("expected the changes to be in order by height")
if chg.Height > height {
count = i
if previous < chg.Height {
n.AdjustTo(previous, chg.Height-1, chg.Name) // update bids and activation
previous = chg.Height
delay := nm.getDelayForName(n, chg)
err := n.ApplyChange(chg, delay)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "in apply change")
if count <= 0 {
return nil, nil
lastChange := changes[count-1]
return n.AdjustTo(lastChange.Height, height, lastChange.Name), nil
func (nm *BaseManager) AppendChange(chg change.Change) error {
nm.changes = append(nm.changes, chg)
// worth putting in this kind of thing pre-emptively?
// log.Debugf("CHG: %d, %s, %v, %s, %d", chg.Height, chg.Name, chg.Type, chg.ClaimID, chg.Amount)
return nil
func collectChildNames(changes []change.Change) {
// we need to determine which children (names that start with the same name) go with which change
// if we have the names in order then we can avoid iterating through all names in the change list
// and we can possibly reuse the previous list.
// eh. optimize it some other day
// what would happen in the old code:
// spending a claim (which happens before every update) could remove a node from the cached trie
// in which case we would fall back on the data from the previous block (where it obviously wasn't spent).
// It would only delete the node if it had no children, but have even some rare situations
// Where all of the children happen to be deleted first. That's what we must detect here.
// Algorithm:
// For each non-spend change
// Loop through all the spends before you and add them to your child list if they are your child
for i := range changes {
t := changes[i].Type
if t == change.SpendClaim || t == change.SpendSupport {
a := changes[i].Name
sc := map[string]bool{}
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
t = changes[j].Type
if t != change.SpendClaim {
b := changes[j].Name
if len(b) >= len(a) && bytes.Equal(a, b[:len(a)]) {
sc[string(b)] = true
changes[i].SpentChildren = sc
func (nm *BaseManager) IncrementHeightTo(height int32) ([][]byte, error) {
if height <= nm.height {
panic("invalid height")
if height >= param.MaxRemovalWorkaroundHeight {
// not technically needed until block 884430, but to be true to the arbitrary rollback length...
names := make([][]byte, 0, len(nm.changes))
for i := range nm.changes {
names = append(names, nm.changes[i].Name)
if err := nm.repo.AppendChanges(nm.changes); err != nil { // destroys names
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "in append changes")
// Truncate the buffer size to zero.
if len(nm.changes) > 1000 { // TODO: determine a good number here
nm.changes = nil // release the RAM
} else {
nm.changes = nm.changes[:0]
nm.height = height
return names, nil
func (nm *BaseManager) DecrementHeightTo(affectedNames [][]byte, height int32) error {
if height >= nm.height {
return errors.Errorf("invalid height of %d for %d", height, nm.height)
for _, name := range affectedNames {
if err := nm.repo.DropChanges(name, height); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "in drop changes")
nm.height = height
return nil
func (nm *BaseManager) getDelayForName(n *Node, chg change.Change) int32 {
// Note: we don't consider the active status of BestClaim here on purpose.
// That's because we deactivate and reactivate as part of claim updates.
// However, the final status will be accounted for when we compute the takeover heights;
// claims may get activated early at that point.
hasBest := n.BestClaim != nil
if hasBest && n.BestClaim.ClaimID == chg.ClaimID {
return 0
if chg.ActiveHeight >= chg.Height { // ActiveHeight is usually unset (aka, zero)
return chg.ActiveHeight - chg.Height
if !hasBest {
return 0
delay := calculateDelay(chg.Height, n.TakenOverAt)
if delay > 0 && nm.aWorkaroundIsNeeded(n, chg) {
if chg.Height >= nm.height {
LogOnce(fmt.Sprintf("Delay workaround applies to %s at %d, ClaimID: %s",
chg.Name, chg.Height, chg.ClaimID))
return 0
return delay
func hasZeroActiveClaims(n *Node) bool {
// this isn't quite the same as having an active best (since that is only updated after all changes are processed)
for _, c := range n.Claims {
if c.Status == Activated {
return false
return true
// aWorkaroundIsNeeded handles bugs that existed in previous versions
func (nm *BaseManager) aWorkaroundIsNeeded(n *Node, chg change.Change) bool {
if chg.Type == change.SpendClaim || chg.Type == change.SpendSupport {
return false
if chg.Height >= param.MaxRemovalWorkaroundHeight {
// TODO: hard fork this out; it's a bug from previous versions:
// old 17.3 C++ code we're trying to mimic (where empty means no active claims):
// auto it = nodesToAddOrUpdate.find(name); // nodesToAddOrUpdate is the working changes, base is previous block
// auto answer = (it || (it = base->find(name))) && !it->empty() ? nNextHeight - it->nHeightOfLastTakeover : 0;
return hasZeroActiveClaims(n) && nm.hasChildren(chg.Name, chg.Height, chg.SpentChildren, 2)
} else if len(n.Claims) > 0 {
// NOTE: old code had a bug in it where nodes with no claims but with children would get left in the cache after removal.
// This would cause the getNumBlocksOfContinuousOwnership to return zero (causing incorrect takeover height calc).
w, ok := param.DelayWorkarounds[string(chg.Name)]
if ok {
for _, h := range w {
if chg.Height == h {
return true
return false
func calculateDelay(curr, tookOver int32) int32 {
delay := (curr - tookOver) / param.ActiveDelayFactor
if delay > param.MaxActiveDelay {
return param.MaxActiveDelay
return delay
func (nm BaseManager) NextUpdateHeightOfNode(name []byte) ([]byte, int32) {
n, err := nm.Node(name)
if err != nil || n == nil {
return name, 0
return name, n.NextUpdate()
func (nm *BaseManager) Height() int32 {
return nm.height
func (nm *BaseManager) Close() error {
return errors.WithStack(nm.repo.Close())
func (nm *BaseManager) hasChildren(name []byte, height int32, spentChildren map[string]bool, required int) bool {
c := map[byte]bool{}
if spentChildren == nil {
spentChildren = map[string]bool{}
err := nm.repo.IterateChildren(name, func(changes []change.Change) bool {
// if the key is unseen, generate a node for it to height
// if that node is active then increase the count
if len(changes) == 0 {
return true
if c[changes[0].Name[len(name)]] { // assuming all names here are longer than starter name
return true // we already checked a similar name
if spentChildren[string(changes[0].Name)] {
return true // children that are spent in the same block cannot count as active children
n, _ := nm.newNodeFromChanges(changes, height)
if n != nil && n.HasActiveBestClaim() {
c[changes[0].Name[len(name)]] = true
if len(c) >= required {
return false
return true
return err == nil && len(c) >= required
func (nm *BaseManager) IterateNames(predicate func(name []byte) bool) {
func (nm *BaseManager) claimHashes(name []byte) *chainhash.Hash {
n, err := nm.Node(name)
if err != nil || n == nil {
return nil
claimHashes := make([]*chainhash.Hash, 0, len(n.Claims))
for _, c := range n.Claims {
if c.Status == Activated { // TODO: unit test this line
claimHashes = append(claimHashes, calculateNodeHash(c.OutPoint, n.TakenOverAt))
if len(claimHashes) > 0 {
return ComputeMerkleRoot(claimHashes)
return nil
func (nm *BaseManager) Hash(name []byte) *chainhash.Hash {
if nm.height >= param.AllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight {
return nm.claimHashes(name)
n, err := nm.Node(name)
if err != nil {
return nil
if n != nil && len(n.Claims) > 0 {
if n.BestClaim != nil && n.BestClaim.Status == Activated {
return calculateNodeHash(n.BestClaim.OutPoint, n.TakenOverAt)
return nil
func calculateNodeHash(op wire.OutPoint, takeover int32) *chainhash.Hash {
txHash := chainhash.DoubleHashH(op.Hash[:])
nOut := []byte(strconv.Itoa(int(op.Index)))
nOutHash := chainhash.DoubleHashH(nOut)
buf := make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(takeover))
heightHash := chainhash.DoubleHashH(buf)
h := make([]byte, 0, sha256.Size*3)
h = append(h, txHash[:]...)
h = append(h, nOutHash[:]...)
h = append(h, heightHash[:]...)
hh := chainhash.DoubleHashH(h)
return &hh