Notifications ariving from btcd were being reordered (each handled by
its own goroutine, rather then being always sent in the order they
originated). This was breaking the new transaction store by inserting
transaction records in an 'impossible' manner, that is, inserting txs
without block info after the store already held records of the same tx
with block info, without first performing a rollback.
This is handled by the transaction store insert methods by checking
for identical transactions (double spends with the same tx sha), but
where the block heights mismatch and the new record does not have a
block set. The error is returned all the way up to the goroutine
running each rpc request/notification handler, and if hit, the btcd
connection is closed and all accounts are reopened from disk. This is
not optimal, but it allows us to use the connect logic to correctly
catch us up to the best chain with the last good state of all accounts
while only rescanning a few blocks.
This change replaces the old transaction store file format and
implementation. The most important change is how the full backing
transactions for any received or sent transaction are now saved,
rather than simply saving parsed-out details of the tx (tx shas, block
height/hash, pkScripts, etc.).
To support the change, notifications for received transaction outputs
and txs spending watched outpoints have been updated to use the new
redeemingtx and recvtx notifications as these contain the full tx,
which is deserializead and inserted into the store.
The old transaction store serialization code is completely removed, as
updating to the new format automatically cannot be done. Old wallets
first running past this change will error reading the file and start a
full rescan to rebuild the data. Unlike previous rescan code,
transactions spending outpoint managed by wallet are also included.
This results in recovering not just received history, but history for
sent transactions as well.
This change adds support for the listtransactions RPC command. To
properly reply to this command, additonal information about received
transactions was added, and is now saved in an account's tx.bin file.
Additionally, when sending a transaction, a *tx.SendTx is now saved to
the Tx store, and is included in listtransactions replies under the
"send" category.
WARNING: All account's tx.bin and utxo.bin files should be removed
before running with this change, or else the files may not be read
correctly. Removing tx.bin is not an issue as it was not being used
before, and was being saved with incorrect data. Removing utxo.bin is
not an issue as it will just trigger a rescan on next start. File
format versions are now included in both files, so automatic updates
from previous file formats will be possible with future changes.
When a wallet is opened, a rescan request will be sent to btcd with
all active addresses from the wallet, to rescan from the last synced
block (now saved to the wallet file) and the current best block.
As multi-account support is further explored, rescan requests should
be batched together to send a single request for all addresses from
all wallets.
This change introduces several changes to the wallet, tx, and utxo
files. Wallet files are still compatible, however, a rescan will try
to start at the genesis block since no correct "last synced to" or
"created at block X" was saved. The tx and utxo files, however, are
not compatible and should be deleted (or an error will occur on read).
If any errors occur opening the utxo file, a rescan will start
beginning at the creation block saved in the wallet.
This change fixes many issues with the tracking of unspent transaction
outputs. First, notifications for when UTXOs arse spent are now
requested from btcd, and when spent, will be removed from the
Second, when transactions are created, the unconfirmed (not yet in a
block) Utxo (with block height -1 and zeroed block hash) is added to
the wallet's UtxoStore. Notifications for when this UTXO is spent are
also requested from btcd. After the tx appears in a block, because
the UTXO has a pkScript to be spent by another owned wallet address, a
notification with the UTXO will be sent to btcwallet. We already
store the unconfirmed UTXO, so at this point the actual block height
and hash are filled in.
Finally, when calculating the balance, if confirmations is zero,
unconfirmed UTXOs (block height -1) will be included in the balance.
Otherwise, they are ignored.
This is a big change that also many general fixes to problems found
when creating transactions. In particular the Utxo and Tx formats and
serialization functions were updated with additional information that
would be necessary for rolling back old utxo and tx data data after
btcd chain switches. This change also implements the json methods
'sendfrom' and 'sendmany' to create a new transaction based on a
frontend request.
Transactions are currently not sent to btcd since the tx relay code is
not finished yet, so a temporary error is returned back to frontends
who try to send new transactions.