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// Copyright (c) 2013 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package btcutil
import (
// ErrUnknownNet describes an error where the Bitcoin network is
// not recognized.
var ErrUnknownNet = errors.New("unrecognized bitcoin network")
// ErrMalformedAddress describes an error where an address is improperly
// formatted, either due to an incorrect length of the hashed pubkey or
// a non-matching checksum.
var ErrMalformedAddress = errors.New("malformed address")
// ErrMalformedPrivateKey describes an error where an address is improperly
// formatted, either due to an incorrect length of the private key or
// a non-matching checksum.
var ErrMalformedPrivateKey = errors.New("malformed private key")
// Constants used to specify which network a payment address belongs
// to. Mainnet address cannot be used on the Testnet, and vice versa.
const (
// MainNetAddr is the address identifier for MainNet
MainNetAddr = 0x00
// TestNetAddr is the address identifier for TestNet
TestNetAddr = 0x6f
// MainNetKey is the key identifier for MainNet
MainNetKey = 0x80
// TestNetKey is the key identifier for TestNet
TestNetKey = 0xef
// EncodeAddress takes a 20-byte raw payment address (hash160 of a pubkey)
// and the Bitcoin network to create a human-readable payment address string.
func EncodeAddress(addrHash []byte, net btcwire.BitcoinNet) (encoded string, err error) {
if len(addrHash) != ripemd160.Size {
return "", ErrMalformedAddress
var netID byte
switch net {
case btcwire.MainNet:
netID = MainNetAddr
case btcwire.TestNet3:
netID = TestNetAddr
return "", ErrUnknownNet
tosum := append([]byte{netID}, addrHash...)
cksum := btcwire.DoubleSha256(tosum)
// Address before base58 encoding is 1 byte for netID, 20 bytes for
// hash, plus 4 bytes of checksum.
a := make([]byte, 25, 25)
a[0] = netID
copy(a[1:], addrHash)
copy(a[21:], cksum[:4])
return Base58Encode(a), nil
// DecodeAddress decodes a human-readable payment address string
// returning the 20-byte decoded address, along with the Bitcoin
// network for the address.
func DecodeAddress(addr string) (addrHash []byte, net btcwire.BitcoinNet, err error) {
decoded := Base58Decode(addr)
// Length of decoded address must be 20 bytes + 1 byte for a network
// identifier byte + 4 bytes of checksum.
if len(decoded) != ripemd160.Size+5 {
return nil, 0x00, ErrMalformedAddress
switch decoded[0] {
case MainNetAddr:
net = btcwire.MainNet
case TestNetAddr:
net = btcwire.TestNet3
return nil, 0, ErrUnknownNet
// Checksum is first four bytes of double SHA256 of the network byte
// and addrHash. Verify this matches the final 4 bytes of the decoded
// address.
tosum := decoded[:ripemd160.Size+1]
cksum := btcwire.DoubleSha256(tosum)[:4]
if !bytes.Equal(cksum, decoded[len(decoded)-4:]) {
return nil, net, ErrMalformedAddress
addrHash = make([]byte, ripemd160.Size, ripemd160.Size)
copy(addrHash, decoded[1:ripemd160.Size+1])
return addrHash, net, nil
// EncodePrivateKey takes a 32-byte private key and encodes it into the
// Wallet Import Format (WIF).
func EncodePrivateKey(privKey []byte, net btcwire.BitcoinNet, compressed bool) (string, error) {
if len(privKey) != 32 {
return "", ErrMalformedPrivateKey
var netID byte
switch net {
case btcwire.MainNet:
netID = MainNetKey
case btcwire.TestNet3:
netID = TestNetKey
return "", ErrUnknownNet
tosum := append([]byte{netID}, privKey...)
if compressed {
tosum = append(tosum, 0x01)
cksum := btcwire.DoubleSha256(tosum)
// Private key before base58 encoding is 1 byte for netID, 32 bytes for
// privKey, plus an optional byte (0x01) if copressed, plus 4 bytes of checksum.
encodeLen := 37
if compressed {
encodeLen += 1
a := make([]byte, encodeLen, encodeLen)
a[0] = netID
copy(a[1:], privKey)
if compressed {
copy(a[32+1:], []byte{0x01})
copy(a[32+1+1:], cksum[:4])
} else {
copy(a[32+1:], cksum[:4])
return Base58Encode(a), nil
// DecodePrivateKey takes a Wallet Import Format (WIF) string and
// decodes into a 32-byte private key.
func DecodePrivateKey(wif string) ([]byte, btcwire.BitcoinNet, bool, error) {
decoded := Base58Decode(wif)
decodedLen := len(decoded)
compressed := false
// Length of decoded privkey must be 32 bytes + an optional 1 byte (0x01)
// if compressed, plus 1 byte for netID + 4 bytes of checksum
if decodedLen == 32+6 {
compressed = true
if decoded[33] != 0x01 {
return nil, 0, compressed, ErrMalformedPrivateKey
} else if decodedLen != 32+5 {
return nil, 0, compressed, ErrMalformedPrivateKey
var net btcwire.BitcoinNet
switch decoded[0] {
case MainNetKey:
net = btcwire.MainNet
case TestNetKey:
net = btcwire.TestNet3
return nil, 0, compressed, ErrUnknownNet
// Checksum is first four bytes of double SHA256 of the identifier byte
// and privKey. Verify this matches the final 4 bytes of the decoded
// private key.
var tosum []byte
if compressed {
tosum = decoded[:32+1+1]
} else {
tosum = decoded[:32+1]
cksum := btcwire.DoubleSha256(tosum)[:4]
if !bytes.Equal(cksum, decoded[decodedLen-4:]) {
return nil, 0, compressed, ErrMalformedPrivateKey
privKey := make([]byte, 32, 32)
copy(privKey[:], decoded[1:32+1])
return privKey, net, compressed, nil