The createtemp flag is used to create a temporary simnet wallet for
use with btcsim or other testing suites.
The flag only works if the datadir and network to use it on (simnet)
are specified.
After starting btcwallet with the flag, the wallet immediately opens
and is functional.
This commit converts the wallet to use the new secure hierarchical
deterministic wallet address manager package as well as the walletdb
The following is an overview of modified functionality:
- The wallet must now be created before starting the executable
- A new flag --create has been added to create the new wallet using wizard
style question and answer prompts
- Starting the process without an existing wallet will instruct now
display a message to run it with --create
- Providing the --create flag with an existing wallet will simply show an
error and return
In addition the snacl package has been modified to return the memory after
performing scrypt operations to the OS.
Previously a runtime.GC was being invoked which forced it to release the
memory as far as the garbage collector is concerned, but the memory was
not released back to the OS immediatley. This modification allows the
memory to be released immedately since it won't be needed again until the
next wallet unlock.