Doing that may cause erratic test failures when we run them in parallel, so move the functions the tests need to mock as struct fields that are not shared across tests.
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* Copyright (c) 2015 The btcsuite developers
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
package votingpool
import (
// Maximum tx size (in bytes). This should be the same as bitcoind's
const txMaxSize = 100000
// feeIncrement is the minimum transation fee (0.00001 BTC, measured in satoshis)
// added to transactions requiring a fee.
const feeIncrement = 1e3
type outputStatus byte
const (
statusSuccess outputStatus = iota
// OutBailmentID is the unique ID of a user's outbailment, comprising the
// name of the server the user connected to, and the transaction number,
// internal to that server.
type OutBailmentID string
// Ntxid is the normalized ID of a given bitcoin transaction, which is generated
// by hashing the serialized tx with blank sig scripts on all inputs.
type Ntxid string
// OutputRequest represents one of the outputs (address/amount) requested by a
// withdrawal, and includes information about the user's outbailment request.
type OutputRequest struct {
Address btcutil.Address
Amount btcutil.Amount
PkScript []byte
// The notary server that received the outbailment request.
Server string
// The server-specific transaction number for the outbailment request.
Transaction uint32
// cachedHash is used to cache the hash of the outBailmentID so it
// only has to be calculated once.
cachedHash []byte
// WithdrawalOutput represents a possibly fulfilled OutputRequest.
type WithdrawalOutput struct {
request OutputRequest
status outputStatus
// The outpoints that fulfill the OutputRequest. There will be more than one in case we
// need to split the request across multiple transactions.
outpoints []OutBailmentOutpoint
// OutBailmentOutpoint represents one of the outpoints created to fulfill an OutputRequest.
type OutBailmentOutpoint struct {
ntxid Ntxid
index uint32
amount btcutil.Amount
// changeAwareTx is just a wrapper around wire.MsgTx that knows about its change
// output, if any.
type changeAwareTx struct {
changeIdx int32 // -1 if there's no change output.
// WithdrawalStatus contains the details of a processed withdrawal, including
// the status of each requested output, the total amount of network fees and the
// next input and change addresses to use in a subsequent withdrawal request.
type WithdrawalStatus struct {
nextInputAddr WithdrawalAddress
nextChangeAddr ChangeAddress
fees btcutil.Amount
outputs map[OutBailmentID]*WithdrawalOutput
sigs map[Ntxid]TxSigs
transactions map[Ntxid]changeAwareTx
// withdrawalInfo contains all the details of an existing withdrawal, including
// the original request parameters and the WithdrawalStatus returned by
// StartWithdrawal.
type withdrawalInfo struct {
requests []OutputRequest
startAddress WithdrawalAddress
changeStart ChangeAddress
lastSeriesID uint32
dustThreshold btcutil.Amount
status WithdrawalStatus
// TxSigs is list of raw signatures (one for every pubkey in the multi-sig
// script) for a given transaction input. They should match the order of pubkeys
// in the script and an empty RawSig should be used when the private key for a
// pubkey is not known.
type TxSigs [][]RawSig
// RawSig represents one of the signatures included in the unlocking script of
// inputs spending from P2SH UTXOs.
type RawSig []byte
// byAmount defines the methods needed to satisify sort.Interface to
// sort a slice of OutputRequests by their amount.
type byAmount []OutputRequest
func (u byAmount) Len() int { return len(u) }
func (u byAmount) Less(i, j int) bool { return u[i].Amount < u[j].Amount }
func (u byAmount) Swap(i, j int) { u[i], u[j] = u[j], u[i] }
// byOutBailmentID defines the methods needed to satisify sort.Interface to sort
// a slice of OutputRequests by their outBailmentIDHash.
type byOutBailmentID []OutputRequest
func (s byOutBailmentID) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s byOutBailmentID) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s byOutBailmentID) Less(i, j int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(s[i].outBailmentIDHash(), s[j].outBailmentIDHash()) < 0
func (s outputStatus) String() string {
strings := map[outputStatus]string{
statusSuccess: "success",
statusPartial: "partial-",
statusSplit: "split",
return strings[s]
func (tx *changeAwareTx) addSelfToStore(store *wtxmgr.Store) error {
rec, err := wtxmgr.NewTxRecordFromMsgTx(tx.MsgTx, time.Now())
if err != nil {
return newError(ErrWithdrawalTxStorage, "error constructing TxRecord for storing", err)
if err := store.InsertTx(rec, nil); err != nil {
return newError(ErrWithdrawalTxStorage, "error adding tx to store", err)
if tx.changeIdx != -1 {
if err = store.AddCredit(rec, nil, uint32(tx.changeIdx), true); err != nil {
return newError(ErrWithdrawalTxStorage, "error adding tx credits to store", err)
return nil
// Outputs returns a map of outbailment IDs to WithdrawalOutputs for all outputs
// requested in this withdrawal.
func (s *WithdrawalStatus) Outputs() map[OutBailmentID]*WithdrawalOutput {
return s.outputs
// Sigs returns a map of ntxids to signature lists for every input in the tx
// with that ntxid.
func (s *WithdrawalStatus) Sigs() map[Ntxid]TxSigs {
return s.sigs
// Fees returns the total amount of network fees included in all transactions
// generated as part of a withdrawal.
func (s *WithdrawalStatus) Fees() btcutil.Amount {
return s.fees
// NextInputAddr returns the votingpool address that should be used as the
// startAddress of subsequent withdrawals.
func (s *WithdrawalStatus) NextInputAddr() WithdrawalAddress {
return s.nextInputAddr
// NextChangeAddr returns the votingpool address that should be used as the
// changeStart of subsequent withdrawals.
func (s *WithdrawalStatus) NextChangeAddr() ChangeAddress {
return s.nextChangeAddr
// String makes OutputRequest satisfy the Stringer interface.
func (r OutputRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("OutputRequest %s to send %v to %s", r.outBailmentID(), r.Amount, r.Address)
func (r OutputRequest) outBailmentID() OutBailmentID {
return OutBailmentID(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", r.Server, r.Transaction))
// outBailmentIDHash returns a byte slice which is used when sorting
// OutputRequests.
func (r OutputRequest) outBailmentIDHash() []byte {
if r.cachedHash != nil {
return r.cachedHash
str := r.Server + strconv.Itoa(int(r.Transaction))
hasher := fastsha256.New()
// hasher.Write() always returns nil as the error, so it's safe to ignore it here.
_, _ = hasher.Write([]byte(str))
id := hasher.Sum(nil)
r.cachedHash = id
return id
func (o *WithdrawalOutput) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("WithdrawalOutput for %s", o.request)
func (o *WithdrawalOutput) addOutpoint(outpoint OutBailmentOutpoint) {
o.outpoints = append(o.outpoints, outpoint)
// Status returns the status of this WithdrawalOutput.
func (o *WithdrawalOutput) Status() string {
return o.status.String()
// Address returns the string representation of this WithdrawalOutput's address.
func (o *WithdrawalOutput) Address() string {
return o.request.Address.String()
// Outpoints returns a slice containing the OutBailmentOutpoints created to
// fulfill this output.
func (o *WithdrawalOutput) Outpoints() []OutBailmentOutpoint {
return o.outpoints
// Amount returns the amount (in satoshis) in this OutBailmentOutpoint.
func (o OutBailmentOutpoint) Amount() btcutil.Amount {
return o.amount
// withdrawal holds all the state needed for Pool.Withdrawal() to do its job.
type withdrawal struct {
roundID uint32
status *WithdrawalStatus
transactions []*withdrawalTx
pendingRequests []OutputRequest
eligibleInputs []credit
current *withdrawalTx
// txOptions is a function called for every new withdrawalTx created as
// part of this withdrawal. It is defined as a function field because it
// exists mainly so that tests can mock withdrawalTx fields.
txOptions func(tx *withdrawalTx)
// withdrawalTxOut wraps an OutputRequest and provides a separate amount field.
// It is necessary because some requests may be partially fulfilled or split
// across transactions.
type withdrawalTxOut struct {
// Notice that in the case of a split output, the OutputRequest here will
// be a copy of the original one with the amount being the remainder of the
// originally requested amount minus the amounts fulfilled by other
// withdrawalTxOut. The original OutputRequest, if needed, can be obtained
// from WithdrawalStatus.outputs.
request OutputRequest
amount btcutil.Amount
// String makes withdrawalTxOut satisfy the Stringer interface.
func (o *withdrawalTxOut) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("withdrawalTxOut fulfilling %v of %s", o.amount, o.request)
func (o *withdrawalTxOut) pkScript() []byte {
return o.request.PkScript
// withdrawalTx represents a transaction constructed by the withdrawal process.
type withdrawalTx struct {
inputs []credit
outputs []*withdrawalTxOut
fee btcutil.Amount
// changeOutput holds information about the change for this transaction.
changeOutput *wire.TxOut
// calculateSize returns the estimated serialized size (in bytes) of this
// tx. See calculateTxSize() for details on how that's done. We use a
// struct field instead of a method so that it can be replaced in tests.
calculateSize func() int
// calculateFee calculates the expected network fees for this tx. We use a
// struct field instead of a method so that it can be replaced in tests.
calculateFee func() btcutil.Amount
// newWithdrawalTx creates a new withdrawalTx and calls setOptions()
// passing the newly created tx.
func newWithdrawalTx(setOptions func(tx *withdrawalTx)) *withdrawalTx {
tx := &withdrawalTx{}
tx.calculateSize = func() int { return calculateTxSize(tx) }
tx.calculateFee = func() btcutil.Amount {
return btcutil.Amount(1+tx.calculateSize()/1000) * feeIncrement
return tx
// ntxid returns the unique ID for this transaction.
func (tx *withdrawalTx) ntxid() Ntxid {
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
var empty []byte
for _, txin := range msgtx.TxIn {
txin.SignatureScript = empty
return Ntxid(msgtx.TxSha().String())
// isTooBig returns true if the size (in bytes) of the given tx is greater
// than or equal to txMaxSize.
func (tx *withdrawalTx) isTooBig() bool {
// In bitcoind a tx is considered standard only if smaller than
// MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIZE; that's why we consider anything >= txMaxSize to
// be too big.
return tx.calculateSize() >= txMaxSize
// inputTotal returns the sum amount of all inputs in this tx.
func (tx *withdrawalTx) inputTotal() (total btcutil.Amount) {
for _, input := range tx.inputs {
total += input.Amount
return total
// outputTotal returns the sum amount of all outputs in this tx. It does not
// include the amount for the change output, in case the tx has one.
func (tx *withdrawalTx) outputTotal() (total btcutil.Amount) {
for _, output := range tx.outputs {
total += output.amount
return total
// hasChange returns true if this transaction has a change output.
func (tx *withdrawalTx) hasChange() bool {
return tx.changeOutput != nil
// toMsgTx generates a btcwire.MsgTx with this tx's inputs and outputs.
func (tx *withdrawalTx) toMsgTx() *wire.MsgTx {
msgtx := wire.NewMsgTx()
for _, o := range tx.outputs {
msgtx.AddTxOut(wire.NewTxOut(int64(o.amount), o.pkScript()))
if tx.hasChange() {
for _, i := range tx.inputs {
msgtx.AddTxIn(wire.NewTxIn(&i.OutPoint, []byte{}))
return msgtx
// addOutput adds a new output to this transaction.
func (tx *withdrawalTx) addOutput(request OutputRequest) {
log.Debugf("Added tx output sending %s to %s", request.Amount, request.Address)
tx.outputs = append(tx.outputs, &withdrawalTxOut{request: request, amount: request.Amount})
// removeOutput removes the last added output and returns it.
func (tx *withdrawalTx) removeOutput() *withdrawalTxOut {
removed := tx.outputs[len(tx.outputs)-1]
tx.outputs = tx.outputs[:len(tx.outputs)-1]
log.Debugf("Removed tx output sending %s to %s", removed.amount, removed.request.Address)
return removed
// addInput adds a new input to this transaction.
func (tx *withdrawalTx) addInput(input credit) {
log.Debugf("Added tx input with amount %v", input.Amount)
tx.inputs = append(tx.inputs, input)
// removeInput removes the last added input and returns it.
func (tx *withdrawalTx) removeInput() credit {
removed := tx.inputs[len(tx.inputs)-1]
tx.inputs = tx.inputs[:len(tx.inputs)-1]
log.Debugf("Removed tx input with amount %v", removed.Amount)
return removed
// addChange adds a change output if there are any satoshis left after paying
// all the outputs and network fees. It returns true if a change output was
// added.
// This method must be called only once, and no extra inputs/outputs should be
// added after it's called. Also, callsites must make sure adding a change
// output won't cause the tx to exceed the size limit.
func (tx *withdrawalTx) addChange(pkScript []byte) bool {
tx.fee = tx.calculateFee()
change := tx.inputTotal() - tx.outputTotal() - tx.fee
log.Debugf("addChange: input total %v, output total %v, fee %v", tx.inputTotal(),
tx.outputTotal(), tx.fee)
if change > 0 {
tx.changeOutput = wire.NewTxOut(int64(change), pkScript)
log.Debugf("Added change output with amount %v", change)
return tx.hasChange()
// rollBackLastOutput will roll back the last added output and possibly remove
// inputs that are no longer needed to cover the remaining outputs. The method
// returns the removed output and the removed inputs, in the reverse order they
// were added, if any.
// The tx needs to have two or more outputs. The case with only one output must
// be handled separately (by the split output procedure).
func (tx *withdrawalTx) rollBackLastOutput() ([]credit, *withdrawalTxOut, error) {
// Check precondition: At least two outputs are required in the transaction.
if len(tx.outputs) < 2 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("at least two outputs expected; got %d", len(tx.outputs))
return nil, nil, newError(ErrPreconditionNotMet, str, nil)
removedOutput := tx.removeOutput()
var removedInputs []credit
// Continue until sum(in) < sum(out) + fee
for tx.inputTotal() >= tx.outputTotal()+tx.calculateFee() {
removedInputs = append(removedInputs, tx.removeInput())
// Re-add the last item from removedInputs, which is the last popped input.
removedInputs = removedInputs[:len(removedInputs)-1]
return removedInputs, removedOutput, nil
func defaultTxOptions(tx *withdrawalTx) {}
func newWithdrawal(roundID uint32, requests []OutputRequest, inputs []credit,
changeStart ChangeAddress) *withdrawal {
outputs := make(map[OutBailmentID]*WithdrawalOutput, len(requests))
for _, request := range requests {
outputs[request.outBailmentID()] = &WithdrawalOutput{request: request}
status := &WithdrawalStatus{
outputs: outputs,
nextChangeAddr: changeStart,
return &withdrawal{
roundID: roundID,
pendingRequests: requests,
eligibleInputs: inputs,
status: status,
txOptions: defaultTxOptions,
// StartWithdrawal uses a fully deterministic algorithm to construct
// transactions fulfilling as many of the given output requests as possible.
// It returns a WithdrawalStatus containing the outpoints fulfilling the
// requested outputs and a map of normalized transaction IDs (ntxid) to
// signature lists (one for every private key available to this wallet) for each
// of those transaction's inputs. More details about the actual algorithm can be
// found at
// This method must be called with the address manager unlocked.
func (p *Pool) StartWithdrawal(roundID uint32, requests []OutputRequest,
startAddress WithdrawalAddress, lastSeriesID uint32, changeStart ChangeAddress,
txStore *wtxmgr.Store, chainHeight int32, dustThreshold btcutil.Amount) (
*WithdrawalStatus, error) {
status, err := getWithdrawalStatus(p, roundID, requests, startAddress, lastSeriesID,
changeStart, dustThreshold)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if status != nil {
return status, nil
eligible, err := p.getEligibleInputs(txStore, startAddress, lastSeriesID, dustThreshold,
chainHeight, eligibleInputMinConfirmations)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w := newWithdrawal(roundID, requests, eligible, changeStart)
if err := w.fulfillRequests(); err != nil {
return nil, err
w.status.sigs, err = getRawSigs(w.transactions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
serialized, err := serializeWithdrawal(requests, startAddress, lastSeriesID, changeStart,
dustThreshold, *w.status)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = p.namespace.Update(
func(tx walletdb.Tx) error {
return putWithdrawal(tx, p.ID, roundID, serialized)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return w.status, nil
// popRequest removes and returns the first request from the stack of pending
// requests.
func (w *withdrawal) popRequest() OutputRequest {
request := w.pendingRequests[0]
w.pendingRequests = w.pendingRequests[1:]
return request
// pushRequest adds a new request to the top of the stack of pending requests.
func (w *withdrawal) pushRequest(request OutputRequest) {
w.pendingRequests = append([]OutputRequest{request}, w.pendingRequests...)
// popInput removes and returns the first input from the stack of eligible
// inputs.
func (w *withdrawal) popInput() credit {
input := w.eligibleInputs[len(w.eligibleInputs)-1]
w.eligibleInputs = w.eligibleInputs[:len(w.eligibleInputs)-1]
return input
// pushInput adds a new input to the top of the stack of eligible inputs.
func (w *withdrawal) pushInput(input credit) {
w.eligibleInputs = append(w.eligibleInputs, input)
// If this returns it means we have added an output and the necessary inputs to fulfil that
// output plus the required fees. It also means the tx won't reach the size limit even
// after we add a change output and sign all inputs.
func (w *withdrawal) fulfillNextRequest() error {
request := w.popRequest()
output := w.status.outputs[request.outBailmentID()]
// We start with an output status of success and let the methods that deal
// with special cases change it when appropriate.
output.status = statusSuccess
if w.current.isTooBig() {
return w.handleOversizeTx()
fee := w.current.calculateFee()
for w.current.inputTotal() < w.current.outputTotal()+fee {
if len(w.eligibleInputs) == 0 {
log.Debug("Splitting last output because we don't have enough inputs")
if err := w.splitLastOutput(); err != nil {
return err
fee = w.current.calculateFee()
if w.current.isTooBig() {
return w.handleOversizeTx()
return nil
// handleOversizeTx handles the case when a transaction has become too
// big by either rolling back an output or splitting it.
func (w *withdrawal) handleOversizeTx() error {
if len(w.current.outputs) > 1 {
log.Debug("Rolling back last output because tx got too big")
inputs, output, err := w.current.rollBackLastOutput()
if err != nil {
return newError(ErrWithdrawalProcessing, "failed to rollback last output", err)
for _, input := range inputs {
} else if len(w.current.outputs) == 1 {
log.Debug("Splitting last output because tx got too big...")
if err := w.splitLastOutput(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
return newError(ErrPreconditionNotMet, "Oversize tx must have at least one output", nil)
return w.finalizeCurrentTx()
// finalizeCurrentTx finalizes the transaction in w.current, moves it to the
// list of finalized transactions and replaces w.current with a new empty
// transaction.
func (w *withdrawal) finalizeCurrentTx() error {
log.Debug("Finalizing current transaction")
tx := w.current
if len(tx.outputs) == 0 {
log.Debug("Current transaction has no outputs, doing nothing")
return nil
pkScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(w.status.nextChangeAddr.addr)
if err != nil {
return newError(ErrWithdrawalProcessing, "failed to generate pkScript for change address", err)
if tx.addChange(pkScript) {
var err error
w.status.nextChangeAddr, err = nextChangeAddress(w.status.nextChangeAddr)
if err != nil {
return newError(ErrWithdrawalProcessing, "failed to get next change address", err)
ntxid := tx.ntxid()
for i, txOut := range tx.outputs {
outputStatus := w.status.outputs[txOut.request.outBailmentID()]
OutBailmentOutpoint{ntxid: ntxid, index: uint32(i), amount: txOut.amount})
// Check that WithdrawalOutput entries with status==success have the sum of
// their outpoint amounts matching the requested amount.
for _, txOut := range tx.outputs {
// Look up the original request we received because txOut.request may
// represent a split request and thus have a different amount from the
// original one.
outputStatus := w.status.outputs[txOut.request.outBailmentID()]
origRequest := outputStatus.request
amtFulfilled := btcutil.Amount(0)
for _, outpoint := range outputStatus.outpoints {
amtFulfilled += outpoint.amount
if outputStatus.status == statusSuccess && amtFulfilled != origRequest.Amount {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s was not completely fulfilled; only %v fulfilled", origRequest,
return newError(ErrWithdrawalProcessing, msg, nil)
w.transactions = append(w.transactions, tx)
w.current = newWithdrawalTx(w.txOptions)
return nil
// maybeDropRequests will check the total amount we have in eligible inputs and drop
// requested outputs (in descending amount order) if we don't have enough to
// fulfill them all. For every dropped output request we update its entry in
// w.status.outputs with the status string set to statusPartial.
func (w *withdrawal) maybeDropRequests() {
inputAmount := btcutil.Amount(0)
for _, input := range w.eligibleInputs {
inputAmount += input.Amount
outputAmount := btcutil.Amount(0)
for _, request := range w.pendingRequests {
outputAmount += request.Amount
for inputAmount < outputAmount {
request := w.popRequest()
log.Infof("Not fulfilling request to send %v to %v; not enough credits.",
request.Amount, request.Address)
outputAmount -= request.Amount
w.status.outputs[request.outBailmentID()].status = statusPartial
func (w *withdrawal) fulfillRequests() error {
if len(w.pendingRequests) == 0 {
return nil
// Sort outputs by outBailmentID (hash(server ID, tx #))
w.current = newWithdrawalTx(w.txOptions)
for len(w.pendingRequests) > 0 {
if err := w.fulfillNextRequest(); err != nil {
return err
tx := w.current
if len(w.eligibleInputs) == 0 && tx.inputTotal() <= tx.outputTotal()+tx.calculateFee() {
// We don't have more eligible inputs and all the inputs in the
// current tx have been spent.
if err := w.finalizeCurrentTx(); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Update w.status.nextInputAddr. Not yet implemented as in some
// conditions we need to know about un-thawed series.
w.status.transactions = make(map[Ntxid]changeAwareTx, len(w.transactions))
for _, tx := range w.transactions {
w.status.fees += tx.fee
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
changeIdx := -1
if tx.hasChange() {
// When withdrawalTx has a change, we know it will be the last entry
// in the generated MsgTx.
changeIdx = len(msgtx.TxOut) - 1
w.status.transactions[tx.ntxid()] = changeAwareTx{
MsgTx: msgtx,
changeIdx: int32(changeIdx),
return nil
func (w *withdrawal) splitLastOutput() error {
if len(w.current.outputs) == 0 {
return newError(ErrPreconditionNotMet,
"splitLastOutput requires current tx to have at least 1 output", nil)
tx := w.current
output := tx.outputs[len(tx.outputs)-1]
log.Debugf("Splitting tx output for %s", output.request)
origAmount := output.amount
spentAmount := tx.outputTotal() + tx.calculateFee() - output.amount
// This is how much we have left after satisfying all outputs except the last
// one. IOW, all we have left for the last output, so we set that as the
// amount of the tx's last output.
unspentAmount := tx.inputTotal() - spentAmount
output.amount = unspentAmount
log.Debugf("Updated output amount to %v", output.amount)
// Create a new OutputRequest with the amount being the difference between
// the original amount and what was left in the tx output above.
request := output.request
newRequest := OutputRequest{
Server: request.Server,
Transaction: request.Transaction,
Address: request.Address,
PkScript: request.PkScript,
Amount: origAmount - output.amount}
log.Debugf("Created a new pending output request with amount %v", newRequest.Amount)
w.status.outputs[request.outBailmentID()].status = statusPartial
return nil
func (s *WithdrawalStatus) updateStatusFor(tx *withdrawalTx) {
for _, output := range s.outputs {
if len(output.outpoints) > 1 {
output.status = statusSplit
// TODO: Update outputs with status=='partial-'. For this we need an API
// that gives us the amount of credits in a given series.
// match returns true if the given arguments match the fields in this
// withdrawalInfo. For the requests slice, the order of the items does not
// matter.
func (wi *withdrawalInfo) match(requests []OutputRequest, startAddress WithdrawalAddress,
lastSeriesID uint32, changeStart ChangeAddress, dustThreshold btcutil.Amount) bool {
// Use reflect.DeepEqual to compare changeStart and startAddress as they're
// structs that contain pointers and we want to compare their content and
// not their address.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(changeStart, wi.changeStart) {
log.Debugf("withdrawal changeStart does not match: %v != %v", changeStart, wi.changeStart)
return false
if !reflect.DeepEqual(startAddress, wi.startAddress) {
log.Debugf("withdrawal startAddr does not match: %v != %v", startAddress, wi.startAddress)
return false
if lastSeriesID != wi.lastSeriesID {
log.Debugf("withdrawal lastSeriesID does not match: %v != %v", lastSeriesID,
return false
if dustThreshold != wi.dustThreshold {
log.Debugf("withdrawal dustThreshold does not match: %v != %v", dustThreshold,
return false
r1 := make([]OutputRequest, len(requests))
copy(r1, requests)
r2 := make([]OutputRequest, len(wi.requests))
copy(r2, wi.requests)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(r1, r2) {
log.Debugf("withdrawal requests does not match: %v != %v", requests, wi.requests)
return false
return true
// getWithdrawalStatus returns the existing WithdrawalStatus for the given
// withdrawal parameters, if one exists. This function must be called with the
// address manager unlocked.
func getWithdrawalStatus(p *Pool, roundID uint32, requests []OutputRequest,
startAddress WithdrawalAddress, lastSeriesID uint32, changeStart ChangeAddress,
dustThreshold btcutil.Amount) (*WithdrawalStatus, error) {
var serialized []byte
err := p.namespace.View(
func(tx walletdb.Tx) error {
serialized = getWithdrawal(tx, p.ID, roundID)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bytes.Equal(serialized, []byte{}) {
return nil, nil
wInfo, err := deserializeWithdrawal(p, serialized)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if wInfo.match(requests, startAddress, lastSeriesID, changeStart, dustThreshold) {
return &wInfo.status, nil
return nil, nil
// getRawSigs iterates over the inputs of each transaction given, constructing the
// raw signatures for them using the private keys available to us.
// It returns a map of ntxids to signature lists.
func getRawSigs(transactions []*withdrawalTx) (map[Ntxid]TxSigs, error) {
sigs := make(map[Ntxid]TxSigs)
for _, tx := range transactions {
txSigs := make(TxSigs, len(tx.inputs))
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
ntxid := tx.ntxid()
for inputIdx, input := range tx.inputs {
creditAddr := input.addr
redeemScript := creditAddr.redeemScript()
series := creditAddr.series()
// The order of the raw signatures in the signature script must match the
// order of the public keys in the redeem script, so we sort the public keys
// here using the same API used to sort them in the redeem script and use
// series.getPrivKeyFor() to lookup the corresponding private keys.
pubKeys, err := branchOrder(series.publicKeys, creditAddr.Branch())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txInSigs := make([]RawSig, len(pubKeys))
for i, pubKey := range pubKeys {
var sig RawSig
privKey, err := series.getPrivKeyFor(pubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if privKey != nil {
childKey, err := privKey.Child(uint32(creditAddr.Index()))
if err != nil {
return nil, newError(ErrKeyChain, "failed to derive private key", err)
ecPrivKey, err := childKey.ECPrivKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, newError(ErrKeyChain, "failed to obtain ECPrivKey", err)
log.Debugf("Generating raw sig for input %d of tx %s with privkey of %s",
inputIdx, ntxid, pubKey.String())
sig, err = txscript.RawTxInSignature(
msgtx, inputIdx, redeemScript, txscript.SigHashAll, ecPrivKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, newError(ErrRawSigning, "failed to generate raw signature", err)
} else {
log.Debugf("Not generating raw sig for input %d of %s because private key "+
"for %s is not available: %v", inputIdx, ntxid, pubKey.String(), err)
sig = []byte{}
txInSigs[i] = sig
txSigs[inputIdx] = txInSigs
sigs[ntxid] = txSigs
return sigs, nil
// SignTx signs every input of the given MsgTx by looking up (on the addr
// manager) the redeem script for each of them and constructing the signature
// script using that and the given raw signatures.
// This function must be called with the manager unlocked.
func SignTx(msgtx *wire.MsgTx, sigs TxSigs, mgr *waddrmgr.Manager, store *wtxmgr.Store) error {
// We use time.Now() here as we're not going to store the new TxRecord
// anywhere -- we just need it to pass to store.PreviousPkScripts().
rec, err := wtxmgr.NewTxRecordFromMsgTx(msgtx, time.Now())
if err != nil {
return newError(ErrTxSigning, "failed to construct TxRecord for signing", err)
pkScripts, err := store.PreviousPkScripts(rec, nil)
if err != nil {
return newError(ErrTxSigning, "failed to obtain pkScripts for signing", err)
for i, pkScript := range pkScripts {
if err = signMultiSigUTXO(mgr, msgtx, i, pkScript, sigs[i]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// getRedeemScript returns the redeem script for the given P2SH address. It must
// be called with the manager unlocked.
func getRedeemScript(mgr *waddrmgr.Manager, addr *btcutil.AddressScriptHash) ([]byte, error) {
address, err := mgr.Address(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return address.(waddrmgr.ManagedScriptAddress).Script()
// signMultiSigUTXO signs the P2SH UTXO with the given index by constructing a
// script containing all given signatures plus the redeem (multi-sig) script. The
// redeem script is obtained by looking up the address of the given P2SH pkScript
// on the address manager.
// The order of the signatures must match that of the public keys in the multi-sig
// script as OP_CHECKMULTISIG expects that.
// This function must be called with the manager unlocked.
func signMultiSigUTXO(mgr *waddrmgr.Manager, tx *wire.MsgTx, idx int, pkScript []byte, sigs []RawSig) error {
class, addresses, _, err := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(pkScript, mgr.ChainParams())
if err != nil {
return newError(ErrTxSigning, "unparseable pkScript", err)
if class != txscript.ScriptHashTy {
return newError(ErrTxSigning, fmt.Sprintf("pkScript is not P2SH: %s", class), nil)
redeemScript, err := getRedeemScript(mgr, addresses[0].(*btcutil.AddressScriptHash))
if err != nil {
return newError(ErrTxSigning, "unable to retrieve redeem script", err)
class, _, nRequired, err := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(redeemScript, mgr.ChainParams())
if err != nil {
return newError(ErrTxSigning, "unparseable redeem script", err)
if class != txscript.MultiSigTy {
return newError(ErrTxSigning, fmt.Sprintf("redeem script is not multi-sig: %v", class), nil)
if len(sigs) < nRequired {
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("not enough signatures; need %d but got only %d", nRequired,
return newError(ErrTxSigning, errStr, nil)
// Construct the unlocking script.
// Start with an OP_0 because of the bug in bitcoind, then add nRequired signatures.
unlockingScript := txscript.NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(txscript.OP_FALSE)
for _, sig := range sigs[:nRequired] {
// Combine the redeem script and the unlocking script to get the actual signature script.
sigScript := unlockingScript.AddData(redeemScript)
script, err := sigScript.Script()
if err != nil {
return newError(ErrTxSigning, "error building sigscript", err)
tx.TxIn[idx].SignatureScript = script
if err := validateSigScript(tx, idx, pkScript); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// validateSigScripts executes the signature script of the tx input with the
// given index, returning an error if it fails.
func validateSigScript(msgtx *wire.MsgTx, idx int, pkScript []byte) error {
vm, err := txscript.NewEngine(pkScript, msgtx, idx,
if err != nil {
return newError(ErrTxSigning, "cannot create script engine", err)
if err = vm.Execute(); err != nil {
return newError(ErrTxSigning, "cannot validate tx signature", err)
return nil
// calculateTxSize returns an estimate of the serialized size (in bytes) of the
// given transaction. It assumes all tx inputs are P2SH multi-sig.
func calculateTxSize(tx *withdrawalTx) int {
msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
// Assume that there will always be a change output, for simplicity. We
// simulate that by simply copying the first output as all we care about is
// the size of its serialized form, which should be the same for all of them
// as they're either P2PKH or P2SH..
if !tx.hasChange() {
// Craft a SignatureScript with dummy signatures for every input in this tx
// so that we can use msgtx.SerializeSize() to get its size and don't need
// to rely on estimations.
for i, txin := range msgtx.TxIn {
// 1 byte for the OP_FALSE opcode, then 73+1 bytes for each signature
// with their OP_DATA opcode and finally the redeem script + 1 byte
// for its OP_PUSHDATA opcode and N bytes for the redeem script's size.
// Notice that we use 73 as the signature length as that's the maximum
// length they may have:
addr := tx.inputs[i].addr
redeemScriptLen := len(addr.redeemScript())
n := wire.VarIntSerializeSize(uint64(redeemScriptLen))
sigScriptLen := 1 + (74 * int(addr.series().reqSigs)) + redeemScriptLen + 1 + n
txin.SignatureScript = bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, sigScriptLen)
return msgtx.SerializeSize()
func nextChangeAddress(a ChangeAddress) (ChangeAddress, error) {
index := a.index
seriesID := a.seriesID
if index == math.MaxUint32 {
index = 0
} else {
addr, err := a.pool.ChangeAddress(seriesID, index)
return *addr, err
func storeTransactions(store *wtxmgr.Store, transactions []*changeAwareTx) error {
for _, tx := range transactions {
if err := tx.addSelfToStore(store); err != nil {
return err
return nil