1171 lines
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1171 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2015 Conformal Systems LLC <info@conformal.com>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
package votingpool
import (
// TestOutputSplittingNotEnoughInputs checks that an output will get split if we
// don't have enough inputs to fulfil it.
func TestOutputSplittingNotEnoughInputs(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
net := pool.Manager().ChainParams()
output1Amount := btcutil.Amount(2)
output2Amount := btcutil.Amount(3)
requests := []OutputRequest{
// These output requests will have the same server ID, so we know
// they'll be fulfilled in the order they're defined here, which is
// important for this test.
TstNewOutputRequest(t, 1, "34eVkREKgvvGASZW7hkgE2uNc1yycntMK6", output1Amount, net),
TstNewOutputRequest(t, 2, "34eVkREKgvvGASZW7hkgE2uNc1yycntMK6", output2Amount, net),
seriesID, eligible := TstCreateCredits(t, pool, []int64{7}, store)
w := newWithdrawal(0, requests, eligible, *TstNewChangeAddress(t, pool, seriesID, 0))
// Trigger an output split because of lack of inputs by forcing a high fee.
// If we just started with not enough inputs for the requested outputs,
// fulfillRequests() would drop outputs until we had enough.
restoreCalculateTxFee := replaceCalculateTxFee(TstConstantFee(3))
defer restoreCalculateTxFee()
if err := w.fulfillRequests(); err != nil {
if len(w.transactions) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of finalized transactions; got %d, want 1", len(w.transactions))
tx := w.transactions[0]
if len(tx.outputs) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of outputs; got %d, want 2", len(tx.outputs))
// The first output should've been left untouched.
if tx.outputs[0].amount != output1Amount {
t.Fatalf("Wrong amount for first tx output; got %v, want %v",
tx.outputs[0].amount, output1Amount)
// The last output should have had its amount updated to whatever we had
// left after satisfying all previous outputs.
newAmount := tx.inputTotal() - output1Amount - calculateTxFee(tx)
checkLastOutputWasSplit(t, w, tx, output2Amount, newAmount)
func TestOutputSplittingOversizeTx(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
requestAmount := btcutil.Amount(5)
bigInput := int64(3)
smallInput := int64(2)
request := TstNewOutputRequest(
t, 1, "34eVkREKgvvGASZW7hkgE2uNc1yycntMK6", requestAmount, pool.Manager().ChainParams())
seriesID, eligible := TstCreateCredits(t, pool, []int64{bigInput, smallInput}, store)
changeStart := TstNewChangeAddress(t, pool, seriesID, 0)
w := newWithdrawal(0, []OutputRequest{request}, eligible, *changeStart)
restoreCalculateTxFee := replaceCalculateTxFee(TstConstantFee(0))
defer restoreCalculateTxFee()
restoreIsTxTooBig := replaceIsTxTooBig(func(tx *withdrawalTx) bool {
// Trigger an output split right after the second input is added.
return len(tx.inputs) == 2
defer restoreIsTxTooBig()
if err := w.fulfillRequests(); err != nil {
if len(w.transactions) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of finalized transactions; got %d, want 2", len(w.transactions))
tx1 := w.transactions[0]
if len(tx1.outputs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of outputs on tx1; got %d, want 1", len(tx1.outputs))
if tx1.outputs[0].amount != btcutil.Amount(bigInput) {
t.Fatalf("Wrong amount for output in tx1; got %d, want %d", tx1.outputs[0].amount,
tx2 := w.transactions[1]
if len(tx2.outputs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of outputs on tx2; got %d, want 1", len(tx2.outputs))
if tx2.outputs[0].amount != btcutil.Amount(smallInput) {
t.Fatalf("Wrong amount for output in tx2; got %d, want %d", tx2.outputs[0].amount,
if len(w.status.outputs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of output statuses; got %d, want 1", len(w.status.outputs))
status := w.status.outputs[request.outBailmentID()].status
if status != statusSplit {
t.Fatalf("Wrong output status; got '%s', want '%s'", status, statusSplit)
func TestSplitLastOutputNoOutputs(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
w := newWithdrawal(0, []OutputRequest{}, []Credit{}, ChangeAddress{})
w.current = createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{}, []int64{})
err := w.splitLastOutput()
TstCheckError(t, "", err, ErrPreconditionNotMet)
// Check that all outputs requested in a withdrawal match the outputs of the generated
// transaction(s).
func TestWithdrawalTxOutputs(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
net := pool.Manager().ChainParams()
// Create eligible inputs and the list of outputs we need to fulfil.
seriesID, eligible := TstCreateCredits(t, pool, []int64{2e6, 4e6}, store)
outputs := []OutputRequest{
TstNewOutputRequest(t, 1, "34eVkREKgvvGASZW7hkgE2uNc1yycntMK6", 3e6, net),
TstNewOutputRequest(t, 2, "3PbExiaztsSYgh6zeMswC49hLUwhTQ86XG", 2e6, net),
changeStart := TstNewChangeAddress(t, pool, seriesID, 0)
w := newWithdrawal(0, outputs, eligible, *changeStart)
if err := w.fulfillRequests(); err != nil {
if len(w.transactions) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected number of transactions; got %d, want 1", len(w.transactions))
tx := w.transactions[0]
// The created tx should include both eligible credits, so we expect it to have
// an input amount of 2e6+4e6 satoshis.
inputAmount := eligible[0].Amount() + eligible[1].Amount()
change := inputAmount - (outputs[0].Amount + outputs[1].Amount + calculateTxFee(tx))
expectedOutputs := append(
outputs, TstNewOutputRequest(t, 3, changeStart.addr.String(), change, net))
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
checkMsgTxOutputs(t, msgtx, expectedOutputs)
// Check that withdrawal.status correctly states that no outputs were fulfilled when we
// don't have enough eligible credits for any of them.
func TestFulfillRequestsNoSatisfiableOutputs(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
seriesID, eligible := TstCreateCredits(t, pool, []int64{1e6}, store)
request := TstNewOutputRequest(
t, 1, "3Qt1EaKRD9g9FeL2DGkLLswhK1AKmmXFSe", btcutil.Amount(3e6), pool.Manager().ChainParams())
changeStart := TstNewChangeAddress(t, pool, seriesID, 0)
w := newWithdrawal(0, []OutputRequest{request}, eligible, *changeStart)
if err := w.fulfillRequests(); err != nil {
if len(w.transactions) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected number of transactions; got %d, want 0", len(w.transactions))
if len(w.status.outputs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected number of outputs in WithdrawalStatus; got %d, want 1",
status := w.status.outputs[request.outBailmentID()].status
if status != statusPartial {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected status for requested outputs; got '%s', want '%s'",
status, statusPartial)
// Check that some requested outputs are not fulfilled when we don't have credits for all
// of them.
func TestFulfillRequestsNotEnoughCreditsForAllRequests(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
net := pool.Manager().ChainParams()
// Create eligible inputs and the list of outputs we need to fulfil.
seriesID, eligible := TstCreateCredits(t, pool, []int64{2e6, 4e6}, store)
out1 := TstNewOutputRequest(
t, 1, "34eVkREKgvvGASZW7hkgE2uNc1yycntMK6", btcutil.Amount(3e6), net)
out2 := TstNewOutputRequest(
t, 2, "3PbExiaztsSYgh6zeMswC49hLUwhTQ86XG", btcutil.Amount(2e6), net)
out3 := TstNewOutputRequest(
t, 3, "3Qt1EaKRD9g9FeL2DGkLLswhK1AKmmXFSe", btcutil.Amount(5e6), net)
outputs := []OutputRequest{out1, out2, out3}
changeStart := TstNewChangeAddress(t, pool, seriesID, 0)
w := newWithdrawal(0, outputs, eligible, *changeStart)
if err := w.fulfillRequests(); err != nil {
tx := w.transactions[0]
// The created tx should spend both eligible credits, so we expect it to have
// an input amount of 2e6+4e6 satoshis.
inputAmount := eligible[0].Amount() + eligible[1].Amount()
// We expect it to include outputs for requests 1 and 2, plus a change output, but
// output request #3 should not be there because we don't have enough credits.
change := inputAmount - (out1.Amount + out2.Amount + calculateTxFee(tx))
expectedOutputs := []OutputRequest{out1, out2}
expectedOutputs = append(
expectedOutputs, TstNewOutputRequest(t, 4, changeStart.addr.String(), change, net))
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
checkMsgTxOutputs(t, msgtx, expectedOutputs)
// withdrawal.status should state that outputs 1 and 2 were successfully fulfilled,
// and that output 3 was not.
expectedStatuses := map[OutBailmentID]outputStatus{
out1.outBailmentID(): statusSuccess,
out2.outBailmentID(): statusSuccess,
out3.outBailmentID(): statusPartial}
for _, wOutput := range w.status.outputs {
if wOutput.status != expectedStatuses[wOutput.request.outBailmentID()] {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected status for %v; got '%s', want '%s'", wOutput.request,
wOutput.status, expectedStatuses[wOutput.request.outBailmentID()])
// TestRollbackLastOutput tests the case where we rollback one output
// and one input, such that sum(in) >= sum(out) + fee.
func TestRollbackLastOutput(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{3, 3, 2, 1, 3}, []int64{3, 3, 2, 2})
initialInputs := tx.inputs
initialOutputs := tx.outputs
restoreCalcTxFee := replaceCalculateTxFee(TstConstantFee(1))
defer restoreCalcTxFee()
removedInputs, removedOutput, err := tx.rollBackLastOutput()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unexpected error:", err)
// The above rollBackLastOutput() call should have removed the last output
// and the last input.
lastOutput := initialOutputs[len(initialOutputs)-1]
if removedOutput != lastOutput {
t.Fatalf("Wrong rolled back output; got %s want %s", removedOutput, lastOutput)
if len(removedInputs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected number of inputs removed; got %d, want 1", len(removedInputs))
lastInput := initialInputs[len(initialInputs)-1]
if removedInputs[0] != lastInput {
t.Fatalf("Wrong rolled back input; got %s want %s", removedInputs[0], lastInput)
// Now check that the inputs and outputs left in the tx match what we
// expect.
checkTxOutputs(t, tx, initialOutputs[:len(initialOutputs)-1])
checkTxInputs(t, tx, initialInputs[:len(initialInputs)-1])
func TestRollbackLastOutputMultipleInputsRolledBack(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
// This tx will need the 3 last inputs to fulfill the second output, so they
// should all be rolled back and returned in the reverse order they were added.
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{1, 2, 3, 4}, []int64{1, 8})
initialInputs := tx.inputs
initialOutputs := tx.outputs
restoreCalcTxFee := replaceCalculateTxFee(TstConstantFee(0))
defer restoreCalcTxFee()
removedInputs, _, err := tx.rollBackLastOutput()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unexpected error:", err)
if len(removedInputs) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected number of inputs removed; got %d, want 3", len(removedInputs))
for i, amount := range []btcutil.Amount{4, 3, 2} {
if removedInputs[i].Amount() != amount {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected input amount; got %v, want %v", removedInputs[i].Amount(), amount)
// Now check that the inputs and outputs left in the tx match what we
// expect.
checkTxOutputs(t, tx, initialOutputs[:len(initialOutputs)-1])
checkTxInputs(t, tx, initialInputs[:len(initialInputs)-len(removedInputs)])
// TestRollbackLastOutputNoInputsRolledBack tests the case where we roll back
// one output but don't need to roll back any inputs.
func TestRollbackLastOutputNoInputsRolledBack(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{4}, []int64{2, 3})
initialInputs := tx.inputs
initialOutputs := tx.outputs
restoreCalcTxFee := replaceCalculateTxFee(TstConstantFee(1))
defer restoreCalcTxFee()
removedInputs, removedOutput, err := tx.rollBackLastOutput()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unexpected error:", err)
// The above rollBackLastOutput() call should have removed the
// last output but no inputs.
lastOutput := initialOutputs[len(initialOutputs)-1]
if removedOutput != lastOutput {
t.Fatalf("Wrong output; got %s want %s", removedOutput, lastOutput)
if len(removedInputs) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Expected no removed inputs, but got %d inputs", len(removedInputs))
// Now check that the inputs and outputs left in the tx match what we
// expect.
checkTxOutputs(t, tx, initialOutputs[:len(initialOutputs)-1])
checkTxInputs(t, tx, initialInputs)
// TestRollBackLastOutputInsufficientOutputs checks that
// rollBackLastOutput returns an error if there are less than two
// outputs in the transaction.
func TestRollBackLastOutputInsufficientOutputs(t *testing.T) {
tx := newWithdrawalTx()
_, _, err := tx.rollBackLastOutput()
TstCheckError(t, "", err, ErrPreconditionNotMet)
output := &WithdrawalOutput{request: TstNewOutputRequest(
t, 1, "34eVkREKgvvGASZW7hkgE2uNc1yycntMK6", btcutil.Amount(3), &chaincfg.MainNetParams)}
_, _, err = tx.rollBackLastOutput()
TstCheckError(t, "", err, ErrPreconditionNotMet)
// TestRollbackLastOutputWhenNewOutputAdded checks that we roll back the last
// output if a tx becomes too big right after we add a new output to it.
func TestRollbackLastOutputWhenNewOutputAdded(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
net := pool.Manager().ChainParams()
series, eligible := TstCreateCredits(t, pool, []int64{5, 5}, store)
requests := []OutputRequest{
// This is ordered by bailment ID
TstNewOutputRequest(t, 1, "34eVkREKgvvGASZW7hkgE2uNc1yycntMK6", 1, net),
TstNewOutputRequest(t, 2, "3PbExiaztsSYgh6zeMswC49hLUwhTQ86XG", 2, net),
changeStart := TstNewChangeAddress(t, pool, series, 0)
w := newWithdrawal(0, requests, eligible, *changeStart)
restoreCalculateTxFee := replaceCalculateTxFee(TstConstantFee(0))
defer restoreCalculateTxFee()
restoreIsTxTooBig := replaceIsTxTooBig(func(tx *withdrawalTx) bool {
return len(tx.outputs) > 1
defer restoreIsTxTooBig()
if err := w.fulfillRequests(); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unexpected error:", err)
// At this point we should have two finalized transactions.
if len(w.transactions) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of finalized transactions; got %d, want 2", len(w.transactions))
// First tx should have one output with 1 and one change output with 4
// satoshis.
firstTx := w.transactions[0]
req1 := requests[0]
checkTxOutputs(t, firstTx,
[]*withdrawalTxOut{&withdrawalTxOut{request: req1, amount: req1.Amount}})
checkTxChangeAmount(t, firstTx, btcutil.Amount(4))
// Second tx should have one output with 2 and one changeoutput with 3 satoshis.
secondTx := w.transactions[1]
req2 := requests[1]
checkTxOutputs(t, secondTx,
[]*withdrawalTxOut{&withdrawalTxOut{request: req2, amount: req2.Amount}})
checkTxChangeAmount(t, secondTx, btcutil.Amount(3))
// TestRollbackLastOutputWhenNewInputAdded checks that we roll back the last
// output if a tx becomes too big right after we add a new input to it.
func TestRollbackLastOutputWhenNewInputAdded(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
net := pool.Manager().ChainParams()
series, eligible := TstCreateCredits(t, pool, []int64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, store)
requests := []OutputRequest{
// This is manually ordered by outBailmentIDHash, which is the order in
// which they're going to be fulfilled by w.fulfillRequests().
TstNewOutputRequest(t, 1, "34eVkREKgvvGASZW7hkgE2uNc1yycntMK6", 1, net),
TstNewOutputRequest(t, 3, "3Qt1EaKRD9g9FeL2DGkLLswhK1AKmmXFSe", 6, net),
TstNewOutputRequest(t, 2, "3PbExiaztsSYgh6zeMswC49hLUwhTQ86XG", 3, net),
changeStart := TstNewChangeAddress(t, pool, series, 0)
w := newWithdrawal(0, requests, eligible, *changeStart)
restoreCalculateTxFee := replaceCalculateTxFee(TstConstantFee(0))
defer restoreCalculateTxFee()
restoreIsTxTooBig := replaceIsTxTooBig(func(tx *withdrawalTx) bool {
// Make a transaction too big as soon as a fourth input is added to it.
return len(tx.inputs) > 3
defer restoreIsTxTooBig()
// The rollback should be triggered right after the 4th input is added in
// order to fulfill the second request.
if err := w.fulfillRequests(); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unexpected error:", err)
// At this point we should have two finalized transactions.
if len(w.transactions) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of finalized transactions; got %d, want 2", len(w.transactions))
// First tx should have one output with amount of 1, the first input from
// the list of eligible inputs, and no change output.
firstTx := w.transactions[0]
req1 := requests[0]
checkTxOutputs(t, firstTx,
[]*withdrawalTxOut{&withdrawalTxOut{request: req1, amount: req1.Amount}})
checkTxInputs(t, firstTx, eligible[0:1])
// Second tx should have outputs for the two last requests (in the same
// order they were passed to newWithdrawal), and the 3 inputs needed to
// fulfill that (also in the same order as they were passed to
// newWithdrawal) and no change output.
secondTx := w.transactions[1]
wantOutputs := []*withdrawalTxOut{
&withdrawalTxOut{request: requests[1], amount: requests[1].Amount},
&withdrawalTxOut{request: requests[2], amount: requests[2].Amount}}
checkTxOutputs(t, secondTx, wantOutputs)
checkTxInputs(t, secondTx, eligible[1:4])
func TestWithdrawalTxRemoveOutput(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{}, []int64{1, 2})
outputs := tx.outputs
// Make sure we have created the transaction with the expected
// outputs.
checkTxOutputs(t, tx, outputs)
remainingOutput := tx.outputs[0]
wantRemovedOutput := tx.outputs[1]
gotRemovedOutput := tx.removeOutput()
// Check the popped output looks correct.
if gotRemovedOutput != wantRemovedOutput {
t.Fatalf("Removed output wrong; got %v, want %v", gotRemovedOutput, wantRemovedOutput)
// And that the remaining output is correct.
checkTxOutputs(t, tx, []*withdrawalTxOut{remainingOutput})
// Make sure that the remaining output is really the right one.
if tx.outputs[0] != remainingOutput {
t.Fatalf("Wrong output: got %v, want %v", tx.outputs[0], remainingOutput)
func TestWithdrawalTxRemoveInput(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{1, 2}, []int64{})
inputs := tx.inputs
// Make sure we have created the transaction with the expected inputs
checkTxInputs(t, tx, inputs)
remainingInput := tx.inputs[0]
wantRemovedInput := tx.inputs[1]
gotRemovedInput := tx.removeInput()
// Check the popped input looks correct.
if gotRemovedInput != wantRemovedInput {
t.Fatalf("Popped input wrong; got %v, want %v", gotRemovedInput, wantRemovedInput)
checkTxInputs(t, tx, inputs[0:1])
// Make sure that the remaining input is really the right one.
if tx.inputs[0] != remainingInput {
t.Fatalf("Wrong input: got %v, want %v", tx.inputs[0], remainingInput)
func TestWithdrawalTxAddChange(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
input, output, fee := int64(4e6), int64(3e6), int64(10)
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{input}, []int64{output})
restoreCalcTxFee := replaceCalculateTxFee(TstConstantFee(btcutil.Amount(fee)))
defer restoreCalcTxFee()
if !tx.addChange([]byte{}) {
t.Fatal("tx.addChange() returned false, meaning it did not add a change output")
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
if len(msgtx.TxOut) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected number of txouts; got %d, want 2", len(msgtx.TxOut))
gotChange := msgtx.TxOut[1].Value
wantChange := input - output - fee
if gotChange != wantChange {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected change amount; got %v, want %v", gotChange, wantChange)
// TestWithdrawalTxAddChangeNoChange checks that withdrawalTx.addChange() does not
// add a change output when there's no satoshis left after paying all
// outputs+fees.
func TestWithdrawalTxAddChangeNoChange(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
input, output, fee := int64(4e6), int64(4e6), int64(0)
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{input}, []int64{output})
restoreCalcTxFee := replaceCalculateTxFee(TstConstantFee(btcutil.Amount(fee)))
defer restoreCalcTxFee()
if tx.addChange([]byte{}) {
t.Fatal("tx.addChange() returned true, meaning it added a change output")
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
if len(msgtx.TxOut) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected number of txouts; got %d, want 1", len(msgtx.TxOut))
func TestWithdrawalTxToMsgTxNoInputsOrOutputsOrChange(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{}, []int64{})
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
compareMsgTxAndWithdrawalTxOutputs(t, msgtx, tx)
compareMsgTxAndWithdrawalTxInputs(t, msgtx, tx)
func TestWithdrawalTxToMsgTxNoInputsOrOutputsWithChange(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{}, []int64{})
tx.changeOutput = wire.NewTxOut(int64(1), []byte{})
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
compareMsgTxAndWithdrawalTxOutputs(t, msgtx, tx)
compareMsgTxAndWithdrawalTxInputs(t, msgtx, tx)
func TestWithdrawalTxToMsgTxWithInputButNoOutputsWithChange(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{1}, []int64{})
tx.changeOutput = wire.NewTxOut(int64(1), []byte{})
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
compareMsgTxAndWithdrawalTxOutputs(t, msgtx, tx)
compareMsgTxAndWithdrawalTxInputs(t, msgtx, tx)
func TestWithdrawalTxToMsgTxWithInputOutputsAndChange(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{1, 2, 3}, []int64{4, 5, 6})
tx.changeOutput = wire.NewTxOut(int64(7), []byte{})
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
compareMsgTxAndWithdrawalTxOutputs(t, msgtx, tx)
compareMsgTxAndWithdrawalTxInputs(t, msgtx, tx)
func TestWithdrawalTxInputTotal(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{5}, []int64{})
if tx.inputTotal() != btcutil.Amount(5) {
t.Fatalf("Wrong total output; got %v, want %v", tx.outputTotal(), btcutil.Amount(5))
func TestWithdrawalTxOutputTotal(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{}, []int64{4})
tx.changeOutput = wire.NewTxOut(int64(1), []byte{})
if tx.outputTotal() != btcutil.Amount(4) {
t.Fatalf("Wrong total output; got %v, want %v", tx.outputTotal(), btcutil.Amount(4))
func TestSignMultiSigUTXO(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
// Create a new tx with a single input that we're going to sign.
mgr := pool.Manager()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{4e6}, []int64{4e6})
sigs, err := getRawSigs([]*withdrawalTx{tx})
if err != nil {
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
txSigs := sigs[tx.ntxid()]
idx := 0 // The index of the tx input we're going to sign.
pkScript := tx.inputs[idx].TxOut().PkScript
TstRunWithManagerUnlocked(t, mgr, func() {
if err = signMultiSigUTXO(mgr, msgtx, idx, pkScript, txSigs[idx]); err != nil {
func TestSignMultiSigUTXOUnparseablePkScript(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
mgr := pool.Manager()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{4e6}, []int64{})
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
unparseablePkScript := []byte{0x01}
err := signMultiSigUTXO(mgr, msgtx, 0, unparseablePkScript, []RawSig{RawSig{}})
TstCheckError(t, "", err, ErrTxSigning)
func TestSignMultiSigUTXOPkScriptNotP2SH(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
mgr := pool.Manager()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{4e6}, []int64{})
addr, _ := btcutil.DecodeAddress("1MirQ9bwyQcGVJPwKUgapu5ouK2E2Ey4gX", mgr.ChainParams())
pubKeyHashPkScript, _ := txscript.PayToAddrScript(addr.(*btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash))
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
err := signMultiSigUTXO(mgr, msgtx, 0, pubKeyHashPkScript, []RawSig{RawSig{}})
TstCheckError(t, "", err, ErrTxSigning)
func TestSignMultiSigUTXORedeemScriptNotFound(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
mgr := pool.Manager()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{4e6}, []int64{})
// This is a P2SH address for which the addr manager doesn't have the redeem
// script.
addr, _ := btcutil.DecodeAddress("3Hb4xcebcKg4DiETJfwjh8sF4uDw9rqtVC", mgr.ChainParams())
if _, err := mgr.Address(addr); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Address %s found in manager when it shouldn't", addr)
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
pkScript, _ := txscript.PayToAddrScript(addr.(*btcutil.AddressScriptHash))
err := signMultiSigUTXO(mgr, msgtx, 0, pkScript, []RawSig{RawSig{}})
TstCheckError(t, "", err, ErrTxSigning)
func TestSignMultiSigUTXONotEnoughSigs(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
mgr := pool.Manager()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{4e6}, []int64{})
sigs, err := getRawSigs([]*withdrawalTx{tx})
if err != nil {
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
txSigs := sigs[tx.ntxid()]
idx := 0 // The index of the tx input we're going to sign.
// Here we provide reqSigs-1 signatures to SignMultiSigUTXO()
reqSigs := tx.inputs[idx].Address().series().TstGetReqSigs()
txInSigs := txSigs[idx][:reqSigs-1]
pkScript := tx.inputs[idx].TxOut().PkScript
TstRunWithManagerUnlocked(t, mgr, func() {
err = signMultiSigUTXO(mgr, msgtx, idx, pkScript, txInSigs)
TstCheckError(t, "", err, ErrTxSigning)
func TestSignMultiSigUTXOWrongRawSigs(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
mgr := pool.Manager()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{4e6}, []int64{})
sigs := []RawSig{RawSig{0x00}, RawSig{0x01}}
idx := 0 // The index of the tx input we're going to sign.
pkScript := tx.inputs[idx].TxOut().PkScript
var err error
TstRunWithManagerUnlocked(t, mgr, func() {
err = signMultiSigUTXO(mgr, tx.toMsgTx(), idx, pkScript, sigs)
TstCheckError(t, "", err, ErrTxSigning)
func TestGetRawSigs(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{5e6, 4e6}, []int64{})
sigs, err := getRawSigs([]*withdrawalTx{tx})
if err != nil {
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
txSigs := sigs[tx.ntxid()]
if len(txSigs) != len(tx.inputs) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected number of sig lists; got %d, want %d", len(txSigs), len(tx.inputs))
checkNonEmptySigsForPrivKeys(t, txSigs, tx.inputs[0].Address().series().privateKeys)
// Since we have all the necessary signatures (m-of-n), we construct the
// sigsnature scripts and execute them to make sure the raw signatures are
// valid.
signTxAndValidate(t, pool.Manager(), msgtx, txSigs, tx.inputs)
func TestGetRawSigsOnlyOnePrivKeyAvailable(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{5e6, 4e6}, []int64{})
// Remove all private keys but the first one from the credit's series.
series := tx.inputs[0].Address().series()
for i := range series.privateKeys[1:] {
series.privateKeys[i] = nil
sigs, err := getRawSigs([]*withdrawalTx{tx})
if err != nil {
txSigs := sigs[tx.ntxid()]
if len(txSigs) != len(tx.inputs) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected number of sig lists; got %d, want %d", len(txSigs), len(tx.inputs))
checkNonEmptySigsForPrivKeys(t, txSigs, series.privateKeys)
func TestGetRawSigsUnparseableRedeemScript(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{5e6, 4e6}, []int64{})
// Change the redeem script for one of our tx inputs, to force an error in
// getRawSigs().
tx.inputs[0].Address().script = []byte{0x01}
_, err := getRawSigs([]*withdrawalTx{tx})
TstCheckError(t, "", err, ErrRawSigning)
func TestGetRawSigsInvalidAddrBranch(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{5e6, 4e6}, []int64{})
// Change the branch of our input's address to an invalid value, to force
// an error in getRawSigs().
tx.inputs[0].Address().branch = Branch(999)
_, err := getRawSigs([]*withdrawalTx{tx})
TstCheckError(t, "", err, ErrInvalidBranch)
// TestOutBailmentIDSort tests that we can correctly sort a slice
// of output requests by the hash of the outbailmentID.
func TestOutBailmentIDSort(t *testing.T) {
or00 := OutputRequest{cachedHash: []byte{0, 0}}
or01 := OutputRequest{cachedHash: []byte{0, 1}}
or10 := OutputRequest{cachedHash: []byte{1, 0}}
or11 := OutputRequest{cachedHash: []byte{1, 1}}
want := []OutputRequest{or00, or01, or10, or11}
random := []OutputRequest{or11, or00, or10, or01}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(random, want) {
t.Fatalf("Sort failed; got %v, want %v", random, want)
func TestTxTooBig(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{5}, []int64{1})
restoreCalcTxSize := replaceCalculateTxSize(func(tx *withdrawalTx) int { return txMaxSize - 1 })
if isTxTooBig(tx) {
t.Fatalf("Tx is smaller than max size (%d < %d) but was considered too big",
calculateTxSize(tx), txMaxSize)
// A tx whose size is equal to txMaxSize should be considered too big.
restoreCalcTxSize = replaceCalculateTxSize(func(tx *withdrawalTx) int { return txMaxSize })
if !isTxTooBig(tx) {
t.Fatalf("Tx size is equal to the max size (%d == %d) but was not considered too big",
calculateTxSize(tx), txMaxSize)
restoreCalcTxSize = replaceCalculateTxSize(func(tx *withdrawalTx) int { return txMaxSize + 1 })
if !isTxTooBig(tx) {
t.Fatalf("Tx size is bigger than max size (%d > %d) but was not considered too big",
calculateTxSize(tx), txMaxSize)
func TestTxSizeCalculation(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, pool, store := TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
defer tearDown()
tx := createWithdrawalTx(t, pool, store, []int64{1, 5}, []int64{2})
size := calculateTxSize(tx)
// Now add a change output, get a msgtx, sign it and get its SerializedSize
// to compare with the value above. We need to replace the calculateTxFee
// function so that the tx.addChange() call below always adds a change
// output.
restoreCalcTxFee := replaceCalculateTxFee(TstConstantFee(1))
defer restoreCalcTxFee()
seriesID := tx.inputs[0].Address().SeriesID()
tx.addChange(TstNewChangeAddress(t, pool, seriesID, 0).addr.ScriptAddress())
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
sigs, err := getRawSigs([]*withdrawalTx{tx})
if err != nil {
signTxAndValidate(t, pool.Manager(), msgtx, sigs[tx.ntxid()], tx.inputs)
// ECDSA signatures have variable length (71-73 bytes) but in
// calculateTxSize() we use a dummy signature for the worst-case scenario (73
// bytes) so the estimate here can be up to 2 bytes bigger for every
// signature in every input's SigScript.
maxDiff := 2 * len(msgtx.TxIn) * int(tx.inputs[0].Address().series().reqSigs)
// To make things worse, there's a possibility that the length of the
// actual SignatureScript is at the upper boundary of one of the uint*
// types, and when that happens our dummy SignatureScript is likely to have
// a length that cannot be represented in the same uint* type as that of the
// actual one, so we need to account for that here too. As per
// wire.VarIntSerializeSize(), the biggest difference would be of 4
// bytes, when the actual SigScript size fits in a uint32 but the dummy one
// needs a uint64.
maxDiff += 4 * len(msgtx.TxIn)
if size-msgtx.SerializeSize() > maxDiff {
t.Fatalf("Size difference bigger than maximum expected: %d - %d > %d",
size, msgtx.SerializeSize(), maxDiff)
} else if size-msgtx.SerializeSize() < 0 {
t.Fatalf("Tx size (%d) bigger than estimated size (%d)", msgtx.SerializeSize(), size)
func TestTxFeeEstimationForSmallTx(t *testing.T) {
tx := newWithdrawalTx()
// A tx that is smaller than 1000 bytes in size should have a fee of 10000
// satoshis.
restoreCalcTxSize := replaceCalculateTxSize(func(tx *withdrawalTx) int { return 999 })
defer restoreCalcTxSize()
fee := calculateTxFee(tx)
wantFee := btcutil.Amount(1e3)
if fee != wantFee {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected tx fee; got %v, want %v", fee, wantFee)
func TestTxFeeEstimationForLargeTx(t *testing.T) {
tx := newWithdrawalTx()
// A tx that is larger than 1000 bytes in size should have a fee of 1e3
// satoshis plus 1e3 for every 1000 bytes.
restoreCalcTxSize := replaceCalculateTxSize(func(tx *withdrawalTx) int { return 3000 })
defer restoreCalcTxSize()
fee := calculateTxFee(tx)
wantFee := btcutil.Amount(4e3)
if fee != wantFee {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected tx fee; got %v, want %v", fee, wantFee)
// lookupStoredTx returns the TxRecord from the given store whose SHA matches the
// given ShaHash.
func lookupStoredTx(store *txstore.Store, sha *wire.ShaHash) *txstore.TxRecord {
for _, r := range store.Records() {
if bytes.Equal(r.Tx().Sha()[:], sha[:]) {
return r
return nil
// checkNonEmptySigsForPrivKeys checks that every signature list in txSigs has
// one non-empty signature for every non-nil private key in the given list. This
// is to make sure every signature list matches the specification at
// http://opentransactions.org/wiki/index.php/Siglist.
func checkNonEmptySigsForPrivKeys(t *testing.T, txSigs TxSigs, privKeys []*hdkeychain.ExtendedKey) {
for _, txInSigs := range txSigs {
if len(txInSigs) != len(privKeys) {
t.Fatalf("Number of items in sig list (%d) does not match number of privkeys (%d)",
len(txInSigs), len(privKeys))
for sigIdx, sig := range txInSigs {
key := privKeys[sigIdx]
if bytes.Equal(sig, []byte{}) && key != nil {
t.Fatalf("Empty signature (idx=%d) but key (%s) is available",
sigIdx, key.String())
} else if !bytes.Equal(sig, []byte{}) && key == nil {
t.Fatalf("Signature not empty (idx=%d) but key is not available", sigIdx)
// checkTxOutputs uses reflect.DeepEqual() to ensure that the tx outputs match
// the given slice of withdrawalTxOuts.
func checkTxOutputs(t *testing.T, tx *withdrawalTx, outputs []*withdrawalTxOut) {
nOutputs := len(outputs)
if len(tx.outputs) != nOutputs {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of outputs in tx; got %d, want %d", len(tx.outputs), nOutputs)
for i, output := range tx.outputs {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(output, outputs[i]) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected output; got %s, want %s", output, outputs[i])
// checkMsgTxOutputs checks that the pkScript and amount of every output in the
// given msgtx match the pkScript and amount of every item in the slice of
// OutputRequests.
func checkMsgTxOutputs(t *testing.T, msgtx *wire.MsgTx, requests []OutputRequest) {
nRequests := len(requests)
if len(msgtx.TxOut) != nRequests {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected number of TxOuts; got %d, want %d", len(msgtx.TxOut), nRequests)
for i, request := range requests {
txOut := msgtx.TxOut[i]
if !bytes.Equal(txOut.PkScript, request.PkScript) {
"Unexpected pkScript for request %d; got %v, want %v", i, txOut.PkScript,
gotAmount := btcutil.Amount(txOut.Value)
if gotAmount != request.Amount {
"Unexpected amount for request %d; got %v, want %v", i, gotAmount, request.Amount)
// checkTxInputs ensures that the tx.inputs match the given inputs.
func checkTxInputs(t *testing.T, tx *withdrawalTx, inputs []Credit) {
if len(tx.inputs) != len(inputs) {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of inputs in tx; got %d, want %d", len(tx.inputs), len(inputs))
for i, input := range tx.inputs {
if input != inputs[i] {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected input; got %s, want %s", input, inputs[i])
// signTxAndValidate will construct the signature script for each input of the given
// transaction (using the given raw signatures and the pkScripts from credits) and execute
// those scripts to validate them.
func signTxAndValidate(t *testing.T, mgr *waddrmgr.Manager, tx *wire.MsgTx, txSigs TxSigs,
credits []Credit) {
for i := range tx.TxIn {
pkScript := credits[i].TxOut().PkScript
TstRunWithManagerUnlocked(t, mgr, func() {
if err := signMultiSigUTXO(mgr, tx, i, pkScript, txSigs[i]); err != nil {
func compareMsgTxAndWithdrawalTxInputs(t *testing.T, msgtx *wire.MsgTx, tx *withdrawalTx) {
if len(msgtx.TxIn) != len(tx.inputs) {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of inputs; got %d, want %d", len(msgtx.TxIn), len(tx.inputs))
for i, txin := range msgtx.TxIn {
outpoint := tx.inputs[i].OutPoint()
if txin.PreviousOutPoint != *outpoint {
t.Fatalf("Wrong outpoint; got %v expected %v", txin.PreviousOutPoint, *outpoint)
func compareMsgTxAndWithdrawalTxOutputs(t *testing.T, msgtx *wire.MsgTx, tx *withdrawalTx) {
nOutputs := len(tx.outputs)
if tx.changeOutput != nil {
if len(msgtx.TxOut) != nOutputs {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected number of TxOuts; got %d, want %d", len(msgtx.TxOut), nOutputs)
for i, output := range tx.outputs {
outputRequest := output.request
txOut := msgtx.TxOut[i]
if !bytes.Equal(txOut.PkScript, outputRequest.PkScript) {
"Unexpected pkScript for outputRequest %d; got %x, want %x",
i, txOut.PkScript, outputRequest.PkScript)
gotAmount := btcutil.Amount(txOut.Value)
if gotAmount != outputRequest.Amount {
"Unexpected amount for outputRequest %d; got %v, want %v",
i, gotAmount, outputRequest.Amount)
// Finally check the change output if it exists
if tx.changeOutput != nil {
msgTxChange := msgtx.TxOut[len(msgtx.TxOut)-1]
if msgTxChange != tx.changeOutput {
t.Fatalf("wrong TxOut in msgtx; got %v, want %v", msgTxChange, tx.changeOutput)
func checkTxChangeAmount(t *testing.T, tx *withdrawalTx, amount btcutil.Amount) {
if !tx.hasChange() {
t.Fatalf("Transaction has no change.")
if tx.changeOutput.Value != int64(amount) {
t.Fatalf("Wrong change output amount; got %d, want %d",
tx.changeOutput.Value, int64(amount))
// checkLastOutputWasSplit ensures that the amount of the last output in the
// given tx matches newAmount and that the splitRequest amount is equal to
// origAmount - newAmount. It also checks that splitRequest is identical (except
// for its amount) to the request of the last output in the tx.
func checkLastOutputWasSplit(t *testing.T, w *withdrawal, tx *withdrawalTx,
origAmount, newAmount btcutil.Amount) {
splitRequest := w.pendingRequests[0]
lastOutput := tx.outputs[len(tx.outputs)-1]
if lastOutput.amount != newAmount {
t.Fatalf("Wrong amount in last output; got %s, want %s", lastOutput.amount, newAmount)
wantSplitAmount := origAmount - newAmount
if splitRequest.Amount != wantSplitAmount {
t.Fatalf("Wrong amount in split output; got %v, want %v", splitRequest.Amount,
// Check that the split request is identical (except for its amount) to the
// original one.
origRequest := lastOutput.request
if !bytes.Equal(origRequest.PkScript, splitRequest.PkScript) {
t.Fatalf("Wrong pkScript in split request; got %x, want %x", splitRequest.PkScript,
if origRequest.Server != splitRequest.Server {
t.Fatalf("Wrong server in split request; got %s, want %s", splitRequest.Server,
if origRequest.Transaction != splitRequest.Transaction {
t.Fatalf("Wrong transaction # in split request; got %d, want %d", splitRequest.Transaction,
status := w.status.outputs[origRequest.outBailmentID()].status
if status != statusPartial {
t.Fatalf("Wrong output status; got '%s', want '%s'", status, statusPartial)