We update the dropwtxmgr utility tool to take into account that the wallet only stores MaxReorgDepth blocks, which introduced an additional constraint when updating the wallet's synced state. The constraint ensures that the previous block exists when updating the wallet's synced state, but this does not hold for the birthday block since it's the first block we'll store.
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// Copyright (c) 2014-2017 The btcsuite developers
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Decred developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package waddrmgr
import (
const (
// MaxReorgDepth represents the maximum number of block hashes we'll
// keep within the wallet at any given point in order to recover from
// long reorgs.
MaxReorgDepth = 10000
var (
// LatestMgrVersion is the most recent manager version.
LatestMgrVersion = getLatestVersion()
// latestMgrVersion is the most recent manager version as a variable so
// the tests can change it to force errors.
latestMgrVersion = LatestMgrVersion
// ObtainUserInputFunc is a function that reads a user input and returns it as
// a byte stream. It is used to accept data required during upgrades, for e.g.
// wallet seed and private passphrase.
type ObtainUserInputFunc func() ([]byte, error)
// maybeConvertDbError converts the passed error to a ManagerError with an
// error code of ErrDatabase if it is not already a ManagerError. This is
// useful for potential errors returned from managed transaction an other parts
// of the walletdb database.
func maybeConvertDbError(err error) error {
// When the error is already a ManagerError, just return it.
if _, ok := err.(ManagerError); ok {
return err
return managerError(ErrDatabase, err.Error(), err)
// syncStatus represents a address synchronization status stored in the
// database.
type syncStatus uint8
// These constants define the various supported sync status types.
// NOTE: These are currently unused but are being defined for the possibility
// of supporting sync status on a per-address basis.
const (
ssNone syncStatus = 0 // not iota as they need to be stable for db
ssPartial syncStatus = 1
ssFull syncStatus = 2
// addressType represents a type of address stored in the database.
type addressType uint8
// These constants define the various supported address types.
const (
adtChain addressType = 0
adtImport addressType = 1 // not iota as they need to be stable for db
adtScript addressType = 2
// accountType represents a type of address stored in the database.
type accountType uint8
// These constants define the various supported account types.
const (
// accountDefault is the current "default" account type within the
// database. This is an account that re-uses the key derivation schema
// of BIP0044-like accounts.
accountDefault accountType = 0 // not iota as they need to be stable
// dbAccountRow houses information stored about an account in the database.
type dbAccountRow struct {
acctType accountType
rawData []byte // Varies based on account type field.
// dbDefaultAccountRow houses additional information stored about a default
// BIP0044-like account in the database.
type dbDefaultAccountRow struct {
pubKeyEncrypted []byte
privKeyEncrypted []byte
nextExternalIndex uint32
nextInternalIndex uint32
name string
// dbAddressRow houses common information stored about an address in the
// database.
type dbAddressRow struct {
addrType addressType
account uint32
addTime uint64
syncStatus syncStatus
rawData []byte // Varies based on address type field.
// dbChainAddressRow houses additional information stored about a chained
// address in the database.
type dbChainAddressRow struct {
branch uint32
index uint32
// dbImportedAddressRow houses additional information stored about an imported
// public key address in the database.
type dbImportedAddressRow struct {
encryptedPubKey []byte
encryptedPrivKey []byte
// dbImportedAddressRow houses additional information stored about a script
// address in the database.
type dbScriptAddressRow struct {
encryptedHash []byte
encryptedScript []byte
// Key names for various database fields.
var (
// nullVall is null byte used as a flag value in a bucket entry
nullVal = []byte{0}
// Bucket names.
// scopeSchemaBucket is the name of the bucket that maps a particular
// manager scope to the type of addresses that should be derived for
// particular branches during key derivation.
scopeSchemaBucketName = []byte("scope-schema")
// scopeBucketNme is the name of the top-level bucket within the
// hierarchy. It maps: purpose || coinType to a new sub-bucket that
// will house a scoped address manager. All buckets below are a child
// of this bucket:
// scopeBucket -> scope -> acctBucket
// scopeBucket -> scope -> addrBucket
// scopeBucket -> scope -> usedAddrBucket
// scopeBucket -> scope -> addrAcctIdxBucket
// scopeBucket -> scope -> acctNameIdxBucket
// scopeBucket -> scope -> acctIDIdxBucketName
// scopeBucket -> scope -> metaBucket
// scopeBucket -> scope -> metaBucket -> lastAccountNameKey
// scopeBucket -> scope -> coinTypePrivKey
// scopeBucket -> scope -> coinTypePubKey
scopeBucketName = []byte("scope")
// coinTypePrivKeyName is the name of the key within a particular scope
// bucket that stores the encrypted cointype private keys. Each scope
// within the database will have its own set of coin type keys.
coinTypePrivKeyName = []byte("ctpriv")
// coinTypePrivKeyName is the name of the key within a particular scope
// bucket that stores the encrypted cointype public keys. Each scope
// will have its own set of coin type public keys.
coinTypePubKeyName = []byte("ctpub")
// acctBucketName is the bucket directly below the scope bucket in the
// hierarchy. This bucket stores all the information and indexes
// relevant to an account.
acctBucketName = []byte("acct")
// addrBucketName is the name of the bucket that stores a mapping of
// pubkey hash to address type. This will be used to quickly determine
// if a given address is under our control.
addrBucketName = []byte("addr")
// addrAcctIdxBucketName is used to index account addresses Entries in
// this index may map:
// * addr hash => account id
// * account bucket -> addr hash => null
// To fetch the account of an address, lookup the value using the
// address hash.
// To fetch all addresses of an account, fetch the account bucket,
// iterate over the keys and fetch the address row from the addr
// bucket.
// The index needs to be updated whenever an address is created e.g.
// NewAddress
addrAcctIdxBucketName = []byte("addracctidx")
// acctNameIdxBucketName is used to create an index mapping an account
// name string to the corresponding account id. The index needs to be
// updated whenever the account name and id changes e.g. RenameAccount
// string => account_id
acctNameIdxBucketName = []byte("acctnameidx")
// acctIDIdxBucketName is used to create an index mapping an account id
// to the corresponding account name string. The index needs to be
// updated whenever the account name and id changes e.g. RenameAccount
// account_id => string
acctIDIdxBucketName = []byte("acctididx")
// usedAddrBucketName is the name of the bucket that stores an
// addresses hash if the address has been used or not.
usedAddrBucketName = []byte("usedaddrs")
// meta is used to store meta-data about the address manager
// e.g. last account number
metaBucketName = []byte("meta")
// lastAccountName is used to store the metadata - last account
// in the manager
lastAccountName = []byte("lastaccount")
// mainBucketName is the name of the bucket that stores the encrypted
// crypto keys that encrypt all other generated keys, the watch only
// flag, the master private key (encrypted), the master HD private key
// (encrypted), and also versioning information.
mainBucketName = []byte("main")
// masterHDPrivName is the name of the key that stores the master HD
// private key. This key is encrypted with the master private crypto
// encryption key. This resides under the main bucket.
masterHDPrivName = []byte("mhdpriv")
// masterHDPubName is the name of the key that stores the master HD
// public key. This key is encrypted with the master public crypto
// encryption key. This reside under the main bucket.
masterHDPubName = []byte("mhdpub")
// syncBucketName is the name of the bucket that stores the current
// sync state of the root manager.
syncBucketName = []byte("sync")
// Db related key names (main bucket).
mgrVersionName = []byte("mgrver")
mgrCreateDateName = []byte("mgrcreated")
// Crypto related key names (main bucket).
masterPrivKeyName = []byte("mpriv")
masterPubKeyName = []byte("mpub")
cryptoPrivKeyName = []byte("cpriv")
cryptoPubKeyName = []byte("cpub")
cryptoScriptKeyName = []byte("cscript")
watchingOnlyName = []byte("watchonly")
// Sync related key names (sync bucket).
syncedToName = []byte("syncedto")
startBlockName = []byte("startblock")
birthdayName = []byte("birthday")
birthdayBlockName = []byte("birthdayblock")
birthdayBlockVerifiedName = []byte("birthdayblockverified")
// uint32ToBytes converts a 32 bit unsigned integer into a 4-byte slice in
// little-endian order: 1 -> [1 0 0 0].
func uint32ToBytes(number uint32) []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 4)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf, number)
return buf
// uint64ToBytes converts a 64 bit unsigned integer into a 8-byte slice in
// little-endian order: 1 -> [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0].
func uint64ToBytes(number uint64) []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf, number)
return buf
// stringToBytes converts a string into a variable length byte slice in
// little-endian order: "abc" -> [3 0 0 0 61 62 63]
func stringToBytes(s string) []byte {
// The serialized format is:
// <size><string>
// 4 bytes string size + string
size := len(s)
buf := make([]byte, 4+size)
copy(buf[0:4], uint32ToBytes(uint32(size)))
copy(buf[4:4+size], s)
return buf
// scopeKeySize is the size of a scope as stored within the database.
const scopeKeySize = 8
// scopeToBytes transforms a manager's scope into the form that will be used to
// retrieve the bucket that all information for a particular scope is stored
// under
func scopeToBytes(scope *KeyScope) [scopeKeySize]byte {
var scopeBytes [scopeKeySize]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(scopeBytes[:], scope.Purpose)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(scopeBytes[4:], scope.Coin)
return scopeBytes
// scopeFromBytes decodes a serializes manager scope into its concrete manager
// scope struct.
func scopeFromBytes(scopeBytes []byte) KeyScope {
return KeyScope{
Purpose: binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(scopeBytes[:]),
Coin: binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(scopeBytes[4:]),
// scopeSchemaToBytes encodes the passed scope schema as a set of bytes
// suitable for storage within the database.
func scopeSchemaToBytes(schema *ScopeAddrSchema) []byte {
var schemaBytes [2]byte
schemaBytes[0] = byte(schema.InternalAddrType)
schemaBytes[1] = byte(schema.ExternalAddrType)
return schemaBytes[:]
// scopeSchemaFromBytes decodes a new scope schema instance from the set of
// serialized bytes.
func scopeSchemaFromBytes(schemaBytes []byte) *ScopeAddrSchema {
return &ScopeAddrSchema{
InternalAddrType: AddressType(schemaBytes[0]),
ExternalAddrType: AddressType(schemaBytes[1]),
// fetchScopeAddrSchema will attempt to retrieve the address schema for a
// particular manager scope stored within the database. These are used in order
// to properly type each address generated by the scope address manager.
func fetchScopeAddrSchema(ns walletdb.ReadBucket,
scope *KeyScope) (*ScopeAddrSchema, error) {
schemaBucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(scopeSchemaBucketName)
if schemaBucket == nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("unable to find scope schema bucket")
return nil, managerError(ErrScopeNotFound, str, nil)
scopeKey := scopeToBytes(scope)
schemaBytes := schemaBucket.Get(scopeKey[:])
if schemaBytes == nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("unable to find scope %v", scope)
return nil, managerError(ErrScopeNotFound, str, nil)
return scopeSchemaFromBytes(schemaBytes), nil
// putScopeAddrSchema attempts to store the passed addr scehma for the given
// manager scope.
func putScopeAddrTypes(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
schema *ScopeAddrSchema) error {
scopeSchemaBucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(scopeSchemaBucketName)
if scopeSchemaBucket == nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("unable to find scope schema bucket")
return managerError(ErrScopeNotFound, str, nil)
scopeKey := scopeToBytes(scope)
schemaBytes := scopeSchemaToBytes(schema)
return scopeSchemaBucket.Put(scopeKey[:], schemaBytes)
func fetchReadScopeBucket(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope) (walletdb.ReadBucket, error) {
rootScopeBucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(scopeBucketName)
scopeKey := scopeToBytes(scope)
scopedBucket := rootScopeBucket.NestedReadBucket(scopeKey[:])
if scopedBucket == nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("unable to find scope %v", scope)
return nil, managerError(ErrScopeNotFound, str, nil)
return scopedBucket, nil
func fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket,
scope *KeyScope) (walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, error) {
rootScopeBucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(scopeBucketName)
scopeKey := scopeToBytes(scope)
scopedBucket := rootScopeBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(scopeKey[:])
if scopedBucket == nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("unable to find scope %v", scope)
return nil, managerError(ErrScopeNotFound, str, nil)
return scopedBucket, nil
// fetchManagerVersion fetches the current manager version from the database.
func fetchManagerVersion(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) (uint32, error) {
mainBucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(mainBucketName)
verBytes := mainBucket.Get(mgrVersionName)
if verBytes == nil {
str := "required version number not stored in database"
return 0, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
version := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(verBytes)
return version, nil
// putManagerVersion stores the provided version to the database.
func putManagerVersion(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, version uint32) error {
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(mainBucketName)
verBytes := uint32ToBytes(version)
err := bucket.Put(mgrVersionName, verBytes)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store version"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// fetchMasterKeyParams loads the master key parameters needed to derive them
// (when given the correct user-supplied passphrase) from the database. Either
// returned value can be nil, but in practice only the private key params will
// be nil for a watching-only database.
func fetchMasterKeyParams(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(mainBucketName)
// Load the master public key parameters. Required.
val := bucket.Get(masterPubKeyName)
if val == nil {
str := "required master public key parameters not stored in " +
return nil, nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
pubParams := make([]byte, len(val))
copy(pubParams, val)
// Load the master private key parameters if they were stored.
var privParams []byte
val = bucket.Get(masterPrivKeyName)
if val != nil {
privParams = make([]byte, len(val))
copy(privParams, val)
return pubParams, privParams, nil
// putMasterKeyParams stores the master key parameters needed to derive them to
// the database. Either parameter can be nil in which case no value is
// written for the parameter.
func putMasterKeyParams(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, pubParams, privParams []byte) error {
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(mainBucketName)
if privParams != nil {
err := bucket.Put(masterPrivKeyName, privParams)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store master private key parameters"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if pubParams != nil {
err := bucket.Put(masterPubKeyName, pubParams)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store master public key parameters"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// fetchCoinTypeKeys loads the encrypted cointype keys which are in turn used
// to derive the extended keys for all accounts. Each cointype key is
// associated with a particular manager scoped.
func fetchCoinTypeKeys(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
coinTypePubKeyEnc := scopedBucket.Get(coinTypePubKeyName)
if coinTypePubKeyEnc == nil {
str := "required encrypted cointype public key not stored in database"
return nil, nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
coinTypePrivKeyEnc := scopedBucket.Get(coinTypePrivKeyName)
if coinTypePrivKeyEnc == nil {
str := "required encrypted cointype private key not stored in database"
return nil, nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
return coinTypePubKeyEnc, coinTypePrivKeyEnc, nil
// putCoinTypeKeys stores the encrypted cointype keys which are in turn used to
// derive the extended keys for all accounts. Either parameter can be nil in
// which case no value is written for the parameter. Each cointype key is
// associated with a particular manager scope.
func putCoinTypeKeys(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
coinTypePubKeyEnc []byte, coinTypePrivKeyEnc []byte) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
if coinTypePubKeyEnc != nil {
err := scopedBucket.Put(coinTypePubKeyName, coinTypePubKeyEnc)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store encrypted cointype public key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if coinTypePrivKeyEnc != nil {
err := scopedBucket.Put(coinTypePrivKeyName, coinTypePrivKeyEnc)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store encrypted cointype private key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// putMasterHDKeys stores the encrypted master HD keys in the top level main
// bucket. These are required in order to create any new manager scopes, as
// those are created via hardened derivation of the children of this key.
func putMasterHDKeys(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, masterHDPrivEnc, masterHDPubEnc []byte) error {
// As this is the key for the root manager, we don't need to fetch any
// particular scope, and can insert directly within the main bucket.
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(mainBucketName)
// Now that we have the main bucket, we can directly store each of the
// relevant keys. If we're in watch only mode, then some or all of
// these keys might not be available.
if masterHDPrivEnc != nil {
err := bucket.Put(masterHDPrivName, masterHDPrivEnc)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store encrypted master HD private key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if masterHDPubEnc != nil {
err := bucket.Put(masterHDPubName, masterHDPubEnc)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store encrypted master HD public key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// fetchMasterHDKeys attempts to fetch both the master HD private and public
// keys from the database. If this is a watch only wallet, then it's possible
// that the master private key isn't stored.
func fetchMasterHDKeys(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(mainBucketName)
var masterHDPrivEnc, masterHDPubEnc []byte
// First, we'll try to fetch the master private key. If this database
// is watch only, or the master has been neutered, then this won't be
// found on disk.
key := bucket.Get(masterHDPrivName)
if key != nil {
masterHDPrivEnc = make([]byte, len(key))
copy(masterHDPrivEnc[:], key)
key = bucket.Get(masterHDPubName)
if key != nil {
masterHDPubEnc = make([]byte, len(key))
copy(masterHDPubEnc[:], key)
return masterHDPrivEnc, masterHDPubEnc, nil
// fetchCryptoKeys loads the encrypted crypto keys which are in turn used to
// protect the extended keys, imported keys, and scripts. Any of the returned
// values can be nil, but in practice only the crypto private and script keys
// will be nil for a watching-only database.
func fetchCryptoKeys(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) ([]byte, []byte, []byte, error) {
bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(mainBucketName)
// Load the crypto public key parameters. Required.
val := bucket.Get(cryptoPubKeyName)
if val == nil {
str := "required encrypted crypto public not stored in database"
return nil, nil, nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
pubKey := make([]byte, len(val))
copy(pubKey, val)
// Load the crypto private key parameters if they were stored.
var privKey []byte
val = bucket.Get(cryptoPrivKeyName)
if val != nil {
privKey = make([]byte, len(val))
copy(privKey, val)
// Load the crypto script key parameters if they were stored.
var scriptKey []byte
val = bucket.Get(cryptoScriptKeyName)
if val != nil {
scriptKey = make([]byte, len(val))
copy(scriptKey, val)
return pubKey, privKey, scriptKey, nil
// putCryptoKeys stores the encrypted crypto keys which are in turn used to
// protect the extended and imported keys. Either parameter can be nil in
// which case no value is written for the parameter.
func putCryptoKeys(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, pubKeyEncrypted, privKeyEncrypted,
scriptKeyEncrypted []byte) error {
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(mainBucketName)
if pubKeyEncrypted != nil {
err := bucket.Put(cryptoPubKeyName, pubKeyEncrypted)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store encrypted crypto public key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if privKeyEncrypted != nil {
err := bucket.Put(cryptoPrivKeyName, privKeyEncrypted)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store encrypted crypto private key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if scriptKeyEncrypted != nil {
err := bucket.Put(cryptoScriptKeyName, scriptKeyEncrypted)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store encrypted crypto script key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// fetchWatchingOnly loads the watching-only flag from the database.
func fetchWatchingOnly(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) (bool, error) {
bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(mainBucketName)
buf := bucket.Get(watchingOnlyName)
if len(buf) != 1 {
str := "malformed watching-only flag stored in database"
return false, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
return buf[0] != 0, nil
// putWatchingOnly stores the watching-only flag to the database.
func putWatchingOnly(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, watchingOnly bool) error {
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(mainBucketName)
var encoded byte
if watchingOnly {
encoded = 1
if err := bucket.Put(watchingOnlyName, []byte{encoded}); err != nil {
str := "failed to store watching only flag"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// deserializeAccountRow deserializes the passed serialized account information.
// This is used as a common base for the various account types to deserialize
// the common parts.
func deserializeAccountRow(accountID []byte, serializedAccount []byte) (*dbAccountRow, error) {
// The serialized account format is:
// <acctType><rdlen><rawdata>
// 1 byte acctType + 4 bytes raw data length + raw data
// Given the above, the length of the entry must be at a minimum
// the constant value sizes.
if len(serializedAccount) < 5 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("malformed serialized account for key %x",
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
row := dbAccountRow{}
row.acctType = accountType(serializedAccount[0])
rdlen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(serializedAccount[1:5])
row.rawData = make([]byte, rdlen)
copy(row.rawData, serializedAccount[5:5+rdlen])
return &row, nil
// serializeAccountRow returns the serialization of the passed account row.
func serializeAccountRow(row *dbAccountRow) []byte {
// The serialized account format is:
// <acctType><rdlen><rawdata>
// 1 byte acctType + 4 bytes raw data length + raw data
rdlen := len(row.rawData)
buf := make([]byte, 5+rdlen)
buf[0] = byte(row.acctType)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[1:5], uint32(rdlen))
copy(buf[5:5+rdlen], row.rawData)
return buf
// deserializeDefaultAccountRow deserializes the raw data from the passed
// account row as a BIP0044-like account.
func deserializeDefaultAccountRow(accountID []byte, row *dbAccountRow) (*dbDefaultAccountRow, error) {
// The serialized BIP0044 account raw data format is:
// <encpubkeylen><encpubkey><encprivkeylen><encprivkey><nextextidx>
// <nextintidx><namelen><name>
// 4 bytes encrypted pubkey len + encrypted pubkey + 4 bytes encrypted
// privkey len + encrypted privkey + 4 bytes next external index +
// 4 bytes next internal index + 4 bytes name len + name
// Given the above, the length of the entry must be at a minimum
// the constant value sizes.
if len(row.rawData) < 20 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("malformed serialized bip0044 account for "+
"key %x", accountID)
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
retRow := dbDefaultAccountRow{
dbAccountRow: *row,
pubLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(row.rawData[0:4])
retRow.pubKeyEncrypted = make([]byte, pubLen)
copy(retRow.pubKeyEncrypted, row.rawData[4:4+pubLen])
offset := 4 + pubLen
privLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(row.rawData[offset : offset+4])
offset += 4
retRow.privKeyEncrypted = make([]byte, privLen)
copy(retRow.privKeyEncrypted, row.rawData[offset:offset+privLen])
offset += privLen
retRow.nextExternalIndex = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(row.rawData[offset : offset+4])
offset += 4
retRow.nextInternalIndex = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(row.rawData[offset : offset+4])
offset += 4
nameLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(row.rawData[offset : offset+4])
offset += 4
retRow.name = string(row.rawData[offset : offset+nameLen])
return &retRow, nil
// serializeDefaultAccountRow returns the serialization of the raw data field
// for a BIP0044-like account.
func serializeDefaultAccountRow(encryptedPubKey, encryptedPrivKey []byte,
nextExternalIndex, nextInternalIndex uint32, name string) []byte {
// The serialized BIP0044 account raw data format is:
// <encpubkeylen><encpubkey><encprivkeylen><encprivkey><nextextidx>
// <nextintidx><namelen><name>
// 4 bytes encrypted pubkey len + encrypted pubkey + 4 bytes encrypted
// privkey len + encrypted privkey + 4 bytes next external index +
// 4 bytes next internal index + 4 bytes name len + name
pubLen := uint32(len(encryptedPubKey))
privLen := uint32(len(encryptedPrivKey))
nameLen := uint32(len(name))
rawData := make([]byte, 20+pubLen+privLen+nameLen)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawData[0:4], pubLen)
copy(rawData[4:4+pubLen], encryptedPubKey)
offset := 4 + pubLen
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawData[offset:offset+4], privLen)
offset += 4
copy(rawData[offset:offset+privLen], encryptedPrivKey)
offset += privLen
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawData[offset:offset+4], nextExternalIndex)
offset += 4
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawData[offset:offset+4], nextInternalIndex)
offset += 4
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawData[offset:offset+4], nameLen)
offset += 4
copy(rawData[offset:offset+nameLen], name)
return rawData
// forEachKeyScope calls the given function for each known manager scope
// within the set of scopes known by the root manager.
func forEachKeyScope(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, fn func(KeyScope) error) error {
bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(scopeBucketName)
return bucket.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
// skip non-bucket
if len(k) != 8 {
return nil
scope := KeyScope{
Purpose: binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(k[:]),
Coin: binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(k[4:]),
return fn(scope)
// forEachAccount calls the given function with each account stored in the
// manager, breaking early on error.
func forEachAccount(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope,
fn func(account uint32) error) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
acctBucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadBucket(acctBucketName)
return acctBucket.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
// Skip buckets.
if v == nil {
return nil
return fn(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(k))
// fetchLastAccount retrieves the last account from the database.
func fetchLastAccount(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope) (uint32, error) {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
metaBucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadBucket(metaBucketName)
val := metaBucket.Get(lastAccountName)
if len(val) != 4 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("malformed metadata '%s' stored in database",
return 0, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
account := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(val[0:4])
return account, nil
// fetchAccountName retrieves the account name given an account number from the
// database.
func fetchAccountName(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope,
account uint32) (string, error) {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return "", err
acctIDxBucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadBucket(acctIDIdxBucketName)
val := acctIDxBucket.Get(uint32ToBytes(account))
if val == nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("account %d not found", account)
return "", managerError(ErrAccountNotFound, str, nil)
offset := uint32(0)
nameLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(val[offset : offset+4])
offset += 4
acctName := string(val[offset : offset+nameLen])
return acctName, nil
// fetchAccountByName retrieves the account number given an account name from
// the database.
func fetchAccountByName(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope,
name string) (uint32, error) {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
idxBucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadBucket(acctNameIdxBucketName)
val := idxBucket.Get(stringToBytes(name))
if val == nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("account name '%s' not found", name)
return 0, managerError(ErrAccountNotFound, str, nil)
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(val), nil
// fetchAccountInfo loads information about the passed account from the
// database.
func fetchAccountInfo(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope,
account uint32) (interface{}, error) {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
acctBucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadBucket(acctBucketName)
accountID := uint32ToBytes(account)
serializedRow := acctBucket.Get(accountID)
if serializedRow == nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("account %d not found", account)
return nil, managerError(ErrAccountNotFound, str, nil)
row, err := deserializeAccountRow(accountID, serializedRow)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch row.acctType {
case accountDefault:
return deserializeDefaultAccountRow(accountID, row)
str := fmt.Sprintf("unsupported account type '%d'", row.acctType)
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
// deleteAccountNameIndex deletes the given key from the account name index of the database.
func deleteAccountNameIndex(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
name string) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(acctNameIdxBucketName)
// Delete the account name key
err = bucket.Delete(stringToBytes(name))
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to delete account name index key %s", name)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// deleteAccounIdIndex deletes the given key from the account id index of the database.
func deleteAccountIDIndex(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
account uint32) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(acctIDIdxBucketName)
// Delete the account id key
err = bucket.Delete(uint32ToBytes(account))
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to delete account id index key %d", account)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// putAccountNameIndex stores the given key to the account name index of the
// database.
func putAccountNameIndex(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
account uint32, name string) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(acctNameIdxBucketName)
// Write the account number keyed by the account name.
err = bucket.Put(stringToBytes(name), uint32ToBytes(account))
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to store account name index key %s", name)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// putAccountIDIndex stores the given key to the account id index of the database.
func putAccountIDIndex(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
account uint32, name string) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(acctIDIdxBucketName)
// Write the account number keyed by the account id.
err = bucket.Put(uint32ToBytes(account), stringToBytes(name))
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to store account id index key %s", name)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// putAddrAccountIndex stores the given key to the address account index of the
// database.
func putAddrAccountIndex(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
account uint32, addrHash []byte) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(addrAcctIdxBucketName)
// Write account keyed by address hash
err = bucket.Put(addrHash, uint32ToBytes(account))
if err != nil {
return nil
bucket, err = bucket.CreateBucketIfNotExists(uint32ToBytes(account))
if err != nil {
return err
// In account bucket, write a null value keyed by the address hash
err = bucket.Put(addrHash, nullVal)
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to store address account index key %s", addrHash)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// putAccountRow stores the provided account information to the database. This
// is used a common base for storing the various account types.
func putAccountRow(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
account uint32, row *dbAccountRow) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(acctBucketName)
// Write the serialized value keyed by the account number.
err = bucket.Put(uint32ToBytes(account), serializeAccountRow(row))
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to store account %d", account)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// putAccountInfo stores the provided account information to the database.
func putAccountInfo(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
account uint32, encryptedPubKey, encryptedPrivKey []byte,
nextExternalIndex, nextInternalIndex uint32, name string) error {
rawData := serializeDefaultAccountRow(
encryptedPubKey, encryptedPrivKey, nextExternalIndex,
nextInternalIndex, name,
// TODO(roasbeef): pass scope bucket directly??
acctRow := dbAccountRow{
acctType: accountDefault,
rawData: rawData,
if err := putAccountRow(ns, scope, account, &acctRow); err != nil {
return err
// Update account id index.
if err := putAccountIDIndex(ns, scope, account, name); err != nil {
return err
// Update account name index.
if err := putAccountNameIndex(ns, scope, account, name); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// putLastAccount stores the provided metadata - last account - to the
// database.
func putLastAccount(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
account uint32) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(metaBucketName)
err = bucket.Put(lastAccountName, uint32ToBytes(account))
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to update metadata '%s'", lastAccountName)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// deserializeAddressRow deserializes the passed serialized address
// information. This is used as a common base for the various address types to
// deserialize the common parts.
func deserializeAddressRow(serializedAddress []byte) (*dbAddressRow, error) {
// The serialized address format is:
// <addrType><account><addedTime><syncStatus><rawdata>
// 1 byte addrType + 4 bytes account + 8 bytes addTime + 1 byte
// syncStatus + 4 bytes raw data length + raw data
// Given the above, the length of the entry must be at a minimum
// the constant value sizes.
if len(serializedAddress) < 18 {
str := "malformed serialized address"
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
row := dbAddressRow{}
row.addrType = addressType(serializedAddress[0])
row.account = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(serializedAddress[1:5])
row.addTime = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(serializedAddress[5:13])
row.syncStatus = syncStatus(serializedAddress[13])
rdlen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(serializedAddress[14:18])
row.rawData = make([]byte, rdlen)
copy(row.rawData, serializedAddress[18:18+rdlen])
return &row, nil
// serializeAddressRow returns the serialization of the passed address row.
func serializeAddressRow(row *dbAddressRow) []byte {
// The serialized address format is:
// <addrType><account><addedTime><syncStatus><commentlen><comment>
// <rawdata>
// 1 byte addrType + 4 bytes account + 8 bytes addTime + 1 byte
// syncStatus + 4 bytes raw data length + raw data
rdlen := len(row.rawData)
buf := make([]byte, 18+rdlen)
buf[0] = byte(row.addrType)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[1:5], row.account)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[5:13], row.addTime)
buf[13] = byte(row.syncStatus)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[14:18], uint32(rdlen))
copy(buf[18:18+rdlen], row.rawData)
return buf
// deserializeChainedAddress deserializes the raw data from the passed address
// row as a chained address.
func deserializeChainedAddress(row *dbAddressRow) (*dbChainAddressRow, error) {
// The serialized chain address raw data format is:
// <branch><index>
// 4 bytes branch + 4 bytes address index
if len(row.rawData) != 8 {
str := "malformed serialized chained address"
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
retRow := dbChainAddressRow{
dbAddressRow: *row,
retRow.branch = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(row.rawData[0:4])
retRow.index = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(row.rawData[4:8])
return &retRow, nil
// serializeChainedAddress returns the serialization of the raw data field for
// a chained address.
func serializeChainedAddress(branch, index uint32) []byte {
// The serialized chain address raw data format is:
// <branch><index>
// 4 bytes branch + 4 bytes address index
rawData := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawData[0:4], branch)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawData[4:8], index)
return rawData
// deserializeImportedAddress deserializes the raw data from the passed address
// row as an imported address.
func deserializeImportedAddress(row *dbAddressRow) (*dbImportedAddressRow, error) {
// The serialized imported address raw data format is:
// <encpubkeylen><encpubkey><encprivkeylen><encprivkey>
// 4 bytes encrypted pubkey len + encrypted pubkey + 4 bytes encrypted
// privkey len + encrypted privkey
// Given the above, the length of the entry must be at a minimum
// the constant value sizes.
if len(row.rawData) < 8 {
str := "malformed serialized imported address"
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
retRow := dbImportedAddressRow{
dbAddressRow: *row,
pubLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(row.rawData[0:4])
retRow.encryptedPubKey = make([]byte, pubLen)
copy(retRow.encryptedPubKey, row.rawData[4:4+pubLen])
offset := 4 + pubLen
privLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(row.rawData[offset : offset+4])
offset += 4
retRow.encryptedPrivKey = make([]byte, privLen)
copy(retRow.encryptedPrivKey, row.rawData[offset:offset+privLen])
return &retRow, nil
// serializeImportedAddress returns the serialization of the raw data field for
// an imported address.
func serializeImportedAddress(encryptedPubKey, encryptedPrivKey []byte) []byte {
// The serialized imported address raw data format is:
// <encpubkeylen><encpubkey><encprivkeylen><encprivkey>
// 4 bytes encrypted pubkey len + encrypted pubkey + 4 bytes encrypted
// privkey len + encrypted privkey
pubLen := uint32(len(encryptedPubKey))
privLen := uint32(len(encryptedPrivKey))
rawData := make([]byte, 8+pubLen+privLen)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawData[0:4], pubLen)
copy(rawData[4:4+pubLen], encryptedPubKey)
offset := 4 + pubLen
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawData[offset:offset+4], privLen)
offset += 4
copy(rawData[offset:offset+privLen], encryptedPrivKey)
return rawData
// deserializeScriptAddress deserializes the raw data from the passed address
// row as a script address.
func deserializeScriptAddress(row *dbAddressRow) (*dbScriptAddressRow, error) {
// The serialized script address raw data format is:
// <encscripthashlen><encscripthash><encscriptlen><encscript>
// 4 bytes encrypted script hash len + encrypted script hash + 4 bytes
// encrypted script len + encrypted script
// Given the above, the length of the entry must be at a minimum
// the constant value sizes.
if len(row.rawData) < 8 {
str := "malformed serialized script address"
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
retRow := dbScriptAddressRow{
dbAddressRow: *row,
hashLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(row.rawData[0:4])
retRow.encryptedHash = make([]byte, hashLen)
copy(retRow.encryptedHash, row.rawData[4:4+hashLen])
offset := 4 + hashLen
scriptLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(row.rawData[offset : offset+4])
offset += 4
retRow.encryptedScript = make([]byte, scriptLen)
copy(retRow.encryptedScript, row.rawData[offset:offset+scriptLen])
return &retRow, nil
// serializeScriptAddress returns the serialization of the raw data field for
// a script address.
func serializeScriptAddress(encryptedHash, encryptedScript []byte) []byte {
// The serialized script address raw data format is:
// <encscripthashlen><encscripthash><encscriptlen><encscript>
// 4 bytes encrypted script hash len + encrypted script hash + 4 bytes
// encrypted script len + encrypted script
hashLen := uint32(len(encryptedHash))
scriptLen := uint32(len(encryptedScript))
rawData := make([]byte, 8+hashLen+scriptLen)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawData[0:4], hashLen)
copy(rawData[4:4+hashLen], encryptedHash)
offset := 4 + hashLen
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawData[offset:offset+4], scriptLen)
offset += 4
copy(rawData[offset:offset+scriptLen], encryptedScript)
return rawData
// fetchAddressByHash loads address information for the provided address hash
// from the database. The returned value is one of the address rows for the
// specific address type. The caller should use type assertions to ascertain
// the type. The caller should prefix the error message with the address hash
// which caused the failure.
func fetchAddressByHash(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope,
addrHash []byte) (interface{}, error) {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadBucket(addrBucketName)
serializedRow := bucket.Get(addrHash[:])
if serializedRow == nil {
str := "address not found"
return nil, managerError(ErrAddressNotFound, str, nil)
row, err := deserializeAddressRow(serializedRow)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch row.addrType {
case adtChain:
return deserializeChainedAddress(row)
case adtImport:
return deserializeImportedAddress(row)
case adtScript:
return deserializeScriptAddress(row)
str := fmt.Sprintf("unsupported address type '%d'", row.addrType)
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
// fetchAddressUsed returns true if the provided address id was flagged as used.
func fetchAddressUsed(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope,
addressID []byte) bool {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return false
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadBucket(usedAddrBucketName)
addrHash := sha256.Sum256(addressID)
return bucket.Get(addrHash[:]) != nil
// markAddressUsed flags the provided address id as used in the database.
func markAddressUsed(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
addressID []byte) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(usedAddrBucketName)
addrHash := sha256.Sum256(addressID)
val := bucket.Get(addrHash[:])
if val != nil {
return nil
err = bucket.Put(addrHash[:], []byte{0})
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to mark address used %x", addressID)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// fetchAddress loads address information for the provided address id from the
// database. The returned value is one of the address rows for the specific
// address type. The caller should use type assertions to ascertain the type.
// The caller should prefix the error message with the address which caused the
// failure.
func fetchAddress(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope,
addressID []byte) (interface{}, error) {
addrHash := sha256.Sum256(addressID)
return fetchAddressByHash(ns, scope, addrHash[:])
// putAddress stores the provided address information to the database. This is
// used a common base for storing the various address types.
func putAddress(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
addressID []byte, row *dbAddressRow) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(addrBucketName)
// Write the serialized value keyed by the hash of the address. The
// additional hash is used to conceal the actual address while still
// allowed keyed lookups.
addrHash := sha256.Sum256(addressID)
err = bucket.Put(addrHash[:], serializeAddressRow(row))
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to store address %x", addressID)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
// Update address account index
return putAddrAccountIndex(ns, scope, row.account, addrHash[:])
// putChainedAddress stores the provided chained address information to the
// database.
func putChainedAddress(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
addressID []byte, account uint32, status syncStatus, branch,
index uint32, addrType addressType) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchWriteScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
addrRow := dbAddressRow{
addrType: addrType,
account: account,
addTime: uint64(time.Now().Unix()),
syncStatus: status,
rawData: serializeChainedAddress(branch, index),
if err := putAddress(ns, scope, addressID, &addrRow); err != nil {
return err
// Update the next index for the appropriate internal or external
// branch.
accountID := uint32ToBytes(account)
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(acctBucketName)
serializedAccount := bucket.Get(accountID)
// Deserialize the account row.
row, err := deserializeAccountRow(accountID, serializedAccount)
if err != nil {
return err
arow, err := deserializeDefaultAccountRow(accountID, row)
if err != nil {
return err
// Increment the appropriate next index depending on whether the branch
// is internal or external.
nextExternalIndex := arow.nextExternalIndex
nextInternalIndex := arow.nextInternalIndex
if branch == InternalBranch {
nextInternalIndex = index + 1
} else {
nextExternalIndex = index + 1
// Reserialize the account with the updated index and store it.
row.rawData = serializeDefaultAccountRow(
arow.pubKeyEncrypted, arow.privKeyEncrypted, nextExternalIndex,
nextInternalIndex, arow.name,
err = bucket.Put(accountID, serializeAccountRow(row))
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to update next index for "+
"address %x, account %d", addressID, account)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// putImportedAddress stores the provided imported address information to the
// database.
func putImportedAddress(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
addressID []byte, account uint32, status syncStatus,
encryptedPubKey, encryptedPrivKey []byte) error {
rawData := serializeImportedAddress(encryptedPubKey, encryptedPrivKey)
addrRow := dbAddressRow{
addrType: adtImport,
account: account,
addTime: uint64(time.Now().Unix()),
syncStatus: status,
rawData: rawData,
return putAddress(ns, scope, addressID, &addrRow)
// putScriptAddress stores the provided script address information to the
// database.
func putScriptAddress(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope,
addressID []byte, account uint32, status syncStatus,
encryptedHash, encryptedScript []byte) error {
rawData := serializeScriptAddress(encryptedHash, encryptedScript)
addrRow := dbAddressRow{
addrType: adtScript,
account: account,
addTime: uint64(time.Now().Unix()),
syncStatus: status,
rawData: rawData,
if err := putAddress(ns, scope, addressID, &addrRow); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// existsAddress returns whether or not the address id exists in the database.
func existsAddress(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope, addressID []byte) bool {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return false
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadBucket(addrBucketName)
addrHash := sha256.Sum256(addressID)
return bucket.Get(addrHash[:]) != nil
// fetchAddrAccount returns the account to which the given address belongs to.
// It looks up the account using the addracctidx index which maps the address
// hash to its corresponding account id.
func fetchAddrAccount(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope,
addressID []byte) (uint32, error) {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadBucket(addrAcctIdxBucketName)
addrHash := sha256.Sum256(addressID)
val := bucket.Get(addrHash[:])
if val == nil {
str := "address not found"
return 0, managerError(ErrAddressNotFound, str, nil)
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(val), nil
// forEachAccountAddress calls the given function with each address of the
// given account stored in the manager, breaking early on error.
func forEachAccountAddress(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope,
account uint32, fn func(rowInterface interface{}) error) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadBucket(addrAcctIdxBucketName).
// If index bucket is missing the account, there hasn't been any
// address entries yet
if bucket == nil {
return nil
err = bucket.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
// Skip buckets.
if v == nil {
return nil
addrRow, err := fetchAddressByHash(ns, scope, k)
if err != nil {
if merr, ok := err.(*ManagerError); ok {
desc := fmt.Sprintf("failed to fetch address hash '%s': %v",
k, merr.Description)
merr.Description = desc
return merr
return err
return fn(addrRow)
if err != nil {
return maybeConvertDbError(err)
return nil
// forEachActiveAddress calls the given function with each active address
// stored in the manager, breaking early on error.
func forEachActiveAddress(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, scope *KeyScope,
fn func(rowInterface interface{}) error) error {
scopedBucket, err := fetchReadScopeBucket(ns, scope)
if err != nil {
return err
bucket := scopedBucket.NestedReadBucket(addrBucketName)
err = bucket.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
// Skip buckets.
if v == nil {
return nil
// Deserialize the address row first to determine the field
// values.
addrRow, err := fetchAddressByHash(ns, scope, k)
if merr, ok := err.(*ManagerError); ok {
desc := fmt.Sprintf("failed to fetch address hash '%s': %v",
k, merr.Description)
merr.Description = desc
return merr
if err != nil {
return err
return fn(addrRow)
if err != nil {
return maybeConvertDbError(err)
return nil
// deletePrivateKeys removes all private key material from the database.
// NOTE: Care should be taken when calling this function. It is primarily
// intended for use in converting to a watching-only copy. Removing the private
// keys from the main database without also marking it watching-only will result
// in an unusable database. It will also make any imported scripts and private
// keys unrecoverable unless there is a backup copy available.
func deletePrivateKeys(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket) error {
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(mainBucketName)
// Delete the master private key params and the crypto private and
// script keys.
if err := bucket.Delete(masterPrivKeyName); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete master private key parameters"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if err := bucket.Delete(cryptoPrivKeyName); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete crypto private key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if err := bucket.Delete(cryptoScriptKeyName); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete crypto script key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
if err := bucket.Delete(masterHDPrivName); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete master HD priv key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
// With the master key and meta encryption keys deleted, we'll need to
// delete the keys for all known scopes as well.
scopeBucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(scopeBucketName)
err := scopeBucket.ForEach(func(scopeKey, _ []byte) error {
if len(scopeKey) != 8 {
return nil
managerScopeBucket := scopeBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(scopeKey)
if err := managerScopeBucket.Delete(coinTypePrivKeyName); err != nil {
str := "failed to delete cointype private key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
// Delete the account extended private key for all accounts.
bucket = managerScopeBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(acctBucketName)
err := bucket.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
// Skip buckets.
if v == nil {
return nil
// Deserialize the account row first to determine the type.
row, err := deserializeAccountRow(k, v)
if err != nil {
return err
switch row.acctType {
case accountDefault:
arow, err := deserializeDefaultAccountRow(k, row)
if err != nil {
return err
// Reserialize the account without the private key and
// store it.
row.rawData = serializeDefaultAccountRow(
arow.pubKeyEncrypted, nil,
arow.nextExternalIndex, arow.nextInternalIndex,
err = bucket.Put(k, serializeAccountRow(row))
if err != nil {
str := "failed to delete account private key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return maybeConvertDbError(err)
// Delete the private key for all imported addresses.
bucket = managerScopeBucket.NestedReadWriteBucket(addrBucketName)
err = bucket.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
// Skip buckets.
if v == nil {
return nil
// Deserialize the address row first to determine the field
// values.
row, err := deserializeAddressRow(v)
if err != nil {
return err
switch row.addrType {
case adtImport:
irow, err := deserializeImportedAddress(row)
if err != nil {
return err
// Reserialize the imported address without the private
// key and store it.
row.rawData = serializeImportedAddress(
irow.encryptedPubKey, nil)
err = bucket.Put(k, serializeAddressRow(row))
if err != nil {
str := "failed to delete imported private key"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
case adtScript:
srow, err := deserializeScriptAddress(row)
if err != nil {
return err
// Reserialize the script address without the script
// and store it.
row.rawData = serializeScriptAddress(srow.encryptedHash,
err = bucket.Put(k, serializeAddressRow(row))
if err != nil {
str := "failed to delete imported script"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return maybeConvertDbError(err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return maybeConvertDbError(err)
return nil
// fetchSyncedTo loads the block stamp the manager is synced to from the
// database.
func fetchSyncedTo(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) (*BlockStamp, error) {
bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(syncBucketName)
// The serialized synced to format is:
// <blockheight><blockhash><timestamp>
// 4 bytes block height + 32 bytes hash length
buf := bucket.Get(syncedToName)
if len(buf) < 36 {
str := "malformed sync information stored in database"
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
var bs BlockStamp
bs.Height = int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[0:4]))
copy(bs.Hash[:], buf[4:36])
if len(buf) == 40 {
bs.Timestamp = time.Unix(
int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[36:])), 0,
return &bs, nil
// PutSyncedTo stores the provided synced to blockstamp to the database.
func PutSyncedTo(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, bs *BlockStamp) error {
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("failed to store sync information %v", bs.Hash)
// If the block height is greater than zero, check that the previous
// block height exists. This prevents reorg issues in the future. We use
// BigEndian so that keys/values are added to the bucket in order,
// making writes more efficient for some database backends.
if bs.Height > 0 {
// We'll only check the previous block height exists if we've
// determined our birthday block. This is needed as we'll no
// longer store _all_ block hashes of the chain, so we only
// expect the previous block to exist once our initial sync has
// completed, which is dictated by our birthday block being set.
if _, err := FetchBirthdayBlock(ns); err == nil {
_, err := fetchBlockHash(ns, bs.Height-1)
if err != nil {
return managerError(ErrBlockNotFound, errStr, err)
// Store the block hash by block height.
if err := addBlockHash(ns, bs.Height, bs.Hash); err != nil {
return managerError(ErrDatabase, errStr, err)
// Remove the stale height if any, as we should only store MaxReorgDepth
// block hashes at any given point.
staleHeight := staleHeight(bs.Height)
if staleHeight > 0 {
if err := deleteBlockHash(ns, staleHeight); err != nil {
return managerError(ErrDatabase, errStr, err)
// Finally, we can update the syncedTo value.
if err := updateSyncedTo(ns, bs); err != nil {
return managerError(ErrDatabase, errStr, err)
return nil
// fetchBlockHash loads the block hash for the provided height from the
// database.
func fetchBlockHash(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, height int32) (*chainhash.Hash, error) {
bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(syncBucketName)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("failed to fetch block hash for height %d", height)
heightBytes := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(heightBytes, uint32(height))
hashBytes := bucket.Get(heightBytes)
if hashBytes == nil {
err := errors.New("block not found")
return nil, managerError(ErrBlockNotFound, errStr, err)
if len(hashBytes) != 32 {
err := fmt.Errorf("couldn't get hash from database")
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, errStr, err)
var hash chainhash.Hash
if err := hash.SetBytes(hashBytes); err != nil {
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, errStr, err)
return &hash, nil
// addBlockHash adds a block hash entry to the index within the syncBucket.
func addBlockHash(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, height int32, hash chainhash.Hash) error {
var rawHeight [4]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(rawHeight[:], uint32(height))
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(syncBucketName)
if err := bucket.Put(rawHeight[:], hash[:]); err != nil {
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("failed to add hash %v", hash)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, errStr, err)
return nil
// deleteBlockHash deletes the block hash entry within the syncBucket for the
// given height.
func deleteBlockHash(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, height int32) error {
var rawHeight [4]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(rawHeight[:], uint32(height))
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(syncBucketName)
if err := bucket.Delete(rawHeight[:]); err != nil {
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("failed to delete hash for height %v",
return managerError(ErrDatabase, errStr, err)
return nil
// updateSyncedTo updates the value behind the syncedToName key to the given
// block.
func updateSyncedTo(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, bs *BlockStamp) error {
// The serialized synced to format is:
// <blockheight><blockhash><timestamp>
// 4 bytes block height + 32 bytes hash length + 4 byte timestamp length
var serializedStamp [40]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(serializedStamp[0:4], uint32(bs.Height))
copy(serializedStamp[4:36], bs.Hash[0:32])
serializedStamp[36:], uint32(bs.Timestamp.Unix()),
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(syncBucketName)
if err := bucket.Put(syncedToName, serializedStamp[:]); err != nil {
errStr := "failed to update synced to value"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, errStr, err)
return nil
// staleHeight returns the stale height for the given height. The stale height
// indicates the height we should remove in order to maintain a maximum of
// MaxReorgDepth block hashes.
func staleHeight(height int32) int32 {
return height - MaxReorgDepth
// FetchStartBlock loads the start block stamp for the manager from the
// database.
func FetchStartBlock(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) (*BlockStamp, error) {
bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(syncBucketName)
// The serialized start block format is:
// <blockheight><blockhash>
// 4 bytes block height + 32 bytes hash length
buf := bucket.Get(startBlockName)
if len(buf) != 36 {
str := "malformed start block stored in database"
return nil, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
var bs BlockStamp
bs.Height = int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[0:4]))
copy(bs.Hash[:], buf[4:36])
return &bs, nil
// putStartBlock stores the provided start block stamp to the database.
func putStartBlock(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, bs *BlockStamp) error {
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(syncBucketName)
// The serialized start block format is:
// <blockheight><blockhash>
// 4 bytes block height + 32 bytes hash length
buf := make([]byte, 36)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[0:4], uint32(bs.Height))
copy(buf[4:36], bs.Hash[0:32])
err := bucket.Put(startBlockName, buf)
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to store start block %v", bs.Hash)
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// fetchBirthday loads the manager's bithday timestamp from the database.
func fetchBirthday(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) (time.Time, error) {
var t time.Time
bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(syncBucketName)
birthdayTimestamp := bucket.Get(birthdayName)
if len(birthdayTimestamp) != 8 {
str := "malformed birthday stored in database"
return t, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
t = time.Unix(int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(birthdayTimestamp)), 0)
return t, nil
// putBirthday stores the provided birthday timestamp to the database.
func putBirthday(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, t time.Time) error {
var birthdayTimestamp [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(birthdayTimestamp[:], uint64(t.Unix()))
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(syncBucketName)
if err := bucket.Put(birthdayName, birthdayTimestamp[:]); err != nil {
str := "failed to store birthday"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// FetchBirthdayBlock retrieves the birthday block from the database.
// The block is serialized as follows:
// [0:4] block height
// [4:36] block hash
// [36:44] block timestamp
func FetchBirthdayBlock(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) (BlockStamp, error) {
var block BlockStamp
bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(syncBucketName)
birthdayBlock := bucket.Get(birthdayBlockName)
if birthdayBlock == nil {
str := "birthday block not set"
return block, managerError(ErrBirthdayBlockNotSet, str, nil)
if len(birthdayBlock) != 44 {
str := "malformed birthday block stored in database"
return block, managerError(ErrDatabase, str, nil)
block.Height = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(birthdayBlock[:4]))
copy(block.Hash[:], birthdayBlock[4:36])
t := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(birthdayBlock[36:]))
block.Timestamp = time.Unix(t, 0)
return block, nil
// DeleteBirthdayBlock removes the birthday block from the database.
// NOTE: This does not alter the birthday block verification state.
func DeleteBirthdayBlock(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket) error {
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(syncBucketName)
if err := bucket.Delete(birthdayBlockName); err != nil {
str := "failed to remove birthday block"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// PutBirthdayBlock stores the provided birthday block to the database.
// The block is serialized as follows:
// [0:4] block height
// [4:36] block hash
// [36:44] block timestamp
// NOTE: This does not alter the birthday block verification state.
func PutBirthdayBlock(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, block BlockStamp) error {
var birthdayBlock [44]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(birthdayBlock[:4], uint32(block.Height))
copy(birthdayBlock[4:36], block.Hash[:])
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(birthdayBlock[36:], uint64(block.Timestamp.Unix()))
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(syncBucketName)
if err := bucket.Put(birthdayBlockName, birthdayBlock[:]); err != nil {
str := "failed to store birthday block"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// fetchBirthdayBlockVerification retrieves the bit that determines whether the
// wallet has verified that its birthday block is correct.
func fetchBirthdayBlockVerification(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) bool {
bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(syncBucketName)
verifiedValue := bucket.Get(birthdayBlockVerifiedName)
// If there is no verification status, we can assume it has not been
// verified yet.
if verifiedValue == nil {
return false
// Otherwise, we'll determine if it's verified by the value stored.
verified := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(verifiedValue[:])
return verified != 0
// putBirthdayBlockVerification stores a bit that determines whether the
// birthday block has been verified by the wallet to be correct.
func putBirthdayBlockVerification(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, verified bool) error {
// Convert the boolean to an integer in its binary representation as
// there is no way to insert a boolean directly as a value of a
// key/value pair.
verifiedValue := uint16(0)
if verified {
verifiedValue = 1
var verifiedBytes [2]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(verifiedBytes[:], verifiedValue)
bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(syncBucketName)
err := bucket.Put(birthdayBlockVerifiedName, verifiedBytes[:])
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store birthday block verification"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// managerExists returns whether or not the manager has already been created
// in the given database namespace.
func managerExists(ns walletdb.ReadBucket) bool {
if ns == nil {
return false
mainBucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(mainBucketName)
return mainBucket != nil
// createScopedManagerNS creates the namespace buckets for a new registered
// manager scope within the top level bucket. All relevant sub-buckets that a
// ScopedManager needs to perform its duties are also created.
func createScopedManagerNS(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, scope *KeyScope) error {
// First, we'll create the scope bucket itself for this particular
// scope.
scopeKey := scopeToBytes(scope)
scopeBucket, err := ns.CreateBucket(scopeKey[:])
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create sync bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
_, err = scopeBucket.CreateBucket(acctBucketName)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create account bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
_, err = scopeBucket.CreateBucket(addrBucketName)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create address bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
// usedAddrBucketName bucket was added after manager version 1 release
_, err = scopeBucket.CreateBucket(usedAddrBucketName)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create used addresses bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
_, err = scopeBucket.CreateBucket(addrAcctIdxBucketName)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create address index bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
_, err = scopeBucket.CreateBucket(acctNameIdxBucketName)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create an account name index bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
_, err = scopeBucket.CreateBucket(acctIDIdxBucketName)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create an account id index bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
_, err = scopeBucket.CreateBucket(metaBucketName)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create a meta bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil
// createManagerNS creates the initial namespace structure needed for all of
// the manager data. This includes things such as all of the buckets as well
// as the version and creation date. In addition to creating the key space for
// the root address manager, we'll also create internal scopes for all the
// default manager scope types.
func createManagerNS(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket,
defaultScopes map[KeyScope]ScopeAddrSchema) error {
// First, we'll create all the relevant buckets that stem off of the
// main bucket.
mainBucket, err := ns.CreateBucket(mainBucketName)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create main bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
_, err = ns.CreateBucket(syncBucketName)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create sync bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
// We'll also create the two top-level scope related buckets as
// preparation for the operations below.
scopeBucket, err := ns.CreateBucket(scopeBucketName)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create scope bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
scopeSchemas, err := ns.CreateBucket(scopeSchemaBucketName)
if err != nil {
str := "failed to create scope schema bucket"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
// Next, we'll create the namespace for each of the relevant default
// manager scopes.
for scope, scopeSchema := range defaultScopes {
// Before we create the entire namespace of this scope, we'll
// update the schema mapping to note what types of addresses it
// prefers.
scopeKey := scopeToBytes(&scope)
schemaBytes := scopeSchemaToBytes(&scopeSchema)
err := scopeSchemas.Put(scopeKey[:], schemaBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
err = createScopedManagerNS(scopeBucket, &scope)
if err != nil {
return err
err = putLastAccount(ns, &scope, DefaultAccountNum)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := putManagerVersion(ns, latestMgrVersion); err != nil {
return err
createDate := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
var dateBytes [8]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(dateBytes[:], createDate)
err = mainBucket.Put(mgrCreateDateName, dateBytes[:])
if err != nil {
str := "failed to store database creation time"
return managerError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
return nil