"gettransactiondetailsresult-address":"The address an output was paid to, or the empty string if the output is nonstandard or this detail is regarding a transaction input",
"gettransactiondetailsresult-category":`The kind of detail: "send" for sent transactions, "immature" for immature coinbase outputs, "generate" for mature coinbase outputs, or "recv" for all other received outputs`,
"gettransactiondetailsresult-amount":"The amount of a received output",
"gettransactiondetailsresult-fee":"The included fee for a sent transaction",
// ImportPrivKeyCmd help.
"importprivkey--synopsis":"Imports a WIF-encoded private key to the 'imported' account.",
"listtransactionsresult-address":"Payment address for a transaction output",
"listtransactionsresult-category":`The kind of transaction: "send" for sent transactions, "immature" for immature coinbase outputs, "generate" for mature coinbase outputs, or "recv" for all other received outputs. Note: A single output may be included multiple times under different categories`,
"listtransactionsresult-amount":"The value of the transaction output valued in bitcoin",
"listtransactionsresult-fee":"The total input value minus the total output value for sent transactions",
"listtransactionsresult-confirmations":"The number of block confirmations of the transaction",
"listtransactionsresult-generated":"Whether the transaction output is a coinbase output",
"listtransactionsresult-blockhash":"The hash of the block this transaction is mined in, or the empty string if unmined",
"listtransactionsresult-blocktime":"The Unix time of the block header this transaction is mined in, or 0 if unmined",
"listtransactionsresult-txid":"The hash of the transaction",
"listtransactionsresult-time":"The earliest Unix time this transaction was known to exist",
"listtransactionsresult-timereceived":"The earliest Unix time this transaction was known to exist",
// ListTransactionsCmd help.
"listtransactions--synopsis":"Returns a JSON array of objects containing verbose details for wallet transactions.",
"listtransactions-count":"Maximum number of transactions to create results from",
"listtransactions-from":"Number of transactions to skip before results are created",
// ListUnspentCmd help.
"listunspent--synopsis":"Returns a JSON array of objects representing unlocked unspent outputs controlled by wallet keys.",
"listunspent-minconf":"Minimum number of block confirmations required before a transaction output is considered",
"listunspent-maxconf":"Maximum number of block confirmations required before a transaction output is excluded",
"listunspent-addresses":"If set, limits the returned details to unspent outputs received by any of these payment addresses",
// ListUnspentResult help.
"listunspentresult-txid":"The transaction hash of the referenced output",
"listunspentresult-vout":"The output index of the referenced output",
"listunspentresult-address":"The payment address that received the output",
"listunspentresult-account":"The account associated with the receiving payment address",
"listunspentresult-scriptPubKey":"The output script encoded as a hexadecimal string",
"listunspentresult-amount":"The amount of the output valued in bitcoin",
"listunspentresult-confirmations":"The number of block confirmations of the transaction",
// LockUnspentCmd help.
"lockunspent--synopsis":"Locks or unlocks an unspent output.\n"+
"Locked outputs are not chosen for transaction inputs of authored transactions and are not included in 'listunspent' results.\n"+
"Locked outputs are volatile and are not saved across wallet restarts.\n"+
"If unlock is true and no transaction outputs are specified, all locked outputs are marked unlocked.",
"lockunspent-unlock":"True to unlock outputs, false to lock",
"lockunspent-transactions":"Transaction outputs to lock or unlock",
"lockunspent--result0":"The boolean 'true'",
// SendFromCmd help.
"sendfrom--synopsis":"DEPRECATED -- Authors, signs, and sends a transaction that outputs some amount to a payment address.\n"+
"A change output is automatically included to send extra output value back to the original account.",
"sendfrom-fromaccount":"Account to pick unspent outputs from",
"sendfrom-toaddress":"Address to pay",
"sendfrom-amount":"Amount to send to the payment address valued in bitcoin",
"sendfrom-minconf":"Minimum number of block confirmations required before a transaction output is eligible to be spent",
"sendfrom--result0":"The transaction hash of the sent transaction",
// SendManyCmd help.
"sendmany--synopsis":"Authors, signs, and sends a transaction that outputs to many payment addresses.\n"+
"A change output is automatically included to send extra output value back to the original account.",
"sendmany-fromaccount":"DEPRECATED -- Account to pick unspent outputs from",
"sendmany-amounts":"Pairs of payment addresses and the output amount to pay each",
"sendmany-amounts--desc":"JSON object using payment addresses as keys and output amounts valued in bitcoin to send to each address",
"sendmany-amounts--key":"Address to pay",
"sendmany-amounts--value":"Amount to send to the payment address valued in bitcoin",
"sendmany-minconf":"Minimum number of block confirmations required before a transaction output is eligible to be spent",
"sendmany--result0":"The transaction hash of the sent transaction",
// SendToAddressCmd help.
"sendtoaddress--synopsis":"Authors, signs, and sends a transaction that outputs some amount to a payment address.\n"+
"Unlike sendfrom, outputs are always chosen from the default account.\n"+
"A change output is automatically included to send extra output value back to the original account.",
"sendtoaddress-address":"Address to pay",
"sendtoaddress-amount":"Amount to send to the payment address valued in bitcoin",
"sendtoaddress--result0":"The transaction hash of the sent transaction",
// SetTxFeeCmd help.
"settxfee--synopsis":"Modify the increment used each time more fee is required for an authored transaction.",
"settxfee-amount":"The new fee increment valued in bitcoin",
"settxfee--result0":"The boolean 'true'",
// SignMessageCmd help.
"signmessage--synopsis":"Signs a message using the private key of a payment address.",
"signmessage-address":"Payment address of private key used to sign the message with",
"signmessage-message":"Message to sign",
"signmessage--result0":"The signed message encoded as a base64 string",
// SignRawTransactionCmd help.
"signrawtransaction--synopsis":"Signs transaction inputs using private keys from this wallet and request.\n"+
"signrawtransaction-rawtx":"Unsigned or partially unsigned transaction to sign encoded as a hexadecimal string",
"signrawtransaction-inputs":"Additional data regarding inputs that this wallet may not be tracking",
"signrawtransaction-privkeys":"Additional WIF-encoded private keys to use when creating signatures",
"signrawtransaction-flags":"Sighash flags",
// SignRawTransactionResult help.
"signrawtransactionresult-hex":"The resulting transaction encoded as a hexadecimal string",
"signrawtransactionresult-complete":"Whether all input signatures have been created",
// ValidateAddressCmd help.
"validateaddress--synopsis":"Verify that an address is valid.\n"+
"Extra details are returned if the address is controlled by this wallet.\n"+
"The following fields are valid only when the address is controlled by this wallet (ismine=true): isscript, pubkey, iscompressed, account, addresses, hex, script, and sigsrequired.\n"+
"The following fields are only valid when address has an associated public key: pubkey, iscompressed.\n"+
"The following fields are only valid when address is a pay-to-script-hash address: addresses, hex, and script.\n"+
"If the address is a multisig address controlled by this wallet, the multisig fields will be left unset if the wallet is locked since the redeem script cannot be decrypted.",
"validateaddress-address":"Address to validate",
// ValidateAddressWalletResult help.
"validateaddresswalletresult-isvalid":"Whether or not the address is valid",
"validateaddresswalletresult-address":"The payment address (only when isvalid is true)",
"validateaddresswalletresult-ismine":"Whether this address is controlled by the wallet (only when isvalid is true)",
"walletpassphrase-timeout":"The number of seconds to wait before the wallet automatically locks",
// WalletPassphraseChangeCmd help.
"walletpassphrasechange--synopsis":"Change the wallet passphrase.",
"walletpassphrasechange-oldpassphrase":"The old wallet passphrase",
"walletpassphrasechange-newpassphrase":"The new wallet passphrase",
// CreateNewAccountCmd help.
"createnewaccount--synopsis":"Creates a new account.\n"+
"The wallet must be unlocked for this request to succeed.",
"createnewaccount-account":"Name of the new account",
// ExportWatchingWalletCmd help.
"exportwatchingwallet--synopsis":"Creates and returns a duplicate of the wallet database without any private keys to be used as a watching-only wallet.",
"listalltransactions--synopsis":"Returns a JSON array of objects in the same format as 'listtransactions' without limiting the number of returned objects.",