
113 lines
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[Application Options]
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Bitcoin wallet settings
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Use testnet (cannot be used with simnet=1).
; testnet=0
; Use simnet (cannot be used with testnet=1).
; simnet=0
; The directory to open and save wallet, transaction, and unspent transaction
; output files. Two directories, `mainnet` and `testnet` are used in this
; directory for mainnet and testnet wallets, respectively.
; appdata=~/.lbcwallet
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; RPC client settings
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Connect via a SOCKS5 proxy. NOTE: Specifying a proxy will disable listening
; for incoming connections unless listen addresses are provided via the
; 'rpclisten' option.
; proxy=
; proxyuser=
; proxypass=
; The server and port used for lbcd websocket connections.
; rpcconnect=localhost:19245
; File containing root certificates to authenticate a TLS connections with
; cafile=~/.lbcwallet/.cert
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; RPC server settings
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; TLS certificate and key file locations
; rpccert=~/.lbcwallet/rpc.cert
; rpckey=~/.lbcwallet/rpc.key
; Enable one time TLS keys. This option results in the process generating
; a new certificate pair each startup, writing only the certificate file
; to disk. This is a more secure option for clients that only interact with
; a local wallet process where persistent certs are not needed.
; This option will error at startup if the key specified by the rpckey option
; already exists.
; onetimetlskey=0
; Specify the interfaces for the RPC server listen on. One rpclisten address
; per line. Multiple rpclisten options may be set in the same configuration,
; and each will be used to listen for connections. NOTE: The default port is
; modified by some options such as 'testnet', so it is recommended to not
; specify a port and allow a proper default to be chosen unless you have a
; specific reason to do otherwise.
; rpclisten= ; all interfaces on default port
; rpclisten= ; all ipv4 interfaces on default port
; rpclisten=:: ; all ipv6 interfaces on default port
; rpclisten=:9244 ; all interfaces on port 9244
; rpclisten= ; all ipv4 interfaces on port 9244
; rpclisten=[::]:9244 ; all ipv6 interfaces on port 9244
; rpclisten= ; only ipv4 localhost on port 9244 (this is a default)
; rpclisten=[::1]:9244 ; only ipv6 localhost on port 9244 (this is a default)
; rpclisten= ; only ipv4 localhost on non-standard port 8337
; rpclisten=:8337 ; all interfaces on non-standard port 8337
; rpclisten= ; all ipv4 interfaces on non-standard port 8337
; rpclisten=[::]:8337 ; all ipv6 interfaces on non-standard port 8337
; Legacy (Bitcoin Core-compatible) RPC listener addresses. Addresses without a
; port specified use the same default port as the new server. Listeners cannot
; be shared between both RPC servers.
; Adding any legacy RPC listen addresses disable all default rpclisten options.
; If both servers must run, all listen addresses must be manually specified for
; each.
; legacyrpclisten=
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; RPC settings (both client and server)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Username and password to authenticate to lbcd a RPC server and authenticate
; new client connections
; username=
; password=
; Alternative username and password for lbcd. If set, these will be used
; instead of the username and password set above for authentication to a
; lbcd RPC server.
; lbcdusername=
; lbcdpassword=
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug logging level.
; Valid options are {trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical}
; debuglevel=info
; The port used to listen for HTTP profile requests. The profile server will
; be disabled if this option is not specified. The profile information can be
; accessed at http://localhost:<profileport>/debug/pprof once running.
; profile=6062