308 lines
8.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer
308 lines
8.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package walletrpc;
service WalletService {
// Queries
rpc Ping (PingRequest) returns (PingResponse);
rpc Network (NetworkRequest) returns (NetworkResponse);
rpc AccountNumber (AccountNumberRequest) returns (AccountNumberResponse);
rpc Accounts (AccountsRequest) returns (AccountsResponse);
rpc Balance (BalanceRequest) returns (BalanceResponse);
rpc GetTransactions (GetTransactionsRequest) returns (GetTransactionsResponse);
// Notifications
rpc TransactionNotifications (TransactionNotificationsRequest) returns (stream TransactionNotificationsResponse);
rpc SpentnessNotifications (SpentnessNotificationsRequest) returns (stream SpentnessNotificationsResponse);
rpc AccountNotifications (AccountNotificationsRequest) returns (stream AccountNotificationsResponse);
// Control
rpc ChangePassphrase (ChangePassphraseRequest) returns (ChangePassphraseResponse);
rpc RenameAccount (RenameAccountRequest) returns (RenameAccountResponse);
rpc NextAccount (NextAccountRequest) returns (NextAccountResponse);
rpc NextAddress (NextAddressRequest) returns (NextAddressResponse);
rpc ImportPrivateKey (ImportPrivateKeyRequest) returns (ImportPrivateKeyResponse);
rpc FundTransaction (FundTransactionRequest) returns (FundTransactionResponse);
rpc SignTransaction (SignTransactionRequest) returns (SignTransactionResponse);
rpc PublishTransaction (PublishTransactionRequest) returns (PublishTransactionResponse);
service WalletLoaderService {
rpc WalletExists (WalletExistsRequest) returns (WalletExistsResponse);
rpc CreateWallet (CreateWalletRequest) returns (CreateWalletResponse);
rpc OpenWallet (OpenWalletRequest) returns (OpenWalletResponse);
rpc CloseWallet (CloseWalletRequest) returns (CloseWalletResponse);
rpc StartBtcdRpc (StartBtcdRpcRequest) returns (StartBtcdRpcResponse);
message TransactionDetails {
message Input {
uint32 index = 1;
uint32 previous_account = 2;
int64 previous_amount = 3;
message Output {
bool mine = 3;
// These fields only relevant if mine==true.
uint32 account = 4;
bool internal = 5;
// These fields only relevant if mine==false.
repeated string addresses = 6; // None if non-standard.
bytes hash = 1;
bytes transaction = 2;
repeated Input debits = 3;
repeated Output outputs = 4;
int64 fee = 5;
int64 timestamp = 6; // May be earlier than a block timestamp, but never later.
message BlockDetails {
bytes hash = 1;
int32 height = 2;
int64 timestamp = 3;
repeated TransactionDetails transactions = 4;
message AccountBalance {
uint32 account = 1;
int64 total_balance = 2;
message PingRequest {}
message PingResponse {}
message NetworkRequest {}
message NetworkResponse {
uint32 active_network = 1;
message AccountNumberRequest {
string account_name = 1;
message AccountNumberResponse {
uint32 account_number = 1;
message AccountsRequest {}
message AccountsResponse {
message Account {
uint32 account_number = 1;
string account_name = 2;
int64 total_balance = 3;
uint32 external_key_count = 4;
uint32 internal_key_count = 5;
uint32 imported_key_count = 6;
repeated Account accounts = 1;
bytes current_block_hash = 2;
int32 current_block_height = 3;
message RenameAccountRequest {
uint32 account_number = 1;
string new_name = 2;
message RenameAccountResponse {}
message NextAccountRequest {
bytes passphrase = 1;
string account_name = 2;
message NextAccountResponse {
uint32 account_number = 1;
message NextAddressRequest {
uint32 account = 1;
enum Kind {
Kind kind = 2;
message NextAddressResponse {
string address = 1;
message ImportPrivateKeyRequest {
bytes passphrase = 1;
uint32 account = 2;
string private_key_wif = 3;
bool rescan = 4;
message ImportPrivateKeyResponse {
message BalanceRequest {
uint32 account_number = 1;
int32 required_confirmations = 2;
message BalanceResponse {
int64 total = 1;
int64 spendable = 2;
int64 immature_reward = 3;
message GetTransactionsRequest {
// Optionally specify the starting block from which to begin including all transactions.
// Either the starting block hash or height may be specified, but not both.
// If a block height is specified and is negative, the absolute value becomes the number of
// last blocks to include. That is, given a current chain height of 1000 and a starting block
// height of -3, transaction notifications will be created for blocks 998, 999, and 1000.
// If both options are excluded, transaction results are created for transactions since the
// genesis block.
bytes starting_block_hash = 1;
sint32 starting_block_height = 2;
// Optionally specify the last block that transaction results may appear in.
// Either the ending block hash or height may be specified, but not both.
// If both are excluded, transaction results are created for all transactions
// through the best block, and include all unmined transactions.
bytes ending_block_hash = 3;
int32 ending_block_height = 4;
// Include at least this many of the newest transactions if they exist.
// Cannot be used when the ending block hash is specified.
// TODO: remove until spec adds it back in some way.
int32 minimum_recent_transactions = 5;
// TODO: limit max number of txs?
message GetTransactionsResponse {
repeated BlockDetails mined_transactions = 1;
repeated TransactionDetails unmined_transactions = 2;
message ChangePassphraseRequest {
enum Key {
Key key = 1;
bytes old_passphrase = 2;
bytes new_passphrase = 3;
message ChangePassphraseResponse {}
message FundTransactionRequest {
uint32 account = 1;
int64 target_amount = 2;
int32 required_confirmations = 3;
bool include_immature_coinbases = 4;
bool include_change_script = 5;
message FundTransactionResponse {
message PreviousOutput {
bytes transaction_hash = 1;
uint32 output_index = 2;
int64 amount = 3;
bytes pk_script = 4;
int64 receive_time = 5;
bool from_coinbase = 6;
repeated PreviousOutput selected_outputs = 1;
int64 total_amount = 2;
bytes change_pk_script = 3;
message SignTransactionRequest {
bytes passphrase = 1;
bytes serialized_transaction = 2;
// If no indexes are specified, signatures scripts will be added for
// every input. If any input indexes are specified, only those inputs
// will be signed. Rather than returning an incompletely signed
// transaction if any of the inputs to be signed can not be, the RPC
// immediately errors.
repeated uint32 input_indexes = 3;
message SignTransactionResponse {
bytes transaction = 1;
repeated uint32 unsigned_input_indexes = 2;
message PublishTransactionRequest {
bytes signed_transaction = 1;
message PublishTransactionResponse {}
message TransactionNotificationsRequest {}
message TransactionNotificationsResponse {
// Sorted by increasing height. This is a repeated field so many new blocks
// in a new best chain can be notified at once during a reorganize.
repeated BlockDetails attached_blocks = 1;
// If there was a chain reorganize, there may have been blocks with wallet
// transactions that are no longer in the best chain. These are those
// block's hashes.
repeated bytes detached_blocks = 2;
// Any new unmined transactions are included here. These unmined transactions
// refer to the current best chain, so transactions from detached blocks may
// be moved to mempool and included here if they are not mined or double spent
// in the new chain. Additonally, if no new blocks were attached but a relevant
// unmined transaction is seen by the wallet, it will be reported here.
repeated TransactionDetails unmined_transactions = 3;
// Instead of notifying all of the removed unmined transactions,
// just send all of the current hashes.
repeated bytes unmined_transaction_hashes = 4;
message SpentnessNotificationsRequest {
uint32 account = 1;
bool no_notify_unspent = 2;
bool no_notify_spent = 3;
message SpentnessNotificationsResponse {
bytes transaction_hash = 1;
uint32 output_index = 2;
message Spender {
bytes transaction_hash = 1;
uint32 input_index = 2;
Spender spender = 3;
message AccountNotificationsRequest {}
message AccountNotificationsResponse {
uint32 account_number = 1;
string account_name = 2;
uint32 external_key_count = 3;
uint32 internal_key_count = 4;
uint32 imported_key_count = 5;
message CreateWalletRequest {
bytes public_passphrase = 1;
bytes private_passphrase = 2;
bytes seed = 3;
message CreateWalletResponse {}
message OpenWalletRequest {
bytes public_passphrase = 1;
message OpenWalletResponse {}
message CloseWalletRequest {}
message CloseWalletResponse {}
message WalletExistsRequest {}
message WalletExistsResponse {
bool exists = 1;
message StartBtcdRpcRequest {
string network_address = 1;
string username = 2;
bytes password = 3;
bytes certificate = 4;
message StartBtcdRpcResponse {}