
299 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2013-2015 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package wallet
import (
func (w *Wallet) handleChainNotifications() {
chainClient, err := w.requireChainClient()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handleChainNotifications called without RPC client")
sync := func(w *Wallet) {
// At the moment there is no recourse if the rescan fails for
// some reason, however, the wallet will not be marked synced
// and many methods will error early since the wallet is known
// to be out of date.
err := w.syncWithChain()
if err != nil && !w.ShuttingDown() {
log.Warnf("Unable to synchronize wallet to chain: %v", err)
catchUpHashes := func(w *Wallet, client chain.Interface,
height int32) error {
// TODO(aakselrod): There's a race conditon here, which
// happens when a reorg occurs between the
// rescanProgress notification and the last GetBlockHash
// call. The solution when using btcd is to make btcd
// send blockconnected notifications with each block
// the way Neutrino does, and get rid of the loop. The
// other alternative is to check the final hash and,
// if it doesn't match the original hash returned by
// the notification, to roll back and restart the
// rescan.
log.Infof("Catching up block hashes to height %d, this"+
" might take a while", height)
err := walletdb.Update(w.db, func(tx walletdb.ReadWriteTx) error {
ns := tx.ReadWriteBucket(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)
startBlock := w.Manager.SyncedTo()
for i := startBlock.Height + 1; i <= height; i++ {
hash, err := client.GetBlockHash(int64(i))
if err != nil {
return err
header, err := chainClient.GetBlockHeader(hash)
if err != nil {
return err
bs := waddrmgr.BlockStamp{
Height: i,
Hash: *hash,
Timestamp: header.Timestamp,
err = w.Manager.SetSyncedTo(ns, &bs)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to update address manager "+
"sync state for height %d: %v", height, err)
log.Info("Done catching up block hashes")
return err
for n := range chainClient.Notifications() {
var notificationName string
var err error
switch n := n.(type) {
case chain.ClientConnected:
go sync(w)
case chain.BlockConnected:
err = walletdb.Update(w.db, func(tx walletdb.ReadWriteTx) error {
return w.connectBlock(tx, wtxmgr.BlockMeta(n))
notificationName = "blockconnected"
case chain.BlockDisconnected:
err = walletdb.Update(w.db, func(tx walletdb.ReadWriteTx) error {
return w.disconnectBlock(tx, wtxmgr.BlockMeta(n))
notificationName = "blockdisconnected"
case chain.RelevantTx:
err = walletdb.Update(w.db, func(tx walletdb.ReadWriteTx) error {
return w.addRelevantTx(tx, n.TxRecord, n.Block)
notificationName = "recvtx/redeemingtx"
case chain.FilteredBlockConnected:
// Atomically update for the whole block.
if len(n.RelevantTxs) > 0 {
err = walletdb.Update(w.db, func(
tx walletdb.ReadWriteTx) error {
var err error
for _, rec := range n.RelevantTxs {
err = w.addRelevantTx(tx, rec,
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
notificationName = "filteredblockconnected"
// The following require some database maintenance, but also
// need to be reported to the wallet's rescan goroutine.
case *chain.RescanProgress:
err = catchUpHashes(w, chainClient, n.Height)
notificationName = "rescanprogress"
w.rescanNotifications <- n
case *chain.RescanFinished:
err = catchUpHashes(w, chainClient, n.Height)
notificationName = "rescanprogress"
w.rescanNotifications <- n
if err != nil {
// On out-of-sync blockconnected notifications, only
// send a debug message.
errStr := "Failed to process consensus server " +
"notification (name: `%s`, detail: `%v`)"
if notificationName == "blockconnected" &&
"couldn't get hash from database") {
log.Debugf(errStr, notificationName, err)
} else {
log.Errorf(errStr, notificationName, err)
// connectBlock handles a chain server notification by marking a wallet
// that's currently in-sync with the chain server as being synced up to
// the passed block.
func (w *Wallet) connectBlock(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx, b wtxmgr.BlockMeta) error {
addrmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)
bs := waddrmgr.BlockStamp{
Height: b.Height,
Hash: b.Hash,
Timestamp: b.Time,
err := w.Manager.SetSyncedTo(addrmgrNs, &bs)
if err != nil {
return err
// Notify interested clients of the connected block.
// TODO: move all notifications outside of the database transaction.
w.NtfnServer.notifyAttachedBlock(dbtx, &b)
return nil
// disconnectBlock handles a chain server reorganize by rolling back all
// block history from the reorged block for a wallet in-sync with the chain
// server.
func (w *Wallet) disconnectBlock(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx, b wtxmgr.BlockMeta) error {
addrmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)
txmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(wtxmgrNamespaceKey)
if !w.ChainSynced() {
return nil
// Disconnect the removed block and all blocks after it if we know about
// the disconnected block. Otherwise, the block is in the future.
if b.Height <= w.Manager.SyncedTo().Height {
hash, err := w.Manager.BlockHash(addrmgrNs, b.Height)
if err != nil {
return err
if bytes.Equal(hash[:], b.Hash[:]) {
bs := waddrmgr.BlockStamp{
Height: b.Height - 1,
hash, err = w.Manager.BlockHash(addrmgrNs, bs.Height)
if err != nil {
return err
b.Hash = *hash
client := w.ChainClient()
header, err := client.GetBlockHeader(hash)
if err != nil {
return err
bs.Timestamp = header.Timestamp
err = w.Manager.SetSyncedTo(addrmgrNs, &bs)
if err != nil {
return err
err = w.TxStore.Rollback(txmgrNs, b.Height)
// Notify interested clients of the disconnected block.
return nil
func (w *Wallet) addRelevantTx(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx, rec *wtxmgr.TxRecord, block *wtxmgr.BlockMeta) error {
addrmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)
txmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(wtxmgrNamespaceKey)
// At the moment all notified transactions are assumed to actually be
// relevant. This assumption will not hold true when SPV support is
// added, but until then, simply insert the transaction because there
// should either be one or more relevant inputs or outputs.
err := w.TxStore.InsertTx(txmgrNs, rec, block)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check every output to determine whether it is controlled by a wallet
// key. If so, mark the output as a credit.
for i, output := range rec.MsgTx.TxOut {
_, addrs, _, err := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(output.PkScript,
if err != nil {
// Non-standard outputs are skipped.
for _, addr := range addrs {
ma, err := w.Manager.Address(addrmgrNs, addr)
if err == nil {
// TODO: Credits should be added with the
// account they belong to, so wtxmgr is able to
// track per-account balances.
err = w.TxStore.AddCredit(txmgrNs, rec, block, uint32(i),
if err != nil {
return err
err = w.Manager.MarkUsed(addrmgrNs, addr)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("Marked address %v used", addr)
// Missing addresses are skipped. Other errors should
// be propagated.
if !waddrmgr.IsError(err, waddrmgr.ErrAddressNotFound) {
return err
// Send notification of mined or unmined transaction to any interested
// clients.
// TODO: Avoid the extra db hits.
if block == nil {
details, err := w.TxStore.UniqueTxDetails(txmgrNs, &rec.Hash, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cannot query transaction details for notification: %v", err)
} else {
w.NtfnServer.notifyUnminedTransaction(dbtx, details)
} else {
details, err := w.TxStore.UniqueTxDetails(txmgrNs, &rec.Hash, &block.Block)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cannot query transaction details for notification: %v", err)
} else {
w.NtfnServer.notifyMinedTransaction(dbtx, details, block)
return nil