Dave Collins d251208f1f txscript: Convert opcode map to an array.
This commit converts the opcode map to an array to improve performance.

Benchmark of executing a standard p2pk transaction:

New: BenchmarkExecute            2000            784349 ns/op
Old: BenchmarkExecute            2000            792600 ns/op

The time is dominated by the signature checking as expected, however there
is still an increase in speed.
2015-04-21 13:56:05 -05:00

781 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package txscript
import (
const (
// maxDataCarrierSize is the maximum number of bytes allowed in pushed
// data to be considered a nulldata transaction
maxDataCarrierSize = 80
// maxStackSize is the maximum combined height of stack and alt stack
// during execution.
maxStackSize = 1000
// maxScriptSize is the maximum allowed length of a raw script.
maxScriptSize = 10000
// Bip16Activation is the timestamp where BIP0016 is valid to use in the
// blockchain. To be used to determine if BIP0016 should be called for or not.
// This timestamp corresponds to Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 UTC 2012.
var Bip16Activation = time.Unix(1333238400, 0)
// curve halforder, used to tame ECDSA malleability (see BIP0062)
var halfOrder = new(big.Int).Rsh(btcec.S256().N, 1)
// SigHashType represents hash type bits at the end of a signature.
type SigHashType byte
// Hash type bits from the end of a signature.
const (
SigHashOld SigHashType = 0x0
SigHashAll SigHashType = 0x1
SigHashNone SigHashType = 0x2
SigHashSingle SigHashType = 0x3
SigHashAnyOneCanPay SigHashType = 0x80
// These are the constants specified for maximums in individual scripts.
const (
MaxOpsPerScript = 201 // Max number of non-push operations.
MaxPubKeysPerMultiSig = 20 // Multisig can't have more sigs than this.
MaxScriptElementSize = 520 // Max bytes pushable to the stack.
// ScriptClass is an enumeration for the list of standard types of script.
type ScriptClass byte
// Classes of script payment known about in the blockchain.
const (
NonStandardTy ScriptClass = iota // None of the recognized forms.
PubKeyTy // Pay pubkey.
PubKeyHashTy // Pay pubkey hash.
ScriptHashTy // Pay to script hash.
MultiSigTy // Multi signature.
NullDataTy // Empty data-only (provably prunable).
var scriptClassToName = []string{
NonStandardTy: "nonstandard",
PubKeyTy: "pubkey",
PubKeyHashTy: "pubkeyhash",
ScriptHashTy: "scripthash",
MultiSigTy: "multisig",
NullDataTy: "nulldata",
// String implements the Stringer interface by returning the name of
// the enum script class. If the enum is invalid then "Invalid" will be
// returned.
func (t ScriptClass) String() string {
if int(t) > len(scriptClassToName) || int(t) < 0 {
return "Invalid"
return scriptClassToName[t]
// isSmallInt returns whether or not the opcode is considered a small integer,
// which is an OP_0, or OP_1 through OP_16.
func isSmallInt(op *opcode) bool {
if op.value == OP_0 || (op.value >= OP_1 && op.value <= OP_16) {
return true
return false
// isPubkey returns true if the script passed is a pubkey transaction, false
// otherwise.
func isPubkey(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
// valid pubkeys are either 33 or 65 bytes
return len(pops) == 2 &&
(len(pops[0].data) == 33 || len(pops[0].data) == 65) &&
pops[1].opcode.value == OP_CHECKSIG
// isPubkeyHash returns true if the script passed is a pubkey hash transaction,
// false otherwise.
func isPubkeyHash(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
return len(pops) == 5 &&
pops[0].opcode.value == OP_DUP &&
pops[1].opcode.value == OP_HASH160 &&
pops[2].opcode.value == OP_DATA_20 &&
pops[3].opcode.value == OP_EQUALVERIFY &&
pops[4].opcode.value == OP_CHECKSIG
// isScriptHash returns true if the script passed is a pay-to-script-hash (P2SH)
// transction, false otherwise.
func isScriptHash(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
return len(pops) == 3 &&
pops[0].opcode.value == OP_HASH160 &&
pops[1].opcode.value == OP_DATA_20 &&
pops[2].opcode.value == OP_EQUAL
// IsPayToScriptHash returns true if the script is in the standard
// Pay-To-Script-Hash format, false otherwise.
func IsPayToScriptHash(script []byte) bool {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return false
return isScriptHash(pops)
// isMultiSig returns true if the passed script is a multisig transaction, false
// otherwise.
func isMultiSig(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
l := len(pops)
// absolute minimum is 1 pubkey so
// OP_0/OP_1-16, pubkey, OP_1, OP_CHECKMULTISIG
if l < 4 {
return false
if !isSmallInt(pops[0].opcode) {
return false
if !isSmallInt(pops[l-2].opcode) {
return false
if pops[l-1].opcode.value != OP_CHECKMULTISIG {
return false
for _, pop := range pops[1 : l-2] {
// valid pubkeys are either 65 or 33 bytes
if len( != 33 &&
len( != 65 {
return false
return true
// isNullData returns true if the passed script is a null data transaction,
// false otherwise.
func isNullData(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
// A nulldata transaction is either a single OP_RETURN or an
// OP_RETURN SMALLDATA (where SMALLDATA is a push data up to
// maxDataCarrierSize bytes).
l := len(pops)
if l == 1 && pops[0].opcode.value == OP_RETURN {
return true
return l == 2 &&
pops[0].opcode.value == OP_RETURN &&
pops[1].opcode.value <= OP_PUSHDATA4 &&
len(pops[1].data) <= maxDataCarrierSize
// isPushOnly returns true if the script only pushes data, false otherwise.
func isPushOnly(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
// technically we cheat here, we don't look at opcodes
for _, pop := range pops {
// all opcodes up to OP_16 are data instructions.
if pop.opcode.value < OP_FALSE ||
pop.opcode.value > OP_16 {
return false
return true
// IsPushOnlyScript returns whether or not the passed script only pushes data.
// If the script does not parse false will be returned.
func IsPushOnlyScript(script []byte) bool {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return false
return isPushOnly(pops)
// canonicalPush returns true if the object is either not a push instruction
// or the push instruction contained wherein is matches the canonical form
// or using the smallest instruction to do the job. False otherwise.
func canonicalPush(pop parsedOpcode) bool {
opcode := pop.opcode.value
data :=
dataLen := len(
if opcode > OP_16 {
return true
if opcode < OP_PUSHDATA1 && opcode > OP_0 && (dataLen == 1 && data[0] <= 16) {
return false
if opcode == OP_PUSHDATA1 && dataLen < OP_PUSHDATA1 {
return false
if opcode == OP_PUSHDATA2 && dataLen <= 0xff {
return false
if opcode == OP_PUSHDATA4 && dataLen <= 0xffff {
return false
return true
// GetScriptClass returns the class of the script passed. If the script does not
// parse then NonStandardTy will be returned.
func GetScriptClass(script []byte) ScriptClass {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return NonStandardTy
return typeOfScript(pops)
// scriptType returns the type of the script being inspected from the known
// standard types.
func typeOfScript(pops []parsedOpcode) ScriptClass {
// XXX dubious optimisation: order these in order of popularity in the
// blockchain
if isPubkey(pops) {
return PubKeyTy
} else if isPubkeyHash(pops) {
return PubKeyHashTy
} else if isScriptHash(pops) {
return ScriptHashTy
} else if isMultiSig(pops) {
return MultiSigTy
} else if isNullData(pops) {
return NullDataTy
return NonStandardTy
// parseScript preparses the script in bytes into a list of parsedOpcodes while
// applying a number of sanity checks.
func parseScript(script []byte) ([]parsedOpcode, error) {
return parseScriptTemplate(script, &opcodeArray)
// parseScriptTemplate is the same as parseScript but allows the passing of the
// template list for testing purposes. On error we return the list of parsed
// opcodes so far.
func parseScriptTemplate(script []byte, opcodes *[256]opcode) ([]parsedOpcode, error) {
retScript := make([]parsedOpcode, 0, len(script))
for i := 0; i < len(script); {
instr := script[i]
op := opcodes[instr]
pop := parsedOpcode{opcode: &op}
// parse data out of instruction.
switch {
case op.length == 1:
// no data, done here
case op.length > 1:
if len(script[i:]) < op.length {
return retScript, ErrStackShortScript
// slice out the data. = script[i+1 : i+op.length]
i += op.length
case op.length < 0:
var l uint
off := i + 1
if len(script[off:]) < -op.length {
return retScript, ErrStackShortScript
// Next -length bytes are little endian length of data.
switch op.length {
case -1:
l = uint(script[off])
case -2:
l = ((uint(script[off+1]) << 8) |
case -4:
l = ((uint(script[off+3]) << 24) |
(uint(script[off+2]) << 16) |
(uint(script[off+1]) << 8) |
return retScript,
fmt.Errorf("invalid opcode length %d",
off += -op.length // beginning of data
// Disallow entries that do not fit script or were
// sign extended.
if int(l) > len(script[off:]) || int(l) < 0 {
return retScript, ErrStackShortScript
} = script[off : off+int(l)]
i += 1 - op.length + int(l)
retScript = append(retScript, pop)
return retScript, nil
// unparseScript reversed the action of parseScript and returns the
// parsedOpcodes as a list of bytes
func unparseScript(pops []parsedOpcode) ([]byte, error) {
script := make([]byte, 0, len(pops))
for _, pop := range pops {
b, err := pop.bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
script = append(script, b...)
return script, nil
// removeOpcode will remove any opcode matching ``opcode'' from the opcode
// stream in pkscript
func removeOpcode(pkscript []parsedOpcode, opcode byte) []parsedOpcode {
retScript := make([]parsedOpcode, 0, len(pkscript))
for _, pop := range pkscript {
if pop.opcode.value != opcode {
retScript = append(retScript, pop)
return retScript
// removeOpcodeByData will return the pkscript minus any opcodes that would
// push the data in ``data'' to the stack.
func removeOpcodeByData(pkscript []parsedOpcode, data []byte) []parsedOpcode {
retScript := make([]parsedOpcode, 0, len(pkscript))
for _, pop := range pkscript {
if !canonicalPush(pop) || !bytes.Contains(, data) {
retScript = append(retScript, pop)
return retScript
// DisasmString formats a disassembled script for one line printing. When the
// script fails to parse, the returned string will contain the disassembled
// script up to the point the failure occurred along with the string '[error]'
// appended. In addition, the reason the script failed to parse is returned
// if the caller wants more information about the failure.
func DisasmString(buf []byte) (string, error) {
disbuf := ""
opcodes, err := parseScript(buf)
for _, pop := range opcodes {
disbuf += pop.print(true) + " "
if disbuf != "" {
disbuf = disbuf[:len(disbuf)-1]
if err != nil {
disbuf += "[error]"
return disbuf, err
// calcScriptHash will, given the a script and hashtype for the current
// scriptmachine, calculate the doubleSha256 hash of the transaction and
// script to be used for signature signing and verification.
func calcScriptHash(script []parsedOpcode, hashType SigHashType, tx *wire.MsgTx, idx int) []byte {
// remove all instances of OP_CODESEPARATOR still left in the script
script = removeOpcode(script, OP_CODESEPARATOR)
// Make a deep copy of the transaction, zeroing out the script
// for all inputs that are not currently being processed.
txCopy := tx.Copy()
for i := range txCopy.TxIn {
var txIn wire.TxIn
txIn = *txCopy.TxIn[i]
txCopy.TxIn[i] = &txIn
if i == idx {
// unparseScript cannot fail here, because removeOpcode
// above only returns a valid script.
sigscript, _ := unparseScript(script)
txCopy.TxIn[idx].SignatureScript = sigscript
} else {
txCopy.TxIn[i].SignatureScript = []byte{}
// Default behaviour has all outputs set up.
for i := range txCopy.TxOut {
var txOut wire.TxOut
txOut = *txCopy.TxOut[i]
txCopy.TxOut[i] = &txOut
switch hashType & 31 {
case SigHashNone:
txCopy.TxOut = txCopy.TxOut[0:0] // empty slice
for i := range txCopy.TxIn {
if i != idx {
txCopy.TxIn[i].Sequence = 0
case SigHashSingle:
if idx >= len(txCopy.TxOut) {
// This was created by a buggy implementation.
// In this case we do the same as bitcoind and bitcoinj
// and return 1 (as a uint256 little endian) as an
// error. Unfortunately this was not checked anywhere
// and thus is treated as the actual
// hash.
hash := make([]byte, 32)
hash[0] = 0x01
return hash
// Resize output array to up to and including requested index.
txCopy.TxOut = txCopy.TxOut[:idx+1]
// all but current output get zeroed out
for i := 0; i < idx; i++ {
txCopy.TxOut[i].Value = -1
txCopy.TxOut[i].PkScript = []byte{}
// Sequence on all other inputs is 0, too.
for i := range txCopy.TxIn {
if i != idx {
txCopy.TxIn[i].Sequence = 0
// XXX bitcoind treats undefined hashtypes like normal
// SigHashAll for purposes of hash generation.
case SigHashOld:
case SigHashAll:
// nothing special here
if hashType&SigHashAnyOneCanPay != 0 {
txCopy.TxIn = txCopy.TxIn[idx : idx+1]
idx = 0
var wbuf bytes.Buffer
// Append LE 4 bytes hash type
binary.Write(&wbuf, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(hashType))
return wire.DoubleSha256(wbuf.Bytes())
// GetSigOpCount provides a quick count of the number of signature operations
// in a script. a CHECKSIG operations counts for 1, and a CHECK_MULTISIG for 20.
// If the script fails to parse, then the count up to the point of failure is
// returned.
func GetSigOpCount(script []byte) int {
// We don't check error since parseScript returns the parsed-up-to-error
// list of pops.
pops, _ := parseScript(script)
return getSigOpCount(pops, false)
// GetPreciseSigOpCount returns the number of signature operations in
// scriptPubKey. If bip16 is true then scriptSig may be searched for the
// Pay-To-Script-Hash script in order to find the precise number of signature
// operations in the transaction. If the script fails to parse, then the
// count up to the point of failure is returned.
func GetPreciseSigOpCount(scriptSig, scriptPubKey []byte, bip16 bool) int {
// We don't check error since parseScript returns the parsed-up-to-error
// list of pops.
pops, _ := parseScript(scriptPubKey)
// non P2SH transactions just treated as normal.
if !(bip16 && isScriptHash(pops)) {
return getSigOpCount(pops, true)
// Ok so this is P2SH, get the contained script and count it..
sigPops, err := parseScript(scriptSig)
if err != nil {
return 0
if !isPushOnly(sigPops) || len(sigPops) == 0 {
return 0
shScript := sigPops[len(sigPops)-1].data
// Means that sigPops is jus OP_1 - OP_16, no sigops there.
if shScript == nil {
return 0
shPops, _ := parseScript(shScript)
return getSigOpCount(shPops, true)
// getSigOpCount is the implementation function for counting the number of
// signature operations in the script provided by pops. If precise mode is
// requested then we attempt to count the number of operations for a multisig
// op. Otherwise we use the maximum.
func getSigOpCount(pops []parsedOpcode, precise bool) int {
nSigs := 0
for i, pop := range pops {
switch pop.opcode.value {
// If we are being precise then look for familiar
// patterns for multisig, for now all we recognise is
// OP_1 - OP_16 to signify the number of pubkeys.
// Otherwise, we use the max of 20.
if precise && i > 0 &&
pops[i-1].opcode.value >= OP_1 &&
pops[i-1].opcode.value <= OP_16 {
nSigs += int(pops[i-1].opcode.value -
(OP_1 - 1))
} else {
nSigs += MaxPubKeysPerMultiSig
// not a sigop.
return nSigs
// payToPubKeyHashScript creates a new script to pay a transaction
// output to a 20-byte pubkey hash. It is expected that the input is a valid
// hash.
func payToPubKeyHashScript(pubKeyHash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(OP_DUP).AddOp(OP_HASH160).
// payToScriptHashScript creates a new script to pay a transaction output to a
// script hash. It is expected that the input is a valid hash.
func payToScriptHashScript(scriptHash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(OP_HASH160).AddData(scriptHash).
// payToPubkeyScript creates a new script to pay a transaction output to a
// public key. It is expected that the input is a valid pubkey.
func payToPubKeyScript(serializedPubKey []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return NewScriptBuilder().AddData(serializedPubKey).
// PayToAddrScript creates a new script to pay a transaction output to a the
// specified address.
func PayToAddrScript(addr btcutil.Address) ([]byte, error) {
switch addr := addr.(type) {
case *btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash:
if addr == nil {
return nil, ErrUnsupportedAddress
return payToPubKeyHashScript(addr.ScriptAddress())
case *btcutil.AddressScriptHash:
if addr == nil {
return nil, ErrUnsupportedAddress
return payToScriptHashScript(addr.ScriptAddress())
case *btcutil.AddressPubKey:
if addr == nil {
return nil, ErrUnsupportedAddress
return payToPubKeyScript(addr.ScriptAddress())
return nil, ErrUnsupportedAddress
// MultiSigScript returns a valid script for a multisignature redemption where
// nrequired of the keys in pubkeys are required to have signed the transaction
// for success. An ErrBadNumRequired will be returned if nrequired is larger than
// the number of keys provided.
func MultiSigScript(pubkeys []*btcutil.AddressPubKey, nrequired int) ([]byte, error) {
if len(pubkeys) < nrequired {
return nil, ErrBadNumRequired
builder := NewScriptBuilder().AddInt64(int64(nrequired))
for _, key := range pubkeys {
return builder.Script()
// expectedInputs returns the number of arguments required by a script.
// If the script is of unnown type such that the number can not be determined
// then -1 is returned. We are an internal function and thus assume that class
// is the real class of pops (and we can thus assume things that were
// determined while finding out the type).
func expectedInputs(pops []parsedOpcode, class ScriptClass) int {
// count needed inputs.
switch class {
case PubKeyTy:
return 1
case PubKeyHashTy:
return 2
case ScriptHashTy:
// Not including script, handled below.
return 1
case MultiSigTy:
// Standard multisig has a push a small number for the number
// of sigs and number of keys. Check the first push instruction
// to see how many arguments are expected. typeOfScript already
// checked this so we know it'll be a small int. Also, due to
// the original bitcoind bug where OP_CHECKMULTISIG pops an
// additional item from the stack, add an extra expected input
// for the extra push that is required to compensate.
return asSmallInt(pops[0].opcode) + 1
case NullDataTy:
return -1
// ScriptInfo houses information about a script pair that is determined by
// CalcScriptInfo.
type ScriptInfo struct {
// The class of the sigscript, equivalent to calling GetScriptClass
// on the sigScript.
PkScriptClass ScriptClass
// NumInputs is the number of inputs provided by the pkScript.
NumInputs int
// ExpectedInputs is the number of outputs required by sigScript and any
// pay-to-script-hash scripts. The number will be -1 if unknown.
ExpectedInputs int
// SigOps is the nubmer of signature operations in the script pair.
SigOps int
// CalcScriptInfo returns a structure providing data about the scriptpair that
// are provided as arguments. It will error if the pair is in someway invalid
// such that they can not be analysed, i.e. if they do not parse or the
// pkScript is not a push-only script
func CalcScriptInfo(sigscript, pkscript []byte, bip16 bool) (*ScriptInfo, error) {
si := new(ScriptInfo)
// parse both scripts.
sigPops, err := parseScript(sigscript)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkPops, err := parseScript(pkscript)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// push only sigScript makes little sense.
si.PkScriptClass = typeOfScript(pkPops)
// Can't have a pkScript that doesn't just push data.
if !isPushOnly(sigPops) {
return nil, ErrStackNonPushOnly
si.ExpectedInputs = expectedInputs(pkPops, si.PkScriptClass)
// all entries push to stack (or are OP_RESERVED and exec will fail).
si.NumInputs = len(sigPops)
if si.PkScriptClass == ScriptHashTy && bip16 {
// grab the last push instruction in the script and pull out the
// data.
script := sigPops[len(sigPops)-1].data
// check for existance and error else.
shPops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
shClass := typeOfScript(shPops)
shInputs := expectedInputs(shPops, shClass)
if shInputs == -1 {
si.ExpectedInputs = -1
} else {
si.ExpectedInputs += shInputs
si.SigOps = getSigOpCount(shPops, true)
} else {
si.SigOps = getSigOpCount(pkPops, true)
return si, nil
// asSmallInt returns the passed opcode, which must be true according to
// isSmallInt(), as an integer.
func asSmallInt(op *opcode) int {
if op.value == OP_0 {
return 0
return int(op.value - (OP_1 - 1))
// CalcMultiSigStats returns the number of public keys and signatures from
// a multi-signature transaction script. The passed script MUST already be
// known to be a multi-signature script.
func CalcMultiSigStats(script []byte) (int, int, error) {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
// A multi-signature script is of the pattern:
// Therefore the number of signatures is the oldest item on the stack
// and the number of pubkeys is the 2nd to last. Also, the absolute
// minimum for a multi-signature script is 1 pubkey, so at least 4
// items must be on the stack per:
if len(pops) < 4 {
return 0, 0, ErrStackUnderflow
numSigs := asSmallInt(pops[0].opcode)
numPubKeys := asSmallInt(pops[len(pops)-2].opcode)
return numPubKeys, numSigs, nil
// PushedData returns an array of byte slices containing any pushed data found
// in the passed script. This includes OP_0, but not OP_1 - OP_16.
func PushedData(script []byte) ([][]byte, error) {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var data [][]byte
for _, pop := range pops {
if != nil {
data = append(data,
} else if pop.opcode.value == OP_0 {
data = append(data, []byte{})
return data, nil