2014-01-06 16:33:07 -05:00

1563 lines
44 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2013 Conformal Systems LLC <>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
package main
import (
var (
// ErrBtcdDisconnected describes an error where an operation cannot
// successfully complete due to btcd not being connected to
// btcwallet.
ErrBtcdDisconnected = errors.New("btcd disconnected")
type cmdHandler func(chan []byte, btcjson.Cmd)
var rpcHandlers = map[string]cmdHandler{
// Standard bitcoind methods (implemented)
"dumpprivkey": DumpPrivKey,
"getaccount": GetAccount,
"getaccountaddress": GetAccountAddress,
"getaddressesbyaccount": GetAddressesByAccount,
"getbalance": GetBalance,
"getnewaddress": GetNewAddress,
"importprivkey": ImportPrivKey,
"listaccounts": ListAccounts,
"listtransactions": ListTransactions,
"sendfrom": SendFrom,
"sendmany": SendMany,
"settxfee": SetTxFee,
"walletlock": WalletLock,
"walletpassphrase": WalletPassphrase,
// Standard bitcoind methods (currently unimplemented)
"addmultisigaddress": Unimplemented,
"backupwallet": Unimplemented,
"createmultisig": Unimplemented,
"dumpwallet": Unimplemented,
"getrawchangeaddress": Unimplemented,
"getreceivedbyaccount": Unimplemented,
"getreceivedbyaddress": Unimplemented,
"gettransaction": Unimplemented,
"gettxout": Unimplemented,
"gettxoutsetinfo": Unimplemented,
"importwallet": Unimplemented,
"keypoolrefill": Unimplemented,
"listaddressgroupings": Unimplemented,
"listlockunspent": Unimplemented,
"listreceivedbyaccount": Unimplemented,
"listreceivedbyaddress": Unimplemented,
"listsinceblock": Unimplemented,
"listunspent": Unimplemented,
"lockunspent": Unimplemented,
"move": Unimplemented,
"sendtoaddress": Unimplemented,
"setaccount": Unimplemented,
"signmessage": Unimplemented,
"signrawtransaction": Unimplemented,
"validateaddress": Unimplemented,
"verifymessage": Unimplemented,
"walletpassphrasechange": Unimplemented,
// Standard bitcoind methods which won't be implemented by btcwallet.
"encryptwallet": Unsupported,
// Extensions not exclusive to websocket connections.
"createencryptedwallet": CreateEncryptedWallet,
// Extensions exclusive to websocket connections.
var wsHandlers = map[string]cmdHandler{
"getaddressbalance": GetAddressBalance,
"getbalances": GetBalances,
"getunconfirmedbalance": GetUnconfirmedBalance,
"listaddresstransactions": ListAddressTransactions,
"listalltransactions": ListAllTransactions,
"walletislocked": WalletIsLocked,
// ProcessRequest checks the requests sent from a frontend. If the
// request method is one that must be handled by btcwallet, the
// request is processed here. Otherwise, the request is sent to btcd
// and btcd's reply is routed back to the frontend.
func ProcessRequest(frontend chan []byte, msg []byte, ws bool) {
// Parse marshaled command and check
cmd, err := btcjson.ParseMarshaledCmd(msg)
if err != nil {
// Check that msg is valid JSON-RPC. Reply to frontend
// with error if invalid.
if cmd == nil {
ReplyError(frontend, nil, &btcjson.ErrInvalidRequest)
// btcwallet cannot handle this command, so defer handling
// to btcd.
DeferToBTCD(frontend, msg)
// Check for a handler to reply to cmd. If none exist, defer to btcd.
if f, ok := rpcHandlers[cmd.Method()]; ok {
f(frontend, cmd)
} else if f, ok := wsHandlers[cmd.Method()]; ws && ok {
f(frontend, cmd)
} else {
// btcwallet does not have a handler for the command. Pass
// to btcd and route replies back to the appropiate frontend.
DeferToBTCD(frontend, msg)
// DeferToBTCD sends an unmarshaled command to btcd, modifying the id
// and setting up a reply route to route the reply from btcd back to
// the frontend reply channel with the original id.
func DeferToBTCD(frontend chan []byte, msg []byte) {
// msg cannot be sent to btcd directly, but the ID must instead be
// changed to include additonal routing information so replies can
// be routed back to the correct frontend. Unmarshal msg into a
// generic btcjson.Message struct so the ID can be modified and the
// whole thing re-marshaled.
var m btcjson.Message
json.Unmarshal(msg, &m)
// Create a new ID so replies can be routed correctly.
n := <-NewJSONID
var id interface{} = RouteID(m.Id, n)
m.Id = &id
// Marshal the request with modified ID.
newMsg, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("DeferToBTCD: Cannot marshal message: %v", err)
// If marshaling suceeded, save the id and frontend reply channel
// so the reply can be sent to the correct frontend.
replyRouter.m[n] = frontend
// Send message with modified ID to btcd.
btcdMsgs <- newMsg
// RouteID creates a JSON-RPC id for a frontend request that was deferred
// to btcd.
func RouteID(origID, routeID interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("btcwallet(%v)-%v", routeID, origID)
// ReplyError creates and marshals a btcjson.Reply with the error e,
// sending the reply to a frontend reply channel.
func ReplyError(frontend chan []byte, id interface{}, e *btcjson.Error) {
// Create a Reply with a non-nil error to marshal.
r := btcjson.Reply{
Error: e,
Id: &id,
// Marshal reply and send to frontend if marshaling suceeded.
if mr, err := json.Marshal(r); err == nil {
frontend <- mr
// ReplySuccess creates and marshals a btcjson.Reply with the result r,
// sending the reply to a frontend reply channel.
func ReplySuccess(frontend chan []byte, id interface{}, result interface{}) {
// Create a Reply with a non-nil result to marshal.
r := btcjson.Reply{
Result: result,
Id: &id,
// Marshal reply and send to frontend if marshaling suceeded.
if mr, err := json.Marshal(r); err == nil {
frontend <- mr
// Unimplemented responds to an unimplemented RPC request with the
// appropiate error.
func Unimplemented(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrUnimplemented)
// Unsupported responds to an standard bitcoind RPC request which is
// unsupported by btcwallet due to design differences.
func Unsupported(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: -1,
Message: "Command unsupported by btcwallet",
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), e)
// DumpPrivKey replies to a dumpprivkey request with the private
// key for a single address, or an appropiate error if the wallet
// is locked.
func DumpPrivKey(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.DumpPrivKeyCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddr(cmd.Address)
if err != nil {
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey)
switch key, err := accountstore.DumpWIFPrivateKey(addr); err {
case nil:
// Key was found.
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), key)
case wallet.ErrWalletLocked:
// Address was found, but the private key isn't
// accessible.
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrWalletUnlockNeeded)
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// DumpWallet replies to a dumpwallet request with all private keys
// in a wallet, or an appropiate error if the wallet is locked.
// TODO: finish this to match bitcoind by writing the dump to a file.
func DumpWallet(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.DumpWalletCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
switch keys, err := accountstore.DumpKeys(); err {
case nil:
// Reply with sorted WIF encoded private keys
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), keys)
case wallet.ErrWalletLocked:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrWalletUnlockNeeded)
default: // any other non-nil error
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// GetAddressesByAccount replies to a getaddressesbyaccount request with
// all addresses for an account, or an error if the requested account does
// not exist.
func GetAddressesByAccount(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.GetAddressesByAccountCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
switch a, err := accountstore.Account(cmd.Account); err {
case nil:
// Reply with sorted active payment addresses.
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), a.SortedActivePaymentAddresses())
case ErrAcctNotExist:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// GetBalance replies to a getbalance request with the balance for an
// account (wallet), or an error if the requested account does not
// exist.
func GetBalance(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.GetBalanceCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
balance, err := accountstore.CalculateBalance(cmd.Account, cmd.MinConf)
if err != nil {
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
// Reply with calculated balance.
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), balance)
// GetBalances replies to a getbalances extension request by notifying
// the frontend of all balances for each opened account.
func GetBalances(frontend chan []byte, cmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// GetAccount replies to a getaccount request by replying with the
// account name associated with a single address.
func GetAccount(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.GetAccountCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
// Is address valid?
addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddr(cmd.Address)
if err != nil {
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey)
var net btcwire.BitcoinNet
switch a := addr.(type) {
case *btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash:
net = a.Net()
case *btcutil.AddressScriptHash:
net = a.Net()
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey)
if net != cfg.Net() {
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey)
// Look up account which holds this address.
aname, err := LookupAccountByAddress(cmd.Address)
if err == ErrNotFound {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey.Code,
Message: "Address not found in wallet",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), aname)
// GetAccountAddress replies to a getaccountaddress request with the most
// recently-created chained address that has not yet been used (does not yet
// appear in the blockchain, or any tx that has arrived in the btcd mempool).
// If the most recently-requested address has been used, a new address (the
// next chained address in the keypool) is used. This can fail if the keypool
// runs out (and will return btcjson.ErrWalletKeypoolRanOut if that happens).
func GetAccountAddress(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.GetAccountAddressCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
// Lookup account for this request.
a, err := accountstore.Account(cmd.Account)
switch err {
case nil:
case ErrAcctNotExist:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
switch addr, err := a.CurrentAddress(); err {
case nil:
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), addr)
case wallet.ErrWalletLocked:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrWalletKeypoolRanOut)
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// GetAddressBalance replies to a getaddressbalance extension request
// by replying with the current balance (sum of unspent transaction
// output amounts) for a single address.
func GetAddressBalance(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcws.GetAddressBalanceCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
// Is address valid?
addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddr(cmd.Address)
if err != nil {
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey)
apkh, ok := addr.(*btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash)
if !ok || apkh.Net() != cfg.Net() {
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey)
// Look up account which holds this address.
aname, err := LookupAccountByAddress(cmd.Address)
if err == ErrNotFound {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey.Code,
Message: "Address not found in wallet",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// Get the account which holds the address in the request.
// This should not fail, so if it does, return an internal
// error to the frontend.
a, err := accountstore.Account(aname)
if err != nil {
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
bal := a.CalculateAddressBalance(apkh, int(cmd.Minconf))
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), bal)
// GetUnconfirmedBalance replies to a getunconfirmedbalance extension request
// by replying with the current unconfirmed balance of an account.
func GetUnconfirmedBalance(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcws.GetUnconfirmedBalanceCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
// Get the account included in the request.
a, err := accountstore.Account(cmd.Account)
switch err {
case nil:
case ErrAcctNotExist:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
confirmed := a.CalculateBalance(1)
unconfirmed := a.CalculateBalance(0) - confirmed
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), unconfirmed)
// ImportPrivKey replies to an importprivkey request by parsing
// a WIF-encoded private key and adding it to an account.
func ImportPrivKey(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.ImportPrivKeyCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
// Get the acount included in the request. Yes, Label is the
// account name...
a, err := accountstore.Account(cmd.Label)
switch err {
case nil:
case ErrAcctNotExist:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// Import the private key, handling any errors.
switch err := a.ImportPrivKey(cmd.PrivKey, cmd.Rescan); err {
case nil:
// If the import was successful, reply with nil.
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), nil)
case wallet.ErrWalletLocked:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrWalletUnlockNeeded)
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// NotifyBalances notifies an attached frontend of the current confirmed
// and unconfirmed account balances.
// TODO(jrick): Switch this to return a single JSON object
// (map[string]interface{}) of all accounts and their balances, instead of
// separate notifications for each account.
func NotifyBalances(frontend chan []byte) {
// GetNewAddress responds to a getnewaddress request by getting a new
// address for an account. If the account does not exist, an appropiate
// error is returned to the frontend.
func GetNewAddress(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.GetNewAddressCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
a, err := accountstore.Account(cmd.Account)
switch err {
case nil:
case ErrAcctNotExist:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
case ErrBtcdDisconnected:
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: "btcd disconnected",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
addr, err := a.NewAddress()
switch err {
case nil:
// Reply with the new payment address string.
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), addr.EncodeAddress())
case wallet.ErrWalletLocked:
// The wallet is locked error may be sent if the keypool needs
// to be refilled, but the wallet is currently in a locked
// state. Notify the frontend that an unlock is needed to
// refill the keypool.
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrWalletKeypoolRanOut)
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// ListAccounts replies to a listaccounts request by returning a JSON
// object mapping account names with their balances.
func ListAccounts(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.ListAccountsCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
pairs := accountstore.ListAccounts(cmd.MinConf)
// Reply with the map. This will be marshaled into a JSON object.
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), pairs)
// ListTransactions replies to a listtransactions request by returning an
// array of JSON objects with details of sent and recevied wallet
// transactions.
func ListTransactions(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.ListTransactionsCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
a, err := accountstore.Account(cmd.Account)
switch err {
case nil:
case ErrAcctNotExist:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
switch txList, err := a.ListTransactions(cmd.From, cmd.Count); err {
case nil:
// Reply with the list of tx information.
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), txList)
case ErrBtcdDisconnected:
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: "btcd disconnected",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// ListAddressTransactions replies to a listaddresstransactions request by
// returning an array of JSON objects with details of spent and received
// wallet transactions. The form of the reply is identical to
// listtransactions, but the array elements are limited to transaction
// details which are about the addresess included in the request.
func ListAddressTransactions(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcws.ListAddressTransactionsCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
a, err := accountstore.Account(cmd.Account)
switch err {
case nil:
case ErrAcctNotExist:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// Decode addresses.
pkHashMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, addrStr := range cmd.Addresses {
addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddr(addrStr)
if err != nil {
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey)
apkh, ok := addr.(*btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash)
if !ok || apkh.Net() != cfg.Net() {
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInvalidAddressOrKey)
pkHashMap[string(addr.ScriptAddress())] = struct{}{}
txList, err := a.ListAddressTransactions(pkHashMap)
if err != nil {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), txList)
// ListAllTransactions replies to a listalltransactions request by returning
// an array of JSON objects with details of sent and recevied wallet
// transactions. This is similar to ListTransactions, except it takes
// only a single optional argument for the account name and replies with
// all transactions.
func ListAllTransactions(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcws.ListAllTransactionsCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
a, err := accountstore.Account(cmd.Account)
switch err {
case nil:
case ErrAcctNotExist:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
switch txList, err := a.ListAllTransactions(); err {
case nil:
// Reply with the list of tx information.
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), txList)
case ErrBtcdDisconnected:
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: "btcd disconnected",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// SendFrom creates a new transaction spending unspent transaction
// outputs for a wallet to another payment address. Leftover inputs
// not sent to the payment address or a fee for the miner are sent
// back to a new address in the wallet. Upon success, the TxID
// for the created transaction is sent to the frontend.
func SendFrom(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.SendFromCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
// Check that signed integer parameters are positive.
if cmd.Amount < 0 {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidParameter.Code,
Message: "amount must be positive",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
if cmd.MinConf < 0 {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidParameter.Code,
Message: "minconf must be positive",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// Check that the account specified in the request exists.
a, err := accountstore.Account(cmd.FromAccount)
if err != nil {
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
// Create map of address and amount pairs.
pairs := map[string]int64{
cmd.ToAddress: cmd.Amount,
// Create transaction, replying with an error if the creation
// was not successful.
createdTx, err := a.txToPairs(pairs, cmd.MinConf)
switch {
case err == ErrNonPositiveAmount:
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidParameter.Code,
Message: "amount must be positive",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
case err == wallet.ErrWalletLocked:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrWalletUnlockNeeded)
case err != nil:
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// If a change address was added, mark wallet as dirty, sync to disk,
// and request updates for change address.
if createdTx.changeAddr != nil {
a.dirty = true
if err := a.writeDirtyToDisk(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("cannot write dirty wallet: %v", err)
// Create sendrawtransaction request with hexstring of the raw tx.
n := <-NewJSONID
var id interface{} = fmt.Sprintf("btcwallet(%v)", n)
m, err := btcjson.CreateMessageWithId("sendrawtransaction", id,
if err != nil {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// Set up a reply handler to respond to the btcd reply.
replyHandlers.m[n] = func(result interface{}, err *btcjson.Error) bool {
return handleSendRawTxReply(frontend, cmd, result, err, a,
// Send sendrawtransaction request to btcd.
btcdMsgs <- m
// SendMany creates a new transaction spending unspent transaction
// outputs for a wallet to any number of payment addresses. Leftover
// inputs not sent to the payment address or a fee for the miner are
// sent back to a new address in the wallet. Upon success, the TxID
// for the created transaction is sent to the frontend.
func SendMany(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.SendManyCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
// Check that minconf is positive.
if cmd.MinConf < 0 {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidParameter.Code,
Message: "minconf must be positive",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// Check that the account specified in the request exists.
a, err := accountstore.Account(cmd.FromAccount)
if err != nil {
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
// Create transaction, replying with an error if the creation
// was not successful.
createdTx, err := a.txToPairs(cmd.Amounts, cmd.MinConf)
switch {
case err == ErrNonPositiveAmount:
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidParameter.Code,
Message: "amount must be positive",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
case err == wallet.ErrWalletLocked:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrWalletUnlockNeeded)
case err != nil:
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// If a change address was added, mark wallet as dirty, sync to disk,
// and request updates for change address.
if createdTx.changeAddr != nil {
a.dirty = true
if err := a.writeDirtyToDisk(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("cannot write dirty wallet: %v", err)
// Create sendrawtransaction request with hexstring of the raw tx.
n := <-NewJSONID
var id interface{} = fmt.Sprintf("btcwallet(%v)", n)
m, err := btcjson.CreateMessageWithId("sendrawtransaction", id,
if err != nil {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// Mark txid as having send history so handlers adding receive history
// wait until all send history has been written.
SendTxHistSyncChans.add <- createdTx.txid
// Set up a reply handler to respond to the btcd reply.
replyHandlers.m[n] = func(result interface{}, err *btcjson.Error) bool {
return handleSendRawTxReply(frontend, cmd, result, err, a,
// Send sendrawtransaction request to btcd.
btcdMsgs <- m
// Channels to manage SendBeforeReceiveHistorySync.
var SendTxHistSyncChans = struct {
add, done, remove chan btcwire.ShaHash
access chan SendTxHistSyncRequest
add: make(chan btcwire.ShaHash),
remove: make(chan btcwire.ShaHash),
done: make(chan btcwire.ShaHash),
access: make(chan SendTxHistSyncRequest),
// SendTxHistSyncRequest requests a SendTxHistSyncResponse from
// SendBeforeReceiveHistorySync.
type SendTxHistSyncRequest struct {
txid btcwire.ShaHash
response chan SendTxHistSyncResponse
// SendTxHistSyncResponse is the response
type SendTxHistSyncResponse struct {
c chan struct{}
ok bool
// SendBeforeReceiveHistorySync manages a set of transaction hashes
// created by this wallet. For each newly added txid, a channel is
// created. Once the send history has been recorded, the txid should
// be messaged across done, causing the internal channel to be closed.
// Before receive history is recorded, access should be used to check
// if there are or were any goroutines writing send history, and if
// so, wait until the channel is closed after a done message.
func SendBeforeReceiveHistorySync(add, done, remove chan btcwire.ShaHash,
access chan SendTxHistSyncRequest) {
m := make(map[btcwire.ShaHash]chan struct{})
for {
select {
case txid := <-add:
m[txid] = make(chan struct{})
case txid := <-remove:
delete(m, txid)
case txid := <-done:
if c, ok := m[txid]; ok {
case req := <-access:
c, ok := m[req.txid]
req.response <- SendTxHistSyncResponse{c: c, ok: ok}
func handleSendRawTxReply(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd,
result interface{}, e *btcjson.Error, a *Account,
txInfo *CreatedTx) bool {
if e != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not send tx: %v", e.Message)
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), e)
SendTxHistSyncChans.remove <- txInfo.txid
return true
txIDStr, ok := result.(string)
if !ok {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: "Unexpected type from btcd reply",
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), e)
SendTxHistSyncChans.remove <- txInfo.txid
return true
txID, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(txIDStr)
if err != nil {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: "Invalid hash string from btcd reply",
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), e)
SendTxHistSyncChans.remove <- txInfo.txid
return true
// Add to transaction store.
sendtx := &tx.SendTx{
TxID: *txID,
Time: txInfo.time.Unix(),
BlockHeight: -1,
Fee: txInfo.fee,
Receivers: txInfo.outputs,
a.TxStore.s = append(a.TxStore.s, sendtx)
a.TxStore.dirty = true
// Notify frontends of new SendTx.
bs, err := GetCurBlock()
if err == nil {
for _, details := range sendtx.TxInfo(a.Name(), bs.Height, a.Net()) {
NotifyNewTxDetails(frontendNotificationMaster, a.Name(),
// Signal that received notifiations are ok to add now.
SendTxHistSyncChans.done <- txInfo.txid
// Remove previous unspent outputs now spent by the tx.
modified := a.UtxoStore.s.Remove(txInfo.inputs)
a.UtxoStore.dirty = a.UtxoStore.dirty || modified
// Disk sync tx and utxo stores.
if err := a.writeDirtyToDisk(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("cannot sync dirty wallet: %v", err)
// Notify all frontends of account's new unconfirmed and
// confirmed balance.
confirmed := a.CalculateBalance(1)
unconfirmed := a.CalculateBalance(0) - confirmed
NotifyWalletBalance(frontendNotificationMaster,, confirmed)
NotifyWalletBalanceUnconfirmed(frontendNotificationMaster,, unconfirmed)
// btcd cannot be trusted to successfully relay the tx to the
// Bitcoin network. Even if this succeeds, the rawtx must be
// saved and checked for an appearence in a later block. btcd
// will make a best try effort, but ultimately it's btcwallet's
// responsibility.
// Add hex string of raw tx to sent tx pool. If btcd disconnects
// and is reconnected, these txs are resent.
UnminedTxs.m[TXID(*txID)] = txInfo
log.Infof("Successfully sent transaction %v", result)
ReplySuccess(frontend, icmd.Id(), result)
// The comments to be saved differ based on the underlying type
// of the cmd, so switch on the type to check whether it is a
// SendFromCmd or SendManyCmd.
// TODO(jrick): If message succeeded in being sent, save the
// transaction details with comments.
switch cmd := icmd.(type) {
case *btcjson.SendFromCmd:
_ = cmd.Comment
_ = cmd.CommentTo
case *btcjson.SendManyCmd:
_ = cmd.Comment
return true
// SetTxFee sets the transaction fee per kilobyte added to transactions.
func SetTxFee(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.SetTxFeeCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
// Check that amount is not negative.
if cmd.Amount < 0 {
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInvalidParams.Code,
Message: "amount cannot be negative",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
// Set global tx fee.
TxFeeIncrement.i = cmd.Amount
// A boolean true result is returned upon success.
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), true)
// CreateEncryptedWallet creates a new account with an encrypted
// wallet. If an account with the same name as the requested account
// name already exists, an invalid account name error is returned to
// the client.
// Wallets will be created on TestNet3, or MainNet if btcwallet is run with
// the --mainnet option.
func CreateEncryptedWallet(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcws.CreateEncryptedWalletCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
err := accountstore.CreateEncryptedWallet(cmd.Account, cmd.Description,
switch err {
case nil:
// A nil reply is sent upon successful wallet creation.
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), nil)
case ErrAcctNotExist:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
case ErrBtcdDisconnected:
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
Message: "btcd disconnected",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
// WalletIsLocked responds to the walletislocked extension request by
// replying with the current lock state (false for unlocked, true for
// locked) of an account. An error is returned if the requested account
// does not exist.
func WalletIsLocked(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcws.WalletIsLockedCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
a, err := accountstore.Account(cmd.Account)
switch err {
case nil:
case ErrAcctNotExist:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
locked := a.Wallet.IsLocked()
// Reply with true for a locked wallet, and false for unlocked.
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), locked)
// WalletLock responds to walletlock request by locking the wallet,
// replying with an error if the wallet is already locked.
// TODO(jrick): figure out how multiple wallets/accounts will work
// with this. Lock all the wallets, like if all accounts are locked
// for one bitcoind wallet?
func WalletLock(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
a, err := accountstore.Account("")
switch err {
case nil:
case ErrAcctNotExist:
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: "default account does not exist",
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), e)
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), e)
switch err := a.Lock(); err {
case nil:
ReplySuccess(frontend, icmd.Id(), nil)
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(),
// WalletPassphrase responds to the walletpassphrase request by unlocking
// the wallet. The decryption key is saved in the wallet until timeout
// seconds expires, after which the wallet is locked.
// TODO(jrick): figure out how to do this for non-default accounts.
func WalletPassphrase(frontend chan []byte, icmd btcjson.Cmd) {
// Type assert icmd to access parameters.
cmd, ok := icmd.(*btcjson.WalletPassphraseCmd)
if !ok {
ReplyError(frontend, icmd.Id(), &btcjson.ErrInternal)
a, err := accountstore.Account("")
switch err {
case nil:
case ErrAcctNotExist:
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: "default account does not exist",
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
default: // all other non-nil errors
e := &btcjson.Error{
Code: btcjson.ErrWallet.Code,
Message: err.Error(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(), e)
switch err := a.Unlock([]byte(cmd.Passphrase), cmd.Timeout); err {
case nil:
ReplySuccess(frontend, cmd.Id(), nil)
go func(timeout int64) {
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(timeout))
_ = a.Lock()
case ErrAcctNotExist:
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
ReplyError(frontend, cmd.Id(),
// AccountNtfn is a struct for marshalling any generic notification
// about a account for a wallet frontend.
// TODO(jrick): move to btcjson so it can be shared with frontends?
type AccountNtfn struct {
Account string `json:"account"`
Notification interface{} `json:"notification"`
// NotifyWalletLockStateChange sends a notification to all frontends
// that the wallet has just been locked or unlocked.
func NotifyWalletLockStateChange(account string, locked bool) {
ntfn := btcws.NewWalletLockStateNtfn(account, locked)
mntfn, _ := ntfn.MarshalJSON()
frontendNotificationMaster <- mntfn
// NotifyWalletBalance sends a confirmed account balance notification
// to a frontend.
func NotifyWalletBalance(frontend chan []byte, account string, balance float64) {
ntfn := btcws.NewAccountBalanceNtfn(account, balance, true)
mntfn, _ := ntfn.MarshalJSON()
frontend <- mntfn
// NotifyWalletBalanceUnconfirmed sends a confirmed account balance
// notification to a frontend.
func NotifyWalletBalanceUnconfirmed(frontend chan []byte, account string, balance float64) {
ntfn := btcws.NewAccountBalanceNtfn(account, balance, false)
mntfn, _ := ntfn.MarshalJSON()
frontend <- mntfn
// NotifyNewTxDetails sends details of a new transaction to a frontend.
func NotifyNewTxDetails(frontend chan []byte, account string,
details map[string]interface{}) {
ntfn := btcws.NewTxNtfn(account, details)
mntfn, _ := ntfn.MarshalJSON()
frontend <- mntfn
// NotifiedRecvTxRequest is used to check whether the outpoint of
// a received transaction has already been notified due to
// arriving first in the btcd mempool.
type NotifiedRecvTxRequest struct {
op btcwire.OutPoint
response chan NotifiedRecvTxResponse
// NotifiedRecvTxResponse is the response of a NotifiedRecvTxRequest
// request.
type NotifiedRecvTxResponse bool
// NotifiedRecvTxChans holds the channels to manage
// StoreNotifiedMempoolTxs.
var NotifiedRecvTxChans = struct {
add, remove chan btcwire.OutPoint
access chan NotifiedRecvTxRequest
add: make(chan btcwire.OutPoint),
remove: make(chan btcwire.OutPoint),
access: make(chan NotifiedRecvTxRequest),
// StoreNotifiedMempoolRecvTxs maintains a set of previously-sent
// received transaction notifications originating from the btcd
// mempool. This is used to prevent duplicate frontend transaction
// notifications once a mempool tx is mined into a block.
func StoreNotifiedMempoolRecvTxs(add, remove chan btcwire.OutPoint,
access chan NotifiedRecvTxRequest) {
m := make(map[btcwire.OutPoint]struct{})
for {
select {
case op := <-add:
m[op] = struct{}{}
case op := <-remove:
if _, ok := m[op]; ok {
delete(m, op)
case req := <-access:
_, ok := m[req.op]
req.response <- NotifiedRecvTxResponse(ok)
// Channel to send received transactions that were previously
// notified to frontends by the mempool. A TxMined notification
// is sent to all connected frontends detailing the block information
// about the now confirmed transaction.
var NotifyMinedTx = make(chan *tx.RecvTx)
// NotifyMinedTxSender reads received transactions from in, notifying
// frontends that the tx has now been confirmed in a block. Duplicates
// are filtered out.
func NotifyMinedTxSender(in chan *tx.RecvTx) {
// Create a map to hold a set of already notified
// txids. Do not send duplicates.
m := make(map[btcwire.ShaHash]struct{})
for recv := range in {
if _, ok := m[recv.TxID]; !ok {
ntfn := btcws.NewTxMinedNtfn(recv.TxID.String(),
recv.BlockHash.String(), recv.BlockHeight,
recv.BlockTime, int(recv.BlockIndex))
mntfn, _ := ntfn.MarshalJSON()
frontendNotificationMaster <- mntfn
// Mark as sent.
m[recv.TxID] = struct{}{}
// NotifyBalanceSyncerChans holds channels for accessing
// the NotifyBalanceSyncer goroutine.
var NotifyBalanceSyncerChans = struct {
add chan NotifyBalanceWorker
remove chan btcwire.ShaHash
access chan NotifyBalanceRequest
add: make(chan NotifyBalanceWorker),
remove: make(chan btcwire.ShaHash),
access: make(chan NotifyBalanceRequest),
// NotifyBalanceWorker holds a block hash to add a worker to
// NotifyBalanceSyncer and uses a chan to returns the WaitGroup
// which should be decremented with Done after the worker is finished.
type NotifyBalanceWorker struct {
block btcwire.ShaHash
wg chan *sync.WaitGroup
// NotifyBalanceRequest is used by the blockconnected notification handler
// to access and wait on the the WaitGroup for workers currently processing
// transactions for a block. If no handlers have been added, a nil
// WaitGroup is returned.
type NotifyBalanceRequest struct {
block btcwire.ShaHash
wg chan *sync.WaitGroup
// NotifyBalanceSyncer maintains a map of block hashes to WaitGroups
// for worker goroutines that must finish before it is safe to notify
// frontends of a new balance in the blockconnected notification handler.
func NotifyBalanceSyncer(add chan NotifyBalanceWorker,
remove chan btcwire.ShaHash,
access chan NotifyBalanceRequest) {
m := make(map[btcwire.ShaHash]*sync.WaitGroup)
for {
select {
case worker := <-add:
wg, ok := m[worker.block]
if !ok {
wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
m[worker.block] = wg
m[worker.block] = wg
worker.wg <- wg
case block := <-remove:
if _, ok := m[block]; ok {
delete(m, block)
case req := <-access:
req.wg <- m[req.block]