2020-01-15 17:56:23 -08:00

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package psbt
// GlobalType is the set of types that are used at the global scope level
// within the PSBT.
type GlobalType uint8
const (
// UnsignedTxType is the global scope key that houses the unsigned
// transaction of the PSBT. The value is a transaction in network
// serialization. The scriptSigs and witnesses for each input must be
// empty. The transaction must be in the old serialization format
// (without witnesses). A PSBT must have a transaction, otherwise it is
// invalid.
UnsignedTxType GlobalType = 0
// XpubType houses a global xpub for the entire PSBT packet.
// The key ({0x01}|{xpub}) is he 78 byte serialized extended public key
// as defined by BIP 32. Extended public keys are those that can be
// used to derive public keys used in the inputs and outputs of this
// transaction. It should be the public key at the highest hardened
// derivation index so that
// the unhardened child keys used in the transaction can be derived.
// The value is the master key fingerprint as defined by BIP 32
// concatenated with the derivation path of the public key. The
// derivation path is represented as 32-bit little endian unsigned
// integer indexes concatenated with each other. The number of 32 bit
// unsigned integer indexes must match the depth provided in the
// extended public key.
XpubType GlobalType = 1
// VersionType houses the global version number of this PSBT. There is
// no key (only contains the byte type), then the value if omitted, is
// assumed to be zero.
VersionType GlobalType = 0xFB
// ProprietaryGlobalType is used to house any proper chary global-scope
// keys within the PSBT.
// The key is ({0xFC}|<prefix>|{subtype}|{key data}) a variable length
// identifier prefix, followed by a subtype, followed by the key data
// itself.
// The value is any data as defined by the proprietary type user.
ProprietaryGlobalType = 0xFC
// InputType is the set of types that are defined for each input included
// within the PSBT.
type InputType uint32
const (
// NonWitnessUtxoType has no key ({0x00}) and houses the transaction in
// network serialization format the current input spends from. This
// should only be present for inputs which spend non-segwit outputs.
// However, if it is unknown whether an input spends a segwit output,
// this type should be used. The entire input transaction is needed in
// order to be able to verify the values of the input (pre-segwit they
// aren't in the signature digest).
NonWitnessUtxoType InputType = 0
// WitnessUtxoType has no key ({0x01}), and houses the entire
// transaction output in network serialization which the current input
// spends from. This should only be present for inputs which spend
// segwit outputs, including P2SH embedded ones (value || script).
WitnessUtxoType InputType = 1
// PartialSigType is used to include a partial signature with key
// ({0x02}|{public key}).
// The value is the signature as would be pushed to the stack from a
// scriptSig or witness..
PartialSigType InputType = 2
// SighashType is an empty key ({0x03}).
// The value contains the 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the
// sighash type to be used for this input. Signatures for this input
// must use the sighash type, finalizers must fail to finalize inputs
// which have signatures that do not match the specified sighash type.
// Signers who cannot produce signatures with the sighash type must not
// provide a signature.
SighashType InputType = 3
// RedeemScriptInputType is an empty key ({0x40}).
// The value is the redeem script of the input if present.
RedeemScriptInputType InputType = 4
// WitnessScriptInputType is an empty key ({0x05}).
// The value is the witness script of this input, if it has one.
WitnessScriptInputType InputType = 5
// Bip32DerivationInputType is a type that carries the pubkey along
// with the key ({0x06}|{public key}).
// The value is master key fingerprint as defined by BIP 32
// concatenated with the derivation path of the public key. The
// derivation path is represented as 32 bit unsigned integer indexes
// concatenated with each other. Public keys are those that will be
// needed to sign this input.
Bip32DerivationInputType InputType = 6
// FinalScriptSigType is an empty key ({0x07}).
// The value contains a fully constructed scriptSig with signatures and
// any other scripts necessary for the input to pass validation.
FinalScriptSigType InputType = 7
// FinalScriptWitnessType is an empty key ({0x08}). The value is a
// fully constructed scriptWitness with signatures and any other
// scripts necessary for the input to pass validation.
FinalScriptWitnessType InputType = 8
// ProprietaryInputType is a custom type for use by devs.
// The key ({0xFC}|<prefix>|{subtype}|{key data}), is a Variable length
// identifier prefix, followed by a subtype, followed by the key data
// itself.
// The value is any value data as defined by the proprietary type user.
ProprietaryInputType InputType = 0xFC
// OutputType is the set of types defined per output within the PSBT.
type OutputType uint32
const (
// RedeemScriptOutputType is an empty key ({0x00}>
// The value is the redeemScript for this output if it has one.
RedeemScriptOutputType OutputType = 0
// WitnessScriptOutputType is an empty key ({0x01}).
// The value is the witness script of this input, if it has one.
WitnessScriptOutputType OutputType = 1
j // Bip32DerivationOutputType is used to communicate derivation information
// needed to spend this output. The key is ({0x02}|{public key}).
// The value is master key fingerprint concatenated with the derivation
// path of the public key. The derivation path is represented as 32-bit
// little endian unsigned integer indexes concatenated with each other.
// Public keys are those needed to spend this output.
Bip32DerivationOutputType OutputType = 2