This commit allows for the ability to lease an output to a particular ID for a limited amount of time, ensuring that no other processes can use said output for their coin selection needs. An output can either be unlocked manually, or lazily whenever required.
1623 lines
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1623 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2015 The btcsuite developers
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Decred developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package wtxmgr
import (
// Naming
// The following variables are commonly used in this file and given
// reserved names:
// ns: The namespace bucket for this package
// b: The primary bucket being operated on
// k: A single bucket key
// v: A single bucket value
// c: A bucket cursor
// ck: The current cursor key
// cv: The current cursor value
// Functions use the naming scheme `Op[Raw]Type[Field]`, which performs the
// operation `Op` on the type `Type`, optionally dealing with raw keys and
// values if `Raw` is used. Fetch and extract operations may only need to read
// some portion of a key or value, in which case `Field` describes the component
// being returned. The following operations are used:
// key: return a db key for some data
// value: return a db value for some data
// put: insert or replace a value into a bucket
// fetch: read and return a value
// read: read a value into an out parameter
// exists: return the raw (nil if not found) value for some data
// delete: remove a k/v pair
// extract: perform an unchecked slice to extract a key or value
// Other operations which are specific to the types being operated on
// should be explained in a comment.
// Big endian is the preferred byte order, due to cursor scans over integer
// keys iterating in order.
var byteOrder = binary.BigEndian
// This package makes assumptions that the width of a chainhash.Hash is always
// 32 bytes. If this is ever changed (unlikely for bitcoin, possible for alts),
// offsets have to be rewritten. Use a compile-time assertion that this
// assumption holds true.
var _ [32]byte = chainhash.Hash{}
// Bucket names
var (
bucketBlocks = []byte("b")
bucketTxRecords = []byte("t")
bucketTxLabels = []byte("l")
bucketCredits = []byte("c")
bucketUnspent = []byte("u")
bucketDebits = []byte("d")
bucketUnmined = []byte("m")
bucketUnminedCredits = []byte("mc")
bucketUnminedInputs = []byte("mi")
bucketLockedOutputs = []byte("lo")
// Root (namespace) bucket keys
var (
rootCreateDate = []byte("date")
rootVersion = []byte("vers")
rootMinedBalance = []byte("bal")
// The root bucket's mined balance k/v pair records the total balance for all
// unspent credits from mined transactions. This includes immature outputs, and
// outputs spent by mempool transactions, which must be considered when
// returning the actual balance for a given number of block confirmations. The
// value is the amount serialized as a uint64.
func fetchMinedBalance(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) (btcutil.Amount, error) {
v := ns.Get(rootMinedBalance)
if len(v) != 8 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("balance: short read (expected 8 bytes, "+
"read %v)", len(v))
return 0, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
return btcutil.Amount(byteOrder.Uint64(v)), nil
func putMinedBalance(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, amt btcutil.Amount) error {
v := make([]byte, 8)
byteOrder.PutUint64(v, uint64(amt))
err := ns.Put(rootMinedBalance, v)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to put balance"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// Several data structures are given canonical serialization formats as either
// keys or values. These common formats allow keys and values to be reused
// across different buckets.
// The canonical outpoint serialization format is:
// [0:32] Trasaction hash (32 bytes)
// [32:36] Output index (4 bytes)
// The canonical transaction hash serialization is simply the hash.
func canonicalOutPoint(txHash *chainhash.Hash, index uint32) []byte {
var k [36]byte
copy(k[:32], txHash[:])
byteOrder.PutUint32(k[32:36], index)
return k[:]
func readCanonicalOutPoint(k []byte, op *wire.OutPoint) error {
if len(k) < 36 {
str := "short canonical outpoint"
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
copy(op.Hash[:], k)
op.Index = byteOrder.Uint32(k[32:36])
return nil
// Details regarding blocks are saved as k/v pairs in the blocks bucket.
// blockRecords are keyed by their height. The value is serialized as such:
// [0:32] Hash (32 bytes)
// [32:40] Unix time (8 bytes)
// [40:44] Number of transaction hashes (4 bytes)
// [44:] For each transaction hash:
// Hash (32 bytes)
func keyBlockRecord(height int32) []byte {
k := make([]byte, 4)
byteOrder.PutUint32(k, uint32(height))
return k
func valueBlockRecord(block *BlockMeta, txHash *chainhash.Hash) []byte {
v := make([]byte, 76)
copy(v, block.Hash[:])
byteOrder.PutUint64(v[32:40], uint64(block.Time.Unix()))
byteOrder.PutUint32(v[40:44], 1)
copy(v[44:76], txHash[:])
return v
// appendRawBlockRecord returns a new block record value with a transaction
// hash appended to the end and an incremented number of transactions.
func appendRawBlockRecord(v []byte, txHash *chainhash.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
if len(v) < 44 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short read (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketBlocks, 44, len(v))
return nil, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
newv := append(v[:len(v):len(v)], txHash[:]...)
n := byteOrder.Uint32(newv[40:44])
byteOrder.PutUint32(newv[40:44], n+1)
return newv, nil
func putRawBlockRecord(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k, v []byte) error {
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketBlocks).Put(k, v)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store block"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
func putBlockRecord(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, block *BlockMeta, txHash *chainhash.Hash) error {
k := keyBlockRecord(block.Height)
v := valueBlockRecord(block, txHash)
return putRawBlockRecord(ns, k, v)
func fetchBlockTime(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, height int32) (time.Time, error) {
k := keyBlockRecord(height)
v := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketBlocks).Get(k)
if len(v) < 44 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short read (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketBlocks, 44, len(v))
return time.Time{}, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
return time.Unix(int64(byteOrder.Uint64(v[32:40])), 0), nil
func existsBlockRecord(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, height int32) (k, v []byte) {
k = keyBlockRecord(height)
v = ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketBlocks).Get(k)
func readRawBlockRecord(k, v []byte, block *blockRecord) error {
if len(k) < 4 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short key (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketBlocks, 4, len(k))
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
if len(v) < 44 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short read (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketBlocks, 44, len(v))
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
numTransactions := int(byteOrder.Uint32(v[40:44]))
expectedLen := 44 + chainhash.HashSize*numTransactions
if len(v) < expectedLen {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short read (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketBlocks, expectedLen, len(v))
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
block.Height = int32(byteOrder.Uint32(k))
copy(block.Hash[:], v)
block.Time = time.Unix(int64(byteOrder.Uint64(v[32:40])), 0)
block.transactions = make([]chainhash.Hash, numTransactions)
off := 44
for i := range block.transactions {
copy(block.transactions[i][:], v[off:])
off += chainhash.HashSize
return nil
type blockIterator struct {
c walletdb.ReadWriteCursor
seek []byte
ck []byte
cv []byte
elem blockRecord
err error
func makeBlockIterator(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, height int32) blockIterator {
seek := make([]byte, 4)
byteOrder.PutUint32(seek, uint32(height))
c := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketBlocks).ReadWriteCursor()
return blockIterator{c: c, seek: seek}
func makeReadBlockIterator(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, height int32) blockIterator {
seek := make([]byte, 4)
byteOrder.PutUint32(seek, uint32(height))
c := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketBlocks).ReadCursor()
return blockIterator{c: readCursor{c}, seek: seek}
// Works just like makeBlockIterator but will initially position the cursor at
// the last k/v pair. Use this with blockIterator.prev.
func makeReverseBlockIterator(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket) blockIterator {
seek := make([]byte, 4)
byteOrder.PutUint32(seek, ^uint32(0))
c := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketBlocks).ReadWriteCursor()
return blockIterator{c: c, seek: seek}
func makeReadReverseBlockIterator(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) blockIterator {
seek := make([]byte, 4)
byteOrder.PutUint32(seek, ^uint32(0))
c := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketBlocks).ReadCursor()
return blockIterator{c: readCursor{c}, seek: seek}
func (it *blockIterator) next() bool {
if it.c == nil {
return false
if it.ck == nil {
it.ck, it.cv = it.c.Seek(it.seek)
} else {
it.ck, it.cv = it.c.Next()
if it.ck == nil {
it.c = nil
return false
err := readRawBlockRecord(it.ck, it.cv, &it.elem)
if err != nil {
it.c = nil
it.err = err
return false
return true
func (it *blockIterator) prev() bool {
if it.c == nil {
return false
if it.ck == nil {
it.ck, it.cv = it.c.Seek(it.seek)
// Seek positions the cursor at the next k/v pair if one with
// this prefix was not found. If this happened (the prefixes
// won't match in this case) move the cursor backward.
// This technically does not correct for multiple keys with
// matching prefixes by moving the cursor to the last matching
// key, but this doesn't need to be considered when dealing with
// block records since the key (and seek prefix) is just the
// block height.
if !bytes.HasPrefix(it.ck, it.seek) {
it.ck, it.cv = it.c.Prev()
} else {
it.ck, it.cv = it.c.Prev()
if it.ck == nil {
it.c = nil
return false
err := readRawBlockRecord(it.ck, it.cv, &it.elem)
if err != nil {
it.c = nil
it.err = err
return false
return true
// unavailable until https://github.com/boltdb/bolt/issues/620 is fixed.
// func (it *blockIterator) delete() error {
// err := it.c.Delete()
// if err != nil {
// str := "failed to delete block record"
// storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
// }
// return nil
// }
func (it *blockIterator) reposition(height int32) {
func deleteBlockRecord(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, height int32) error {
k := keyBlockRecord(height)
return ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketBlocks).Delete(k)
// Transaction records are keyed as such:
// [0:32] Transaction hash (32 bytes)
// [32:36] Block height (4 bytes)
// [36:68] Block hash (32 bytes)
// The leading transaction hash allows to prefix filter for all records with
// a matching hash. The block height and hash records a particular incidence
// of the transaction in the blockchain.
// The record value is serialized as such:
// [0:8] Received time (8 bytes)
// [8:] Serialized transaction (varies)
func keyTxRecord(txHash *chainhash.Hash, block *Block) []byte {
k := make([]byte, 68)
copy(k, txHash[:])
byteOrder.PutUint32(k[32:36], uint32(block.Height))
copy(k[36:68], block.Hash[:])
return k
func valueTxRecord(rec *TxRecord) ([]byte, error) {
var v []byte
if rec.SerializedTx == nil {
txSize := rec.MsgTx.SerializeSize()
v = make([]byte, 8, 8+txSize)
err := rec.MsgTx.Serialize(bytes.NewBuffer(v[8:]))
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("unable to serialize transaction %v", rec.Hash)
return nil, storeError(ErrInput, str, err)
v = v[:cap(v)]
} else {
v = make([]byte, 8+len(rec.SerializedTx))
copy(v[8:], rec.SerializedTx)
byteOrder.PutUint64(v, uint64(rec.Received.Unix()))
return v, nil
func putTxRecord(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, rec *TxRecord, block *Block) error {
k := keyTxRecord(&rec.Hash, block)
v, err := valueTxRecord(rec)
if err != nil {
return err
err = ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketTxRecords).Put(k, v)
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: put failed for %v", bucketTxRecords, rec.Hash)
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
func putRawTxRecord(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k, v []byte) error {
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketTxRecords).Put(k, v)
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: put failed", bucketTxRecords)
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
func readRawTxRecord(txHash *chainhash.Hash, v []byte, rec *TxRecord) error {
if len(v) < 8 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short read (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketTxRecords, 8, len(v))
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
rec.Hash = *txHash
rec.Received = time.Unix(int64(byteOrder.Uint64(v)), 0)
err := rec.MsgTx.Deserialize(bytes.NewReader(v[8:]))
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: failed to deserialize transaction %v",
bucketTxRecords, txHash)
return storeError(ErrData, str, err)
return nil
func readRawTxRecordBlock(k []byte, block *Block) error {
if len(k) < 68 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short key (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketTxRecords, 68, len(k))
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
block.Height = int32(byteOrder.Uint32(k[32:36]))
copy(block.Hash[:], k[36:68])
return nil
func fetchTxRecord(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, txHash *chainhash.Hash, block *Block) (*TxRecord, error) {
k := keyTxRecord(txHash, block)
v := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketTxRecords).Get(k)
rec := new(TxRecord)
err := readRawTxRecord(txHash, v, rec)
return rec, err
// TODO: This reads more than necessary. Pass the pkscript location instead to
// avoid the wire.MsgTx deserialization.
func fetchRawTxRecordPkScript(k, v []byte, index uint32) ([]byte, error) {
var rec TxRecord
copy(rec.Hash[:], k) // Silly but need an array
err := readRawTxRecord(&rec.Hash, v, &rec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if int(index) >= len(rec.MsgTx.TxOut) {
str := "missing transaction output for credit index"
return nil, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
return rec.MsgTx.TxOut[index].PkScript, nil
func existsTxRecord(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, txHash *chainhash.Hash, block *Block) (k, v []byte) {
k = keyTxRecord(txHash, block)
v = ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketTxRecords).Get(k)
func existsRawTxRecord(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, k []byte) (v []byte) {
return ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketTxRecords).Get(k)
func deleteTxRecord(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, txHash *chainhash.Hash, block *Block) error {
k := keyTxRecord(txHash, block)
return ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketTxRecords).Delete(k)
// latestTxRecord searches for the newest recorded mined transaction record with
// a matching hash. In case of a hash collision, the record from the newest
// block is returned. Returns (nil, nil) if no matching transactions are found.
func latestTxRecord(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, txHash *chainhash.Hash) (k, v []byte) {
prefix := txHash[:]
c := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketTxRecords).ReadCursor()
ck, cv := c.Seek(prefix)
var lastKey, lastVal []byte
for bytes.HasPrefix(ck, prefix) {
lastKey, lastVal = ck, cv
ck, cv = c.Next()
return lastKey, lastVal
// All transaction credits (outputs) are keyed as such:
// [0:32] Transaction hash (32 bytes)
// [32:36] Block height (4 bytes)
// [36:68] Block hash (32 bytes)
// [68:72] Output index (4 bytes)
// The first 68 bytes match the key for the transaction record and may be used
// as a prefix filter to iterate through all credits in order.
// The credit value is serialized as such:
// [0:8] Amount (8 bytes)
// [8] Flags (1 byte)
// 0x01: Spent
// 0x02: Change
// [9:81] OPTIONAL Debit bucket key (72 bytes)
// [9:41] Spender transaction hash (32 bytes)
// [41:45] Spender block height (4 bytes)
// [45:77] Spender block hash (32 bytes)
// [77:81] Spender transaction input index (4 bytes)
// The optional debits key is only included if the credit is spent by another
// mined debit.
func keyCredit(txHash *chainhash.Hash, index uint32, block *Block) []byte {
k := make([]byte, 72)
copy(k, txHash[:])
byteOrder.PutUint32(k[32:36], uint32(block.Height))
copy(k[36:68], block.Hash[:])
byteOrder.PutUint32(k[68:72], index)
return k
// valueUnspentCredit creates a new credit value for an unspent credit. All
// credits are created unspent, and are only marked spent later, so there is no
// value function to create either spent or unspent credits.
func valueUnspentCredit(cred *credit) []byte {
v := make([]byte, 9)
byteOrder.PutUint64(v, uint64(cred.amount))
if cred.change {
v[8] |= 1 << 1
return v
func putRawCredit(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k, v []byte) error {
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketCredits).Put(k, v)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to put credit"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// putUnspentCredit puts a credit record for an unspent credit. It may only be
// used when the credit is already know to be unspent, or spent by an
// unconfirmed transaction.
func putUnspentCredit(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, cred *credit) error {
k := keyCredit(&cred.outPoint.Hash, cred.outPoint.Index, &cred.block)
v := valueUnspentCredit(cred)
return putRawCredit(ns, k, v)
func extractRawCreditTxRecordKey(k []byte) []byte {
return k[0:68]
func extractRawCreditIndex(k []byte) uint32 {
return byteOrder.Uint32(k[68:72])
// fetchRawCreditAmount returns the amount of the credit.
func fetchRawCreditAmount(v []byte) (btcutil.Amount, error) {
if len(v) < 9 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short read (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketCredits, 9, len(v))
return 0, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
return btcutil.Amount(byteOrder.Uint64(v)), nil
// fetchRawCreditAmountSpent returns the amount of the credit and whether the
// credit is spent.
func fetchRawCreditAmountSpent(v []byte) (btcutil.Amount, bool, error) {
if len(v) < 9 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short read (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketCredits, 9, len(v))
return 0, false, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
return btcutil.Amount(byteOrder.Uint64(v)), v[8]&(1<<0) != 0, nil
// fetchRawCreditAmountChange returns the amount of the credit and whether the
// credit is marked as change.
func fetchRawCreditAmountChange(v []byte) (btcutil.Amount, bool, error) {
if len(v) < 9 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short read (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketCredits, 9, len(v))
return 0, false, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
return btcutil.Amount(byteOrder.Uint64(v)), v[8]&(1<<1) != 0, nil
// fetchRawCreditUnspentValue returns the unspent value for a raw credit key.
// This may be used to mark a credit as unspent.
func fetchRawCreditUnspentValue(k []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(k) < 72 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short key (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketCredits, 72, len(k))
return nil, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
return k[32:68], nil
// spendRawCredit marks the credit with a given key as mined at some particular
// block as spent by the input at some transaction incidence. The debited
// amount is returned.
func spendCredit(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k []byte, spender *indexedIncidence) (btcutil.Amount, error) {
v := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketCredits).Get(k)
newv := make([]byte, 81)
copy(newv, v)
v = newv
v[8] |= 1 << 0
copy(v[9:41], spender.txHash[:])
byteOrder.PutUint32(v[41:45], uint32(spender.block.Height))
copy(v[45:77], spender.block.Hash[:])
byteOrder.PutUint32(v[77:81], spender.index)
return btcutil.Amount(byteOrder.Uint64(v[0:8])), putRawCredit(ns, k, v)
// unspendRawCredit rewrites the credit for the given key as unspent. The
// output amount of the credit is returned. It returns without error if no
// credit exists for the key.
func unspendRawCredit(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k []byte) (btcutil.Amount, error) {
b := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketCredits)
v := b.Get(k)
if v == nil {
return 0, nil
newv := make([]byte, 9)
copy(newv, v)
newv[8] &^= 1 << 0
err := b.Put(k, newv)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to put credit"
return 0, storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return btcutil.Amount(byteOrder.Uint64(v[0:8])), nil
func existsCredit(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, txHash *chainhash.Hash, index uint32, block *Block) (k, v []byte) {
k = keyCredit(txHash, index, block)
v = ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketCredits).Get(k)
func existsRawCredit(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, k []byte) []byte {
return ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketCredits).Get(k)
func deleteRawCredit(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k []byte) error {
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketCredits).Delete(k)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to delete credit"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// creditIterator allows for in-order iteration of all credit records for a
// mined transaction.
// Example usage:
// prefix := keyTxRecord(txHash, block)
// it := makeCreditIterator(ns, prefix)
// for it.next() {
// // Use it.elem
// // If necessary, read additional details from it.ck, it.cv
// }
// if it.err != nil {
// // Handle error
// }
// The elem's Spent field is not set to true if the credit is spent by an
// unmined transaction. To check for this case:
// k := canonicalOutPoint(&txHash, it.elem.Index)
// it.elem.Spent = existsRawUnminedInput(ns, k) != nil
type creditIterator struct {
c walletdb.ReadWriteCursor // Set to nil after final iteration
prefix []byte
ck []byte
cv []byte
elem CreditRecord
err error
func makeCreditIterator(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, prefix []byte) creditIterator {
c := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketCredits).ReadWriteCursor()
return creditIterator{c: c, prefix: prefix}
func makeReadCreditIterator(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, prefix []byte) creditIterator {
c := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketCredits).ReadCursor()
return creditIterator{c: readCursor{c}, prefix: prefix}
func (it *creditIterator) readElem() error {
if len(it.ck) < 72 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short key (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketCredits, 72, len(it.ck))
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
if len(it.cv) < 9 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short read (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketCredits, 9, len(it.cv))
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
it.elem.Index = byteOrder.Uint32(it.ck[68:72])
it.elem.Amount = btcutil.Amount(byteOrder.Uint64(it.cv))
it.elem.Spent = it.cv[8]&(1<<0) != 0
it.elem.Change = it.cv[8]&(1<<1) != 0
return nil
func (it *creditIterator) next() bool {
if it.c == nil {
return false
if it.ck == nil {
it.ck, it.cv = it.c.Seek(it.prefix)
} else {
it.ck, it.cv = it.c.Next()
if !bytes.HasPrefix(it.ck, it.prefix) {
it.c = nil
return false
err := it.readElem()
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return true
// The unspent index records all outpoints for mined credits which are not spent
// by any other mined transaction records (but may be spent by a mempool
// transaction).
// Keys are use the canonical outpoint serialization:
// [0:32] Transaction hash (32 bytes)
// [32:36] Output index (4 bytes)
// Values are serialized as such:
// [0:4] Block height (4 bytes)
// [4:36] Block hash (32 bytes)
func valueUnspent(block *Block) []byte {
v := make([]byte, 36)
byteOrder.PutUint32(v, uint32(block.Height))
copy(v[4:36], block.Hash[:])
return v
func putUnspent(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, outPoint *wire.OutPoint, block *Block) error {
k := canonicalOutPoint(&outPoint.Hash, outPoint.Index)
v := valueUnspent(block)
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketUnspent).Put(k, v)
if err != nil {
str := "cannot put unspent"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
func putRawUnspent(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k, v []byte) error {
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketUnspent).Put(k, v)
if err != nil {
str := "cannot put unspent"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
func readUnspentBlock(v []byte, block *Block) error {
if len(v) < 36 {
str := "short unspent value"
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
block.Height = int32(byteOrder.Uint32(v))
copy(block.Hash[:], v[4:36])
return nil
// existsUnspent returns the key for the unspent output and the corresponding
// key for the credits bucket. If there is no unspent output recorded, the
// credit key is nil.
func existsUnspent(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, outPoint *wire.OutPoint) (k, credKey []byte) {
k = canonicalOutPoint(&outPoint.Hash, outPoint.Index)
credKey = existsRawUnspent(ns, k)
return k, credKey
// existsRawUnspent returns the credit key if there exists an output recorded
// for the raw unspent key. It returns nil if the k/v pair does not exist.
func existsRawUnspent(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, k []byte) (credKey []byte) {
if len(k) < 36 {
return nil
v := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketUnspent).Get(k)
if len(v) < 36 {
return nil
credKey = make([]byte, 72)
copy(credKey, k[:32])
copy(credKey[32:68], v)
copy(credKey[68:72], k[32:36])
return credKey
func deleteRawUnspent(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k []byte) error {
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketUnspent).Delete(k)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to delete unspent"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// All transaction debits (inputs which spend credits) are keyed as such:
// [0:32] Transaction hash (32 bytes)
// [32:36] Block height (4 bytes)
// [36:68] Block hash (32 bytes)
// [68:72] Input index (4 bytes)
// The first 68 bytes match the key for the transaction record and may be used
// as a prefix filter to iterate through all debits in order.
// The debit value is serialized as such:
// [0:8] Amount (8 bytes)
// [8:80] Credits bucket key (72 bytes)
// [8:40] Transaction hash (32 bytes)
// [40:44] Block height (4 bytes)
// [44:76] Block hash (32 bytes)
// [76:80] Output index (4 bytes)
func keyDebit(txHash *chainhash.Hash, index uint32, block *Block) []byte {
k := make([]byte, 72)
copy(k, txHash[:])
byteOrder.PutUint32(k[32:36], uint32(block.Height))
copy(k[36:68], block.Hash[:])
byteOrder.PutUint32(k[68:72], index)
return k
func putDebit(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, txHash *chainhash.Hash, index uint32, amount btcutil.Amount, block *Block, credKey []byte) error {
k := keyDebit(txHash, index, block)
v := make([]byte, 80)
byteOrder.PutUint64(v, uint64(amount))
copy(v[8:80], credKey)
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketDebits).Put(k, v)
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to update debit %s input %d",
txHash, index)
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
func extractRawDebitCreditKey(v []byte) []byte {
return v[8:80]
// existsDebit checks for the existance of a debit. If found, the debit and
// previous credit keys are returned. If the debit does not exist, both keys
// are nil.
func existsDebit(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, txHash *chainhash.Hash, index uint32, block *Block) (k, credKey []byte, err error) {
k = keyDebit(txHash, index, block)
v := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketDebits).Get(k)
if v == nil {
return nil, nil, nil
if len(v) < 80 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short read (expected 80 bytes, read %v)",
bucketDebits, len(v))
return nil, nil, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
return k, v[8:80], nil
func deleteRawDebit(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k []byte) error {
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketDebits).Delete(k)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to delete debit"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// debitIterator allows for in-order iteration of all debit records for a
// mined transaction.
// Example usage:
// prefix := keyTxRecord(txHash, block)
// it := makeDebitIterator(ns, prefix)
// for it.next() {
// // Use it.elem
// // If necessary, read additional details from it.ck, it.cv
// }
// if it.err != nil {
// // Handle error
// }
type debitIterator struct {
c walletdb.ReadWriteCursor // Set to nil after final iteration
prefix []byte
ck []byte
cv []byte
elem DebitRecord
err error
func makeDebitIterator(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, prefix []byte) debitIterator {
c := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketDebits).ReadWriteCursor()
return debitIterator{c: c, prefix: prefix}
func makeReadDebitIterator(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, prefix []byte) debitIterator {
c := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketDebits).ReadCursor()
return debitIterator{c: readCursor{c}, prefix: prefix}
func (it *debitIterator) readElem() error {
if len(it.ck) < 72 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short key (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketDebits, 72, len(it.ck))
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
if len(it.cv) < 80 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: short read (expected %d bytes, read %d)",
bucketDebits, 80, len(it.cv))
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
it.elem.Index = byteOrder.Uint32(it.ck[68:72])
it.elem.Amount = btcutil.Amount(byteOrder.Uint64(it.cv))
return nil
func (it *debitIterator) next() bool {
if it.c == nil {
return false
if it.ck == nil {
it.ck, it.cv = it.c.Seek(it.prefix)
} else {
it.ck, it.cv = it.c.Next()
if !bytes.HasPrefix(it.ck, it.prefix) {
it.c = nil
return false
err := it.readElem()
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return true
// All unmined transactions are saved in the unmined bucket keyed by the
// transaction hash. The value matches that of mined transaction records:
// [0:8] Received time (8 bytes)
// [8:] Serialized transaction (varies)
func putRawUnmined(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k, v []byte) error {
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketUnmined).Put(k, v)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to put unmined record"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
func readRawUnminedHash(k []byte, txHash *chainhash.Hash) error {
if len(k) < 32 {
str := "short unmined key"
return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
copy(txHash[:], k)
return nil
func existsRawUnmined(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, k []byte) (v []byte) {
return ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketUnmined).Get(k)
func deleteRawUnmined(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k []byte) error {
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketUnmined).Delete(k)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to delete unmined record"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// Unmined transaction credits use the canonical serialization format:
// [0:32] Transaction hash (32 bytes)
// [32:36] Output index (4 bytes)
// The value matches the format used by mined credits, but the spent flag is
// never set and the optional debit record is never included. The simplified
// format is thus:
// [0:8] Amount (8 bytes)
// [8] Flags (1 byte)
// 0x02: Change
func valueUnminedCredit(amount btcutil.Amount, change bool) []byte {
v := make([]byte, 9)
byteOrder.PutUint64(v, uint64(amount))
if change {
v[8] = 1 << 1
return v
func putRawUnminedCredit(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k, v []byte) error {
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketUnminedCredits).Put(k, v)
if err != nil {
str := "cannot put unmined credit"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
func fetchRawUnminedCreditIndex(k []byte) (uint32, error) {
if len(k) < 36 {
str := "short unmined credit key"
return 0, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
return byteOrder.Uint32(k[32:36]), nil
func fetchRawUnminedCreditAmount(v []byte) (btcutil.Amount, error) {
if len(v) < 9 {
str := "short unmined credit value"
return 0, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
return btcutil.Amount(byteOrder.Uint64(v)), nil
func fetchRawUnminedCreditAmountChange(v []byte) (btcutil.Amount, bool, error) {
if len(v) < 9 {
str := "short unmined credit value"
return 0, false, storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
amt := btcutil.Amount(byteOrder.Uint64(v))
change := v[8]&(1<<1) != 0
return amt, change, nil
func existsRawUnminedCredit(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, k []byte) []byte {
return ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketUnminedCredits).Get(k)
func deleteRawUnminedCredit(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k []byte) error {
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketUnminedCredits).Delete(k)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to delete unmined credit"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// unminedCreditIterator allows for cursor iteration over all credits, in order,
// from a single unmined transaction.
// Example usage:
// it := makeUnminedCreditIterator(ns, txHash)
// for it.next() {
// // Use it.elem, it.ck and it.cv
// // Optionally, use it.delete() to remove this k/v pair
// }
// if it.err != nil {
// // Handle error
// }
// The spentness of the credit is not looked up for performance reasons (because
// for unspent credits, it requires another lookup in another bucket). If this
// is needed, it may be checked like this:
// spent := existsRawUnminedInput(ns, it.ck) != nil
type unminedCreditIterator struct {
c walletdb.ReadWriteCursor
prefix []byte
ck []byte
cv []byte
elem CreditRecord
err error
type readCursor struct {
func (r readCursor) Delete() error {
str := "failed to delete current cursor item from read-only cursor"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, walletdb.ErrTxNotWritable)
func makeUnminedCreditIterator(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, txHash *chainhash.Hash) unminedCreditIterator {
c := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketUnminedCredits).ReadWriteCursor()
return unminedCreditIterator{c: c, prefix: txHash[:]}
func makeReadUnminedCreditIterator(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, txHash *chainhash.Hash) unminedCreditIterator {
c := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketUnminedCredits).ReadCursor()
return unminedCreditIterator{c: readCursor{c}, prefix: txHash[:]}
func (it *unminedCreditIterator) readElem() error {
index, err := fetchRawUnminedCreditIndex(it.ck)
if err != nil {
return err
amount, change, err := fetchRawUnminedCreditAmountChange(it.cv)
if err != nil {
return err
it.elem.Index = index
it.elem.Amount = amount
it.elem.Change = change
// Spent intentionally not set
return nil
func (it *unminedCreditIterator) next() bool {
if it.c == nil {
return false
if it.ck == nil {
it.ck, it.cv = it.c.Seek(it.prefix)
} else {
it.ck, it.cv = it.c.Next()
if !bytes.HasPrefix(it.ck, it.prefix) {
it.c = nil
return false
err := it.readElem()
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return true
// unavailable until https://github.com/boltdb/bolt/issues/620 is fixed.
// func (it *unminedCreditIterator) delete() error {
// err := it.c.Delete()
// if err != nil {
// str := "failed to delete unmined credit"
// return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
// }
// return nil
// }
func (it *unminedCreditIterator) reposition(txHash *chainhash.Hash, index uint32) {
it.c.Seek(canonicalOutPoint(txHash, index))
// Outpoints spent by unmined transactions are saved in the unmined inputs
// bucket. This bucket maps between each previous output spent, for both mined
// and unmined transactions, to the hash of the unmined transaction.
// The key is serialized as such:
// [0:32] Transaction hash (32 bytes)
// [32:36] Output index (4 bytes)
// The value is serialized as such:
// [0:32] Transaction hash (32 bytes)
// putRawUnminedInput maintains a list of unmined transaction hashes that have
// spent an outpoint. Each entry in the bucket is keyed by the outpoint being
// spent.
func putRawUnminedInput(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, k, v []byte) error {
spendTxHashes := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketUnminedInputs).Get(k)
spendTxHashes = append(spendTxHashes, v...)
err := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketUnminedInputs).Put(k, spendTxHashes)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to put unmined input"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
func existsRawUnminedInput(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, k []byte) (v []byte) {
return ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketUnminedInputs).Get(k)
// fetchUnminedInputSpendTxHashes fetches the list of unmined transactions that
// spend the serialized outpoint.
func fetchUnminedInputSpendTxHashes(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, k []byte) []chainhash.Hash {
rawSpendTxHashes := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketUnminedInputs).Get(k)
if rawSpendTxHashes == nil {
return nil
// Each transaction hash is 32 bytes.
spendTxHashes := make([]chainhash.Hash, 0, len(rawSpendTxHashes)/32)
for len(rawSpendTxHashes) > 0 {
var spendTxHash chainhash.Hash
copy(spendTxHash[:], rawSpendTxHashes[:32])
spendTxHashes = append(spendTxHashes, spendTxHash)
rawSpendTxHashes = rawSpendTxHashes[32:]
return spendTxHashes
// deleteRawUnminedInput removes a spending transaction entry from the list of
// spending transactions for a given input.
func deleteRawUnminedInput(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, outPointKey []byte,
targetSpendHash chainhash.Hash) error {
// We'll start by fetching all of the possible spending transactions.
unminedInputs := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketUnminedInputs)
spendHashes := unminedInputs.Get(outPointKey)
if len(spendHashes) == 0 {
return nil
// We'll iterate through them and pick all the ones that don't match the
// specified spending transaction.
var newSpendHashes []byte
numHashes := len(spendHashes) / 32
for i, idx := 0, 0; i < numHashes; i, idx = i+1, idx+32 {
spendHash := spendHashes[idx : idx+32]
if !bytes.Equal(targetSpendHash[:], spendHash) {
newSpendHashes = append(newSpendHashes, spendHash...)
// If there aren't any entries left after filtering them, then we can
// remove the record completely. Otherwise, we'll store the filtered
// records.
var err error
if len(newSpendHashes) == 0 {
err = unminedInputs.Delete(outPointKey)
} else {
err = unminedInputs.Put(outPointKey, newSpendHashes)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to delete unmined input spend"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// serializeLockedOutput serializes the value of a locked output.
func serializeLockedOutput(id LockID, expiry time.Time) []byte {
var v [len(id) + 8]byte
copy(v[:len(id)], id[:])
byteOrder.PutUint64(v[len(id):], uint64(expiry.Unix()))
return v[:]
// deserializeLockedOutput deserializes the value of a locked output.
func deserializeLockedOutput(v []byte) (LockID, time.Time) {
var id LockID
copy(id[:], v[:len(id)])
expiry := time.Unix(int64(byteOrder.Uint64(v[len(id):])), 0)
return id, expiry
// isLockedOutput determines whether an output is locked. If it is, its assigned
// ID is returned, along with its absolute expiration time. If the output lock
// exists, but its expiration has been met, then the output is considered
// unlocked.
func isLockedOutput(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, op wire.OutPoint,
timeNow time.Time) (LockID, time.Time, bool) {
// The bucket may not exist, indicating that no outputs have ever been
// locked, so we can just return now.
lockedOutputs := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketLockedOutputs)
if lockedOutputs == nil {
return LockID{}, time.Time{}, false
// Retrieve the output lock, if any, and extract the relevant fields.
k := canonicalOutPoint(&op.Hash, op.Index)
v := lockedOutputs.Get(k)
if v == nil {
return LockID{}, time.Time{}, false
lockID, expiry := deserializeLockedOutput(v)
// If the output lock has already expired, delete it now.
if !timeNow.Before(expiry) {
return LockID{}, time.Time{}, false
return lockID, expiry, true
// lockOutput creates a lock for `duration` over an output assigned to the `id`,
// preventing it from becoming eligible for coin selection.
func lockOutput(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, id LockID, op wire.OutPoint,
expiry time.Time) error {
// Create the corresponding bucket if necessary.
lockedOutputs, err := ns.CreateBucketIfNotExists(bucketLockedOutputs)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create locked outputs bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
// Store a mapping of outpoint -> (id, expiry).
k := canonicalOutPoint(&op.Hash, op.Index)
v := serializeLockedOutput(id, expiry)
if err := lockedOutputs.Put(k, v[:]); err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: put failed for %v", bucketLockedOutputs,
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// unlockOutput removes a lock over an output, making it eligible for coin
// selection if still unspent.
func unlockOutput(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, op wire.OutPoint) error {
// The bucket may not exist, indicating that no outputs have ever been
// locked, so we can just return now.
lockedOutputs := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(bucketLockedOutputs)
if lockedOutputs == nil {
return nil
// Delete the key-value pair representing the output lock.
k := canonicalOutPoint(&op.Hash, op.Index)
if err := lockedOutputs.Delete(k); err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s: delete failed for %v",
bucketLockedOutputs, op)
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// forEachLockedOutput iterates over all existing locked outputs and invokes the
// callback `f` for each.
func forEachLockedOutput(ns walletdb.ReadBucket,
f func(wire.OutPoint, LockID, time.Time)) error {
// The bucket may not exist, indicating that no outputs have ever been
// locked, so we can just return now.
lockedOutputs := ns.NestedReadBucket(bucketLockedOutputs)
if lockedOutputs == nil {
return nil
return lockedOutputs.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
var op wire.OutPoint
if err := readCanonicalOutPoint(k, &op); err != nil {
return err
lockID, expiry := deserializeLockedOutput(v)
f(op, lockID, expiry)
return nil
// openStore opens an existing transaction store from the passed namespace.
func openStore(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) error {
version, err := fetchVersion(ns)
if err != nil {
return err
latestVersion := getLatestVersion()
if version < latestVersion {
str := fmt.Sprintf("a database upgrade is required to upgrade "+
"wtxmgr from recorded version %d to the latest version %d",
version, latestVersion)
return storeError(ErrNeedsUpgrade, str, nil)
if version > latestVersion {
str := fmt.Sprintf("version recorded version %d is newer that "+
"latest understood version %d", version, latestVersion)
return storeError(ErrUnknownVersion, str, nil)
return nil
// createStore creates the tx store (with the latest db version) in the passed
// namespace. If a store already exists, ErrAlreadyExists is returned.
func createStore(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket) error {
// Ensure that nothing currently exists in the namespace bucket.
ck, cv := ns.ReadCursor().First()
if ck != nil || cv != nil {
const str = "namespace is not empty"
return storeError(ErrAlreadyExists, str, nil)
// Write the latest store version.
if err := putVersion(ns, getLatestVersion()); err != nil {
return err
// Save the creation date of the store.
var v [8]byte
byteOrder.PutUint64(v[:], uint64(time.Now().Unix()))
err := ns.Put(rootCreateDate, v[:])
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store database creation time"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
// Write a zero balance.
byteOrder.PutUint64(v[:], 0)
err = ns.Put(rootMinedBalance, v[:])
if err != nil {
str := "failed to write zero balance"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
// Finally, create all of our required descendant buckets.
return createBuckets(ns)
// createBuckets creates all of the descendants buckets required for the
// transaction store to properly carry its duties.
func createBuckets(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket) error {
if _, err := ns.CreateBucket(bucketBlocks); err != nil {
str := "failed to create blocks bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if _, err := ns.CreateBucket(bucketTxRecords); err != nil {
str := "failed to create tx records bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if _, err := ns.CreateBucket(bucketCredits); err != nil {
str := "failed to create credits bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if _, err := ns.CreateBucket(bucketDebits); err != nil {
str := "failed to create debits bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if _, err := ns.CreateBucket(bucketUnspent); err != nil {
str := "failed to create unspent bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if _, err := ns.CreateBucket(bucketUnmined); err != nil {
str := "failed to create unmined bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if _, err := ns.CreateBucket(bucketUnminedCredits); err != nil {
str := "failed to create unmined credits bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if _, err := ns.CreateBucket(bucketUnminedInputs); err != nil {
str := "failed to create unmined inputs bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if _, err := ns.CreateBucket(bucketLockedOutputs); err != nil {
str := "failed to create locked outputs bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// deleteBuckets deletes all of the descendants buckets required for the
// transaction store to properly carry its duties.
func deleteBuckets(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket) error {
if err := ns.DeleteNestedBucket(bucketBlocks); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete blocks bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if err := ns.DeleteNestedBucket(bucketTxRecords); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete tx records bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if err := ns.DeleteNestedBucket(bucketCredits); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete credits bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if err := ns.DeleteNestedBucket(bucketDebits); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete debits bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if err := ns.DeleteNestedBucket(bucketUnspent); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete unspent bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if err := ns.DeleteNestedBucket(bucketUnmined); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete unmined bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if err := ns.DeleteNestedBucket(bucketUnminedCredits); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete unmined credits bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if err := ns.DeleteNestedBucket(bucketUnminedInputs); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete unmined inputs bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if err := ns.DeleteNestedBucket(bucketLockedOutputs); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete locked outputs bucket"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// putVersion modifies the version of the store to reflect the given version
// number.
func putVersion(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, version uint32) error {
var v [4]byte
byteOrder.PutUint32(v[:], version)
if err := ns.Put(rootVersion, v[:]); err != nil {
str := "failed to store database version"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// fetchVersion fetches the current version of the store.
func fetchVersion(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) (uint32, error) {
v := ns.Get(rootVersion)
if len(v) != 4 {
str := "no transaction store exists in namespace"
return 0, storeError(ErrNoExists, str, nil)
return byteOrder.Uint32(v), nil
func scopedUpdate(db walletdb.DB, namespaceKey []byte, f func(walletdb.ReadWriteBucket) error) error {
tx, err := db.BeginReadWriteTx()
if err != nil {
str := "cannot begin update"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
err = f(tx.ReadWriteBucket(namespaceKey))
if err != nil {
rollbackErr := tx.Rollback()
if rollbackErr != nil {
const desc = "rollback failed"
serr, ok := err.(Error)
if !ok {
// This really shouldn't happen.
return storeError(ErrDatabase, desc, rollbackErr)
serr.Desc = desc + ": " + serr.Desc
return serr
return err
err = tx.Commit()
if err != nil {
str := "commit failed"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
func scopedView(db walletdb.DB, namespaceKey []byte, f func(walletdb.ReadBucket) error) error {
tx, err := db.BeginReadTx()
if err != nil {
str := "cannot begin view"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
err = f(tx.ReadBucket(namespaceKey))
rollbackErr := tx.Rollback()
if err != nil {
return err
if rollbackErr != nil {
str := "cannot close view"
return storeError(ErrDatabase, str, rollbackErr)
return nil